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Questions tagged [holographic-principle]

The Holographic principle is a principle of string theories and a supposed property of quantum gravity that states that the information within a region is exactly described by that on its boundary. DO NOT USE THIS TAG for a photographic hologram.

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BTZ black hole as a quotient of AdS space

I am trying to understand this paper 1 and trying to reproduce some calculations and had some questions about that. In section 3.2, page 12, eq. 3.9, the authors are writing normal geodesics of an ...
Goodfellow's user avatar
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How do hyperbolic tessellations like {7,3} in Anti de-Sitter space relate to our intuition of 3D space (or 4D structure if you include time)?

I just ran into the AdS/CFT correspondence, as I am looking at various use-cases of hyperbolic tessellations, specifically related to the pentagrid and heptagrid as defined by Maurice Margenstern in ...
Lance's user avatar
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Is there any proposed holographic/thermodynamic interpretation of gravitational time dilation?

In AdS/CFT and holography more generally, many proposals of various degrees of plausibility have been made linking apparently physical notions on the bulk side to more information-theoretic, ...
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AdS$_3$ Geodesics' Length in ambient space as done in "Aspects of Holographic Entanglement Entropy"

I have been following the mentioned paper ("Aspects of Holographic Entanglement Entropy" hep-th/0605073 by Shinsei Ryu and Tadashi Takayanagi), trying to get into AdS/CFT. In section 6.2 ...
Knickers5637's user avatar
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Why does no one add Einstein-Hilbert term to CFT in AdS/CFT?

As I work through AdS/CFT exercises, it struck me that there seemed no one doing the following. Suppose we have a holographic CFT. By some reeconstruction method, we can write CFT operators in terms ...
Bulldozer's user avatar
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Why $N\to \infty$ limit implies $g_s \to 0$ in holographic QCD?

One basic difficulty in QCD is that it does not contain a small dimensionless quantity that would allow for perturbative calculation of low-energy observables. A remarkable feature of holographic ...
Spectree's user avatar
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Why do we expect isometries of bulk side to be equivalent to symmetries of the CFT?

One can clearly see that the AdS bulk isometries form the $SO(d,2)$ symmetry of the $d$ dimensional CFT explicitly. Why does this occur: why don't the isometries of the spacetimes match up or the ...
Sanjana's user avatar
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Why is empty AdS identified with CFT vacuum and what do excited states correspond to?

I have a few questions regarding the AdS/CFT dictionary regarding the state-state map. I have seen people identifying the empty AdS spacetime with a CFT vacuum. What do they mean by "empty" ...
Sanjana's user avatar
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Unitarity in the 't Hooft limit

Consider a quantum gauge theory with a holographic dual at infinite $N$ and 't Hooft coupling, in which the gauge theory is described by classical (super)gravity. If I initialize the system in a pure ...
phonon's user avatar
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Quantum corrections in Holography

AdS/CFT stablish that there is some kind of correspondence between the ${\cal N}=4$ SYM theory and strings in $AdS_5\times S^5$ space-time. I know, for instance that 1/2 BPS operators like Tr$(\phi_1^...
BVquantization's user avatar
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de Sitter spacetime, spacetime without boundaries and holographic principle

One of the most intriguing aspects of black hole thermodynamics is that of holography or the holographic principle, namely, that the degrees of freedom of a putative theory of quantum gravity is ...
riemannium's user avatar
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Confusion regarding the Susskind-Uglum conjecture

I have a very basic confusion regarding entropies in holography. In AdS/CFT, the Susskind-Uglum conjecture states that the generalized entropy of a bulk region, given by $$S_{\text{gen}}(A) = \frac{\...
pseudo-goldstone's user avatar
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Does AdS/CFT correspondence apply to entire AdS space or those covered by Poincare patch?

I am getting confused as I study the AdS/CFT correspondence, so I ask this question. CFT is given on the conformal boundary of AdS, which can be derived from Poincare coordinate patch to AdS. Would ...
Neijal Kanderbalt's user avatar
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Phase shift in holographic one-point function

I have a simple question about the response of an operator one-point function to an external source $\propto e^{-i\omega t}$ in AdS/CFT. I consider a real scalar probe of mass $m$ in $AdS_{d+1}$ which ...
phonon's user avatar
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Reverse AdS/CFT correspondence?

$\text{AdS}_{n}/\text{CFT}_{n-1}$ correspondence provides a dictionary for one-to-one mapping observables in bulk gravity to boundary conformal field theories. However, does the reverse correspondence ...
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