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Clip a NetCDF file using gdal_translate or gdalwarp

I'm trying to clip this .nc file using either gdal_translate or gdalwarp. However I don't think I'm getting the correct output. I'm able to clip the file in Python using either of the following ...
John's user avatar
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Warnings on converting NetCDF using gdalwarp

I have a curvilinear NetCDF file, which currently has a single time step (for a mean across time). The variable I am looking at is DIC at a single depth. I am trying to convert this NetCDF file to ...
summer r's user avatar
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Using gdal.Warp() on netCDF file. Simple case fails

I'm using the python API to GDAL to try to do a simple geographic warp of a netCDF4 satellite file to a small sub region. My python program fails to produce any output but does not throw any ...
Ed Armstrong's user avatar
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Reproject NetCDF file using gdalwarp?

I'm trying to convert this file to EPSG:3857 with this command: gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:3857 Warning 1: No UNIDATA NC_GLOBAL:Conventions attribute Warning 1: Several ...
grod's user avatar
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Values change after re-projecting the NetCDF files to TIFF file

I am trying to re-project a NetCDF file to a uniform grid EPSG: 4326 and convert it to a TIFF file. However, after the GDAL re-projection the values in the file change, i.e. the values are not ...
npal's user avatar
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NetCDF with separate lat/lon bands to GeoTiff with Python/GDAL

I know this has been asked before, but none of the suggested solutions works for me, and Converting Sentinel-3 data (netcdf) to GeoTIFF is for Java. I tried the accepted answer from Map project a ...
s6hebern's user avatar
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gdalwarp netcdf input file has no raster bands

I use netCDF data from I call gdalwarp as gdalwarp -of netCDF -ts 480 1080 and get Input file ...
Antonio's user avatar
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Translate netcdf file to tif whilst retaining pixel values

[EDIT] - I have added the outputs of GDAL Info into each bit - apologies if it makes this quite a large text question. I am trying to do various processes on a netcdf file, but at the very end of my ...
Ramotswa's user avatar
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Why does clipping netCDF in QGIS change cell values?

My problem goes like this: I have a gridded data in netCDF file. The cells have values in meters. For example: 0,012. I only need a small area of the grid and after clipping it in QGIS using a ...
crisvr's user avatar
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GRIB to NetCDF with GDAL, specifying dimensions

I have a GRIB dataset representing temperature over North America, in Lambert Conformal Conic (with specified central meridian, latitude of origin, etc.). It has what should be understood as a ...
alphabetasoup's user avatar
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Solving Gdalwarp error 'too many points failed to transform' for remapping Geostationary to Lambert conformal [closed]

I am trying to remap from Geostationary to Lambert conformal using gdalwarp. My input data is in netcdf, and is in geographic coordinates (degrees) and I would like to output the remapped data to ...
Katie J's user avatar
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