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$2\pi$-rotation of fermionic states vs. fermionic operators

Given a fermionic state $|\Psi\rangle$, a $2\pi$ rotation should transform it as \begin{equation} |\Psi\rangle \quad\to\quad -|\Psi\rangle \,, \end{equation} On the other hand, given a fermionic ...
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Different ways to understand fermions [closed]

I first learned about fermions in my atomic physics class, where the teacher said that electrons obey the Pauli exclusion principle. Later, in my quantum mechanics class, I learned about identical ...
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Mechanistic Explanations for Electron Degeneracy Pressure [closed]

Most explanations of electron (or any fermion) degeneracy pressure cite Pauli's exclusion principle for fermions. I believe such explanations tell us why we should believe such phenomena exist, but ...
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Normalisation for a two fermion state

I'm trying to follow this paper (Fermion and boson beam-splitter statistics. Rodney Loudon. (1998). Phys. Rev. A 58, 4904) However, I don't quite understand where some of his results come from. ...
Tony.Y's user avatar
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Origins and understanding hamiltonians for free fermions

I am starting to do some work on free-fermionic models, but I am having some problems understanding some things. My professor led me know that the hamiltonian for free fermions without mass in a ...
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Is it possible to express any quadratic fermionic system in terms of a quadratic majorana system and viceversa?

Can one always write, for some suitable matrix $M$ $$ H= \sum^N_{jk}(A_{jk}c^\dagger_jc_k+B_{jk}c_jc_k+h.c.)=i\sum^{2N}_{jk} M_{jk} \gamma_j\gamma_k, $$ for any $A,B$? And viceversa, can one always ...
FriendlyLagrangian's user avatar
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Technique for diagonalising this free spinless fermionic Hamiltonian?

How does one diagonalise the following Hamiltonian? $$ H = \sum_n \epsilon_n c^\dagger_n c_n + g \sum_n (c^\dagger_n c^\dagger_{-n} + c_{-n}c_n), $$ where $c_n$ is a spineless fermionic op. Clearly we ...
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How to diagonalise this free fermionic Hamiltonian?

I have the following $1$D fermionic Hamiltonian $H$, given by $$ H = H^A_0+H _0^B+H_I^{AB}=\sum_{jk\in A} H_{jk}^Ac^\dagger_j c_k + \sum_{jk\in B} H_{jk}^Bc^\dagger_j c_k + \lambda \sum_{j\in A, \ k \...
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Two-site fermion system

I've to study a two-site fermion system with hamiltonian $$H=\sum_{\sigma=\uparrow,\downarrow}[\epsilon_1 c^+_{1\sigma}c_{1\sigma}+\epsilon_2 c^+_{2\sigma}c_{2\sigma}+w(c^+_{1\sigma}c_{2\sigma}+c^+_{2\...
Simo7's user avatar
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Wigner functional for fermionic fields (QFT in phase space)

I'm curently studying the Wigner functional formulation of Quantum Field Theory, which is derived from the Schrödinger picture: the operators which act on the states of the Fock space are functions of ...
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Does the Pauli exclusion principle apply to one fermion and one antifermion?

I understand that two fermions cannot simultaneously have the same <momentum, spin> state. I know this is also true of two anti-fermions. But is it possible for one fermion and one anti-fermion ...
Nick Ormrod's user avatar
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Ground state of 3 identical fermions laying over a circumference

We are asked to show that the ground state in a system of 3 free identical fermions that are on a circle of length, 2$\pi$, is equivalent to $\sin(q_1-q_2)+\sin(q_2-q_3)+\sin(q_3-q_1)$ up to some ...
BrazyOski's user avatar
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Quantum factorization approximation for first order Coulomb energy

I'm working through "Advanced Quantum Mechanics" by Franz Schwabl, and he uses this G-correlation function to estimate the first order correction to the ground state energy in a Coulomb ...
Lucas Myers's user avatar
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Expectation value of time-evolved number operator for ground state Coulomb system

I'm going through "Advanced Quantum Mechanics" by Franz Schwabl, and he calculates the electron energy levels from the Coulomb interaction in a perturbative way (section 2.2.3). In the ...
Lucas Myers's user avatar
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Time reversal symmetry implies that fermions are massless?

In TASI Lectures on Emergence of Supersymmetry, Gauge Theory and String in Condensed Matter Systems some continuous limit of lattice model with fermions considered. And on page 6 there is a statement: ...
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