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GDAL Warp extremely slow on Python API

I am trying to export one VRT to TIFF using GDAL Warp. My VRT has some scale, offset, reprojections, etc, but nothing too crazy. I have observed that trying to perform the warp from the Python API is ...
Guillermo Moreno Castaño's user avatar
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Transforming ortho (.tiff) file from one epsg to other epsg

I am using GDAL to transfrom ortho from one EPSG to other EPSG. In my case I have used EPSG:32610 which is in (m) and transformed into EPSG:2227 which is in (us-ft). I am able to transform it using ...
Vivek Rao's user avatar
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Warp result of GDAL translate jpg to geotiff using osgeo.gdal

I am attempting to warp a geotiff created from gdal.Translate where the original file was a jpg. I first obtain the ground control points from a co-located text file. The results of gdal.Translate ...
jclark754's user avatar
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GDAL warp removing half of the map

I am using gdal warp to transform a geotiff between espg:4326 to epsg:3857, I have successfully done this previously on similar images but with the current geotiff it doesn't seem to be working. I am ...
james hall's user avatar
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Passing geometry dataset type to gdal.Warp() for a clip operation - order of operations and file type confusion

Trying to wrap my head around the correct order of operations and file type(s) required by gdal.Warp(). I have a valid geometry object created from the shapely object.unary_union.convex_hull method. ...
bashity's user avatar
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gdal.WarpOptions not accepting srcBands argument?

Defining as follows: warpoptions = gdal.WarpOptions(format = 'GTiff', outputType = gdal.GDT_Float32, srcBands = [1], dstBands = [1], dstSRS = 'EPSG:4326', dstNodata = 0, resampleAlg = 'cubicspline', ...
John Lawler's user avatar
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Vertical transformation of DEM from EPSG:3035 to EPSG:4326

I am trying to convert a DEM file from EPSG:3035 (ETRS89-extended / LAEA Europe) to EPSG:4326 (WGS 84) with gdalwarp. EPSG:3035 uses the European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 ensemble datum where ...
Badal's user avatar
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gdal.warp in Python script

I've a .tif file in EPSG:3426 and i'd like to convert it in UTM, zone 33, scale: meters. In gdal I use: gdalwarp -t_srs "+proj=utm +zone=33 +datum=WGS84 +units=m" image_input.tif image_utm....
Salvo's user avatar
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Python subprocess not recognising gdalwarp option

I have been trying to use the subprocess module in python to perform the gdalwarp command. To do so, I have done it like so # use pixel size for GDAL WARP command print('Pre warp') warped_file = ...
Guest_questiont575930's user avatar
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Fixing gdalwarp bounding box when trying to orthorectify using GCPs

I'm trying to orthorectify a raw, raster satellite image with a set of ground control points (GCPs) using gdalwarp. I first create a temporary tif to add in the GCPs using gdal_translate, then I ...
user1880610's user avatar
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Python - same GDAL command giving different results

I've been using GDAL warp to re-project a tiff I have. On the GDAL commandline I use gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:3857 C:/test/test_file.tif C:/test/test_file_gdal.tif Similarly, I wanted to run this function ...
guest_98732012's user avatar
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gdal_edit not find as internal command in Python

I am writing the geoinformation using the gdal_edit command using python in Jupyter notebook. Below is the syntax. !gdal_edit -a_ullr -1.149576 85.247405 -92.762859 88.022318 -a_srs "+proj=...
Nidhi Verma's user avatar
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Georeference and rotate an image using GDAL and Python

I have a drone image with no spatial reference (ungeoreferenced). I know from some calculations the coordinates of the upper left corner, and X and Y resolutions. I was able to georeference the image ...
Ahmad Raji's user avatar
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Polygonizing global raster using Python/GDAL?

I'm looking to polygonize a global raster with 29 different categories. However, when I try to run it in QGIS, it either crashes or takes forever to load. I'm now trying to run it in python. import ...
user2031's user avatar
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Down Sample Resolution Change Band Sum

I collected information from WorldPop about the Italian population in 2000 that is a geoTiff with a spatial resolution of 100m. The data can be downloaded here. I would like to change the resolution ...
emax's user avatar
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