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How to interpret a noninformative joint prior?

I am currently working on a homework assignment and have the following question: $\theta_1$ and $\theta_2$ are parameters of interest and $y_1$ and $y_2$ are the likelihood functions which are $\text{...
ak_mng's user avatar
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Do we ever use the prior predictive distributions of Bayesian Statistics?

As my question states, I am wondering if there is any chance we use the prior predictive distribution. I am studying Bayesian Statistics and have understood what it is. It is a must to go through in ...
mathccino's user avatar
4 votes
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Using Jeffreys prior for Bernoulli distribution to find the prior of a transformation on p

The question goes like this: Use Jeffreys prior for Bernoulli distribution and find the prior for $\eta$ where: $$\eta(p) = \left(\frac{p}{1-p}\right) $$ So $\eta$ here is some kind of a ...
CORy's user avatar
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How do I combine two beta priors?

The problem is, Manufacturer receives 30% chips from A, and 70% chips from B. Both A and B has Beta prior distribution for defective rate. During inspection of 100 chips, 10 chips were found to be ...
Jun Lee's user avatar
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In Bayesian hierarchical models, what is the difference between an Empirical Bayesian approach to parametrising priors vs using flat hyperpriors

Say I have a simple hierarchical model, where: $y_{g,i} = \beta_g x_{g,i} + e_{g,i}$ where $g$ represents the group, $i$ represents the individual within the group, and $e$ is the error. So the ...
tobmo's user avatar
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Reference prior of normal distribution with unknow mean and variance

Problem: Assume that $X|\theta \sim N(\theta, \sigma^2)$ for unknow $\theta$, and unknown $\sigma$. a. Find the reference priors of $(\theta, \sigma)$, when $\sigma$ is of interest. b. Find the ...
ForestGump's user avatar
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How to get prior distribution based on confidence interval [closed]

If we have mean value and 95% confidence interval of a parameter. For example, sensitivity = 0.5, CI = [0.2,0.78](as you can see, it is asymmetric) How to decide the prior distribution? How to ...
wayne goos's user avatar
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When does this prior dominate likelihood?

This is a simple Bayesian inference problem, where we are trying to infer some weight parameter $w$. Our posterior distribution is $$ P\propto \exp\left(-\frac{1}{\sigma^2} w^Tw\right) \exp\left(-f(w)\...
CWC's user avatar
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Prior for Variance Covariance Matrix [closed]

Why in Bayesian Hierarchical Modelling the prior corresponding to a Variance Covariance Matrix is taken to be Inverse Wishart Distribution not Wishart Distribution?
Him's user avatar
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Regarding the use of non informative priors

I am a beginner to Bayesian analysis and I am trying to fit a logistic regression model using Bayesian approach. For the prior distribution of the $\beta$ regression coefficients , I used a non ...
student_R123's user avatar
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Bayesian estimation Prior adaptation [closed]

I have a dataset of 1 dimensional 20points as prior information, so assuming prior distribution to be Gaussian distribution we can easily find its variance and mean. Now we will use this prior finding ...
Kabir K's user avatar
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Bayesian Inference & Determining the Prior

I have a dataset made up of the date (YYYYMMDD) of a specific event, with the time period spanning from 1970-2015. I want to compare two time periods of 10 years each, and look at the yearly total ...
heyhey's user avatar
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Linear regression - Bayesian Predictive distribution

I am trying to answer a question about linear regression but i am stuck: $y=w \cdot x + \epsilon, \epsilon \sim N(0,\alpha)$ i am also given a prior: $w\sim N(0,\beta)$ from which i was able to ...
Questions's user avatar
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Generating data from the posterior distribution

Let $$p(D \mid \mu,\sigma^2) \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu,\sigma^2)$$ where $D=(x_1\ldots x_n)$ is my data. I imposed a normal prior on the mean as $$\pi(\mu) \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_0,\sigma_0^2)$$ Using Bayes, ...
user21312048's user avatar
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How to justify using Beta distribution as a prior distribution in the following problem

Let $\theta$ be the proportion of people who are ready to quit smoking within 6 months. Let's say we perform a survey in $2017$ with a $n$ volunteers who ask people this question until they obtain yes ...
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