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How to identify the dyon being condensated at the ${\cal N}=2$ SUSY $u$-plane?

For the $u$-plane monodromy at $u=u_0$ $$\mathcal{M}^{p,q}=\begin{pmatrix} 1+pq & p^2 \\ -q^2 & 1-pq \\ \end{pmatrix}$$ the statement is that dyons with electric and magnetic charges $(p,q)$ ...
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Can Montonen-Olive duality be used for studying $\mathcal{N}=4$ SYM at strong coupling? If not, why not?

It's all in the title. To be more complete, the following is stated in the preamble of the Wikipedia article about S-duality: One of the earliest known examples of S-duality in quantum field theory ...
Pxx's user avatar
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Anomalies in the self-dual Yang-Mills theory and $\mathcal{N}=2$ open-string theory

I am reading a paper, written by G. Chalmers and W. Siegel -, where they discuss the action of self-dual Yang-Mills theory, which in light-cone formalism is ...
spiridon_the_sun_rotator's user avatar
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Can supersymmetries change under dualities, like gauge symmetries can?

Symmetries that have non-trivial effects on observables must be preserved by dualities (equivalences between different-looking quantum field theories), because the equivalence relation preserves ...
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Can $\mathcal{N}=4$ SYM be interpreted as describing a superconductor?

I am quite fond of analogies between QFT and statistical mechanics, although I am not at all an expert in statistical physics. And I was wondering if it would make any sense to view the (Euclidean) ...
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Dualities involving Supersymmetric QED in $3+1$d

Most of the supersymmetric dualities in $3+1$d involve only non-Abelian gauge theories, like $SU(N)$ $\mathcal{N}=1$ SQCD, etc. Are there examples of dualities which involve supersymmetric QED (i.e. ...
user34104's user avatar
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A Question about Wave-Function Renormalization Factor in SQCD

Here, I have a question about the one-loop computation of the wave-function renormalization factor in SQCD. According to Seiberg duality, the following electric $\mathrm{SQCD}_{e}$ \begin{gather} ...
Valac's user avatar
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Showing that the $\mathcal{N=2}$ SUSY Effective Action is Duality-Invariant

The effective action of the $\mathcal{N}=2$ supersymmetric $SU(2)$ gauge theory contains the following term; $$Im\int d^{4}xd^{2}\theta d^{2}\bar{\theta}\Phi^{\dagger}\mathcal{F}'(\Phi)$$ Where $\Phi$ ...
CoffeeCrow's user avatar
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Checking modularity-like transformation property

Assume $M$ is a 4 manifold. Let $Z_v$ be partition function of fixed magnetic flux $v$ with all instanton configuration summed over where $v\in H^2(M,Z/nZ)$. $\tau$ denotes complex parameter on upper ...
user45765's user avatar
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Dual of Kalb Ramond field [closed]

i've been studying string theory for 4 days, i have a Kalb Ramond $B_{(2)}$ of this kind (from a $5^2 _2$ solution [1]) and i want evaluate its dual but i don't obtain the right result: The variables ...
siderius's user avatar
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New-minimal vs old-minimal supergravity

New-minimal set of supergravity auxiliary fields includes a two-form field, whereas the old-minimal auxiliary set includes a vector and a complex scalar. Is anyone aware of how to transform between ...
Kosm's user avatar
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Does a SUSY Chern-Simons term prevent the dualising of the gauge potential to a scalar?

In 3D $\mathcal{N}=2$ supersymmetric field theory with abelian gauge fields, the gauge field $A_{\mu}$ is often dualised to a real scalar $\gamma$. Does a Chern-Simons term prevent this dual ...
Graphite's user avatar
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A fundamental question about Seiberg duality

Standard set up and review: Let us consider $SU(N)$ SQCD with $N_f$ flavors as our electric theory (just like in Seiberg's paper) and also let $N_f \geq N$. This theory is completely Higgsed in the ...
Marion's user avatar
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The difference between Type I strings and Type II strings

I understand Type II strings but i do not understand the difference between Type I and Type II strings. Can anyone explain this to me?
anthr's user avatar
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Why is Seiberg duality called an electromagnetic duality?

An electromagnetic duality is a duality that maps electric to magnetic degrees of freedom of two distinct theories. Apart from source-less Maxwell electrodynamics, other theories require magnetic ...
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