Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A friendly reminder regarding spoilers! At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy, the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG, Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online, as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star Trek: Defiant. Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{spoiler}}, {{spoilers}} OR {{majorspoiler}} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old (even if it is minor info). Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release. THANK YOU


Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Star Trek: The Next Generation Officer's Manual was a role-playing game supplement released by FASA in 1988.


Statement of Federation Grand Alliance
Evolution of the Transwarp Fleet
Fleet of Tomorrow—This introduction explains the expansion of a transwarp based Starfleet based on the FASA ships and references to the Star Trek Movies era.



Koren Anastas • Gabriel Justine Calloway • Carstairs • Thrifis Chovich • Data • Morgan Dinara • Caroline Victorial Gorden • Vagak Haggarak • Jamesson Ingermann • Kajek epetai-Reshtarc • LLyanaa • Joel Marlowe • Lauri T. Masterson • Kevin McBride • Jean-Luc Picard • Q • Santin • Sofolk • Noonian Soong • Petrach Sormassov • Shroom Stonwin • Sondri Sullivan • T'nirea • Simone Van Gelder • Domak Voris • Worf • David Anastas • Katherine Ballantine • Kimberly Calabrese • Ellen Childs • Zephram Cochrane • crystalline entity • Richard Daystrom • Garth of Izar • Gloobsherkpfack • Chevlek Hc'arrex • Sheva Hev'lek • Oliver T. Hutchins • Amanda Kincaid • James T. Kirk • Kramer • Lore • Grankess 'Lorr • David Manchester • Marsha Mintaine • Caroline Ravenwood • Asham Razi • Elias Rinn • Gary Seven • Tholev Shavahar • Delrin Toval • Simon Van Gelder • Tasha Yar • Nathaniel Zar III

Starships and vehicles[]

Federation ships[]

