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QED with massless fermions

Consider QED such that physical mass of fermions vanishes. Is it true that their bare mass also vanishes?
MKO's user avatar
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The renormalized fermionic operators do not anti-commute?

Let's say we have fermionic operators $a$ and $b$ (which anti-commute). In the context of a renormalization scheme (I am thinking specifically of Wilson's NRG, but it could be DMRG) I have a matrix $P$...
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Deriving Euler-Lagrange Equations in Light-Front Quantization from the Heisenberg Equation

I'm delving into light-front quantization, with a focus on understanding the roles of good and bad fermions. Using Collins' formulation in Foundations of Perturbative QCD, we define the projectors as: ...
schoreg's user avatar
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Renormalisation of the fermionic triangle loop

I am trying to renormalise the following loop diagram in the Standard Model: $\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad$ Using the Feynman rules, we can write the amplitude as follows: $$ \Gamma_f \sim - ...
Ramtin's user avatar
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Mass shift in QED: perturbative mass terms

This question is similar to Peskin & Schroeder Chap. 7.1 ultraviolet divergence, but my doubt is still unsolved so let me ask the question. The Peskin & Schroeder explains on p. 221 why the ...
Keyflux's user avatar
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External momenta in renormalizing pseudoscalar Yukawa theory

This is a follow-up question to my earlier post here: Now suppose we have the pseudoscalar Yukawa Lagrangian: $$ L = \frac{1}{2}\partial_\mu\phi\partial^\mu\phi-\frac{1}{2}m^2\phi^2+\bar\psi(i\not\...
IGY's user avatar
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Counterterms in Renormalization of a Non-Renormalizable theory (Fermi theory with four fermions)

I am studying Renormalization but I don't understand why theories which have a coupling constant with negative dimension of mass requires more and more counterterms going up with the perturbative ...
Aleph12345's user avatar
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Functional Renormalization Group and Dirac Fermions — Yukawa Theory

I've been practicing with FRG techniques and I wanted to obtain the usual beta functions for Yukawa theory using the Wetterich equation. However, this has been more troublesome than I expected. If I'm ...
Níckolas Alves's user avatar
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Renormalization Condition for Fermions

$\require{cancel}$In Peskin & Schroeder chapter 10 page 332 we have the renormalization condition $$\left. \Sigma (\cancel{p})\right|_{\cancel{p}=m} ~=~ 0. \tag{10.40} $$ How is it possible to ...
Yoni's user avatar
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Fermion self-energy

I try to calculate the mass matrix for a massless fermion mediated by a loop of massless (right handed) neutrino and a scalar like the next diagram The amplitude is given by: $$ i M = \bar{u}_{s_i}(...
S.S.'s user avatar
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Fermion Self-Interaction

I'm trying to think of a theory with a Fermion self-interaction, similar to the $\phi^4$ theory. The first difficulty is of course that such a theory would have a non-renormalizable mass dimension: ...
PPR's user avatar
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Intuition behind mass corrections to massless fermions

I'm trying to understand the intuition behind the mass correction to massless fermions. To be concrete lets consider a theory with a massless Weyl fermion ($\psi $), as well as two massive particles, ...
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