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Questions tagged [prior]

In Bayesian statistics a prior distribution formalizes information or knowledge (often subjective), available before a sample is seen, in the form of a probability distribution. A distribution with large spread is used when little is known about the parameter(s), while a more narrow prior distribution represents a greater degree of information.

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How to choose default uninformative prior in the R Package BAS

I'm conducting a Bayesian multilevel logistic regression based on the Rpackage BAS. I'm a beginner in Bayesian statistics. But in bas.glm, I don't understand and I don't know how to specify my prior. ...
KB02's user avatar
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What are the implications of setting off-diagonal elements of estimated covariance to 0?

I have sometimes seen in published work that when estimating covariance matrices, off-diagonal elements are set to 0. For example, in this paper, $N$ neurons are recorded and authors wish to use the $...
dherrera's user avatar
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how can predictive distributions be considered as expectations?

I guess that the prior and posterior predictive distributions can be considered expectation of $p(y|\theta )$ (in case of prior predictive distribution) and $p(\widetilde{y}|\theta )$ (in case of ...
Sherlock_Hound's user avatar
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How to obtain likelihood ($P(B/R)$ given the prior $P(R)$ and the posterior $P(R/B)$

I am working on a topic related to multiple-choice response. I would like to measure the efficiency of the information source (or a student’s information search) and I believe Bayesian statistics is ...
Francisco 's user avatar
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Can I use the Mean Squared Prediction Error to select the prior SD in a CausalImpact model?

I'm using the CausalImpact package (in R), and (as I expect is typical) the findings are very sensitive to the prior being used. I have an OK understanding, I think, of what the prior is doing in this ...
André CB's user avatar
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Estimating Markov Chain Probabilities with Limited Data

Suppose I have some data on transitions between states of a Discrete Time Markov Chain. Let's say that transitions between some events are observed more frequently from others. For example, in a 3 ...
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Does the example given correspond to a prior predictive check?

Could someone explain to me precisely what is meant by prior predictive check, in Bayesian inference? In some documents, one uses observed data (“in which we ...
Andrew's user avatar
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How to decide the parameters of a Gamma distribution for a Gamma-Poisson model?

In Bayesian inference, the Gamma-Poisson model uses usually a Gamma($\alpha$,$\beta$) prior on the $\lambda$ parameter of the Poisson distribution. Are there any rules for setting appropriate values ​​...
Andrew's user avatar
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Strange Variance Term for Normal Prior $w^2\sigma^2$

I've attached two screenshots, one with the question and one with the answer. It seems to me that the prior is wrong and it should include $w^2$ not $w^2\sigma^2$ I apologise for, including such a ...
CormJack's user avatar
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How to choose between gamma and Gaussian given a choice of gauges?

I'm trying to make the choice between the gamma and Gaussian distributions as a prior distribution for some data. When I learned statistics a while ago, I was given the rule of thumb: if your data ...
Corbin's user avatar
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BIC with non-negligible priors

I want to do model selection based on the best-fit/MAP/marginal posterior I find from an MCMC and likelihood maximization. I have a likelihood $\mathcal{L}(X|\theta)$, some informative priors $\pi(\...
ojima's user avatar
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Understanding PRIOR option in SCORE statement for PROC LOGISTIC (SAS)

Say I have a binary response which I want to model with logistic regression on covariates $x$. Fitting a model with PROC LOGISTIC will fit MLE coefficients for the model $$ \text{logit}(\pi) = \alpha +...
cpahanson's user avatar
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Avoid singular fits in mixed models in R with blme - checking layman's priors

While fitting linear mixed models, I would like to avoid zero random-effects (ranef(model)) and cluster-level SD estimates (...
Imsa's user avatar
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Turning a list of cost into categorical probability mass distribution

Background Given a noisy dataset $D$, I have to solve a classification problem where the possible anserwer is $i\in\{1,\dots,N\}$. So far I can get pretty decent result with an algorithm that, based ...
matteogost's user avatar
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How should uncertainties be treated when scaling data for optimisation

I have a large dataset for which I am using Bayesian statistics for parameter estimation and model selection (using MultiNest for more detail). This involves setting a prior over which the nested ...
shram's user avatar
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How is data generated when using an improper prior

