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How often is 戦う used with the particle を?

I learned the word 戦う as an instransitive verb for "to fight" (the verb is listed as intransitive at, mainly combined with と to like this: Aと戦う, to express the party or entity (A)...
jarmanso7's user avatar
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What does されています here? レポートには間違っていた箇所が指摘されています

in this sentence (レポートには間違っていた箇所が指摘されています) "Xが指摘されています" can mean: "X will be pointed out" or only "X is pointed out"? "されています" can be used to express actions ...
Eagle377 host's user avatar
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How does reduplication of words work in Japanese?

Recently I've heard words like ただただ and ゆっくりゆっくり showing up. I guessed that saying adverbs one more time over again puts more emphasis on them, but I'm not at all sure if that's true. (Always means ...
Liam fenlon's user avatar
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Meaning of ご帰還あそばれなされた [duplicate]

Full sentence: 「俺様がご帰還あそばれなされたぞ!」 I think this sentence means something alike to: "I have returned!" My main problem with this sentence is the usage of あそばれなされた. From my understanding, this ...
Gabriel Costa's user avatar
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What is the meaning of なりうるがため in this context?

恐るべき 事態に なりうるがため、 子細を 伝えることはできぬ。 The context is that I'm talking to a wizard in the game who happens to know something about my future. Currently, I am trying to figure the exact construction/meaning ...
Viet Nguyen's user avatar
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です vs ありますwhat is the difference between the two? Can they ever be interchangeable?

Q: 日本語の授業は毎日ありますか。一日に何時間ですか。 A: 日本語の授業は毎日あります。一日に二時間あります。 I have questions about the difference between “です” and “あります” regarding the above sentences taken from my textbook. Why is that “です” was used ...
user112563's user avatar
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Cannot understand 甘える

I will show two examples from Japanese websites. First of all, from Weblio: 「彼女は私に甘える=She spoils me」 Secondly from some site for Japanese English learners (Gabastyle): 「悲しいことが起きたときには友達や家族に甘えてもいいんだよ=In ...
Jack D's user avatar
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What does 攻めた mean when used about someone's appearance?

I came across the expression 攻めた格好 recently, and I'd like to know what exactly it means. The original sentence was uttered by a character that was surprised to see another in a wildly different place ...
Emesira's user avatar
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「ぶられる」とは「ぶる」の受動態? What does it mean to be ぶる-ed? [duplicate]

I can't find a related discussion, not here, not on the Internet at large, so I am surprised this seemingly hasn't been asked or discussed. 純真ぶるのはやめろ。この数週間、僕たちはいつ情熱的なキスを交わしてもおかしくなかった。君もそれはわかっているはずだ。...
Eddie Kal's user avatar
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What does the word もえる mean in the following sentence and what is the kanji for it? [closed]

Here's the sentence: もえるごみと一緒に毎週土曜日に集めます。 That sentence has been taken from the text explaining different ways of garbage disposal. What does the word もえる mean here and is there a kanji for it?
JConstantine's user avatar
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Qual o significado de ようで e ような na seguinte frase? | What is the meaning of ようで and ような in this sentence?

Estou analisando a letra de uma música chamada 君が好きだと叫びたい. Cheguei em um ponto de dúvida na frase 恋をしているようで 躍らされてるような. Mais especificamente eu gostaria de entender o conceito por traz de ようで, o ...
Magic Guido's user avatar
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「 〜のです。」is confusing when I have to use it with the casual form of the verb

I'm having trouble understanding the difference between 何かあるのですか。and 何かあったのですか。Are they both the same? Initially I thought that the former was present tense and the latter was past tense but I really ...
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Difference between 任せる and 任す?

Looking at the dictionary, both 任せる and 任す seem to have the same meaning and they're both transitive verbs, so I wonder if there is any difference between them. Is there any situation where one of ...
Orbit's user avatar
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What does 送る mean in this sentence and is it similar to 生活を送る?

幻聴?あたし妄想見やすいタイプなのかな?父親の愛情なき幼児体験おくってっからな… (first sentence for context)...because I experienced childhood without my father's love. Would it work to also say 「幼児体験で育ったから」? I'm also wondering if it is ...
hexuanshiqingxuan's user avatar
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What effect does adding 「取り~」 before a verb have?

I've encountered many verbs with 「取り~」 inserted. Up till now I've treated 「取り+verb」 as separate vocabulary, but quite often, the definitions are not much different than the base verb alone. In ...
Hikonyan's user avatar
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