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Reproject pseudo Plate-Carree to "Icosahedral Snyder Equal Area" using GDALWARP

Reproject pseudo Plate-Carree to "Icosahedral Snyder Equal Area" with gdalwarp. I am trying to reproject a plate-carree to ISEA "Icosahedral Snyder Equal Area". I suspect ISEA ...
Molly's user avatar
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Error trying to translate raster image from EPSG:3857 to EPSG:3068 with GDAL with subwindow

I'm new with this GIS stuff and starting work with GDAL. I'm using this TMS dataset and trying to project to a specific subwindow like this: <GDAL_WMS> <Service name="TMS"> ...
fmenegussi's user avatar
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GDALWarp Reprojecting raster extent from (0, 360) to (-180, 180) filling left hemisphere with blank data

Understanding that this question has been asked a few times (Reprojecting raster from 0 360 to -180 180 with cutting 180 meridian using gdalwarp seems to be the canonical one), I've found that any ...
Soren Saville Scott's user avatar
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gdalwarp to change my raster extents

I'm trying the gdalwrap command to set center and change the extent to -180 to 180. But for some reason, the bounding value is set but the pixel values are not transferred. This solution not working: ...
santhosh m's user avatar
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Defining exact projection in GDAL command

I am using gdalwarp to convert a tiff from one projection to another. I want to specify the t_srs as the same transformation/projection type I've been using in QGIS which reads as below +proj=pipeline ...
guest_98732012's user avatar
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Does GDAL 3.x/PROJ 7.x do some kind of bounds checking when doing a gdalwarp operation?

This is more of a question about how GDAL 3.x and PROJ 7.x work more than a question about how to do something. I have been experimenting with GDAL 3.4.2 and have noticed some things that are ...
Burrow's user avatar
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Reproject WGS84 raster file to topocentric LTP-ENU using GDAL with a custom proj string

I have some raster files which are given in WGS84. As an example, here are some gdalinfo for one of those: Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF Files: dem_r.tif Size is 2000, 911 Coordinate System is: GEOGCRS["...
swiss_knight's user avatar
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SR EPSG 3035 ETRS/LAEA Europa to EPSG: 6204 Macedonian State Coordinate System python

I would like change a raster dataset from EPSG: 3035 (ETRS89/LAEA Europa) to EPSG: 6204 (Macedonia State Coordinate System) My WKT for the first coordinate system is: PROJCS["ETRS89 / LAEA Europe", ...
Roger Almengor's user avatar
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Gdalwarp producing odd results around 0 degree longitude

I am warping ECMWF grib data (full globe, 0.25 degree resolution) to match the SEVIRI geostationary satellite projection. I use this command: gdalwarp -overwrite -ot Float32 -t_srs "+proj=geos +a=...
os1's user avatar
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Reprojecting swath to lat lon grid?

I have satellite swath data in the form of an HDF5 file containing 3 arrays: 'data_array', 'latitude' and 'longitude'. All three are 32-bit floats, are arrays of the same dimensions (X-by-Y) and the ...
os1's user avatar
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Georeferencing Himawari-8 in GDAL (or other)

Does anyone know the appropriate project information to georeference (and hence reproject) Himawari-8 AHI data in the IR? The images are 5500x5500 pixels. Currently I try these: ulx=-5570248.832537 ...
os1's user avatar
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Reprojecting MODIS Ice Sea Temperature products with gdalwarp

I have problems projecting MODIS Ice Sea Temperature (IST) products to EPSG:3031 (Antartic Polar Stereographic) using gdalwarp. The product I'm working with is MOD29E1D, documented here, p33: The ...
Pierre's user avatar
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Solving Gdalwarp error 'too many points failed to transform' for remapping Geostationary to Lambert conformal [closed]

I am trying to remap from Geostationary to Lambert conformal using gdalwarp. My input data is in netcdf, and is in geographic coordinates (degrees) and I would like to output the remapped data to ...
Katie J's user avatar
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How can I fix badly specified geographic coordinate system with units in arc-seconds?

Check out this depth-to-rock soil data. It is linked from here. The spatial reference system is a latlon, but the units are arcseconds. I could not reason out how to override the SRS even after ...
Neil Best's user avatar
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How do I solve a "No PROJ.4 translation" error with gdal?

I've installed gdal using the brew utility on OS X so the proj and geos dependencies were also installed. I'm now trying to warp a GeoTIFF so that I can import it into Google Earth. I am getting a ...
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