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Questions tagged [ordinals]

In the ZF set theory ordinals are transitive sets which are well-ordered by $\in$. They are canonical representatives for well-orderings under order-isomorphism. In addition to the intriguing ordinal arithmetics, ordinals give a sturdy backbone to models of ZF and operate as a direct extension of the positive integers for *transfinite* inductions.

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Is $\operatorname{rank}(A)\subseteq\operatorname{TC}(A)$?

This question came to me when I was thinking about rank and transitive closures. Let $A$ be a set of rank $\alpha$ and let $\operatorname{TC}(A)$ denote the transitive closure of $A$. Is it true then ...
Anon's user avatar
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If I have a sequence $a_0, a_1, a_2, \cdots$ , then is expressing the limit of this sequence as $a_\omega$ sensible?

If I have a sequence created by some rule which comes to a limit , then I can express it as $a_0, a_1,a_2,\cdots$. If I said $\lim_{n \to \infty} a_n = a_{\omega} $ , is that a sensible thing to do ? ...
Q the Platypus's user avatar
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Showing that $\bigcap A$ is the least element for the set $A$ where $A$ is a set of ordinals.

The notes I am reading define a set $x$ to be an ordinal provided $x$ is transitive and every element in $x$ is transitive. Let $A$ be a set of ordinals. I have shown that $\bigcap A$ is an ordinal. I ...
3j iwiojr3's user avatar
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What is the largest known "computational" ordinal

I am interested in the computational implementation of ordinals. What I mean by that, is a data structure T and a function/algorithm "compare" that takes two arguments of type "T" ...
Ivan's user avatar
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Can $\sf{ST}$ construct an infinite class wellordered ordered by $\in$?

Assume the axioms of Extensionality, Empty Set, and Adjunction (meaning that $S\cup\{x\}$ forms a set for any $S,x$). Notice that we do not have Specification as an axiom, which makes this theory very ...
Jade Vanadium's user avatar
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A sequence of continuum hypotheses

The continuum hypothesis asserts that $\aleph_{1}=\beth_{1}$. Both it and its negation can be consistent with ZFC, if ZFC is consistent itself. The generalised continuum hypothesis asserts that $\...
Darmani V's user avatar
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Can cardinality $\kappa$ exist where $\forall n\in\mathbb{N} \beth_n<\kappa$,$\kappa<|\bigcup_{n\in\mathbb{N}}\mathbb{S}_n|$,$|\mathbb{S}_n|=\beth_n$

The Wikipedia article on Beth numbers defines $\beth_\alpha$ such that $\beth_{\alpha} =\begin{cases} |\mathbb{N}| & \text{if } \alpha=0 \\ 2^{\beth_{\alpha-1}} & \text{if } \alpha \text{ is a ...
SarcasticSully's user avatar
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Can the class of ordinals be extended even further? [duplicate]

Is it possible for anything to come after all ordinals? I don't see why not. For example, one can take a non-ordinal set $S$, and then add in all the ordered pairs $(\alpha, S)$ to $ON$, where $\alpha$...
user107952's user avatar
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Ordinal addition with limit ordinals, as in Kunen.

This definition of ordinal adddition is taken from Kenneth Kunens "Set Theory: An Introduction to Independence Proofs": $\alpha + \beta = \text{type}(\alpha \times \{0\} \cup \beta \times \{...
Ben123's user avatar
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Is the first-order theory of the class of well-ordered sets the same as the first-order theory of the class of ordinals?

Consider the class $K$ of well-ordered sets $(W,\leq)$. Although that class is not first-order axiomatizable, it has an associated first-order theory $Th(K)$. Now consider the class of ordinals $On$, ...
user107952's user avatar
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Set of ordinals isomorphic to subsets of total orders

Background. Given a poset $(S,<)$ we'll indicate with $\tau(S,<)$ the set of all the ordinals which are isomorphic to a well ordered subset of $(S,<)$. We're in $\mathsf{ZFC}$. Questions. ...
lelouch_l8r4's user avatar
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Constructible subsets of an ordinal - an alternate definition?

Work over ZFC. Recall the standard definition of $\mathrm{Def}(X)$, the set of constructible subsets of the set $X$. This can be considered as taking all those subsets of $X$ that satisfy some first-...
theHigherGeometer's user avatar
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Does every ordinal have a well-defined "next" limit ordinal?

I would like to know whether every ordinal $\alpha$ has a well-defined "next limit ordinal", i.e. a least limit ordinal $\beta$ such that $\beta > \alpha$. I understand from this ...
blk's user avatar
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Ordinals multiplication: Does $a^2 b^2=b^2a^2$ imply $ab=ba$? [duplicate]

I found this question in one of set theory past exam: If $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are two ordinals such that $\alpha^2\beta^2=\beta^2\alpha^2$, does it necessarily imply $\alpha\beta=\beta\alpha$? Clearly ...
Ankiiatsy's user avatar
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Intuition of Ordinal Number

I am learning the concept of ordinal numbers. In the book of Set Theory and Metric Spaces by I. Kaplansky (Sec. 3.2, pg. 55), the author states We attach to every well-ordered set an ordinal number; ...
Mingzhou Liu's user avatar
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References that give the cofinality of ordinal addition, multiplication and exponentiation

$\newcommand{\cf}{\operatorname{cf}}$ Let $\alpha$, $\beta$ be ordinals. I believe that we have \begin{align*} \cf(\alpha+\beta)=\cf(\beta),\quad\beta\neq 0;\quad\cf(\alpha\cdot\beta)=\begin{cases}\cf(...
Jianing Song's user avatar
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Define the sum of transfinite ordinal sequences according to finite ordinal sum.