Ambassador Hardin-class (transwarp heavy cruiser)
Danton Abrams • General A'thak • Horatio Ballantrye • Beth Bigelow • Admiral Carnes • Koromondi Carstairs • Ambassador Crane • Governor Gallas • Ambassador Hardin • Ibrahim Jones • Patricia Prince • Andalusia Sims • President Survil • Garnash Trell • Fiona Vincent
Constellation-class (class XII heavy cruiser)
Andromeda • Antares • Aquarius • Betelgeuse • Callisto • Canopus • Ceres • Constellation • Diadem • Effros • Eridani • Indiri • Lenoid • Libra • Magellan • Minora • Nebula • Nova • Orion • Pisces • Polaris • Pulsar • Sagittarius • Sirius Major • Stargazer • Taurus • Valkyrie
Decker-class (class X transwarp destroyer)
Koren Anastas • Robert April • Irkin B'tly • Pavel Chekov • Archon Chovich • Libby Curtis • Stephen Decatur • Matthew Decker • William Decker • Jonathan T. Esteban • Mandala Flynn • Kelvar Garth • Zachary Holmes • Connor Jacoby • Kai-Jasik • Yoshitomo Karasuma • J.L. Lambert • Andre LaSalle • Meredith Levette • Peter Marlowe • Hieracho Naguro • Nherat • Christopher Pike • Samantha Piper • Peter Preston • Montgomery Scott • Jason Starion • Lawrence Stiles • Stonwin • Hikaru Sulu • Surmass • Malcolm Swain • Clark Terrell • Myrr 'lin T'alon • Anton Thiel • Samara Uhura • Dietrich Vinsel • Allison Vinson • Damon West • Nathaniel Zar
Enterprise-subclass (class XII cruiser)
Akagi • Bismarck • Bonhomme Richard • Bunker Hill • Challenger • Clemenceau • Constellation • Defiant • Eagle • El Dorado • Emperador • Enterprise-A • Essex • Exeter • Farragut • Forrestal • Franklin • Freidland • Gneisenau • Graf Zeppelin • Hiryu • Hood • Intrepid • Kaga • Kearsarge • King George V • Kirishima • Kongo • Konigsberg • Lexington • Marcello • Marseille • Minsk • Oriskany • Prince of Wales • Republic • Rivoli • Santissima Trinidad • Saratoga • Scharnhorst • Soryu • Ukrainia • Valiant • Valley Forge • Victory • Wasp • Yorktown • Zuiho
Excelsior-class (class XII transwarp battleship)
Achilles • Agincourt • Ajax • Alamo • Aquila • Arizona • Bearn • Berlin • Brisbane • Challenger • Chikuma • Columbia • Constitution • De Mayo • Eagle • Enterprise-B • Excalibur • Excelsior • Exeter • Farragut • Fearless • Fuso • Galacta • Hancock • Hood • Intrepid • Kitty Hawk • Kongo • Lexington • Potemkin • Proxima • Royal Oak • Ryujo • Sussex • Thunderer • Ticonderoga • Valiant • Yamashiro • Yorktown
M'Benga-class (class VII rescue/hospital ship)
Barnard • Crenshaw • Crick • Hopewell • M'Benga �� Pasteur • Salk • Shenvala • Steuben • T'Klyrn • Van Gelder • Voris • Watson
Moscow-class (class IX transwarp scout)
Ambergris • Argana • Balthamar • Chirpenitar • Florence • Hadley • Hadsenn • Jursinia • Kincara • Kloris • Leningrad • Loris • Mattermaine • Milano • Moscow • Murigami • Oslo • Oudinard • Petersburg • Quiberon • Silimari • Stockholm
Thomas Paine-class (class IX transwarp frigate)
Canadara • Drakendesh • Christopher Dundas • Bartholemew Dynass • Samantha Elass • Paul Gable • Qunitaus Gall • Grundjaki • Halcyon • Falmor Hann • Cransston Juriss • Preston King • Ramana Loris • Thomas Paine • Pride of Elas • Pride of Troyius • Essex Prinn • Amalthea Rex • Constantine Rill • Shanessa • Sundrass • Sedgemoor Tann • Michael Whelan • Carla Winterspoon
Royal Sovereign-class (class XV battle cruiser)
Alaska • Jean Bart • Discovery • Kola • Nagato • Royal Andor • Royal Centauri • Royal Hibernia • Royal Proxima • Royal Sovereign • Saratoga • Valiant
Sagan-subclass (class V science research vessel)
Carson • Cochrane • Corby • Crater • Daystrom • Einstein • Fermi • Lowell • Meade • Mendeleyev • Sagan • Shoonedev • Skoatar • Surishian • T'mirea • Tsiolkovsky • V'Ryugenn
Wellington-class (class XI transwarp light cruiser)
Adolphus • Apollinari • Bagration • Barcley d'Tolly • Bellisarius • Blucher • Caesaria • Carver • Colloredo • Cordoba • Davout • Drake • Garth • Nathaniel Green • Hawkins • Lur'Shann • Manstein • Marlborough • Mordaecai • Montgomery • Murat • Napoleon • Nelson • Ney • Patton • R'dannan • Rommel • Saxe • Tilly • Trogan • Uxbridge • Wallenstein • Wellington
Andor-class • USS Broadsword • USS Enterprise (cruiser) • USS Enterprise-C (Alaska-class battle cruiser) • USS Enterprise-D (Galaxy-class class XVI exploration cruiser) • USS Hindenberg • Loknar-class • USS Locknar II • S7 class • S10 class • S20 class (administrative shuttle) • USS Sheffield • Sphinx-class (cargo shuttle) • SW21 class (warp shuttle) • USS Thor • Thufir-class • USS Tripoli

Klingon ships[]

D7-class • D'Gavama-class • K'el Ri'anda-class • K'mirra-class • Komo Val-class • K't'inga-class • Lara'atan-class • Na Ra'den-class • Riskadh-class • Sivista-class • Talat Kh'exesta-class • V'kar Zadan-class • Z'gavasta-class • Z'gavva-class

Other ships[]

