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Choosing Bayesian Priors [duplicate]

I am fairly new to Bayesian Modeling, however I am experimenting with such framework in order to produce several estimates. The part I am struggling the most with is the selection of prior ...
Marco De Virgilis's user avatar
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Power of Bernoulli likelihood in Jags (R2jags) [closed]

In a fixed power prior model, the model is set up as: $$ \pi(p_i \mid \alpha,\mathcal{D}_0) \propto L(p_i\mid \mathcal{D}_0)^{w} \pi(p_i) $$ Suppose that the event follows a Bernoulli distribution ...
Schnappiii's user avatar
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Using a Generalized Beta Distribution of the Second Kind as a Prior in Stan Linear Regression

So I'm considering a simple linear regression model with $p = 1$ predictor $$y = \beta x + \epsilon$$ where $\epsilon \sim N(0,\sigma^2)$. I want to use a generalised beta distribution of the second ...
Pame's user avatar
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In JAGS, how can I fix a parameter to a distribution, as opposed to just a constant?

The first code chunk below (model1) is a JAGS script designed to estimate a two-group Gaussian mixture model with unequal variances. I am looking for a way to fix one of the parameters (say $\mu_2$) ...
Preston Botter's user avatar
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Default Priors for Intercept and Standard Deviations in R package brms

The only resource I found explaining the default priors in brms is its manual (newest version, updated 03/14/2021) for function set_prior(). For the intercept, the manual does not specify how the ...
Cece's user avatar
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Is my Stan model correct? The Jeffreys prior for a heteroscedastic mixed-effects model

I am using rstan to obtain MCMC samples from a heteroscedastic mixed-effects model with different residual variances $\sigma_j^2$ for each experimental condition $j$. One assumption is the Jeffreys ...
Dexter SherloConan's user avatar
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Reproduce results of bayesglm with stan_glm

As indicated in the title, I am trying to reproduce the results of the bayesglm function with the stan_glm. In principle, the ...
gavril's user avatar
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How to get around to "Argument 'coef' may not be specified when using boundaries."?

I have a model, the brms code is given below. It is a system of equations (I am estimating demand for two categories of goods). Economic theory tells me that the ...
Loren P Wagner's user avatar
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How do I implement a default prior of cauchy(0,1) in rstanarm?

What I intend to do is use a default prior on my coefficients, and then to compute Bayes Factors for those coefficients. Rouder and Morey (2012) say: "When using the Cauchy prior, s describes the ...
Dave's user avatar
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Choosing a prior for the intercept in a logistic regression with increased -INF probability?

I am trying to fit a simple logistic regression of the kind: n ~ binomial(N, theta) theta = inv_logit( a + x * b ) where x is either 0 or 1 depending if a ...
kEks's user avatar
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Pick a prior for my bayesian generalised linear model with binary outcomes

I need help in my choice of a prior for a bayesian model. I have data from a set of participants responding to a set of yes/no questions. Answers are correct or incorrect. I suspect some questions ...
petyar's user avatar
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Why in Hamiltonian MCMC do we multiply the posterior distribution by the likelihood?

So maybe I am misunderstanding what the author is staying, but I am reading Chapter 14 of Kruschke's Doing Bayesian Analysis. I am reading about the software Stan and how it uses the Hamiltonian MCMC ...
confused's user avatar
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Why does Stan initialize an MCMC chain with a random value generated uniformly from [-2, 2] instead of a random value generated from the prior?

From Stan reference, The default is to randomly generate initial values between -2 and 2 on the unconstrained support It seems to me that it makes more sense to randomly generate initial values ...
TrynnaDoStat's user avatar
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What do blank cells mean in the output of prior_summary in the brms package?

The brms package is an R package for fitting Bayesian models using lme4-like syntax using Stan as the back-end. In the package, ...
WavesWashSands's user avatar
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Implementing Predictive Posterior Distribution Using Stan

Background I had an example that sought to demonstrate the posterior predictive distribution in the context of a normal measurement model. The data that was used is as follows: ...
The Pointer's user avatar
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