Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Great Seal of the United Federation of Planets.

As of October 2402, there were 155 member states of the United Federation of Planets, and Federation space spanned over 10,000 light-years. (ST novel: Articles of the Federation)

On new stardate γ 2143.21.3, the Federation celebrated the induction of all remaining space-faring civilizations of the Milky Way Galaxy. (ST novel: Federation)

By the year 1,012,260, the Mega-Federation controlled the entire galaxy, and was able to move it through intergalactic space at will. (ST - Strange New Worlds VI short story: "Our Million-Year Mission")

See also Federation colonies.

Founding member states[]

The United Federation of Planets was founded in 2161 by the governments of United Earth, the Confederacy of Vulcan, the Andorian Empire, the United Planets of Tellar, and the Alpha Centauri Concordium, all of which were previously members of the Coalition of Planets. (TNG episode: "The Outcast"; ENT episode: "Zero Hour"; ST novel: Articles of the Federation; ENT novel: Kobayashi Maru; ST reference: Star Fleet Technical Manual)

The novel Starfleet: Year One, published before Enterprise canonically confirmed the founding members of the Federation, gave eight founding worlds; Earth, Vulcan, Andor and Tellar remained, Alpha Centauri was omitted and Osadj, Dedderai, Vobilin and, last to agree to join, Rigel IV, were added. While these extra worlds could still be early members of the Federation, the majority of sources, and canon, now rule them out as founding members.
Similarly, the reference book Spaceflight Chronology lists Rigel as a founding member in addition to the five listed above. In addition, in that source Alpha Centauri is a system with an indigenous (though closely related to Human) population, not an Earth colony.


Table of Contents: 0-9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


planet/system state species admitted notes
Aaamazzara Republic Of


Aaamazzarite 2190 Confirmed member in ST reference: Star Charts.
aia'Hnnrihstei Confederacy Of


Aia'Hnnrihen 2214 Confirmed member in TOS novel: The Wounded Sky
Alaj Republic Of


Alajian 2214 Confirmed member in TNG novel: Exiles
Aldebaran III Aldebaran Empire Aldebaran 2216 Confirmed member in ST reference: Star Trek Maps
Algolia/Algol II Commonwealth Of Algol Algolian 2217 Confirmed member in TNG novel: Qpid
Alonis Republic Of Alonis Alonis 2336 Confirmed member in ST novel: Articles of the Federation and DS9 - Mission Gamma novel: Twilight
Alpha III Alpha Colony Human 2163 Confirmed member in ST reference: Star Trek Maps
Alpha Centauri Alpha Centauri Concordium Alpha Centauran 2161 Confirmed founding member in ENT - Rise of the Federation novel: A Choice of Futures.
Alpha Proxima II Republic Of Alpha Proxima Alpha Proximan 2275 Confirmed member in TOS - The Brave and the Bold, Book One novella: The First Artifact
Altair Altair Quadrant Palkeo Est 2277 Confirmed member in TOS - Fortunes of War novel: Dreadnought!
Althos IV Kingdom Of Althos Bzzit Khaht 2279 Confirmed member in FASA RPG module: Star Trek IV Sourcebook Update
Andor Andorian Empire Andorian 2161
Confirmed founding member in ENT - The Romulan War novel: To Brave the Storm. Seceded in 2382 following political tensions with the Federation, readmitted in 2385. (The Fall novel: Peaceable Kingdoms)
Andros III Republic Of Andros Androan 2254 Confirmed member in DS9 episode: "In the Cards"
Antares Camborn Sector Alliance Antaran 2287 Confirmed member in ST reference: Star Trek Maps
Antede III Antedean Empire Antedean 2285 Confirmed member in ST novel: Articles of the Federation
Antos IV Republic Of Antos Antosian 2285 Confirmed member in ST reference: Star Trek Maps
Arbaza/Arbazan Republic Of Arbaza Arbazan 2285 Confirmed member in DS9 episode: "The Forsaken"
Arcadia Kingdom Of Arcadia Arcadian 2286 Confirmed member in Star Trek IV Sourcebook Update
Arcturus IV Republic Of Arcturus Arcturian 2263 Confirmed member in TOS movie & novelization: The Motion Picture
Ardana Plutocracy of Ardana Ardanan 2263 Confirmed member in Star Trek Maps and The Cloud Minders, Details per Star Charts
Argelius II Argeliusan Empire Argelian 2230 Confirmed member in Star Trek Maps and Wolf in the Fold
Arken II Republic Of Arken Arkenite 2165 Confirmed member in the FASA RPG module: Star Trek IV Sourcebook Update. Date from the ENT - Rise of the Federation novel: Uncertain Logic.
Aronnia Aronnia Colony Aronnian 2253 Confirmed member in TOS novel: Where Sea Meets Sky.
Aulac Commonwealth Of Aulac Aulacri 2253 Confirmed member in TOS novel: Ex Machina.
Aurelia Aurelian Empire Aurelian 2248 Confirmed member in Star Trek Maps, TAS episode: "Yesteryear", and TNG episode: "Chains of Command"
Axanar Republic Of Axanar Axanarri 2248 Confirmed member in Star Trek Maps


