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Questions tagged [duality]

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Symmetry group and dualities

Let's say two quantum models $M_1$ and $M_2$ are dual to each other and let their symmetry groups be $S_1$ and $S_2$ respectively. Is it necessary for $S_1$ to be isomorphic to $S_2$? (I thought so ...
Barry's user avatar
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Physical observables in the XY/sine-Gordon duality

My question is, during the duality map, real physical quantities seem to acquire a prefactor of $i$ and become purely imaginary. And I feel uncomfortable. Take bosonic current for example. Consider ...
T.P. Ho's user avatar
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What is the dual asymptotic spacetime of a CFT on a particular flat manifold?

According to AdS/CFT correspondence, the dual theory of a boundary CFT on flat spacetime is defined on an asymptotically AdS spacetime. The nature of the bulk spacetime depends on the topology of the ...
Sanjana's user avatar
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How many Lagrangians can a QFT have?

I just stumbled across a presentation by Tachikawa about "What is Quantum Field Theory". He has an interesting perspective that we should think of (at least a subset of) quantum field ...
11zaq's user avatar
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How to see that the Ising CFT has $c = 1/2$ while the quantum XY CFT has $c = 1$ via Jordan-Wigner?

It is well known that the CFT at the critical point of the 1+1d transverse field Ising model has central charge 1/2. This can be attributed to the fact that, after a Jordan-Wigner transformation, the ...
Midnight Conqueror's user avatar
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Electromagnetic duality and vector/pseudovector transformation properties

One consequence of electromagnetic duality (see e.g., is that if we have a system described by permittivity and permeability profile $(\varepsilon, \mu)(\...
daysofsnow's user avatar
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Why $N\to \infty$ limit implies $g_s \to 0$ in holographic QCD?

One basic difficulty in QCD is that it does not contain a small dimensionless quantity that would allow for perturbative calculation of low-energy observables. A remarkable feature of holographic ...
Spectree's user avatar
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Question about the duality between 2+1 d transverse-field Ising model (TFIM) and $\mathbb{Z}_2$ gauge theory

I was reading McGreevy's Lecture notes Where do QFTs come from? , and on chapter 5 he talks about a duality between the $2+1d$ transverse-field Ising model (TFIM) and the $\mathbb{Z}_2$ gauge theory, ...
Lucas Queiroz's user avatar
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Derivation of self-dual gravity formulae

I am trying to read and understand this paper by Monteiro, Stark-Muchao, and Wikeley about self-dual yang-mills and self-dual gravity. In the introduction to this paper, they review a way to ...
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Relation between curvature of spin connection, Weyl spinor and the cosmological constant

Consider the chiral version of Einstein-Cartan gravity. What is the relation between the self-dual part of the curvature of the spin connection $F^{AB}$, the cosmological constant $\Lambda$ and the ...
Pratik Chatterjee's user avatar
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Is the self-dual point always a critical point?

I was studying duality maps in my Advanced Stat. Mech. class and it was told that all self-dual points need not correspond to critical point. I understand that critical points are points where ...
QFTheorist's user avatar
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Solve Einstein equation with self-dual field strength

I have this action $$ S = \int d^6x \sqrt{g} \Big(R-\frac{1}{3}G_{\mu\nu\rho}G^{\mu\nu\rho}\Big) $$ on a $D=6$ dimensional manifold with the following metric $$ dS^2_6 = dx^-dx^+ - \sum_{i,j=1}^4 A_{...
Physics Koan's user avatar
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Schrodinger's thought process about duality [duplicate]

How can a single particle be a wave? Always thought wave is defined as back-and-forth motion for single particle, or we have many particles, wave should be as passing energy from one particle to ...
Zaza Orji's user avatar
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Reference for dual gauge field and magnetic field being canonically conjugate

The gauge field operator in quantum Yang-Mills is canonically conjugate to the electric field. I know that the dual gauge field is canonically conjugate to the magnetic field, but I can't seem to dig ...
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Superfluid-Maxwell duality and confinement in 3D

I learned in a class I took that there is a duality between a $D=3$ superfluid and $D=3$ Maxwell theory ($D$ being the dimension of spacetime). In the Euclidean formulation, the action of the ...
Kai's user avatar
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Self-duality of Maxwell lagrangian in terms of magnetic gauge field

I have read at many places that the pure Maxwell theory (without any matter) is self-dual. This is the general form for Maxwell Lagrangian density: $$\mathcal{L} = - \frac{1}{4} F_{\mu\nu} F^{\mu\nu},$...
baba26's user avatar
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What does the dual gauge field have to do with topology?

