
I vaguely remember a YouTube talk that began with a citation from Floer regarding the existence of a spectral sequence. The idea was that given a manifold with a Morse function, we can construct a spectral sequence where the first page is the direct sum of critical points. The differentials on the đť‘ź-th page are derived from the moduli spaces of flow lines. I also found this idea in Ralph Cohen's paper, "The Floer homotopy type of the cotangent bundle", but I am looking for Floer's original reference.

Can anyone identify which paper by Floer discusses this? Alternatively, does anyone know the exact citation?.


1 Answer 1


After searching google scholar among published papers of Floer, there seems to exist only one text where spectral sequences are mentioned at all (except the passing mention of Leray s.s.):

Witten's complex and infinite-dimensional Morse theory, J. Differential Geom. 30(1): 207-221 (1989).

Here is the relevant remark (on p. 213):

enter image description here


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