planet/system state species admitted notes
Bajor Republic of Bajor Bajoran 2375 Confirmed member in The Path to 2409
Barzan II Barzanian Planetary Republic Barzan 2402 Confirmed member in DSC episode: "Die Trying".
Benzar Benzar


Benzite 2364 Confirmed member in Articles of the Federation and Coming of Age
Berengaria VII Republic Of


Human 2274 Confirmed member in ST reference: Worlds of the Federation
Beta Ophiuchi Fourth House Of

Beta Ophiuchi

Betaopan 2273 Confirmed member in Star Trek Maps
Betazed Fifth House of Betazed Betazoid 2273 Confirmed member in Triangle: Imzadi II, details per Star Charts
Betelgeuse II Kingdom of


Betelgeusian 2230 Confirmed member in The Motion Picture
Bilana III People's Republic Of


Bilannan 2232 Confirmed member in ST references: The Star Trek Encyclopedia, Star Charts
Binderia Commonwealth Of


Binderian 2232 Confirmed member in STA novel: Gauntlet
Bolarus Republic Of


Bolian 2239 Confirmed member in Decipher RPG module: Worlds
Bre'el IV Bre'elan Empire Bre'ella 2239 Confirmed member in Articles of the Federation
Buran Republic of


Burani 2369 Confirmed member in TNG novel: The Death of Princes
Bynaus Commonwealth Of


Bynar 2369 Confirmed member in 10 is Better Than 01


planet/system state species admitted notes
Cairn Cairnan Empire Cairn 2183 Confirmed member in ST novel: Articles of the Federation and ST reference: Star Charts.
Cait Republic Of Cait Caitian 2181[citation needed] Confirmed member in ST novel: Articles of the Federation, ST reference: Star Charts and Star Trek IV Sourcebook Update
Candelar IV Republic Of Candelar Candelaran 2181 Confirmed member in TLE novel: Deny Thy Father
Catulla Catullan


Catullan 2185 Confirmed member in ST reference: Star Charts.
Cestus III Cestus III Colony Human 2271 Confirmed in ST reference: Star Charts.
Chal Kingdom Of Chal Klingon/Romulan Hybrid or Chalchaj'qmey 2271 Confirmed member in TOS novel: Avenger
Clanruan People's Republic Of Clanruan Clan Ru 2267 Confirmed member in TOS novel: First Frontier
Coridan III People's Republic of Coridan Coridanite 2267 Confirmed member in TOS episode: "Journey to Babel", ST reference: Star Charts
Cygnet XIV Republic Of Cygnet Cygnian 2251 Confirmed member in ST reference: Star Charts.


planet/system state species admitted notes
Damiano Republic Of Damiano Damiani 2341 Confirmed member in Articles of the Federation
Danter Danteri Empire Danteri 2341 Confirmed member in House of Cards
Daran V/Kachissat Commonwealth Of Daran Shesshran 2239 Confirmed member in Star Trek Maps
Dedderai Dedderai Republic Dedderac 2236 Confirmed member in Darkness and Starfleet: Year One
Delb II Delban Empire Delbian 2235 Confirmed member in ST reference: Star Charts
Delta IV Deltan Union Deltan 2223 Confirmed member in Star Trek IV Sourcebook Update and Star Trek Maps, Details per Star Charts
Delta Sigma IV Republic Of Delta Sigma Bader, Dorset 2234 Confirmed member in A Time to Love and A Time to Hate
Deneb II Republic Of Deneb Deneban 2365 Confirmed member in The Worlds of the Federation
Deneb IV Bandi Bandi 2364 Confirmed member in Star Charts
Deneb V Commonwealth of Denebia Denebian 2259 Confirmed member in Star Charts
Deneva Deneva Colony Human colony 2183 Confirmed member in TNG novel: Losing the Peace.
Denobula Triaxa Commonwealth Of Denobula Denobulan 2180 Confirmed member in In a Mirror, Darkly
Djana Republic Of Djana Djanai (including Inari) 2183 Confirmed member in The Lost Years
Dramia Kingdom Of Dramia Dramian 2180 Confirmed member in ST reference: Star Charts.


