Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki


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Badlands • Bajoran wormhole • Blue Horizon • Deep Space 9 • Delta Quadrant • Empok Nor • Gamma Quadrant • Kran-Tobal prison • Pelios Station • Prophet's Landing • Yadozi Desert • Zeta Gelis Cluster

Planets and planetoids[]

AR-558 • Bajor • Draylon II • Japori II • Kentanna • Kyana Prime • Levinius V • Omekla III • Orias III • Remmil VI • Thalos VI • Thalos VII • Vandros IV • Zadar IV • Zalkon • Zayra IV • Zetar II • Zytchin III • Zeta Alpha II • Zeta Gomal IV

Stars and star systems[]

Chin'toka • Zadar • Zalkon system • Zayra system • Zeta Alpha • Zeta Gomal • Zetar system • Zytchin


Zed Lapis sector


USS Appalachia (Steamrunner-class) • USS Armstrong (Challenger-class) • USS Budapest (Norway-class) • USS Drake (Wambundu-class) • USS Drake (Andromeda-class) • USS Fleming (Wambundu-class) • USS Kearsarge (Challenger-class) • USS Prokofiev (Andromeda-class) • USS Sarajevo (Istanbul-class) • USS Portland (Chimera-class) • USS T'Kumbra (Nebula-class) • USS Valdemar (Ambassador-class) • USS Yeager (Saber-class) • USS Yellowstone (Sequoia-class) • USS Zapata (Surak-class) • USS Zhukov (Ambassador-class) • Columbia

Races and cultures[]

Andorian • Bajoran • Benzite • Betazoid • Bolian • Borg • Boslic • Breen • Capellan • Cardassian • Changeling • El-Aurian • Ferengi • Flaxian • Gorn • Halanan • Hirogen • Horta • Human • Hur'q • Jem'Hadar • Kazon • Kellerun • Klingon • Krenim • Kressari • Malon • Markalian • Nausicaan • Ocampa • Orion • Pah-wraith • Prophet • Romulan • Sakari • Saltah'na • Skrreea • Son'a • Species 8472 • Talaxian • Talosian • Tamarian • Tellarite • Tholian • T'Lani • Tosk • Trabe • Trill • Tygarian • Tzenkethi • Verathan • Vidiian • Vorta • Vulcan • Yridian • Zakdorn • Zaldan • Zalkonian • Zetarian • Zibalian

States and organizations[]

Bajoran Militia • Bajoran Provisional Government • Department of Temporal Investigations • Detapa Council • Dominion • Ferengi Alliance • Ferengi Commerce Agency • Ferengi Futures Exchange • French National Assembly • Kazon-Hobii • Kazon-Mostral • Kazon-Nistrim • Kazon-Ogla • Kazon-Oglamar • Kazon-Relora • Klingon Empire • Maquis • Mikhal Traveler • Niners • Obsidian Order • Orion Syndicate • Romulan Star Empire • Section 31 • Starfleet • Tal Shiar • United Federation of Planets • United States of America • University of Betazed • Vidiian Sodality • Vulcan Science Academy


zabathu • zabu • zan periculi • zark

Food and beverages[]

zabee nut • zilm'kach


Battle of Zambrano

Other references[]

Altonian brain teaser • asinolyathin • Battle of Wolf 359 • benzocyatizine • Carrington Award • corophizine • cortolin • dermatiraelian plastiscine • desegranine • Eelwasser • Garanian bolite • isoboramine • Kalevian montar • Kalla-Nohra Syndrome • Karo-Net • Maraltian seev-ale • morphenolog • Pottrik Syndrome • Proficient Service Medallion • shatterframe • Slug-O-Cola • Teplan blight • thalmerite • Yoruba mask • zanthi fever • Zaterl emerald • zero-gravity combat training • Zocal's Third Prophecy


Background information[]


Star Trek reference works
In-universe Blueprints • Star Fleet Technical Manual • Medical Reference Manual • Official Cooking Manual • Spaceflight Chronology • Monsters • The Motion Picture Blueprints • Maps • Biographies • Klingon Dictionary • Who's Who in Star Trek (Issues 1 • 2) • Mr. Scott's Guide to the Enterprise • The Worlds of the Federation • TNG Technical Journal • TNG Technical Manual • Chronology • Encyclopedia (Volumes 1 • 2 • 3 • 4) • Ferengi Rules of Acquisition • Federation Passport • The Klingon Way • NCC-1701-D Blueprints • These Are the Voyages... • Federation Travel Guide • A Star to Steer Her By • Legends of the Ferengi • Klingon for the Galactic Traveler • Q's Guide to the Continuum • DS9 Technical Manual • The Tribble Handbook • The Klingon Hamlet • Star Trek Cookbook • Celebrations • Starship Spotter • The Hologram's Handbook • The Starfleet Survival Guide • Star Charts • Ships of the Line • Star Trek Legacy Prima Official Game Guide • Captain Kirk's Guide to Women • Haynes Manuals (USS Enterprise • Klingon Bird of Prey) • Federation: The First 150 Years • On Board the USS Enterprise • A Very Klingon Khristmas • Stellar Cartography • Klingon Art of War • Autobiographies (James T. Kirk • Jean-Luc Picard • Kathryn Janeway • Spock • Benjamin Sisko) • Hidden Universe Travel Guides (Vulcan • Klingon Empire) • Shipyards (Starfleet Ships, 2151-2293 • Starfleet Ships, 2294-The Future • The Klingon Fleet • Federation Members • Borg & Delta Quadrant, A to K • Delta Quadrant, L to Z • Alpha Quadrant, A-K • Alpha Quadrant, L-Z) • Illustrated Handbooks (NCC-1701-D • NCC-1701 & 1701-A • Voyager • Deep Space 9) • Body by Starfleet • Kirk Fu Manual • The Star Trek Cookbook • Lower Decks - USS Cerritos Crew Handbook
Real world The Making of Star Trek • The World of Star Trek • Inside Star Trek • Making of The Motion Picture • Compendium • Making of The Wrath of Khan • TNG Companion • Make-Up FX Journal • Where No One Has Gone Before: A History in Pictures • Making of DS9 • The Art of Star Trek • Inside Star Trek: The Real Story • Making of First Contact • Phase II: The Lost Series • TOS Sketchbook • The Continuing Mission • Science Logs • TNG Sketchbook: The Movies • Action! • Secrets of Insurrection • Quotable Star Trek • DS9 Companion • Aliens & Artifacts • The Magic of Tribbles • VOY Companion • Voyages of Imagination • 101 • Star Trek: The Art of the Film • Art of Star Trek Online • A Comics History • 365 • Star Trek Vault • Visual Dictionary • Costumes • New Life and New Civilizations: Exploring Star Trek Comics • TNG: Warped • The Star Trek Book • 50 Artists 50 Years • Designing Starships (The Enterprises and Beyond • The USS Voyager and Beyond • The Kelvin Timeline • DSC Designing Starships • DS9 and Beyond) • Treknology • The Art of Star Trek: The Kelvin Timeline • Lost Scenes • Official Guide to TAS • The Motion Picture: Inside the Art & Visual Effects • Cocktails: A Stellar Compendium • Art of DSC • VOY: A Celebration • The Artistry of Dan Curry • Designing the Final Frontier • TOS: A Celebration • The Star Trek Book of Friendship • Picard: The Art and Making of the Series

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