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A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.

For questions about real analysis, such as limits, convergence of sequences, properties of the real numbers, the least upper bound property, and related analysis topics such as continuity, differentia…
146718 questions
For basic questions about limits, continuity, derivatives, differentiation, integrals, and their applications, mainly of one-variable functions.
135469 questions
For questions on linear algebra, including vector spaces, linear transformations, systems of linear equations, spanning sets, bases, dimensions and vector subspaces.
128097 questions
For questions about probability. independence, total probability and conditional probability. For questions about the theoretical footing of probability use [tag:probability-theory]. For questions abo…
106816 questions
For questions about monoids, groups, rings, modules, fields, vector spaces, algebras over fields, various types of lattices, and other such algebraic objects. Associate with related tags like [group-t…
85779 questions
For questions about the properties of integrals. Use in conjunction with (indefinite-integral), (definite-integral), (improper-integrals) or another tag(s) that describe the type of integral being con…
74393 questions
For questions concerning sequences and series. Typical questions concern, but are not limited to: identifying sequences, identifying terms, recurrence relations, $\epsilon-N$ proofs of convergence, c…
65871 questions
For questions about the study of finite or countable discrete structures, especially how to count or enumerate elements in a set (perhaps of all possibilities) or any subset. It includes questions on …
Everything involving general topological spaces: generation and description of topologies; open and closed sets, neighborhoods; interior, closure; connectedness; compactness; separation axioms; bases;…
58198 questions
For any topic related to matrices. This includes: systems of linear equations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors (diagonalization, triangularization), determinant, trace, characteristic polynomial, adjugat…
Functional analysis, the study of infinite-dimensional vector spaces, often with additional structures (inner product, norm, topology), with typical examples given by function spaces. The subject also…
For questions mainly about theory of complex analytic/holomorphic functions of one complex variable. Use [tag:complex-numbers] instead for questions about complex numbers. Use [tag:several-complex-var…
For questions about geometric shapes, congruences, similarities, transformations, as well as the properties of classes of figures, points, lines, and angles.
50580 questions
For questions about the study of algebraic structures consisting of a set of elements together with a well-defined binary operation that satisfies three conditions: associativity, identity and inverti…
49890 questions
For questions about algebra and precalculus topics, which include linear, exponential, logarithmic, polynomial, rational, and trigonometric functions; conic sections, binomial, surds, graphs and trans…
For questions solely about the modern theoretical footing for probability, for example, probability spaces, random variables, law of large numbers, and central limit theorems. Use [tag:probability] i…
For questions about ordinary differential equations, which are differential equations involving ordinary derivatives of one or more dependent variables with respect to a single independent variable. …
44308 questions
Questions on the evaluation and properties of limits in the sense of analysis and related fields. For limits in the sense of category theory, use the tag “limits-colimits” instead.
Mathematical analysis. Consider a more specific tag instead: (real-analysis), (complex-analysis), (functional-analysis), (fourier-analysis), (measure-theory), (calculus-of-variations), etc. For data a…
Questions on advanced topics - beyond those in typical introductory courses: higher degree algebraic number and function fields, Diophantine equations, geometry of numbers / lattices, quadratic forms,…
Questions related to measures, sigma-algebras, measure spaces, Lebesgue integration and the like.
40054 questions
For questions on introductory topics in number theory, such as divisibility, prime numbers, gcd and lcm, congruences, linear Diophantine equations, Fermat's and Wilson's theorems, the Chinese Remainde…
37750 questions
Mathematical statistics is the study of statistics from a mathematical standpoint, using probability theory and other branches of mathematics such as linear algebra and analysis.
37373 questions
for questions about differential and integral calculus with more than one independent variable. Some related tags are (differential-geometry), (real-analysis), and (differential-equations…
For elementary questions about functions, notation, properties, and operations such as function composition. Consider also using the (graphing-functions) tag.
Questions on the evaluation of derivatives or problems involving derivatives (for example, use of the mean value theorem).
Differential geometry is the application of differential calculus in the setting of smooth manifolds (curves, surfaces and higher dimensional examples). Modern differential geometry focuses on "geomet…
The study of discrete mathematical structures. Consider using a more specific tag instead, such as: (combinatorics), (graph-theory), (computer-science), (probability), (elementary-set-theory), (induct…
Questions on proving, manipulating and applying inequalities. Do not use this tag just because an inequality appears somewhere in your question.
Questions about trigonometric functions (both geometric and circular), relationships between lengths and angles in triangles and other topics relating to measuring triangles.
The study of geometric objects defined by polynomial equations, as well as their generalizations: algebraic curves, such as elliptic curves, and more generally algebraic varieties, schemes, etc. Probl…
29464 questions
For elementary questions on set theory. Topics include intersections and unions, differences and complements, De Morgan's laws, Venn diagrams, relations and countability.
Questions on using, finding, or otherwise relating to probability distributions, probability density functions (pdfs), cumulative distribution functions (cdfs), or other related functions. Use this ta…
Questions about mathematical logic, including model theory, proof theory, computability theory (a.k.a. recursion theory), and non-standard logics. Questions which merely seek to apply logical or forma…
For both basic and advanced questions on polynomials in any number of variables, including, but not limited to solving for roots, factoring, and checking for irreducibility.
27045 questions
for questions in graph theory. Here a graph is a collection of vertices and connecting edges. Use (graphing-functions) instead if your question is about graphing or plotting functions.
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