planet/system state species admitted notes
Earth United Earth Human 2161 Confirmed founding member in ENT - The Romulan War novel: To Brave the Storm.
Eeiauo Republic Of Eeiauo Eeiauoan 2243 Confirmed member in TOS novel: Uhura's Song.
Edos Edoan Empire Edosian 2308 Confirmed member in Star Trek Maps
Efros/Efros Delta/Atreos IV Republic Of Efros Efrosian 2367 Confirmed member in Star Trek IV Sourcebook Update
Ekos Ekosian global federation Ekosian 2373 Confirmed in Decipher RPG module: Worlds
Elas Republic Of Elas Elasian 2395 Confirmed member in TNG novel: Lost Souls.
Evora Kingdom Of Evora Evoran 2375 Confirmed member in COE novel: Past Life


planet/system state species admitted notes
Ferenginar Ferengi Alliance Ferengi 2370 Confirmed member in Star Trek IV Sourcebook Update


planet/system state species admitted notes
Galaker Galakhian


Galakhi 2275 Confirmed member in TOS novel: The Lost Years.
Gemworld Kingdom Of Gemworld Elaysian, Lipul 2275 Confirmed member in TNG novel: Gemworld.
Gideon (Delta Dorado) Gideon Council Gideonite prior to 2378 Confirmed member in ST reference: Star Charts.
Gnala Republic Of Gnala Gnalish 2283 Confirmed member in ST novel: Articles of the Federation.
Grazer Republic Of


Grazerite 2305 Confirmed member in ST novel: Articles of the Federation.
Guidren Prime Guidon Space Pontificate Guidon prior to 2363 Confirmed member in TNG - The Sky's the Limit short story: "Meet with Triumph and Disaster".
Gullrey Republic Of Gullrey Rey 2255 Confirmed member in TOS novel: The Great Starship Race.


planet/system state species admitted notes
Halii Kingdom Of Halii Haliian 2262 Confirmed member in TNG episode: "Aquiel".
Hamal IV Republic Of Hamal Hamalki 2261 Confirmed member in TOS novel: The Wounded Sky.
Hekaras II Hekaran Empire Hekaran 2259 Confirmed member in TNG episode: "Force of Nature".
Hermon Herman Empire Hermat 2257 Confirmed member in ST novel: Articles of the Federation.
Huan Republic Of Huan Huanni 2258 Confirmed member in VOY - Spirit Walk novel: Old Wounds.


planet/system state species admitted notes
Igre Republic Of Igre Igresh before 2364 Confirmed member in FASA RPG module: Star Trek: The Next Generation Officer's Manual.
Izar Izar Colony Human 2183 Confirmed member in ST reference: Star Charts.


planet/system state species admitted notes
Janus VI Republic of Janus Horta 2271 Confirmed member in ST novel: Articles of the Federation.
Jezero Republic Of Jezero Jezero natives before 2269 Confirmed member in TOS novel: Death's Angel.
Jotunheim Kingdom Of Jotunheim Jotunan before 2270 Confirmed member in TOS novel: From the Depths.


planet/system state species admitted notes
K'normia Republic Of K'normia K'normian 2378 Confirmed member in The Motion Picture
Kaferia Commonwealth Of Kaferia Kaferian 2378 Confirmed member in Star Charts
Kaminar Kelpien and Ba'ul Alliance Ba'ul, Kelpien before 3064 Confirmed member in DSC episode: "Sa'Kul".
Kashet Republic of Kashet Kasheeta 2376 Confirmed member in Star Trek IV Sourcebook Update
Kazar, Kazar system Karan Empire Kazarite 2376 Confirmed member in The Motion Picture
Kerovi Republic Of Kerovi Kerovian 2376 Confirmed member in VOY - Spirit Walk novel: Old Wounds. Left the Federation in 2378. (VOY novel: Full Circle)
Klaestron IV Kingdom Of Klaestron Klaestron 2378 Confirmed in Star Charts
Qo'Nos Klingon Empire Klingon before 2769 Confirmed member in STO - Future Proof mission: "Time and Tide". Member planet or state not specified.
Koa (Mu Arae) Republic Of Koa Koas 2380 Confirmed member in ST novel: Articles of the Federation.
K'vina K'Vin Hegemony K'Vin 2263 Confirmed member in TNG novel: Doomsday World.