D'deridex-class (Romulan) • D'kora-class (Ferengi) • Ferengi battlecruiser • Nova-class (Romulan)


administrative shuttle • battle cruiser • battleship • cargo shuttle • class V starship • class VII starship • class IX starship • class X starship • class XI starship • class XII starship • class XIII starship • class XV starship • class XVI starship • cruiser • destroyer • exploration cruiser • frigate • heavy cruiser • hospital ship • light cruiser • rescue ship • science research vessel • scout • shuttlecraft • warp shuttle


Klinzhai • Nataborv • Spacedock • Starbase 12 • Starbase 67 • Vannis Shipyards

Colonies and planetary locations[]

4457 Delta • France • New Paris • Paris • Stratos • Tantalus

Planets and planetoids[]

Andor • Argelius • Axanar • Babel • Bactria III • Borgia V • Cygnus • Delta • Deneva • Earth • Efros • Gault • Gibraltar • Halka • Haven • Igre • Karag • Loris VIII • Matacai • Mudd (planet) • Omicron Theta • Prantares • Sol III • Tellar • Terra • Troyus • Valoria • Vulcan

Stars and star systems[]

Alpha Centauri • Deneb

Stellar regions[]

Exploration Zone Alpha • Exploration Zone Betta • Exploration Zone Delta • Exploration Zone Gamma • Exploration Zone Sigma • Exploration Zone Theta • Milky Way Galaxy • Romulan Neutral Zone • The Triangle

Races and cultures[]

Angelite • Alpha Centaurian • Antican • Ariolo • Arkenite • Bandi • Betazoid • Binar • Caitian • Deltan • Denebian • Edo • Efrosian • Ferengi • Gorn • Human • Igresh • Izaran • Klingon • Ligonian • Medusan • Molodorian • Orion • Prantarian • Q • Romulan • Selay • Turellian • Ulthairian • Xelation • Zaranite

Awards and decorations[]

Anastas Medal of Achievement • Andorian Battle Star • Citation of Conspicuous Gallantry • Denebian Swan of Merit • Federation Peace Medal • Grankite Order of Honor • Karagite Order of Heroism • Prantares Ribbon • Shuvalis Diamond of Recognition • Starfleet Medal of Honor • Starfleet Medal of Valor


Alpha Centauri Academy of Science and Technology • Cygnian Institute for Advanced Cybernetics • Memory Alpha • Starfleet Academy • Starfleet Administration Training Center • Starfleet Communications Systems Training School • Starfleet Engineering and Operations School • Starfleet Enlisted Personnel School • Starfleet Helm Operations School • Starfleet Intelligence School • Starfleet Medical Training Command Center • Starfleet Navigation School • Starfleet Science Center • Starfleet Security Services Training Center • Starfleet Staff College • Starfleet Strategic Studies School • Starfleet Technical College • Starfleet Weapons Training Center

Ranks and titles[]

administrative officer • admiral • ambassador • assistant executive officer • assistant master specialist • branch admiral • bridge command specialist • cadet • cadet junior class • cadet upper class • captain • chief engineer • chief medical officer • chief petty officer • chief specialist • commandant • commandant of Starfleet Academy • commander • commander of Starfleet personnel • commodore • communications officer • councillor • counselor • crewmaster • daemon • emperor • enlisted • education officer • engineer • ensign • ensign junior grade • executive officer • flag officer • fleet captain • helmsman • legation commander • liaison officer • lieutenant • lieutenant commander • lieutenant junior grade • line officer • master warrant officer • midshipman • navigator • noncommissioned officer • officer • petty officer • petty officer first class • phobia • praetor • president of the United Federation of Planets • professor • professor emeritus • provost marshal • rear admiral • recruit • science officer • secretary of the Office of Starfleet • security chief • special assistant to Starfleet Command Operations and Training Division • special liaison officer to the Federation President • specialist • specialist first class • specialist second class • staff officer • Starfleet inspector general • Starfleet surgeon general • starship systems specialist • tactical officer • tactical command officer • thought admiral • warrant officer • warrant officer first class • weapons officer

States and organizations[]

