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Why do we define the proof-theoretic ordinal of a theory the way we do when there are unnatural well-orderings out there?

The proof-theoretic ordinal of first-order arithmetic ($\mathsf{PA}$) is $\varepsilon_{0}$. However, in pages 3 and 4 of Andreas Weiermann's Analytic combinatorics, proof-theoretic ordinals, and phase ...
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Is there a model of KP with no $\emptyset'$ ordinal notation for the Bachmann-Howard ordinal?

The Bachmann-Howard ordinal (BHO) is a large recursive ordinal defined using ordinal collapsing functions. Kripke-Platek set theory (KP) is a fragment of ZF obtained by removing powerset, swapping ...
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What is the least upper bound ordinal of my linear n-symbol partition ordinal (ordinal that contain all finite string of finite different symbol)?

Note: The "partition" here isn't relate to the partition at all. Note: For the detail of "ordinal that contain all finite string of finite different symbols", see the "Edit&...
Just a man in the world's user avatar
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What, precisely, does it mean to represent an ordinal on a computer?

Two closely related questions about ordinals that I found quite confusing at first and couldn't find a satisfactory answer online (self-answering): I've heard sentences like "$\omega^{CK}$ is ...
Abhimanyu Pallavi Sudhir's user avatar
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When should one use transfinite induction?

I've come across it multiple times now in proof theory papers that authors use (sometimes quite elaborate) inductions in order to prove easy results. The most striking example is the following, where ...
10012511's user avatar
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What is an example of a statement equivalent to $\omega^{\omega}$-induction?

If $\alpha$ is a countable ordinal and $A$ is the set of natural numbers having well-ordering of type $\alpha$, does this mean that $\alpha$-induction (transfinite induction up to $\alpha$) is ...
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What is the proof-theoretic ordinal of true arithmetic?

The proof theoretic ordinal of $PA$ is $\epsilon_0$. My question is, what is the proof-theoretic ordinal of true arithmetic, i.e. $Th(\mathbb{N})$? I’m assuming you get something bigger than $\...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
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Link between a theory’s proof-theoretic ordinal and the fastest-growing function it can prove total

When I’ve tried to read up on proof-theory I’ve come across this point multiple times - that given a well-founded fast-growing hierarchy, the index of the fastest-growing function f that T can prove ...
Ablation_nation's user avatar
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Iterated $\Pi^1_1$-reflection and non-Gandiness underrepresented in ordinal analyses?

Edit: I now feel this question is more appropriate for MathOverflow, I will leave this copy for posterity. Note on terminology: "admissible", "$(^+)$-stable", and "$\Pi^1_1$-...
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What is the relevance of the fast-growing hierarchy in the definition of Yudkowsky’s number?

I’m struggling with a certain connection the author draws in defining a certain “huge” number. The number is defined as follows: Let T be the first-order theory of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory plus the ...
Ablation_nation's user avatar
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Why do we need ordinal representation systems?

Trying to learn about ordinal analysis and I keep seeing the concept of the natural ordinal representation system, for representing ordinals as relations on N. In particular the definition of an ...
Ablation_nation's user avatar
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Higher order arithmetic, hierarchies and proof theoretic ordinals

I would like to consider a generalization of the notation $\Pi$ and $\Sigma$ used for the arithmetical hierarchy $(\Pi^0_n$, $\Sigma^0_n)$ and the analytical hierarchy $(\Pi^1_n$, $\Sigma^1_n)$ to ...
holmes's user avatar
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Is there a sequence of extensions of ZFC where the corresponding sequence of proof theoretic ordinals has $\omega_1^{CK}$ as least upper-bound

I was reading this question on MO where they define an infinite sequence of extensions of ZF by creating iteratively a new theory which includes the consistency of the previous ones. The definition ...
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Turing degrees of subsets of Kleene $\mathcal{O}$ which are ordinal notations of subsets of the set of recursive ordinals

An ordinal $\alpha$ is said to be recursive if there is a recursive well-ordering of a subset of the natural numbers having the order type $\alpha$. The smallest ordinal that is not recursive is ...
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What is the proof theoretic ordinal of Homotopy Type theory?

The proof theoretic ordinal of Martin-Löf type theory is $\Gamma_0$. What about HoTT and what about other flavors of type theory (the ones related to the lambda cube for instance)?
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