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Transforming ortho (.tiff) file from one epsg to other epsg

I am using GDAL to transfrom ortho from one EPSG to other EPSG. In my case I have used EPSG:32610 which is in (m) and transformed into EPSG:2227 which is in (us-ft). I am able to transform it using ...
Vivek Rao's user avatar
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Gdalwarp assigning zero values outside input raster extents

I'm attempting to combine several GeoTIFF files into a single mosaic raster using gdalwarp: import os os.environ['AWS_NO_SIGN_REQUEST'] = 'YES' file1 = "https://dea-public-data-dev.s3-ap-...
Robbi Bishop-Taylor's user avatar
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Produce ISEA "Icosahedral Snyder Equal Area" GEOTIFF/raster with gdalwarp

Is an icosahedral projection impossible to produce with PROJ/GDAL ? Produce ISEA "Icosahedral Snyder Equal Area" GEOTIFF/raster with gdalwarp. I am trying to use gdal tools to convert Plate-...
Molly's user avatar
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Reprojecting each tif located in Folder Directory using GDAL in Python [closed]

Python beginner here. I am using python to reproject a folder of rasters (.tifs). Each raster has a projection that I want to change to WGS 1984 (espg:4326). I want to use an open-source GIS library ...
Connor Garrett's user avatar
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gdal.warp in Python script

I've a .tif file in EPSG:3426 and i'd like to convert it in UTM, zone 33, scale: meters. In gdal I use: gdalwarp -t_srs "+proj=utm +zone=33 +datum=WGS84 +units=m" image_input.tif image_utm....
Salvo's user avatar
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GDAL: Reprojecting geotiff from LATLONG to UTM

I have a file in geotiff format, with coordinates in WGS84. I would need to convert from WGS84 to UTM. When I launch the code via GDAL: gdalwarp -t_srs '+ proj = utm + zone = 37 + datum = WGS84 + ...
Sal's user avatar
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Removing Alpha Band using GDAL results in black nodatafill

In QGIS I have saved a raster that I styled as a Rendered Image. This saves me the trouble of uploading a style on geoserver and applying the style to the geotiff. It should also decrease the file ...
timdub's user avatar
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Clipping raster using multiple shapefiles using gdal in Python

I am currently using batch process in QGIS based on clip raster by extent to clip geotiff raster layers based on different shapefiles. I am trying to clip many raster layers from the same region with ...
Sam's user avatar
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SRTM HGT to GeoTIFF conversion using GDAL

I have (for example) SRTM-1 file n48e083.hgt with resolution 3601x3601. What is right way to convert it to GeoTIFF? gdal_translate -srcwin 0 0 3600 3600 -a_ullr 83 49 84 48 n48e083.hgt n48e083.tif or ...
Alexey Gusev's user avatar
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Reprojecting raster changes pixel scale (makes it darker)

I have an HH polarised SAR image as follows: This is how it looks in QGIS in the default EPSG:4326 projection. Now I would like to reproject this raster to ESRI:102020 (South Pole Lambert Azimuthal ...
ashnair1's user avatar
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GeoTIFF is stretched sideway when translating CRS to EPSG:4326 from EPSG:32654

I want to convert a GeoTIFF's coordinate reference system to EPSG:4326 from EPSG:32654. But the output image is stretched to the side. I have tried two different methods (gdalwarp and rasterio), but ...
satsuki's user avatar
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Convert GeoTIFF to NITF

This should be very straightforward, but I can't seem to find this exact conversion scenario. I understand pixel / row / and lat and long coordinates but it seems like none of these values agree with ...
rws's user avatar
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Using gdalwarp and gdal_translate to create a KMLSUPEROVERLAY with a trasparent background from a GeoTIFF

I attempting to create a KMZ file with an image overlay that has a transparent background. I'm using a GeoTIFF exported from the CoastWatch Utility Link to TIFF file:
Chris_NSB's user avatar
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Merging rasters with

I'm trying to create a mosaic raster from two rasters. With rasterio works well but subprocess calling doesn`t work for me. My Error is: OSError: [WinError 193] %1 is not a valid Win32 ...
DanielKovacs's user avatar
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gdalwarp from EPSG:4326 to EPSG:3031 contains no data

I have a high resolution, optimized GeoTiff file in EPSG 4326 that I want to reproject into several other projections. Target projections EPSG:3857 (Mercator) and EPSG:3413 (Arctic stereographic) work ...
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