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Questions tagged [duality]

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76 votes
12 answers

Is the wave-particle duality a real duality?

I often hear about the wave-particle duality, and how particles exhibit properties of both particles and waves. However, I wonder, is this actually a duality? At the most fundamental level, we 'know' ...
user14445's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Effect of introducing magnetic charge on use of vector potential [duplicate]

It is well known that Maxwell equations can be made symmetric w.r.t. $E$ and $B$ by introducing non-zero magnetic charge density/flux. In this case we have $div B = \rho_m$, where $\rho_m$ is a ...
Murod Abdukhakimov's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Is there either a Lagrangian or a Hamiltonian formulation of electromagnetism with continuous distributions of magnetic monopoles?

Maxwell's equations generalize very nicely if we add in magnetic monopoles: we get $$\begin{align*} \partial_\mu F^{\mu \nu} &= J^\nu \\ \partial_\mu \tilde{F}^{\mu \nu} &= \tilde{J}^\nu, \end{...
tparker's user avatar
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40 votes
2 answers

What's the intuition behind the Choi-Jamiolkowski isomorphism?

What is the intuition behind the Choi-Jamiolkowski isomorphism? It says that with every superoperator $\mathbb{E}$ we can associate a state given by a density matrix $$ J(\mathbb{E}) = (\mathbb{E} \...
Spine Feast's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

What would Maxwell's Equations be if we had magnetic charges and magnetic currents?

Mind you, we still have electric charge and electric currents. But, what would Maxwell's equations look like if we had to take magnetic charges and magnetic currents into consideration? Would there be ...
Gödel's user avatar
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18 votes
4 answers

What is intuitively the Hodge dual of a $p$-form?

Carroll in his textbook "Spacetime and geometry" defines the Hodge dual of a $p$-form $A$ on an $n$-dimensional manifold as $$(\star A)_{\mu_1...\mu_{n-p}}=\dfrac{1}{p!}\epsilon^{\nu_1...\nu_p} _{\ \ \...
TheQuantumMan's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Advanced topics in string theory

I'm looking for texts about topics in string theory that are "advanced" in the sense that they go beyond perturbative string theory. Specifically I'm interested in String field theory (including ...
11 votes
3 answers

Chirality of the Electromagnetic Field Tensor

I have learned that chirality is a concept, that appears for $(A,B)$ representations of the Lorentz group, where $A\neq B$. An example would be a Dirac spinor, corresponding to the representation $(\...
ersbygre1's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

T-Duality between Type HE String theory and Type HO string theory

My question is regarding the T-Duality between the 2 Type H string theories. I know that the Type II String theories are T-dual to each other because T-Duality changes the sign of the Gamma Matrix so $...
Abhimanyu Pallavi Sudhir's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Action with self-dual field strength

It is said that writing down an action in presence of a self-dual field strength is subtle and not known till date. The familiar example people give is that of type IIB super-gravity which has a self-...
Physics Moron's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Symmetry of Maxwell equations for electric-magnetic duality

According to Griffiths's book on electrodynamics, including magnetic charge the Maxwell equations become $$ \begin{align*} \nabla \cdot \vec{E} &= \frac{\rho_e}{\epsilon_0} &&& \nabla ...
Kasper's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

What would it mean if symmetries are not fundamental at all?

In this paper 1 written by Joseph Polchinski, he seems to indicate that all symmetries of nature may not be fundamental: From more theoretical points of view, string theory appears to allow no exact ...
vengaq's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Definition of Duality (opposed to Symmetry)

I'm learning basic string theory right now and we came across T-duality which was presented as a symmetry of the formula for the mass of a string in the context of compactification. There was a remark ...
quan's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

What is a dual field?

Can you give me an intuitive, physical understanding of a "dual field"? For example, the Hodge dual of the gluon field strength matrix $F$ is $\tilde{F}_{\mu \nu}=\epsilon_{\mu \nu \alpha \beta} F^{\...
Thomas's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Why aren't Faraday's law of induction and Maxwell-Ampere's law (without sources) symmetric?

I was wondering why Faraday's law of induction and Maxwell-Ampere's law (without sources) are not totally symmetric in the sense that Maxwell-Ampere's law has a $\epsilon_0 \mu_0$ term on the right (...
Gaurav's user avatar
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