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Questions tagged [order-theory]

Order theory deals with properties of orders, usually partial orders or quasi orders but not only those. Questions about properties of orders, general or particular, may fit into this category, as well as questions about properties of subsets and elements of an ordered set. Order theory is not about the order of a group nor the order of an element of a group or other algebraic structures.

2 votes
2 answers

Every countably infinite linear order has a copy of $\omega$ or $\omega^{op}$

Every countably infinite linear order $L$ has a copy of $\omega$ or $\omega^{op}$. I'm interested in different kinds of proofs of this fact. One I came up with is: pick $x_0 \in L$. Wlog $[x_0, +\...
Carla_'s user avatar
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1 answer

Is the grading of a poset unique?

A graded poset is a poset $(P,\leq)$ with a map $\rho:P\rightarrow\mathbb{N}$ where $\rho$ is strictly monotone, and if $x,y\in P$ where $y$ covers $x$, (i.e. $x\lessdot y$), then $\rho(y)=\rho(x)+1$. ...
Jan's user avatar
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Problem with dense set

On ' Set theory with an introduction to real point sets'(Dasgupta, Abhijit ,2014) i found this exercise: This is interesting because compare the topological (left,1) and order (right,2) definition of ...
user791759's user avatar
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Extending the $M_3,N_5$ theorem from distributive lattices to frames

It is known that a lattice $L$ is distributive if and only if it does not contain the diamond $M_3$ or the pentagon $N_5$ as sublattices. A complete lattice is one in which every subset has an infimum ...
Pedro B's user avatar
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3 answers

Would the category of directed sets be better behaved with the empty set included, or excluded?

In a topology book of mine, a directed set is defined as a nonempty set $D$ equipped with a relation $R$ that is transitive, reflexive, and for all elements $x$ and $y$ of $D$, there exists a $z$ in $...
user107952's user avatar
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terminology related to inducing a total order

Imagine I have 10 students in an elementary school. I believe it is proper to say the following: The students' age induces a total order on the students (assuming no 2 students have the exact same age)...
Erik Learned-Miller's user avatar
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Proof of variant Sperner's Theorem for divisibility posets

I'm trying to determine the size of the maximal antichain in the poset of divisors of $N$ where the partial order is divisibility. Looking at the prime factorization of $N=p_1^{e_1}\cdots p_d^{e_d}$ ...
Alan Abraham's user avatar
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Partial order on power set & set of partial orders

Consider a set $X$ and a partial order $\preceq$ on the power set $2^X$ of $X$. We assume that $\preceq$ extends the usual subset relation $\subseteq$, i.e. whenever $A\subseteq B\subseteq X$ then $A\...
user146125's user avatar
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Show the following forcing poset is $\sigma$-centered

In Kunen, there's the following exercise: Assume MA(κ) and (X,<) be a total order with |X|≤κ , then there are $a_x$⊂$ω$ such that if x<y then $a_x$⊂∗$a_y$ . (x⊂∗y if |x−y|<ω and |y−x|=ω .) ...
Rafael's user avatar
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Convexity structures and partial orders

Can any convexity structure be defined by a partial order $\preceq$ in the sense of the order topology: a given set $A$ is convex if for any $a,b \in A$ and any other element $c$ for which $a\preceq c ...
user146125's user avatar
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Is $\mbox{row}_i(A) \cup \mbox{col}_j(A)$ for a matrix $A$ a thing?

In working on a research problem in order theory, I have encountered a symmetric rank-1 matrix that can be expressed as $$ A = 30 \begin{pmatrix} 1 \\\\ 1/5 \\\\ 1/2 \\\\ 1/6 \\\\ 1/15 \\\\ 1/30 \...
Paul Tanenbaum's user avatar
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1 answer

Permutations maximally matching given pairwise order relations

Given $n \in \mathbb{N}$ and a sequence of $T$ pairwise orders $(i_t, j_t)$'s for $1 \leq t \leq T$. Q: Are there any existing algorithms to find permutations of $[n]$ ($\sigma \in S_n$) such that as ...
Vezen BU's user avatar
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3 answers

Symbolic notation for "$A_1\subseteq A_2\subseteq\cdots$"

Background Definition: A ring $R$ is said to satisfy the ascending chain condition (ACC) for left (right) ideals if for each sequence of left (right) ideals $A_1,A_2,\ldots$ of $R$ with $A_1\subseteq ...
Seth's user avatar
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Why Is the Following Proof of a Finite Nonempty Totally Ordered Set Containing Its Maximum Wrong?

I wish to prove the result suggested in the title without induction on the cardinality of set. Here is my approach: Let $S$ be a finite nonempty totally ordered set, i.e. $S=\lbrace x_{1},x_{2},\ldots,...
Arian's user avatar
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Congruences on the pentagon lattice $\mathcal{N}_5$

Let $\mathcal{N}_5$ refer to the Pentagon lattice, or the lattice generated by the set $\{0, a, b, c, 1\}$ subject to $1 > a$, $1 > c$, $a > b$, $b > 0$ and $c > 0$. My aim is to find ...
safsom's user avatar
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