I know it is possibile to define finite sum of ordinals: if $(\alpha_i)_{i\in n}$ is a sequence of lenght $n$, with $n$ in $\omega$, then the symbolism $\sum_{i\in n}\alpha_i$ has a (formal) meaning; ...
Antonio Maria Di Mauro's user avatar
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Does $\omega_1^{\text{CK}}$ allow to compute the halting problem of $\alpha$-th-order Turing machines for any $\alpha < \omega_1^{\text{CK}}$?

This page contains the following text (see the section “Higher-order busy beaver functions”): At least, under any reasonable formulation of the notion of a higher-order Turing machine, well-orderings ...
lyrically wicked's user avatar
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Is this a valid basis for a transfinite number system?

I've been curious about transfinite number systems including infinite ordinals, hyperreals, and surreal numbers. The hyperreals in particular seem particularly appealing for introducing a hierarchy of ...
Aidan Simmons's user avatar
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Prove that the order type of $\alpha\cdot\beta$ is the antilexicographic order in $\alpha\times\beta$. [closed]

This question is related to this one, but not a duplicate, since I am struggling with injectivity and monotonicity, rather than proving that $\{\alpha\cdot\eta + \xi:\eta<\beta\textrm{ and }\xi<\...
Antonio Maria Di Mauro's user avatar
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Can we implement $\omega^{CK}_1$ using $\omega^{CK}_2$ as an oracle?

Let $\omega^{CK}_1$, $\omega^{CK}_2$ denote the first two admissible ordinals greater than $\omega$. Suppose we have an unknown well-ordering of $\mathbb{N}$ of the order type $\omega^{CK}_2$ as an ...
user23013's user avatar
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Colourful class function

Background. We're in $\mathsf{ZFC}$, and I can use the principle of $\epsilon$-induction, but not (directly) the $\epsilon$-recursion. Problem. Let $F : V \to V$, where $V$ is the class of all the ...
lelouch_l8r4's user avatar
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How Should I Do the Inductive Case of this Proof on Ordinals?

Question Prove that for all ordinals $\alpha$, $V_\alpha=\{x:\rho (x)<\alpha\}$. Note: The function $\rho$ is a rank function. Attempt I did the proof by induction on ordinals. I started with the ...
Mr Prof's user avatar
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Strictly decreasing function from an ordinal to $\mathbb{R}$

Context: We are working in $\mathsf{ZFC}$. Problem: Given a poset $(P,<)$, let $\text{Dec}(P)$ be the set of all strictly decreasing function $f : \alpha \to P$, where $\alpha$ is an ordinal number....
lelouch_l8r4's user avatar
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Is there a smarter way to calculate $F(\omega^{15} + 7)$? (Ordinal arithmetic)

Given the function $F : \text{Ord} \to \text{Ord}$ definite by transfinite recursion as it follows: $$F(0) = 0 \qquad F(\alpha + 1) = F(\alpha) + \alpha \cdot 2 + 1 \qquad F(\lambda) = \sup_{\gamma &...
lelouch_l8r4's user avatar
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How Can I Finish off this Solution on Ordinal Arithmetic (Cantor Normal Form)?

Question Let $\beta = \omega + 3$, and $\alpha = \omega ^42+\omega ^34+6 = \beta ^\gamma \delta +\rho$. Find ordinals $\gamma$ and $\delta$, with $0<\delta<\beta$ and $\rho <\beta ^\gamma$. ...
Mr Prof's user avatar
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Is this Solution on Ordinal Arithmetic Correct (Cantor Normal Form)?

Question Let $\beta=\omega + 3$. Calculate $\beta ^2,\beta ^3$ and $\beta ^4$ in Cantor Normal Form. Attempt Since $\beta = \omega + 3$, then $\beta ^2 = (\omega +3)(\omega +3) = (\omega +3).\omega + (...
Mr Prof's user avatar
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Find necessary and sufficient conditions for ordinal monotonicity.

First of all let's we remember the following result. Theorem Let be $\lambda$ and ordinal: a predicate $\mathbf P$ is true for any $\alpha$ in $\lambda$ when the truth of $\mathbf P$ for any $\beta$ ...
Antonio Maria Di Mauro's user avatar
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Does the equality $\omega\cdot(\omega+1)=(\omega+1)\cdot\omega$ hold?

By this answer I knkow that the equality $$ (\omega+1)\cdot\omega=\omega^3 $$ holds whereas by the definition of ordinal multiplication I know that the equality $$ \omega\cdot(\omega+1)=\omega^2+\...
Antonio Maria Di Mauro's user avatar
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Finding the first term of a Goodstein sequence whose expression has maximum exponent

Let $n$ be a natural number. When constructing the Goodstein sequence $(n)_{k}$, we start with $(n)_{1}=n$ written in complete base $2$, and we proceed recursively. That is, if $(n)_{k}$ has been ...
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