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Questions tagged [bayesian-optimization]

Bayesian optimization is a family of global optimization methods which use information about previously-computed values of the function to make inference about which function values are plausibly optima. Its applications include computer experiments and hyper-parameter optimization in some machine learning models.

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Understanding Bayesian Optimal Experiment Design

I read this tutorial on Bayesian Experimentation Design ( and I'm trying to wrap my head around it. Suppose you have data (X,y). You're thinking about ...
bayesbeginner's user avatar
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Expectation over cost-normalized Expected improvements

Are the following two expressions equivalent if we assume the independence of f(x) and C(x)? $$ E\left[\frac{E\left[\max\left(f(x) - f(x^*), 0\right)\right]} {C(x)}\right] $$ $$ \frac{E\left[\max\...
Ridwan Salahuddeen's user avatar
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Maximum likelihood estimation and bayesian inference of variance given multiple datasets

I'm currently working on a problem were I have multiple normal distributed data sets $X_1, \dotsc,X_n$ with each data set having it's own mean $\bar x_i $ but all have the same variance $\sigma$. The ...
Jan's user avatar
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How should uncertainties be treated when scaling data for optimisation

I have a large dataset for which I am using Bayesian statistics for parameter estimation and model selection (using MultiNest for more detail). This involves setting a prior over which the nested ...
shram's user avatar
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What exactly are we training across different iterations in the Gaussian Process Regression example in GPyTorch?

I am following this tutorial to implement a GP Regression using gPyTorch. Based on my understanding of GP Regression, given the training data we can compute the posterior mean and covariance using the ...
Namit Juneja's user avatar
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Bayesian optimization for parametric curve fitting?

I am relatively new to Gaussian Processes and Bayesian Optimization. My question is very simple: Suppose I am trying to learn a function from a parametric family of curves which best describes the ...
chesslad's user avatar
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How to choose a point that has both optimal value and low variance

I have a Gaussian Process Regression model that models the cost of a certain process. Once trained, I want to find the point $x$ corresponding to which the regression predicts the lowest cost. Simply ...
Namit Juneja's user avatar
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Bayesian optimization for solving least squares

Bayesian optimization with Gaussian processes (GPs) is an effective minimization methodology when the evaluation of the function to minimize, say $f(a)$, is computationally expensive. Loosely speaking,...
altroware's user avatar
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A surrogate function for validation error in order to perform hyper-parameter optimization?

Greed search CV or few other approaches may be computationally expensive in hyper-parameter tuning. Is it possible to come up with a surrogate model or a purposed model for a validation error in order ...
Lakshman's user avatar
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Bayesian Optimization: number of iterations as function of search space dimensionality?

I am performing Bayesian Optimization to select a hyperparameter configuration for my supervised learning model. I understand that with each additional hyperparameter that I choose to optimize, the ...
David's user avatar
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Rounding Approximation for Blackbox Integer Optimization

I am working on a black-box optimization that involves surrogate modeling. Some of my decision variables are integers, but I doubt a MIP approach would work for my case. My advisor told me that it is ...
Kaiwen Wang's user avatar
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Expected improvement for bayesian linear regression with unknown noise variance

My question is basically if the expected improvement for a bayesian linear regression with unknown noise variance, i.e. we place a prior on the noise variance -> predictive distribution may not be ...
optimalic's user avatar
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Why go through the trouble of expectation maximization and not use gradient descent?

In expectation maximization first a lower bound of the likelihood is found and then a 2 step iterative algorithm kicks in where first we try to find the weights (the probability that a data point ...
figs_and_nuts's user avatar
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Tuning Random Forest results in max_features parameter taking a value of 1. Why?

I did a bayesian optimization tuning for parameters of random forest. With 200 iterations, it seems like 70% of the times, very low values (read 1 or 2) of max_features seems to produce better (...
MSKO's user avatar
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Calculate acceptance ratio of Jacobian of split-merge RJMCMC

I am keep studying the RJMCMC and want to ask question regarding the acceptance ratio of split/merge step of RJMCMC The split/merge step, suggested by Richardson and Green (1997) is following for w_j, ...
Kyungmin's user avatar

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