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QED with massless fermions

Consider QED such that physical mass of fermions vanishes. Is it true that their bare mass also vanishes?
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Field strength renormalization for fermions

Following section 7.1 and 7.2 in Peskin and Schroeder (P&S), I've tried to consider what the derivation of the LSZ formula looks like for (spin $1/2$) fermions (in the text, they explicitly ...
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Massless QED modified Lagrangian

Consider a massless theory of QED, with Lagrangian $$\mathcal{L}_{QED}= -\frac{1}{4}F_{\mu\nu}F^{\mu\nu}+\bar{\Psi}i\gamma^{\mu}\partial_{\mu}\Psi+ e\bar{\Psi}\gamma^{\mu}A_{\mu}\Psi$$ Is there any ...
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Minus sign for incoming antifermions

In his Diagrammatica, The Path to Feynman Diagrams (Cambridge University Press, 1994; §4.5 "Quantum Electrodynamics", p. 88), M. Veltman reports the following Feynman rule for incoming ...
Archi's user avatar
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Mass shift in QED: perturbative mass terms

This question is similar to Peskin & Schroeder Chap. 7.1 ultraviolet divergence, but my doubt is still unsolved so let me ask the question. The Peskin & Schroeder explains on p. 221 why the ...
Keyflux's user avatar
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Order of spinors in an equation for a Feynman diagram or contraction

I'm going over scattering theory in Peskin and Schroeder book, in his chapter on fermion scattering he wrote a specific contraction and the equation describing it One thing he didn't mention is the ...
Raeed Mundow's user avatar
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Feynman diagrams with long fermion lines

how do I calculate the interference of these two diagrams, where the fermions are electrons? The matrix element of the first diagram is calculated as $\frac{1}{(p_3+p_4)^2}\bar{u}(p_2)\gamma_\mu u(...
Nik's user avatar
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Virtual fermions vs exclusion principle

How QED eliminates the cases when in loop corrections two fermions get created with the same momenta and spin state? Is it done by the ladder operators? Edit: the two fermions are in two distinct ...
RobertSzili's user avatar
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Feynman Propagator for fermionic field $S_F(x-x)=0$

When doing some calculations in my QED course, my tutor used that for $$S_F(x-y)= - \int \frac{d^4p}{(2\pi)^4}\frac{i( \gamma_{\mu}p^{\mu}+m)}{p^2-m^2+i\epsilon}e^{-ip(x-y)}$$ the Feynman ...
Ramsey's user avatar
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Single chirality electron and photon interaction

I asked a similar question about QED Lagrangian but I guess the question wasn't clear enough since I didn't get any correct answers. So, I'll try to ask the question in a different way: how does one ...
physics_2015's user avatar
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Calculating Feynman amplitude for closed two loop diagrams

Could someone explain or post a link for how one calculates the Feynman amplitudes for closed two loop diagrams? This is in QED with the same fermion in both loops and a photon connecting them.
MasterDesperate's user avatar
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How do annihilation and creation operators act on fermions?

I'm taking an introductory course in QFT. During quantization of the Dirac field, my textbook gives a lot of information on how annihilation and creation operators act on vacuum, but nothing about how ...
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What's the role of field equation in QFT?

For free field theory, it seems the solutions of a field equation are used to give a representation of Poincare group, and the field equation is still satisfied after quantization. However for an ...
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