Andor Planetary Government • Confederation of Tellar • Deneb IV Planetary Government • Daystrom Data Concepts • Daystrom Duotronics • Federation Alliance High Council • Federation Council • Federation Diplomatic Corps • Federation Medical Council • Federation Office of Academic Training • Federation Science Council • Federation Supreme Court • Ferengi Empire • Free Worlds of Klinzhai • Gorn Alliance • Grand Alliance • Halkan High Council • Holographics Universal Corporation • Imperial Klingon States • Klingon Defense Force • Klingon Defense Force Strategic Planning Staff • Klingon Empire • Lerithan Textiles • Orion Commercial States• Prantares Council of Elders • Starfleet • Starfleet Command • Starfleet Command Operations and Training Division • Starfleet Corps of Engineers • Starfleet Exploration Command • Starfleet Inspector General Office • Starfleet Marines • Starfleet Medical • Starfleet Merchant Marine • Starfleet Military Operations • Starfleet Sciences • Starfleet Security • Starfleet Selection Board • Steriopolis Press • Tellarite Planetary Government • United Earth Alliance • United Earth Alliance Parliament • United Federation of Planets • Vulcan Planetary Government

Treaty and law[]

Articles of Federation • Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics • Declaration of Rights of Artificial Life Forms • General Order 26 • General Order 27 • General Order 28 • General Order 29 • General Order 30 • General Order 31 • Haven Accord • Prime Directive • Starfleet orders and regulations

Science and classification[]

Energies and substances[]

diamond • dilithium • duralynium • emerald • gold • plasma • platinum • sapphire • silver • titanium

Technology and weapons[]

antimatter grenade launcher • anti-gravity connector • bio-transducer pack • collimator phaser • computer • deflector • deflector shield • diagnostic wand • FMWC • FVWA1 • FWH-1B • FWMA • holodeck • hypospray • hyperspatial circuit • laser • M8A Artificially Enhanced Intelligent Computer System • molecular binder • neural energy whip • neural stimulator • PADD • passive EM field generator • personal sensor nets • phaser • photon cannon • photon torch • plasma torpedo • positronic brain • RTWD-1 • RTWD-1B • shields • spectroscopic vision enhancer • starship • sword • tractor beam • translator band • transwarp drive • tricorder • valet packet • warp drive

Languages and codes[]

Andorian language • French • Galacta • Klingonaase • Mandarin Chinese • Orion language • Portuguese • Romulan language • Spanish • Tellaran • Vulcan language • Zaranite language
Starfleet security codes
code 30 • code 31 • code 32 • code 33 • code 34 • code 35 • code 36 • code 37 • code 38 • code 39 • code 40 • code 41 • code 42 • code 43 • code 44 • code 45 • code 46 • code 47 • code 48 • code 49 • code 50

Other references[]

Altairian frog • Andor toast • art • artificial intelligence • award • away team • bridge • culture • communications • cranium • credit • cultural exchange team • cybernetics • damage control • decoration • dinosaur • diplomacy • dunsel • economic assistance team • empathy • eye • fashion • Federation culture • Federation history • Federation Special Holographic Research Project Dinara • fencing • first contact • food • Four Years War • French history • galaxy • geology • Great Experiment • helm • history • holography • hologram • Human history • humanoid • insignia • jiu-jitsu • kilogram • kilometer • Klingon culture • Klingon death rite • Klingon history • language • laser optics • lifeform • mathematics • medal • medicine • meter • music • mystery novel • naval construction contract • navigation • orion • physics • Picard Maneuver • pirate • planet • plebe • Prantarian lamb • psychology • rank • rapid integration program • red-shirted • reptile • Reshtarc • ridgehead • science fiction • seclar • security • snowhead • space-time displacement • star • star system • starbase • Starfleet insignia • Starfleet ranks • starbase • stardate • Starfleet uniforms • strawbricker • surgery • swimming • tactical operations group • task force group • telepathy • Tellarite white laurel • throephobe • tribble • uniform • weapon • xenobiology • xenopathology • zero-gravity combat • zero-gravity combat • ziffle


