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Questions tagged [pearson-r]

The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient is a measure of the linear relationship between two variables $X$ and $Y$, giving a value between +1 and −1.

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Interpretation of ICC and Pearson's r correlation

I am calculating intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) values for response values at two different timepoints. I am also correlating the response values at the different timepoints using Pearson's $...
Lee's user avatar
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Should one account for the known variance of fixed X when estimating its relationship with random Y?

In Aldrich (2005), and specifically in sections 10 and 11, the author describes the sufficient statistic for the parameter $\beta$ in the simple regression of random $Y$ on fixed $X$, with a bivariate ...
virtuolie's user avatar
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What is the minimum Pearson sample correlation given a perfect sample rank correlation with no ties? [duplicate]

Let $(X, Y)$ be a random sample of finite size $n$ from a bivariate continuous distribution with unknown parameters $(\rho_{XY},\mu_X,\mu_Y,\sigma_X,\sigma_Y)$. Assume observed values are real numbers ...
virtuolie's user avatar
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Correlation of Group of Questions in Likert Scale answers

let's say that we have a response survey data frame with 6 columns.Each column is a question.Q1,Q2,Q3,...,Q6. The responses are from 1 to 5. 1 is translated to Very Bad,4 to Bad,3 to neutral,2 to good,...
Homer Jay Simpson's user avatar
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Test for multicollinearity with binary and continuous independent variables

I have a question concerning multicollinearity: I have several independent variables. Some are binary and some continuous. The dependent variable is binary. Can I use the Pearson correlations to test ...
Lou's user avatar
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How does knowing the sign of the population correlation affect the sufficiency of its statistic?

As noted here, the sufficient statistic for the correlation under bivariate normality is Pearson's $r$, the maximum likelihood estimate of $\rho$. I suppose, however, this does not guarantee that $r$ ...
virtuolie's user avatar
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Why can't fit I fit a multivariate regression (OPLS) model when my variables are univariately (Pearson/Spearman) correlated?

I have a dataset of 950 lipids (X) and want to see if any are correlated with cognitive function (Y). When I try to fit an opls regression model, it errors and says that "No model was built ...
mkadz's user avatar
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Normality of $z$ transformation without preliminary assumption

Assuming data $X_1,...,X_n, Y_1,...,Y_n$ we have Pearson correlation $r=\frac{Cov(X,Y)}{\sigma_X\sigma_Y}$. Fisher's $z$ transform is then $$z=0.5\log\left(\frac{1+r}{1-r}\right)=\tanh^{-1}(r)$$ If $(...
Spätzle's user avatar
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Doing an independent study as a high schooler but can't seem to figure out the values that need to be used to get pearson's correlation coefficient

Here's the database, it's a rather small one: I dont understand what my N, X, and Y values would be since nothing is really quantitative. I'm ...
anonymous1924's user avatar
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Cronbach alpha - descriptive statistics

I researched thinking styles based on Sternberg's Investment Theory. I used a TSI questionnaire that measures preferences in thinking styles. The problem is that I got low scores of Cronbach's alpha ...
goldy's user avatar
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How to check linear independence of categorical features with a numerical target?

Suppose I am doing linear regression on a dataset. My dataset contains columns f1, f2 ,f3 ,f4 , f5 , target . Features (independent variables) are the column names starting with "f" and my ...
letdatado's user avatar
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Pearson correlation p-values plot which method better adjusted my p-values BH or BY? help me understand

I'm working on DEG dataset and I've done Pearson correlation to prepare my dataset for downstream analysis (co-expression network), so this isn't an exploration phase. When I do pearson on R using ...
Sief's user avatar
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What is a good journal for submitting my article on a conjecture in theoretical statistics, re: ancillary complement for correlation?

I'm working on a draft of a statistics article, and I'd like to plan for the journal where I'll ultimately submit. My problem is, the article topic is somewhat abstract—it's a conjecture in ...
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What references discuss the problems with phi as an association measure?

(Olivier (2013) states that many have pointed out problems with $\phi$ as an association measure and advocate the use of odds ratios as an alternative Unfortunately, it does not give citations for ...
Mohan's user avatar
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Pearson & Spearman correlation coefficient in their extreme

I am working right now in R with correlation coefficients. I know that we can achieve approximately a Pearson coefficient r=0 and Spearman p=1, because Pearson is sensitive to outliers. However, I was ...
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