Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki


From the book jacket
The Years Are 2355-2357.
Two men. Both defined by the personal tragedy that drove them apart. Both driven by their desire to serve, and their devotion to duty. Both haunted by the past, and uncertain of the future....And both unable to reach across the chasm that separates father and son.
In the wake of the Tholian attack that nearly cost him his life, civilian strategic consultant Kyle Riker becomes the target of an apparent conspiracy within Starfleet Command, forcing him off Earth and beyond Federation territory to evade the attempts on his life. But danger is never far off, even on a backwater world where Kyle's very name brings the promise of death.
At the same time, the Starfleet career of Kyle's estranged son William Riker is under way in earnest, from his turbulent formative years at the Academy to his first perilous missions as an ensign aboard the starship USS Pegasus. And even as Kyle searches for the truth behind the events that have made him a fugitive, Will is pursued as well -- by a family legacy he fears he will never escape.



John Abbott • Charlie Bender • Shinnareth Bestor • Bisbee • Horace Bonner • Boon • Boothby • Marc Boylen • Barry Chamish • Clantis • Carson Cook • Michelle Culhane • D'Emilio • Ross Donaldson • Dugan • Elxenten • Estresor Fil • Lars Gunnarson • William Hall • Dennis Haynes • Maxwell Hsu • Inis • Kathryn Janeway • Drake Kimball • Geordi La Forge • Leonard McCoy • Felicia Mendoza • Kul Tun Osir • Owen Paris • Endyk Plure • Erik Pressman • Katherine Pulaski • Paul Rice • Kyle Riker • Ritthar • William T. Riker • Teresa Santangelo • Satek • Benjamin Sisko • Jake Sisko • Jennifer Sisko • Sistek • S'K'lee • F'lo'kith Smeth • Hasimi Thorp • Trbovich • Simon Urs-Sistal • Vyrek • Marden Zaffos • Naghmeh Zand
Referenced only
Clyde Barrow • Latriso Bistwinela • Napoléon Bonaparte • Curzon Dax • Epaminondas • Sul Sul Getreden • Charles Heidl • John Bell Hood • Antoine Henri Jomini • James T. Kirk • Munro • Tom Paris • Bonnie Parker • Jean-Luc Picard • Popeye • Annie Riker • Jamie Riker • Thaddius Riker • Roone • Santa Claus • William T. Sherman • Spock • Li Tang • Sun Tzu • Carl von Clausewitz • Wulthrim

Starships and vehicles[]

air tram • hovercraft • monorail • Morning Star • USS Pegasus (Oberth-class) • skimmer • Type-6 shuttlecraft
Referenced only
USS Al-Batani • USS Berlin • USS Enterprise • Excelsior-class • USS LaSalle • USS Livingston • USS Stargazer • USS Zhukov


Alcatraz • Candelar IV • Cozzen • Earth • Embarcadero • Fisherman's Wharf • Golden Gate Bridge • Hazimot • Luna • Pacific Ocean • Sacramento • San Francisco • Starbase 311 • Starfleet Headquarters • Twin Peaks • Tycho City
Referenced only
Alaska • Arctic Circle • Arkansas • Atlanta • Blue Horizon • Coit Tower • Coridan III • Daly City • El Salvador • Iamme IV • Inferna Prime • Jupiter • Jupiter Station • Maxia Zeta • McGill's Hardware • Myetra • Nashville • New Berlin • New France • Paris • Pine Bluff • Quazulu VIII • Richmond • Rigel VI • Savanna • Taipei • Taurus II • Telegraph Hill • Valdez • Venus • Vienna • Wyoming

Races and cultures[]

Andorian • Aurelian • Bolian • Candelaran • Coridanian • Cyrian • Deltan • Human • Inferna Prime native • Kreel'n • Tholian • Trill • Vulcan • Zimonian • unnamed races and cultures
Referenced only
Rigelian • Romulan • Saurian

States and organizations[]

Cyre • Intaglio Shipping and Freight • Omega Squadron • police • Starfleet • Starfleet Academy • Starfleet Command • Starfleet Security • United Federation of Planets • Zeta Squadron
Referenced only
Confederate States of America • Starfleet Corps of Engineers • Tholian Assembly • United States of America • United States Navy

Science and technology[]

alien • blood • comatose • dilithium • energy • hair • hippocampus • keypad • minute • phaser • plasma cannon • replicator • rib • scale • sleep • Tholian web • throat • time • tooth • Type-2 phaser • VISOR

Ranks and titles[]

admiral • cadet • captain • chef • chief petty officer • Orion slave girl • police officer • security guard • security officer • superintendent • tourist • yeoman

Other references[]

Aldorian ale • Alvanian brandy • American Civil War • Antillean feenetchluk • balcony • baseball bat • Battle of Antietam • Battle of Pine Mountain • blade • bridge • bulkhead • canister • cartoon • chair • checkpoint canister • city • cod • coffee • corridor • dabo • day • desk • display table • Dutch • eel • Father's Day • fish • The Flintstones • flounder • Gilded Age • Great Depression • grouper • herring • holster • homeworld • identification code • Jefferies tube • "Johnny Reb" • king crab • kiosk • knife • Ligonian knife • lobster • logic • mess hall • metal • mob • octopus • paper • Parrises squares • planet • prawn • Prime Directive • prison • quarters • raccoon • riot • roe • salmon • saltwater tank • Scotch • sea bass • seafood • shrimp • spaceport • squadron • squid • stall • swordfish • trial • tuna • uniform • water • weapon • World War III • year


Related stories[]


The Lost Era novels
The Sundered • Serpents Among the Ruins • The Art of the Impossible • Well of Souls • Deny Thy Father • Catalyst of Sorrows • The Buried Age • Day of the Vipers • Night of the Wolves • Dawn of the Eagles • One Constant Star

External link[]

published order
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
Home Fires
Chapters 4-9
Pocket Next Adventure:
The above chronology placements are based on the primary placement in 2355.
The Pocket Books Timeline places events from this story in two other timeframes:
Previous Adventure:
Lefler's Logs
9th entry
Part Two
Next Adventure:
Final Entry
3rd and 4th entries
Previous Adventure:
Chapter 6, Section 2 and Chapter 10, Sections 2-3
Part Three
Next Adventure:
Chapter 16