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Reproject pseudo Plate-Carree to "Icosahedral Snyder Equal Area" using GDALWARP

Reproject pseudo Plate-Carree to "Icosahedral Snyder Equal Area" with gdalwarp. I am trying to reproject a plate-carree to ISEA "Icosahedral Snyder Equal Area". I suspect ISEA ...
Molly's user avatar
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GDAL_translate and HEGtool

I am using GDAL to convert a huge dataset of HDF into GEOTIFF. When I tried with the HEG tool the tiff file was according to my requirements, but when using GDAL I think the projection gets shifted ...
Aditya Vaghela's user avatar
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How to replicate gdalwarp -cutline in Python to cut out tif image based on the extents.kml file

In my python code I run the following command: command = 'gdalwarp rgb.tif rgb_output_cut.tif -cutline extent.kml -dstnodata 0 -q' os.system(command) This cuts rgb.tif based on the extents specified ...
jlcv's user avatar
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Using gdalwarp to change raster extent, float value issue (Python 2.7, GDAL)

I am trying to change the extent of a rasterized shapefile to match that of another raster so it can act as a mask for the latter. Other posts suggest using gdalwarp. However, when using gdalwarp to ...
Tins's user avatar
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enlarge bounding box from a smaller one in GDAL

I have a small raster tiff and I want copy its data in a new raster with a bigger bbox. So is it possible, via a GDAL command, to enlarge a bounding box maintaining same pixel locations from the ...
Marco Ciaramella's user avatar
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Getting WGS84 lat lon bounds from VRT file

I have vrt files generated using gdalbuildvrt that reference GeoTiffs referenced using the NZTM coordinate system. Is there an easy way to determine the bounds as WGS84 latitude longitude coordinates? ...
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