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Why is the sum of individual Spearman's rho squared less than 1 as opposed to Pearson's r in a synthetic example?

A relatively low number of iid random vectors of a relatively high dimension (10,000) are added up together element wise: $$\sum_{i=1}^{n}X_i=Y$$ where $dim(X_i)=dim(X_j)=dim(Y),\forall i,j$ and $dim(...
ayorgo's user avatar
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Strange definition of coefficient of determination

In Wei and Kusiak, 2015 a metric is used to evaluate the performance of a time-series prediction model. The paper calls it [the] correlation coefficient ($R^{2}$) and defines it as $R^{2} = 1-\frac{...
Ari Cooper-Davis's user avatar
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Why normalize the vectors to calculate the Pearson correlation coefficient?

I learned from this answer that the correlation $R$ is $\cos(\theta)$ and $\theta$ is the angle between a dependent vector $Y$ and an independent vector $X$, but I learned from this article that the ...
Lerner Zhang's user avatar
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Adjusted R2 Validity for Big amounts of observations

I am working with a dataset that has a big amount of observations (2000). The purpose of my work is to find which dependent variables (x1, x2, x3...) are linked to my independent variable (y). I have ...
Daniel Limia's user avatar
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Total inconsistence between Pearson correlation in a correlation matrix vs Pearson test AND Rsquare smaller than Pearson [duplicate]

I have a very urgent issue that I need to solve this weekend. If I create a linear model between 2 variables and look for the R square with this code: ...
Janet's user avatar
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Simple linear regression: R2 not equal to squared Pearson coefficient

The R2 of a simple linear regression model is the squared Pearson correlation coefficient (r) between the observations and the fitted values. Isn't the above in contradiction with the fact that the ...
Antoine's user avatar
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How to construct (simulate) data that will have a given coefficient of determination?

I want to produce random sample bivariate data that will have a given coefficient of determination and a given linear regression model. In particular, I want to understand how it should be constructed,...
lukejanicke's user avatar
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Pearson and R^2 Correlation between three variables

Get it from someone else but don't quite know how to answer. If $\rho_{X,Z}=0.4$, $\rho_{Y,Z}=0.3$, what is the range of $\rho_{X,Y}$? Here $\rho$ is the Pearson correlation coefficient. We run a ...
YZhang's user avatar
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Formula for confidence intervals for corelation of samples from non-normal distributions

My question is similar to Formula for 95% confidence interval for $R^2$ (I indeed want to corelate predicted with true values to obtain $R^2$). The problem is their distribution is not normal. I ...
abukaj's user avatar
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2 votes
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When is $R^2$ the same as Pearson's $r$ squared?

I am a bit confused about the relationship between Pearson's $r$ and the Coefficient of Determination $R^2$. $$ r = \frac{\sum\limits_{i = 1}^n (x_i - \overline x)(y_i - \overline y)}{\sqrt{\sum\...
user33236's user avatar
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What do r (Pearson correlation coefficient) and R^2 stand for? [duplicate]

As far as I understood, R squared explains how much the variation in Y is explained by its linear association with X. And it's used as an indicator for goodness of fit of a linear model. Then when ...
denis631's user avatar
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5 votes
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High Pearson correlation, but very low coefficient in multiple regression analysis?

I have been running a few linear regression models to test the absolute and relative effect of several independent variables related to spending/investment on different tools on one measure of ...
hippie_poe's user avatar
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Relation between $R^2$ and the covariate correlation matrix

I'm quite new to Statistics and I'm facing a problem. Is there any relation between $R^2$ and the correlation matrix of the covariates? A short example is (case with 2 covariates) : A7 ~ A1 + A2 <...
Philippe Remy's user avatar
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Why can't we add all the individual Pearson's $r$'s in a multiple regression and calculate $R^2$ based on this sum?

Why can't we add all the individual Pearson's $r$'s in a multiple regression and calculate $R^2$ based on this sum? Is there an easy mathematical explanation to this as $r^2$ is squared and don't add ...
ivanski dobrovski's user avatar
5 votes
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Estimate error of prediction from R-square

What I have: a linear model $y=a_0+a_1x$ with given parameter estimates, the number of values used for fitting the model, the Pearson R² value. I need to estimate errors of prediction. I don't see a ...
Roland's user avatar
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