reference stardate 9105
The Starfleet Medal of Honor is awarded for the first time.
reference stardate 1/4010
The Citation of Conspicuous Gallantry is awarded for the first time.
reference stardate 1/8802
The cruiser USS Enterprise is launched from Spacedock for the first time.
reference stardate 1/9501
The Andorian Battle Star is awarded for the first time.
reference stardate 1/9603
The Karagite Order of Heroism is awarded for the first time.
reference stardate 1/9604
The Starfleet Medal of Valor is awarded for the first time.
reference stardate 1/9704
The Prantares Ribbon is awarded for the first time.
reference stardate 1/9802
The Grankite Order of Honor is awarded for the first time.
reference stardate 2/0001
The Cochrane Award is awarded for the first time.
reference stardate 2/1005
The Federation Peace Medal is awarded for the first time.
reference stardate 2/1201
The Denebian Swan of Merit is awarded for the first time.
reference stardate 2/1705
The Shuvalis Diamond of Recognition is awarded for the first time.
reference stardate 2/29.16
Doctor Caroline Ravenwood is awarded the Cochrane Award for work done with hologram technology.
reference stardate 2/3002.1
Starfleet's Training Command Regulations undergo their 77th edition, with the addition of away team policies.
stardate 4/81
The Haven Accord sponsors numerous Betazoid individuals to receive Starfleet rank and positions as counselors.
reference stardate 2/5001
The Anastas Medal of Achievement is awarded for the first time.
reference stardate 2/5501
An updated Starfleet uniform design was introduced.
reference stardate 2/7206
An updated Starfleet uniform design was introduced.
reference stardate 2/7405.01
The Federation Supreme Court rules that Commander Chevlek Hc'arrex can be released from his assignment aboard USS Excelsior in order to honor a family commitment on Andor, creating a precedent that Starfleet policy should support the needs of officers with families.
reference stardate 2/7704
Starfleet's General Order 26 is enacted.
reference stardate 2/8205
Starfleet's General Order 27 is enacted.
reference stardate 2/8712.17
Starfleet Merchant Marine Ensign Nathaniel Zar III is awarded the Denebian Swan of Merit for the successful defense of the Denebian-owned cargo aboard USS Thor during a Ferengi attack.
reference stardate 2/9004
Updated Starfleet uniform designs are introduced.
reference stardate 2/9007
Starfleet's General Order 28 is enacted.
reference stardate 2/9407
Starfleet's General Order 29 is enacted.
reference stardate 2/9501
Updated Starfleet uniform designs are introduced.
reference stardate 2/9708
Starfleet's General Order 30 is enacted.
reference stardate 2/9805
Captain Koren Anastas defeats a Klingon renegade fleet at Natabor.
reference stardate 2/9905
Starfleet's General Order 31 is enacted.
reference stardate 2/9910
Captain Koren Anastas leads the successful occupation of the last of the major Orion pirate outposts on Matacai.
reference stardate 3/0001.15
Revised Starfleet regulations are established regarding pay, leave, retirement and medical care.
reference stardate 3/0405.17
Lieutenant David Manchester of the USS Wellington is awarded the Citation of Conspicuous Gallantry for the successful recovery of Federation citizens from renegade Klingons on Valoria.
reference stardate 3/0912.27
Lieutenant Commander Sheva Hev'lek of the USS Sheffield is awarded the Andorian Battle Star for the successful defense of the Borgia V against the Ferengi.
reference stardate 3/2007.08
Commander Ellen Childs is awarded the Anastas Medal of Achievement for the successful defense of the USS Berlin against the Ferengi.



In the late 1980s, FASA had retained the licensing to produce Star Trek RPG materials, but with the advent of Star Trek: The Next Generation, the licensing department at Paramount Pictures did not immediately consider the license to produce publications based on the movies series to include the new Paramount Television venture being made to syndicate TNG. As such, FASA's license came into dispute with their expansion into making TNG RPG sourcebooks, with this book and the TNG First Year Sourcebook being released with confusion regarding the licensee approval process. As such, the FASA RPG would end with these publications.[citation needed]


External links[]
