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QED with massless fermions

Consider QED such that physical mass of fermions vanishes. Is it true that their bare mass also vanishes?
MKO's user avatar
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What happens to the fermion spin when I move around it in a full circle

I would like to understand the actual meaning of the description of a fermion as a spinor. I have a background in QFT and understand the calculations, but there is a leap to the actual experiment ...
ziv's user avatar
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$2\pi$-rotation of fermionic states vs. fermionic operators

Given a fermionic state $|\Psi\rangle$, a $2\pi$ rotation should transform it as \begin{equation} |\Psi\rangle \quad\to\quad -|\Psi\rangle \,, \end{equation} On the other hand, given a fermionic ...
Mateo's user avatar
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Questions about fundamental solutions and propagators for the Dirac operator

I thought that propagator is a synonym for fundamental solution. But that seems not to be the case since in this answer it is said that an expression with delta function on a surface has to be ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Field strength renormalization for fermions

Following section 7.1 and 7.2 in Peskin and Schroeder (P&S), I've tried to consider what the derivation of the LSZ formula looks like for (spin $1/2$) fermions (in the text, they explicitly ...
User3141's user avatar
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Application of Callias operator in physics

In his article "Axial Anomalies and Index Theorems on Open Spaces" C.Callias shows how the index of the Callias-type operator on $R^{n}$ can be used to study properties of fermions in the ...
C1998's user avatar
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How to derive Fermion Propagator for Special Kinetic Term?

I am currently working through chapter 75 of the book on QFT by Srednicki. There, he considers the example of a single left-handed Weyl field $\psi$ in a $U(1)$ gauge theory. The Lagrangian, written ...
Niels Slotboom's user avatar
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Regarding vanishing of a triangle diagram

Furry's theorem ($C$ symmetry) is very important in calculations in QCD, Electroweak theory. Primarily it says everything about QED (three photon triangle diagram), but can be extended to QCD, and ($Z$...
Tanmoy Pati's user avatar
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Exact definition of topological non-identical diagrams

It is often said that Feynman diagrams for fermions do not have symmetry factors. Consider I have a spinless fermionic quantum many-body system with Hamiltonian: $$H=\int_{r}\psi^{\dagger}(r)\frac{\...
John 's user avatar
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Non-Hermiticity of the Dirac Hamiltonian in curved spacetime

In flat spacetime, Dirac fermions are classically described by the action $$ S=\int d^Dx\;\bar\psi(x)\left(i\gamma^a\partial_a-m\right)\psi(x). $$ One can generalize this to a general curved spacetime ...
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Different ways to understand fermions [closed]

I first learned about fermions in my atomic physics class, where the teacher said that electrons obey the Pauli exclusion principle. Later, in my quantum mechanics class, I learned about identical ...
Errorbar's user avatar
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Cubic coupling beyond Yukawa

Consider a massless Dirac or Majorana fermion $\psi$ and a massless scalar $\phi$. They interact through a Lagrangian $\mathcal{L}_I(\phi,\psi)$. I would like to understand what are the cubic ...
Rubilax96's user avatar
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Fermions coupled to BF theory and asymptotic freedom

Suppose we couple $N$ colors of fermions to an $SU(N)$ gauge field $A$, but instead of a Yang-Mills action, there is a BF theory that restricts the gauge field to be flat $dA+A\wedge A\equiv F=0$ (by ...
octonion's user avatar
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Interpretations of wave numbers between open and periodic boundary conditions

I'm curious about the difference in physical interpretation between open and periodic boundary conditions (OBC and PBC) although they are identical in the thermodynamic limit. For simplicity, let's ...
Kitchen's user avatar
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Proving a Grassmann integral identity

How to prove the following identity $$ \begin{align} \int {\rm d} \eta_{1} {\rm d} \bar{\eta}_{1} \exp\left(a \left(\bar{\eta}_{1}-\bar{\eta}_{0}\right)\left(\eta_{1}-\eta_{0}\right) + b \left(\bar{\...
Faber Bosch's user avatar
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Why can't we insist that the strong interactions must preserve $CP$?

I'm having some trouble wrapping my head around the strong $CP$ problem. I know that the non-trivial vacuum structure of QCD induces the topological theta term in the strong sector of the SM, which is ...
qavidfostertollace's user avatar
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Multiple excitations of composite bosons?