planet/system state species admitted notes
Lendor Lendoran Empire Lendrin 2372 Confirmed member in VOY novel: Children of the Storm.
Lorillia Republic Of Lorillia Lorillian before 2381 Confirmed member in ST - Destiny novel: Lost Souls.
Lrru-Ir Irriol Whole Irriol before 2379 Confirmed member in TTN novel: Orion's Hounds.
Luna Lunar Colonies Human 2161 Charter member at formation of the Federation in ST reference: Star Charts.
Lembatta Prime Kingdom Of Lembatta Prime Lembattan 2381 Confirmed member in ST novel: Articles of the Federation.


planet/system state species admitted notes
Magna Roma Republic Of Magna Roma Magna Roman 2185 Confirmed member in The Captains' Honor
Makkus Makkusan Empire Makkusian 2165 Confirmed member in Excalibur.
Mantilles Republic Of Mantilles Mantillean 2174 Confirmed member in Star Trek Maps
Marcos XII Kingdom Of Marcos Various, Federation colony 2174 Confirmed member in Star Trek Maps, details per The Worlds of the Federation
Mars Confederated Martian Colonies Human 2162 Confirmed member in ENT - Rise of the Federation novel: A Choice of Futures
Medusa Kingdom Of Medusa Medusan 2195 Confirmed member in Star Trek Maps and Is There in Truth No Beauty?
Megara Republic Of Megara Megarite 2196 Confirmed member in The Motion Picture
Melkot Commonwealth Of Melkot Melkot (Melkotian) 2236 Confirmed member in The Worlds of the Federation
Menk Commonwealth of Menk and Valakis Menk and Valakian 2236 Confirmed member in ST reference: Star Charts.
Merak II Republic Of Merak Merakan 2237 Confirmed member in Star Trek Maps, details per The Worlds of the Federation
Mizar II Mizaran Empire Mizarian 2235 Confirmed member in Agents of Yesterday
Monchezke Republic Of Monchezke Monchezkin before 2233 Confirmed member in ST movie & novelization: Star Trek (2009).


planet/system state species admitted notes
Nador Commonwealth Of Nador Nadorian 2267 Confirmed member in TOS novel: Gemini.
Napea Republic Of Napea Napean 2233 Confirmed member in ST reference: Star Charts.
Nasat Nasatan Empire Nasat before 2380 Confirmed member in ST novel: Articles of the Federation.
New Paris Republic Of New Paris Human before 2378 Confirmed member in ST reference: Star Charts.
New Romulus Romulan Republic Romulan before 2769 Confirmed member in STO - Future Proof mission: "Time and Tide".
New Xannon Kingdom Of New Xannon Xanno 2229 Confirmed member in TOS novel: The Delta Anomaly.
New Xindus Xindi Council Xindi 2311 Confirmed member in ST reference: Federation: The First 150 Years.
Newton II Republic Of Newton Newtan 2229 Confirmed member in TOS video game: Starfleet Academy Starship Bridge Simulator


planet/system state species admitted notes
Ontail (Ona) Republic Of Ontail Ontailian 2374 Confirmed member in ST novel: Articles of the Federation and TNG #68
Oriki Kingdom Of Oriki Oriki 2165 Confirmed member in Vulcan's Heart
Orodanga Orodangan Empire Ithenite 2165 Confirmed member in Journey to Babel, date from the ENT - Rise of the Federation novel: Patterns of Interference.
Osadj Republic Of Osadj Osadjani 2182 Confirmed member in Starfleet: Year One


planet/system state species admitted notes
Pacifica Republic Of Pacifica Selkie 2166 Confirmed member in ST reference: Star Charts.
Pahkwa Majoris Pahkwan Empire Pahkwa-thanh 2360 Confirmed member in TTN novel: Orion's Hounds.
Pandril Kingdom Of Pandril Pandrilite 2360 Confirmed member in ST novel: Articles of the Federation.
Pangea Republic Of Pandea Human (Pangean) 2167 Confirmed member in TNG novel: A Time for War, A Time for Peace.
Peliar Zel II Kingdom Of Peliar Zel Peliar 2169 Confirmed member in The Host
Penzatti Republic Of Penzatti Penzatti 2170 Confirmed member in Vendetta
Phylos Commonwealth Of Phylos Phylosian 2171 Confirmed member in The Worlds of the Federation


