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How to cut a raster exactly to Geometry of a irregular polygon?

To cut a raster I saw some solutions suggesting gdalwarp with cropToCutline and cutlineSQL options. poly = item.geometry.asWkt() ds = 'raster.tif' sql = f"select ST_GeomFromText('{poly}',4326)&...
GothamChess's user avatar
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Multiple Selection and clip raster by mask in QGIS using PyQGIS

I am doing raster by mask on multiple polygons. Selection on the basis of "CONTCD='AFR'" is running fine. Second selection and looping to for mask is only showing all. layer=QgsVectorLayer(&...
user94672's user avatar
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2 answers

gdalWarp : Assigning more than one nodata value

I am working with a single band raster file in pyQgis and want to assign multiple Nodata values while reprojecting. I tried doing this but it took only the first value 32761 as Nodata value: gdal.Warp(...
Moon Child's user avatar
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QGIS Python not resampling when using gdal warp reproject

I've got a Python script which, so far, is creating a nice DEM. I need to reproject it and then run a slope analysis on it. For the reprojection part, as I've found in a few places, I'm using gdal:...
user25730's user avatar
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Unable to execute QGIS algorithm while taking Input raster directly from AWS S3 account

I have a raster file (.TIF) in my AWS S3 account. I am using GDAL to open that .TIF file and to save the reprojected .TIF file to my local computer using QGIS GDAL 'Warp (reproject)' algorithm as ...
Sreeraj's user avatar
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Warping a GeoTIFF File (Error1: Cannot open CSV)

Here is my code for the script : import os import subprocess as sub # get your files path = r'C:\Users\User\Downloads\jalna\pdf\test' files = [os.path.join(path, f) for f in os.listdir(path) if f....
TANISHQ SHAIKH's user avatar
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Match Projection & Extent Using GDAL

I am looking to match both the projection and extent of two separate .tif files. The file I want all other .tif files introduced into raster calculations is as follows: The other raster image covers ...
TornadoEric's user avatar
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How to populate gdalwarp with a dynamic value in QGIS geoprocessing?

I am attempting to call gdalwarp (python binding gdal.Warp()) as a script inside QGIS modeler (QGIS 2.18.10, gdal 2.2.0). The goal is to correlate any loaded raster with a UTM zone grid, get the ...
auslander's user avatar
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How to resample a raster with gdalogr:warpreproject or gdalogr:translate with non-default method

I would like to resample a raster to multiple rasters of a certain amount of pixels in width and height based on a bilinear resampling method. However, I am not sure if the available syntax allows ...
Sophie Crommelinck's user avatar
12 votes
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PyQGIS save raster as rendered image, then use GDAL tools on it

I have tried to use the code from QGis Save Raster as Rendered Image. i is a raster layer: pipelayer = i pipeextent = pipelayer.extent() pipewidth, pipeheight = (pipelayer.width(), ...
Tom Chadwin's user avatar
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polygonize giving duplicated polygons?

I am trying to reproject some ascii files and convert them into shapefiles. I am new to python but looking at some code online and help files I was able to write the following code to run on Python ...
sbg's user avatar
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For looping folder to batch clip rasters by polygon using python and QGIS?

I am using Python and QGIS 2.0. I am trying to clip rasters in a folder by one polygon feature. It's the first time for me using PyQGIS; I was used to ArcPy before. How do I get my script to work? ...
umbe1987's user avatar
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