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Produce ISEA "Icosahedral Snyder Equal Area" GEOTIFF/raster with gdalwarp

Is an icosahedral projection impossible to produce with PROJ/GDAL ? Produce ISEA "Icosahedral Snyder Equal Area" GEOTIFF/raster with gdalwarp. I am trying to use gdal tools to convert Plate-...
Molly's user avatar
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gdalwarp raster reprojection is generating pixelated edges

I have a raster image, which is satellite data, that I would like to reproject using gdal on the command line. The files I am using can be found here: the unprojected image (.png) .wld file .msinc ...
Pufferfishe's user avatar
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Python - same GDAL command giving different results

I've been using GDAL warp to re-project a tiff I have. On the GDAL commandline I use gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:3857 C:/test/test_file.tif C:/test/test_file_gdal.tif Similarly, I wanted to run this function ...
guest_98732012's user avatar
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GDAL warp not aligning two rasters perfectly

I'm trying to align one raster to another using GDAL Warp. I've read that it's important to pick a reference image and use its extent coords, cell resolution and the -tap argument to force the second ...
hmnoidk's user avatar
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How to mosaic/merge multiple tiles exactly, eliminating gaps?

I have multiple scenes from planet doves and I need to mosaic them together to have one raster. I used build virtual raster in qgis and I have smth like this is it possible to exactly merge without ...
Manap Shymyr's user avatar
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Polygonizing global raster using Python/GDAL?

I'm looking to polygonize a global raster with 29 different categories. However, when I try to run it in QGIS, it either crashes or takes forever to load. I'm now trying to run it in python. import ...
user2031's user avatar
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Clip Raster with Shapefile GDAL API

I am trying to clip a raster using a polygon an GDAL. The following code is running without an error but the ouputimage is all zeros. All files are in the same CRS. Is there a way to use GdalWarp with ...
Roots19's user avatar
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Continental GeoTIFF Failing to Warp

I'm attempting to reproject/warp a series of raster images for continental Australia from Geographic GDA94 to Projected Geoscience Australia Lambert. However, aside from unexpectedly long processing ...
kfob's user avatar
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Cannot extract by mask using gdalwarp

I am trying to extract data from a raster file using a Shapefile mask. QGIS suggests the following command: gdalwarp -of GTiff -cutline SanFernando_basin.shp -cl SanFernando_basin -crop_to_cutline ...
Robert Zinke's user avatar
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How to find patches with data in Raster and then how to extract those patches?

I have a single band raster file as drawn in the labeled image attached. The size of raster is around 4k pixel in each x and y axis. Large part of this raster is empty. Only in small portions of the ...
Stupid420's user avatar
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The transformation is already "north up" or a transformation between pixel/line and georeferenced coordinates cannot be computed

I tried to warp a raster image, a old airplane image, for projection by using gdalwarp. My code: gdalwarp -t_srs '+proj=utm +zone=52 +datum=WGS84' 1954_airplane_photo.tif air_warp.tif But, I had this ...
Changwan Sun's user avatar
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Mosaicking raster tiles with different color palettes

I want to create a mosaic of 35 rasters using gdal. Using gdalwarp --config GDAL_CACHEMAX 8000 -wm 8000 *.tif abk.tif I get a fairly small output file. But I've noticed that some colours are off. It ...
maaattes's user avatar
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Regular line pattern of flat pixels after using gdalwarp

I observe a regular pattern of flat pixel bands on a DEM reprojected using gdalwarp: The red line represents a profile for which the following graph is an extract between the two squared dots, so it ...
swiss_knight's user avatar
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Clipping raster using multiple shapefiles using gdal in Python

I am currently using batch process in QGIS based on clip raster by extent to clip geotiff raster layers based on different shapefiles. I am trying to clip many raster layers from the same region with ...
Sam's user avatar
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Converting shapefile to raster by passing specific column/variable using GDAL in Python

Followed the steps from this link to create raster from shapefile using GDAL Convert an OGR File to a Raster but it is returning an empty raster. Can someone tell how to define a particular column ...
Abhilash Singh Chauhan's user avatar

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