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Convert RGB(A) GeoPDF to Grayscale GeoTIFF with GDAL

I'm using the GDAL command line tools gdal_warp and gdal_translate to convert RGB(A) GeoPDF images into GeoTIFF images. Unfortunately I found no config option that changes the RGB(A) color space to ...
christoph's user avatar
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Cropping VRT with Shapefile to create new VRT with no dependecy from input

I'm new to work with gdal and I'm trying to crop a VRT-File with a shapefile to create a new VRT-File that is independent from the input. I use gdalbuildvrt [...] to create the base VRT-File from ...
Martin Reger's user avatar
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Bad values with gdalwarp and "aliased" coordinate transformation

I've strange values using gdallocationinfo on vrt with coordinate system transformation. Here is my use case, maybe you can help to understand what I did bad or misunderstood 1) I've got a bunch of ...
nono303's user avatar
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gdal.Warp is not creating a TIFF file (very big raster)

My raster size is more than 6 Gb. It was created from SRTM tiles, so I wasn't even able to save it as TIFF, hence I used vrt format. Now I want to translate it to .map, so I use: warpopt = gdal....
Nikolay Yasinskiy's user avatar
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Select first valid datasource in VRT

When reading data from a VRT, gdal appears to interpolate values from all available rasters. Is there a way to configure the VRT in such a way that it selects the first valid raster in the dataset, or ...
Will's user avatar
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"Warning 1: All options related to creation ignored in update mode" (GDAL)

I am attempting to clip a raster using a polygon file (shapefile) and to save the result in memory. I succeed to do it using gdal.Warp and the option format=VRT using the following code. Please note ...
rdmato33's user avatar
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sampling error using gdalwarp on a subsetted VRT?

I am currently trying to prepare an SRTM subset including height conversion from EGM96 to WGS84 using gdalwarp. I encountered some strange shifts in part of the image. Here is a reproducible example: ...
John Truckenbrodt's user avatar
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GDAL Warp to in-memory raster

So, I have a few rasters I need to use for processing, but the task requires them to be in a different SRS than they currently are. GDAL Warp would be the go-to solution, however, it saves the ...
Roberto Ribeiro's user avatar
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gdalwarp not clipping VRT to correct extent

I'm trying to clip a projected .vrt raster to an extent expressed in GCS coordinates and it's not doing what I would expect. Here is my command: gdalwarp -te -133.08813624 56.69042536 -132.69405069 ...
user20408's user avatar
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Cutting a shape from a VRT file with GDAL warp

I have a couple of overlapping TIFF files which I want first to merge and then to clip a shapefile from the result TIFF. The problem is that the TIFFs are pretty big and when the TIFFs are overlapping ...
bozhidarc's user avatar
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Getting WGS84 lat lon bounds from VRT file

I have vrt files generated using gdalbuildvrt that reference GeoTiffs referenced using the NZTM coordinate system. Is there an easy way to determine the bounds as WGS84 latitude longitude coordinates? ...
Gavin's user avatar
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Size of output geotiff file not as in the .vrt file

I have the following vrt file (input.vrt) with GCPs in EPSG:3857 <VRTDataset rasterXSize="5409" rasterYSize="5408"> <Metadata /> <Metadata domain="IMAGE_STRUCTURE"> <MDI ...
user123892's user avatar