The dual gauge field, $V$, is defined by $$^{\star}F(V)=F(A),$$ where $F$ is the field strength. The 't Hooft operator $\exp(i\int_C V)$ creates the trajectory of a magnetic particle along $C$. But I ...
dennis's user avatar
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What do monopoles have to do with strong coupling?

My understanding is that strong coupling effects arise from instantons in the path integral. But I sometimes read that monopoles (see the electric-magnetic duality) can allow one to calculate strong ...
dennis's user avatar
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Are dualities symmetries? If so what are their conserved charges?

The dualities described the theories under certain transformations to be equivalent, i.e. $T$-duality described the equivalence between theories with $R$ and $\frac{1}{R}$. However, this looked very ...
ShoutOutAndCalculate's user avatar
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How did the T-duality change the dimension of the $D$-brane?

Quote Clifford Johnson $D$-brane page 125 Observe that, since T-duality interchanges Neumann and Dirichlet boundary conditions, a further T-duality in a direction tangent to a $Dp$-brane reduces it ...
ShoutOutAndCalculate's user avatar
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Are physical dualities based on mathematical dualities? [closed]

I understand what a physical duality is and what a mathematical duality is. The function to obtain the dual of an theory/object is an invertible function in both physics and math. I wonder if it is as ...
Daniel T's user avatar
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How is every D-brane dual to 2 others?

For instance, A D3 brane is T dual to both a D2 and D4. I understand the idea that Type A and B theories are T dual to one another, but I don't understand how you get 2 different dual descriptions ...
Burak Guner's user avatar
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Is the Dirac monopole quantization condition out by 1/2?

Consider an electron with electric charge $e$ that is moved around a closed horizontal circular path $C$ centered around a magnetic monopole with magnetic charge $g$. Assume that the monopole produces ...
John Eastmond's user avatar
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Reading list for JT/SYK correspondence

I have been studying Gábor Sárosi's review of holographic duality between Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity and the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev models for the last few days. This field has grown since the review came ...
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Regarding the single and double slit experiments

Are there interpretations of the single and double slit experiments, which discuss interactions between photons in transit, between the slits and the screen?
Loren's user avatar
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Why can't the electromagnetic duality transformation be expressed in terms of potentials?

In Is it possible to elevate the electric-magnetic duality discrete symmetry to a continuous one? the OP asks about how to derive the Noether current associated with the electromagnetic duality ...
Brian Bi's user avatar
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Is it possible to elevate the electric-magnetic duality discrete symmetry to a continuous one?

I'm familiar with Electric-Magnetic duality, where in the absence of source fields one can exchange the $F_{\mu \nu}$ field with the dual field: $\tilde{F}_{\mu \nu}={\epsilon}_{\mu \nu \alpha \beta} ...
Bastam Tajik's user avatar
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Do all members of the affine Toda field theories have fermion duals?

I know that the sine-Gordon model is $S$-dual to the massive Thirring model. Since sine-Gordon is a special case of affine Toda theory I was wondering if this extends to the generality of the models?
J. H's user avatar
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Are we sure that electric “monopoles” are not just ends of an “Electrical Dirac String”? [closed]

The Dirac String is used to model magnetic monopoles. So how are we sure that physical electric “monopoles” are not in fact the ends of an “Electrical Dirac String” produced by a solenoid carrying a ...
Kevin Marinas's user avatar
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Why are we able to compare the open and closed string perspective in AdS/CFT?

I am reading the book Gauge/Gravity Duality Foundations and Applications by M. Ammon and J. Erdmenger. In that book they state the relationship between parameters on both sides of the duality as $$ g_{...
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