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The Elephant in The Room: How is Real-World Domain Knowledge Converted into Bayesian Priors?

I have been trying to look into the daunting problem within Bayesian Models: How is Real-World Domain Knowledge Converted into Bayesian Priors? Logically speaking, it seems that Bayesian Priors can be ...
stats_noob's user avatar
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Is it really worth doing Bayesian Analysis if you have no idea about Priors? [duplicate]

I have heard that if you use uniform priors in Bayesian Analysis, it is the same as doing Frequentist Analysis. If you are creating statistical models and you really have no idea about the prior ...
stats_noob's user avatar
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The Role of Summary Statistics

I am reading about this algorithm called "ABC" (Approximate Bayesian Computation). (page 3) Over here, it makes mention ...
stats_noob's user avatar
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Confusion about prior used in Recursive Bayes Filter

I'm currently using this thesis to understand key concepts about probabilistic inference in computer vision which is being a great source. The frame of the question is the following: Let us assume we ...
Javier TG's user avatar
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Bayesian estimation Prior adaptation [closed]

I have a dataset of 1 dimensional 20points as prior information, so assuming prior distribution to be Gaussian distribution we can easily find its variance and mean. Now we will use this prior finding ...
Kabir K's user avatar
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Putting prior on a function of parameters

Suppose that we have a likelihood for a conditional distribution $p(y|X,\theta)$. For clarity purposes we can consider linear regression with homescadastic errors. It is clear to me how one will put a ...
Cagdas Ozgenc's user avatar
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Multiple priors in Bayesian estimation

Typical Bayesian estimation equation is: Estimate = ( SampleSize * SampleEstimate + PrioriEstimateWeight * PrioriEstimate) / ( SampleSize + PrioriEstimateWeight ) Typically, the PrioriEstimate is ...
Chris's user avatar
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If a credible interval has a flat prior, is a 95% confidence interval equal to a 95% credible interval?

I'm very new to Bayesian statistics, and this may be a silly question. Nevertheless: Consider a credible interval with a prior that specifies a uniform distribution. For example, from 0 to 1, where 0 ...
pomodoro's user avatar
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Bayesian estimation by sampling the prior?

Given a quadratic loss function, the Bayes estimator is given by \begin{equation}\hat{\theta} = E[\theta|y] = \frac{\int_\Theta\theta p(y|\theta) p(\theta) d\theta}{\int_\Theta p(y|\theta) p(\theta) ...
Peter's user avatar
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Bayesian prior choice for multivariate Gaussian distribution

Consider spatially distributed data $\boldsymbol x = \{x(t_1),x(t_2),\dots,x(t_n)\}$ which is described by a multivariate Gaussian distribution with mean $\mu$, standard deviation $\sigma$ and ...
egg's user avatar
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KL divergence between discrete data and model (choosing hyperprior over Dirichlet concentration parameter $\alpha$)

I have some categorical data that follow an unknown true multinomial distribution $p$ and a model with known multinomial distribution $q$. I want to estimate the KL divergence between $p$ and $q$ ...
lacerbi's user avatar
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Posterior probability when data consists of $k$ largest of $N$ samples

Given an underlying unknown distribution, I sample $N$ numbers. From those $N$ numbers I take the highest $k$ numbers. How do I model the posterior probability from those $k$ numbers. I know I can ...
learner's user avatar
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Prioritizing A/B tests by using the prior data

Let's say that I am an active user of the Tinder app and in addition to the standard features, I've got access to the A/B testing of my primary picture (the one that appears first when users stumble ...
sovo2014's user avatar
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When does the maximum likelihood correspond to a reference prior?

I have been reading James V. Stone's very nice books "Bayes' Rule" and "Information Theory". I want to know which sections of the books I did not understand and thus need to re-...
Chill2Macht's user avatar
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Jeffreys prior for multiple parameters

In certain cases, the Jeffreys prior for a full multidimensional model is generaly considered as inadequate, this is for example the case in: $$ y_i=\mu + \varepsilon_i \, , $$ (where $\varepsilon \...
beuhbbb's user avatar
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