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Questions tagged [lme4-nlme]

lme4 and nlme are R packages used for fitting linear, generalized linear and nonlinear mixed effects models. For general questions about mixed models use [mixed-model] tag.

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Repeated Measures HLM in R using lme4 [closed]

I have conducted an experiment with within-subjects Design. Each participant interacted with two systems and after each interaction the same constructs were measured with a questionnaire. The order, ...
frabrice_rnk's user avatar
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lmer - How to interpret correlation between Random Factors?

My model: DV ~ 1 + Time * IV + (1 + Time | Subject_ID) Where IV is the between-subjects independent variable, and ...
CAA's user avatar
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Checking model after convergence issues with glmer logistic regression

I'm running a logistic regression model where subject ID is nested within litter ID, using glmer. The equation is as follows: glmer(outcome ~ group * time + previousStatus + (1|litter/pup), data, ...
Picapica's user avatar
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Use "Year" as a Factor or a Continuous Variable in a GAMM with Autocorrelation for Modeling Beetle Counts?

I am working on modeling the number of beetles caught in traps over several years using a generalized additive mixed model (GAMM) with an explicitly stated autocorrelation structure. I have one record ...
maycca's user avatar
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Mixed Effects models approach?

I've been debating on a more deliberate diving into working with mixed models but I am slowly feeling overwhelmed. I've been going through resources (tutorials, webpages, books, etc) and have feeling ...
Paul Julian's user avatar
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block bootstrap implementation for `gls` from `nlme`

I have several datasets of timeseries data (days) with an experimental intervention on some days, where some of the datasets cover multiple sites. I also have matching day-level and site-level ...
A. Donda's user avatar
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Advice on mixed effect model formula for R's lme4

I'm new to mixed effects modeling and definitely lme4 and would greatly appreciate some advice. My research question: what factors determine a business' number of online reviews per day? The data is ...
LearningScholar's user avatar
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lmer - how to report results and group differences? [closed]

I want to test the effect of my treatment drug on different populations. I have 3 groups, tested at 3 time points, and one dependent variable. My data: ...
CAA's user avatar
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Issue with bootstrap confidence and prediction intervals of mixed effects model predictions [migrated]

Recently I have asked a question on how to generate meaningful bootstrap confidence and prediction intervals for mixed effect models predictions in R using bootMer ...
Marco's user avatar
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Why do dynamic panel data models with random effects yield different effects depending on the R package (plm vs lme4)?

[Edited for clarity and detail] Summary: A random effects model should produced biased estimates for a dynamic panel, but the lmer function of the R lme4 package ...
Hernan's user avatar
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Steps to conduct a linear mixed model and post-hoc comparison test

I would like to ask for your help with the best way to analyze the following experiment within R. Here is my design: there are 15 treatments, in four blocks. For each treatment, in each block, we have ...
Caio Mattos Pereira's user avatar
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Degrees of Freedom in Emmeans

I am using the 'emmeans' package in R to compute estimated marginal means for my (liner mixed-effects) model. However, I am enountering a warning message related to the number of observations ...
babygould's user avatar
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Linear models to compare SNP categories between patients

I have 8 patients (GROUP: 3 healthy, 5 disease). For each patient, I determined single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and annotated the effect of the SNPs (EFFECT_CATEGORY). Each SNP (~3000 per ...
BackFish's user avatar
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Testing the effect of a continious IV on DV, in order to explain group differences

I would like to ask a question regarding an analysis I’m planning and it might be a basic question so, apologies in advane.... To describe the situation: There are two groups of participants in my ...
gfndngo's user avatar
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Is it possible to reuse predictor fixed parameters in a nonlinear mixed effects model fit across mulitple nonlinear response parameters using nlme?

I have data where I want to fit a model given that I know the value at time zero of one stage is equal to the asymptotic value of the previous stage. In particular, I have kinetic growth curves ...
wdkrnls's user avatar
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