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Calculating common area between shapefiles using GDAL

I'm looking for a way to get the intersection area between my shapefiles. Basically, I got three shapefiles from my .tif files like this: gdaltindex a.shp a.tif gdaltindex b.shp b.tif gdaltindex c.shp ...
Salvo's user avatar
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Using Gdal warp on shapefiles with GDAL Java Bindings

I am trying to write a method in Java that transforms from one CRS to another using GDAL's Java Bindings. Specifically from 3857 to 4326 (and a few others will be common to my use cases). Here is my ...
Mark Giaconia's user avatar
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gdal.warp in Python script

I've a .tif file in EPSG:3426 and i'd like to convert it in UTM, zone 33, scale: meters. In gdal I use: gdalwarp -t_srs "+proj=utm +zone=33 +datum=WGS84 +units=m" image_input.tif image_utm....
Salvo's user avatar
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Convert image from EPSG:4326 to EPSG:3857

I'm new to GDAL and map projections, I need to convert equirectangular (EPSG:4326?) projection to "pseudo Mercator" (EPSG:3857?) projection used by 90% web-based maps (which is simple this 0/...
Martin's user avatar
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gdalwarp raster reprojection is generating pixelated edges

I have a raster image, which is satellite data, that I would like to reproject using gdal on the command line. The files I am using can be found here: the unprojected image (.png) .wld file .msinc ...
Pufferfishe's user avatar
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Python subprocess not recognising gdalwarp option

I have been trying to use the subprocess module in python to perform the gdalwarp command. To do so, I have done it like so # use pixel size for GDAL WARP command print('Pre warp') warped_file = ...
Guest_questiont575930's user avatar
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GDAL - NetCDF to colorized raster

I have a NetCDF file that is satellite imagery. I would like to convert it to a raster image, with color, using gdal on the command line. Here is what I have so far: gdal_translate -unscale NETCDF:&...
Pufferfishe's user avatar
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GDAL warp in C++

What is the equivalent to the following GDAL terminal command in C++? I looked into GDAL C++ API, but could not figure it out. gdalwarp -te xmin ymin xmax ymax -ts 1 1 -r max input.vrt output.vrt for ...
ARAFAT's user avatar
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GDALWarp Reprojecting raster extent from (0, 360) to (-180, 180) filling left hemisphere with blank data

Understanding that this question has been asked a few times (Reprojecting raster from 0 360 to -180 180 with cutting 180 meridian using gdalwarp seems to be the canonical one), I've found that any ...
Soren Saville Scott's user avatar
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GDAL: Reprojecting geotiff from LATLONG to UTM

I have a file in geotiff format, with coordinates in WGS84. I would need to convert from WGS84 to UTM. When I launch the code via GDAL: gdalwarp -t_srs '+ proj = utm + zone = 37 + datum = WGS84 + ...
Sal's user avatar
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Fixing gdalwarp bounding box when trying to orthorectify using GCPs

I'm trying to orthorectify a raw, raster satellite image with a set of ground control points (GCPs) using gdalwarp. I first create a temporary tif to add in the GCPs using gdal_translate, then I ...
user1880610's user avatar
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gdalwarp antimeridian problem on TIF with GCPs

I've got a non-projected TIF with 440 GCPs (a Sentinel-1 image) that crosses the antimeridian. Normally I just call gdalwarp with -t_srs (in this case 'epsg:3031' Antarctic Polar Stereographic), ...
scalt's user avatar
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Tile GeoTIFF images in locations far from each other in one layer

How to tile two aerial TIFF images from two cities in one layer? I understand that first, I should create a virtual layer (vrt) and then tile it after reprojection. However, gdal2tile creates too many ...
Arash Archer's user avatar
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GDAL coordinate transformation not aligning with QGIS coordinate transformation

I have a raster being changed from EPSG:27700 to EPSG:3857 coordinate reference system. Within the QGIS application, I have found this coordinate transformation to fit the best I've tried to ...
guest_98732012's user avatar
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Creating custom initial projection in GMT/GDAL

I have a number of images which I need to project into the standard IAU 2000 lunar coordinate system. Each is defined in terms of an oblique cylindrical projection, and I am given the rotation pole/...
user210447's user avatar

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