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How to see that the Ising CFT has $c = 1/2$ while the quantum XY CFT has $c = 1$ via Jordan-Wigner?

It is well known that the CFT at the critical point of the 1+1d transverse field Ising model has central charge 1/2. This can be attributed to the fact that, after a Jordan-Wigner transformation, the ...
Midnight Conqueror's user avatar
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Compact or non-compact boson from bosonization?

In some discussions of bosonization, it is stressed that the duality between free bosons and free fermions requires the use of a compact boson. For example, in a review article by Senechal, the ...
Zack's user avatar
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$T$-duality symmetry of $SU(2)_1$ WZW model

For bosons at self-dual radius, the CFT has T-duality symmetry. My question is can we realize this symmetry on the lattice model? for example antiferromagnetic spin chain.
linhao li's user avatar
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Is the gauge/gravity (or AdS/CFT) duality believed to be exact?

I was wondering about the implications of the gauge/gravity (or AdS/CFT in a more restrictive sense) duality for the way we deal with physical theories, and I was wondering if the duality was believed ...
Pxx's user avatar
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"$\theta$-$\phi$ duality" and $T$-duality -- is the free fermion theory self-dual?

When bosonizing an interacting spinless Luttinger liquid, the action can be written as \begin{equation} S=\frac{K}{2\pi}\int dx d\tau\ (\partial_\mu\phi)^2 = \frac{1}{2\pi K}\int dx d\tau\ (\partial_\...
pathintegral's user avatar
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Level-rank duality in WZW models and CS theories

Cross-posting from Physics Overflow: I know that the classical level-rank duality in the $\widehat{\mathfrak{sl}}...
green.onion's user avatar
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A fundamental question about Seiberg duality

Standard set up and review: Let us consider $SU(N)$ SQCD with $N_f$ flavors as our electric theory (just like in Seiberg's paper) and also let $N_f \geq N$. This theory is completely Higgsed in the ...
Marion's user avatar
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Do Liouville theory have a gravity dual?

Does Liouville theory have a gravity dual? I think the answer is not. But what's wrong with Liouville theory? What features of Liouville theory are universal for other CFTs?
Nahc's user avatar
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CFT energy scale in AdS/CFT correspondence

In the context of the AdS/CFT correspondence, the coordinate $z$ of AdS in Poincaré coordinates is often identified with an (inverse) energy scale for a CFT. I don't quite understand this ...
apt45's user avatar
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Invariance of Maxwell's Equations under inverting variables - Reference and use

Some months ago, an ArXiv paper mentioned in passing that Maxwell's Equations were invariant under reciprocating the variables, or at least this results in a dual set of Maxwell Equations. (Actually I ...
John R Ramsden's user avatar