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Questions tagged [improper-prior]

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9 votes
2 answers

How is data generated when using an improper prior

Let $X$ be an $\mathcal{X}$ valued random variable. We are doing Bayesian statistics. Suppose that $\theta$ is a $\Theta$ valued random variable with known prior distribution $\Pi$ and that the ...
温泽海's user avatar
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Unconstrained Biases and Neural Network Regularization

In Bishop's PRML on page 259 he discusses a L2 regularizer for each layer of a 2-layer neural network, given by $$ \begin{equation} \frac{\lambda_1}{2}\sum_{w\in W_1}w^2 + \frac{\lambda_2}{2}\...
olives's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Is the class of models for which the MLE exists also the one for which flat priors are permissible?

By "permissible" (for lack of a better term) I mean models which despite of a "flat" (improper) prior (i.e., $\int_{\Theta} p(\theta) d \theta = + \infty$) nevertheless produce a ...
Durden's user avatar
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Distribution families whose likelihoods integrate to $+\infty$ for some sample values

I've recently started learning about Bayesian statistics, and I came across this very nice answer by Xi'an, which [in my slight paraphrasing] says the ...
Leonidas's user avatar
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Improper Prior in Logit and Probit Models: Proper Posterior Conditions

Let $y_i \vert p_i \sim \mathrm{Bernoulli}(p_i)$, $p_i = F_h(X_i^\prime \beta) \ \ , \ \ h = 1,2 \ ,\ \ X , \beta \in \mathbb R^p$, where $F_1(x) = (2\pi)^{-1/2}\int_{-\infty}^x \exp(-t^2/2) \ dt \ $ ...
paoletinho's user avatar
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For multivariate normal posterior with improper prior, why posterior is proper only if $n\geq d$

This is related to Gelman's BDA chapter 3 section 5's noninformative prior density for $\mu$. Let $\Sigma$ be fixed positive definite symmetric matrix of size $d$ by $d$. Let $y_1,\dots, y_n$ be iid ...
user45765's user avatar
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Is there any strong argument about objective/non-informative improper prior?

Decades ago improper objective priors - e.g. $\pi(\sigma) \propto \sigma^{-1}, \sigma > 0,$ for a scale parameter - were considered problematic because some authors thought they were leading to the ...
Celi's user avatar
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Bayesian statistics

Assuming I have that $Y_i\mid \mu$ is an iid ~ $N(\mu,\sigma^2)$, for $i \in (1,\dotsc,n)$ with $\sigma_i$ known and improper prior $\pi(\mu)=1$ for all $\mu$. i. How can I derive a formula for the ...
user354604's user avatar
1 vote
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Prior predictive distribution with an improper prior for a Poisson likelihood

I have recently started exploring some bayesian statistics and I cannot seem to understand something about improper priors. In particular, the set up consists of a Poisson likelihood $ p(X|\theta) = \...
BackgroundType2's user avatar
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Showing that a posterior is Normal given improper prior

I am having difficulty showing the following problem and I suspect it has something to do with my lack of understanding of the question. The question is this: Suppose we have an improper prior ...
CharlieCornell's user avatar
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How to obtain a generalized bayes estimator when we have random sample from the uniform distribution with a Pareto prior and a improper hyperprior?

Let $\boldsymbol{X}=\left(X_{1}, \ldots, X_{n}\right)$ be a random sample from the uniform distribution on $(0, \theta),$ where $\theta>0$ is unknown. Let $$ \pi(\theta)=b a^{b} \theta^{-(b+1)}, a&...
JoZ's user avatar
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3 votes
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What is a non-informative choice of parameters for a Dirichlet distribution?

Dirichlet distribution is a conjugate prior for multinomial distribution. I want to impose a non-informative prior over sampling weights $\pi$ for a draw $x=(x_1,…,x_N)$ from a multinomial ...
Blade's user avatar
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Why is this an example of a noninformative prior?

From Bayesian Data Analysis 3rd Edition [Gelman et. al], they give this as an example when introducing non-informative priors: "We return to the problem of estimating the mean θ of a normal ...
Jake Daly's user avatar
3 votes
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Can an improper prior distribution be informative?

I have just worked through an example where, with an improper prior, the bayesian estimator equals the maximum likelihood estimator, leading me to believe that improper priors are uninformative. But ...
David's user avatar
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Finding the posterior distribution given an improper prior

Let $X \sim N(\theta, \sigma^2)$ where $\sigma^2$ is known. Let the prior density $\pi(\theta) =1, \theta \in \mathbb{R}$ to be the improper uniform density over the real line. Find the posterior ...
zerxee's user avatar
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