Let $X$ be an $\mathcal{X}$ valued random variable. We are doing Bayesian statistics. Suppose that $\theta$ is a $\Theta$ valued random variable with known prior distribution $\Pi$ and that the ...
温泽海's user avatar
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Can we solve by hand the early exit multi-class classification problem? [closed]

Problem: Find a solution $\hat{\varepsilon}$ of the following minimization problem \begin{align*} &\min_{\varepsilon \in \mathbb{R}^M} \sum_{h=1}^M \varepsilon^h \hat{R}^h+\beta \sum_{h=1}^M \...
ohana's user avatar
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Random sequence generator algorithm non informative piror distribution

I want to conduct a Bayesian statistical analysis of a sequence generation phenomenon. The sequences generated contain elements from a known alphabet. Working on that, I have tried to define the prior ...
Guilhem Nespoulous's user avatar
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How to interpret a noninformative joint prior?

I am currently working on a homework assignment and have the following question: $\theta_1$ and $\theta_2$ are parameters of interest and $y_1$ and $y_2$ are the likelihood functions which are $\text{...
ak_mng's user avatar
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How to derive conditional destribution of MVN variable

I am working with following model specifications (Regression_ Modelle, Methoden und Anwendungen-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2009), p. 147): $$Y \sim MVN(X\beta, \sigma^2I)$$ $$\beta|\sigma^2 \...
BlankerHans's user avatar
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Full conditional posteriors

so up to now I dealt with posteriors in the form of: $$p(\theta|x) \propto p(x|\theta) p(\theta)$$ No we started to model a linear regression with the bayesian approach: $$Y \sim MVN(X\beta, \sigma^2I)...
BlankerHans's user avatar
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How to sample from the prior predictive distribution with the BSTS R package?

Assuming I have to use the bsts package in R, I'm trying to understand the degree to which my prior distribution choices (implicit or otherwise) are consistent with ...
user3215964's user avatar
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Credible intervals with parameter near boundary

When doing Bayesian inference on a parameter that is bounded, often we use priors that approach 0 as the parameter approaches the boundary. For example, when estimating $(\mu, \sigma^2)$ for normal ...
half-pass's user avatar
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How to select a proper prior to control the time dependent structure of variable?

I am new in analyzing RCT data and not familiar with the techniques that are always used in RCT analysis. I am analyzing a dataset of a study: An RCT study with 50 participants; the data was collected ...
doraemon's user avatar
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Do we ever use the prior predictive distributions of Bayesian Statistics?

As my question states, I am wondering if there is any chance we use the prior predictive distribution. I am studying Bayesian Statistics and have understood what it is. It is a must to go through in ...
mathccino's user avatar
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Understanding the Binomial likelihood notation

Let $X \sim Bin(n,\pi)$. I don't understand why the binomial likelihood is then given by $f(x|\theta)=\binom{n}{x} \theta^x (1-\theta)^{n-x}$. Shouldn't it be $B(x|\pi,n)=P(X=k)=\binom{n}{k} \pi^k (1-\...
BlankerHans's user avatar
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Bayesian linear regression: How to enforce constraint on the sum of coefficients?

I have a linear regression problem in which my $X$ matrix is not full rank. Here is a small example: $$X = \left[\begin{array}{rrrr} -1 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 & -1 & 0 \\ 0 &...
ischmidt20's user avatar
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Trouble understanding priors

The following comes from a book called Bayesian Statistics by Ben Lambert: Assuming the following model for $r$ disease-positive people out of $n$ people: $$Pr(Z=r, \theta) = {n\choose r}\theta^r(1-\...
HMPtwo's user avatar
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Choosing Bayesian Priors [duplicate]

I am fairly new to Bayesian Modeling, however I am experimenting with such framework in order to produce several estimates. The part I am struggling the most with is the selection of prior ...
Marco De Virgilis's user avatar
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How subjective are prior beliefs?

I find the term 'prior-beliefs' to be a little bit vague, what is acceptable to class as a prior belief in Bayesian analysis? For example, I could not look at any data and decide to myself "I ...
Ewan McGregor's user avatar

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