Fundamental bosons, which are the mediators of the Standard Model interactions, are permitted to have multiple excitations with the same quantum number. Fermions, on the other hand, obey the Pauli ...
mavzolej's user avatar
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Product of spinors in Dirac field anticommutators

I am reading a "A modern introduction to quantum field theory" by Maggiore and on page 88 it shows the anticommutators of the Dirac field: $$ \{\psi_a(\vec{x},t),\psi_{b}^{\dagger}(\vec{y},t)...
Andrea's user avatar
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Left-handed fermion oscillating into right-handed fermion

Given a Dirac fermion $\psi$ $$\mathcal{L} = \bar{\psi} \gamma^\mu \partial_\mu \psi - m \bar{\psi}\psi \ ,$$ which can be written in terms of chiral left and right handed fields as $$\mathcal{L} = \...
Rudyard's user avatar
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Why reasonable observables are made of an even number of fermion fields?

On Michele Maggiore book on QFT (page 91) is stated, out of nothing, that "observables are made of an even number of fermionic operator" and similar sentences is in Peskin book (page 56). Is ...
Andrea's user avatar
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Dirac Lagrangian in Classical Field Theory with Grassmann numbers

The concept of the Grassmann number makes me confused. It is used to describe fermionic fields, especially path integral quantization. Also, it is used to deal with the classical field theory of ...
Jaeok Yi's user avatar
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Computational problem in Altland & Simons p.184

While try to understand functional field integral I encountered this problem on Altland & Simons page 184. The question is: Employ the free fermion field integral with action (4.43) to compute the ...
sett the guy's user avatar
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Why is commutation bracket used instead of anti-commutation bracket on page 61 of Peskin QFT?

Peskin&Schroeder was performing a trick where they used $$J_za^{s\dagger}_0|0\rangle=[J_z,a^{s\dagger}_0]|0\rangle\tag{p.61}$$ and claimed that the only non-zero term in this commutator would be ...
Rescy_'s user avatar
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Path integral expression for Dirac two-point function

On page 302 of Peskin and Schroeder they state a path integral expression for the Dirac two-point function. $$\langle0|T\psi_a(x_1)\bar{\psi}_b(x_2)|0\rangle=\frac{\int\mathcal{D}\bar{\psi}\int\...
Function's user avatar
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System interacting with Fermi Gas

My question denoted by a reduced dynamic for a system interacting with a reservoir. Before asking the question, for completeness I will write in detail the statement of the problem and notation. ...
ets_ets's user avatar
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Path Integral Measure Transformation as $(DetU)^{-1}$

The path integral measure transforms as $D\Psi\rightarrow (DetU)^{-1}D\Psi$ for fermions, with $DetU=J$ the Jacobian. I am referring to Peskin and Schroeder's Introduction to Quantum Field Theory, ...
Archie C's user avatar
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Error in Peskin-Schroeder calculation? ("The Dirac Propagator equation (3.115) )

I was trying to calculate $$ \langle0|\bar{\psi}(y) \psi(x)|0 \rangle $$ where the wave-function operator is $$ \psi(x) = \int \frac{d^3p}{(2\pi)^3} \frac{1}{2E_P} \sum_{r=1}^{2} \left( a_p^r u^r(p) ...
CoolerThanACooler's user avatar
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Particle density and current in terms of Green function

Consider a non-relativistic free-fermion system. I am wondering how to calculate observables like average particle density and average current in terms of momentum-space Green functions. I know that ...
dumbpotato's user avatar
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Calculating gauge propagator in minimally coupled, non-relativistic fermion system

For context, I am trying to derive Eq. 4.1 of $T_c$ superconductors">this paper. Consider the action $$S[\psi^\dagger, \psi, a] = -\int d\tau \int d^2r \sum_\sigma \psi^\dagger (D_0-\mu_F-\frac{1}{...
dumbpotato's user avatar
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Mean field and interacting Dirac QFT: channels and spinors

I am dealing with a QFT of Dirac fermions with an interaction term $$L_I=\bar\psi\psi\bar\psi\psi=\psi^\dagger\gamma^0\psi\psi^\dagger\gamma^0\psi,$$ with $\gamma^0$ a Dirac matrix and $\psi$, $\psi^\...
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