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Stripes in map are missing after gdalwarp and gdalbuildvrt

I have a problem with some GeoTIFF:s that are in EPSG:3006 and I need them in EPSG:3857. The problem is that after gdalwarp, and gdalbuildvrt I get transparent stripes in the vrt map This is one of ...
Mårten Swärd's user avatar
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Creating Orthomosaic with GDAL

Platform: Windows 11 1. Aim trying to achieve: I have some very high quality multispectral data (drone multispectral imagery), from which I am trying to create an orthomosaic. My multispectral data ...
DevM's user avatar
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Cropping VRT with Shapefile to create new VRT with no dependecy from input

I'm new to work with gdal and I'm trying to crop a VRT-File with a shapefile to create a new VRT-File that is independent from the input. I use gdalbuildvrt [...] to create the base VRT-File from ...
Martin Reger's user avatar
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Tile GeoTIFF images in locations far from each other in one layer

How to tile two aerial TIFF images from two cities in one layer? I understand that first, I should create a virtual layer (vrt) and then tile it after reprojection. However, gdal2tile creates too many ...
Arash Archer's user avatar
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Tile a large VRT with different resolutions

I have a large raster GeoTIFF of the whole world with a low resolution, and also parts of the world with higher resolutions. Some very high, some medium high resolution. Now I would like to create new ...
Georg's user avatar
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Why does this HDF4 file converted to .tif with gdal come out at a coarser resolution?

I'm currently working with large-domain MODIS data. These come in multiple separate HDF4 files which I stitch together into a virtual data set (VRT), reproject into EPSG:4326, sub-set to the domain of ...
bumbling_geographer's user avatar
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Select first valid datasource in VRT

When reading data from a VRT, gdal appears to interpolate values from all available rasters. Is there a way to configure the VRT in such a way that it selects the first valid raster in the dataset, or ...
Will's user avatar
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sampling error using gdalwarp on a subsetted VRT?

I am currently trying to prepare an SRTM subset including height conversion from EGM96 to WGS84 using gdalwarp. I encountered some strange shifts in part of the image. Here is a reproducible example: ...
John Truckenbrodt's user avatar
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How to fix positive North-South Pixel size in GeoTIFF with GDAL

I have issues with some GeoTIFF raster files with positive NS resolution (North-South) gdalinfo gave me this: Pixel Size = (1.000000000000000,1.000000000000000) I run into all kind of problem with ...
mxfh's user avatar
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13 votes
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Can I preserve a fading alpha layer when mosaicing images with gdal?

I am mosaicing some images with gdal and would like to improve the final result by using a fading / gradual alpha layer towards the edge of each image to remove the sharp edges in the middle of the ...
jeremyeastwood's user avatar
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Problem defining the tiling starting point

We are tiling a image datasets. However, we want to specifically define custom windows. To do this, we are using -te option during warping. The warped output is then tiled. The problem though is that ...
algone's user avatar
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How do I set nodata with custom color for gdal_translate and gdal2tilespy?

I start with a bunch of 1-bit geotiff files that I had to convert to 8-bit RGB tiff files to use with GDAL. Then I tried to set borders to red (content is in black and white so I can't use those) and ...
ttback's user avatar
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