planet/system state species admitted notes
Ramatis III Republic Of Ramatis Ramatian 2186 Confirmed member in Star Trek: Destiny: Gods of Night.
Regulus III Kingdom Of Regilus Regulan 2186 Confirmed member in ST reference: Star Charts.
Regulus V Regulusan Empire Regulan 2186 Confirmed member in ST reference: Star Charts.
Rhaandarel (Rhaandaran) Republic Of Rhaandarel Rhaandarite 2249 Confirmed member in The Voyage Home.
(Beta) Rigel system United Rigel Worlds and Colonies Rigelian 2164 Confirmed member in ENT - Rise of the Federation novel: Tower of Babel.
Risa Risian Hedony Risian 2249 Confirmed member in Captain's Holiday, Details per Star Charts


planet/system state species admitted notes
S'ti'ach'aas Republic Of S'ti'ach'aas S'ti'ach 2286 Confirmed member in TTN novel: Orion's Hounds.
Sandpinia Sandpinian Empire Sandpinian 2285 Confirmed member in TOS - Day of Honor novel: Treaty's Law.
Sauria Republic Of Sauria Saurian 2275 Confirmed member in The Motion Picture
Selene Commonwealth Of Selene Selenean 2281 Confirmed member in TTN novel: Sword of Damocles.
Selelvia Selelvian Republic Selelvian 2281 Left the Federation in 2376. Confirmed former member in ST novel: Articles of the Federation.
Sherman's Planet Sherman's Planet Joint Administrative Territory Human/Klingon 2281 Also part of the Klingon Empire. Details per ST reference: Star Charts.
Shamin/O'Ryan's Planet Kingdom Of Shamin Shamin 2379 Confirmed member in The Motion Picture
Solum Kingdom Of Solum Vau N'Akat 2385 Confirmed member in PRD episode: "Ouroboros, Part II"
Ssan Republic Of Ssan Ssana 2379 Confirmed member in Shadows on the Sun
Sulamid Sulamidan Empire Sulamid 2379 Confirmed member in ST novel: Articles of the Federation.


planet/system state species admitted notes
Tandar Prime Commonwealth Of Tandar Tandaran 2321 Confirmed member in DTI novel: Watching the Clock.
Tarsus II Republic Of Tarsus Tarsusian 2268 Confirmed member in TOS comic: "Day of the Inquisitors".
Tau Ceti III Tau Cetian Empire Kaferian 2376 Confirmed member in ST reference: Star Charts.
Tellar United Planets of Tellar Tellarite 2161 Confirmed founding member in Zero Hour
Terra Nova Terra Nova Colony Novan 2178 Confirmed member in ST reference: Star Charts.
Tessen III Commonwealth Of Tessen Tessenite 2196 Confirmed member in ST reference: Star Charts.
Tenara Tenaran Empire Human (Tenaran) 2195 Confirmed member in The Captains' Honor
Thanatos VII Republic Of Thanatos Thanan 2193 Confirmed member in ST reference: Star Charts.
Theta Kiokis II Kingdom Of Theta Kiokis Thetan 2192 Confirmed member in The Worlds of the Federation
Tiburon Tiburon Empire Tiburon 2190 Confirmed member in ST novel: Articles of the Federation. and Star Trek Maps
Triex Republic Of Triex Triexian 2191 Confirmed member in ST novel: Articles of the Federation.
Trillius Prime (Trill) Trill Symbiosis Trill 2285 Confirmed member in ST reference: Star Charts.
Tyrellia Commonwealth Of Tyrellia Tyrellian 2286 Confirmed member in ST reference: Star Charts.


planet/system state species admitted notes
Ullian Ullian Free State Ullian 2258 Confirmed member in TNG - Section 31 novel: Rogue.
Umoth VIII Kingdom Of Umoth Umothian 2258 Confirmed member in ST reference: Star Charts.


planet/system state species admitted notes
Valzhan Commonwealth Of Valzhan Valzhan 2268 Confirmed member in SCE eBook: Where Time Stands Still).
Vega IX Vega Colony Humans 2164 Confirmed member in ENT - Rise of the Federation novel: Tower of Babel.
Verdanis (Terratin) Terra 10 mutated Humans 2372 Confirmed member in ST reference: Star Charts.
Vestios system Republic Of Vestios Vestian 2310 Confirmed member in Burning Dreams
Vico V Kindom Of Vico Vician 2370 Confirmed member in ST reference: Star Charts.
Vobilin Republic Of Voblin Vobilite 2311 Confirmed member in Starfleet: Year One
Vorgon Republic Of Vorgon Vorgons 2359 Confirmed member in TNG novel: Exiles.
Vulcan Confederacy of Vulcan Vulcan 2161 Confirmed founding member in ENT - Rise of the Federation novel: A Choice of Futures.


planet/system state species admitted notes
Xelata Kingdom Of Xelata Xelatian 2366 Confirmed member in FASA RPG module: Star Trek IV Sourcebook Update.
Xindi Xindi Rulling Council Xindi 2362 Confirmed member in ENT episodes: "Azati Prime", ST reference: Federation: The First 150 Years; TNG short story: "Meet with Triumph and Disaster"


planet/system state species admitted notes
Yridia Prime Kingdom Of Yridia Yridian 2375 Confirmed member in ST reference: Star Charts.


planet/system state species admitted notes
Zadar IV Republic Of Zadar Zadaran 2378 Confirmed member in ST reference: Star Charts.
Zakdorn Kingdom Of Zakdorn Zakdorn 2344 Confirmed member in ST novel: Articles of the Federation.
Zalda (Zald) Republic Of Zalda Zaldan 2280 Confirmed member in ST novel: Articles of the Federation.
Zaran II Zaran Empire Zaranite 2282 Confirmed member in FASA RPG module: Star Trek IV Sourcebook Update.
Zytchin III Republic Of Zytchin Zytchan 2378 Confirmed member in ST reference: Star Charts.

Withdrawal from the Federation[]

Member worlds, colonies and species have occasionally left the Federation, or had their membership withdrawn.

In 2165, the Orion Syndicate manipulated public opinion on Vulcan to force them into a secession. The plan was foiled by Starfleet. (ENT - Rise of the Federation novel: Uncertain Logic)

Between the 23rd century and the 2370s, the Caitians withdrew and reapplied for Federation membership repeatedly. Cait was welcomed back each time. (NF - Gateways novel: Cold Wars)

In 2376, the revelation of manipulation in the Federation Council by the Selelvians left to the membership of their homeworld Selelvia to be revoked. This led to the Selelvian War between the Federation, the Selelvians, and their Tholian Assembly allies. (NF novel: Stone and Anvil)

In 2378, a Changeling manipulated the government of Kerovi into withdrawing from the Federation. (VOY - Spirit Walk novel: Enemy of My Enemy) Despite the revelation of foreign intervention, the Kerovian leader stuck to the decision to save face. (VOY novel: Full Circle)

Following the reallocation of refugees and resources in the wake of the Borg Invasion of 2381, several worlds threatened plebiscites on maintaining their Federation membership, chiefly Alpha Centauri IV. Following an eye-opening experience for the leader of the Alpha Centauri Concordium of Planets, the votes instead became reaffirmations of their membership. (TNG novel: Losing the Peace)

In 2382, the Andorian Empire voted to secede from the Federation. Relations were frosty and an alliance between Andoria and the hostile Typhon Pact was deemed possible. (Typhon Pact novel: Paths of Disharmony) The Andorians rejoined in 2385. (ST - The Fall novels: A Ceremony of Losses, Peaceable Kingdoms)

The re-dedication of Starfleet to undertake the evacuation of the Romulans led to 14 planets threatening withdrawal in the 2380s decade. The issue became moot in 2385 when the Wallenberg-class rescue fleet was destroyed by Synths. (PIC novel: The Last Best Hope)

Continued support for reconstruction in the Cardassian Union and Romulan successor states led to Pacifica withdrawing in protest in the 2390s. The Pacificans were unwilling to subsidize "enemies of the Federation". (STO reference: The Path to 2409)

Following a galactic cataclysm in the 3060s<ref>DSC episode: "Die Trying", the Burn, the Federation largely collapsed as a power. (DSC episode: "That Hope Is You, Part 1")

Starfleet Headquarters and Federation Headquarters left Earth soon after, and United Earth pulled out of the Federation. (DSC episode: "People of Earth") Trill also dropped out. By 3189, the Trill awaited the return of the Federation. (DSC episode: "Forget Me Not")

At that time, practised Federation membership had reduced from 350 to 38 planets. (DSC episode: "Die Trying")


