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Questions tagged [grammar]

Questions about the grammatical rules governing Chinese structure and composition.

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I want to know the meaning of 而 which is used inside 公司一再宽容,而他却越来越过分了。

公司一再宽容,而他却越来越过分了。 My free translation: The company has tolerated him again and again, and he has been getting worse and worse. I've interpreted the 而 as "but" however seems 却 also has the ...
TG24's user avatar
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Differentiating the adverbs of frequency

I can't tell the difference in meaning between the following since to me they all define doing something frequently: a)我经常在图书馆学习。 b)我一般在图书馆学习。 c)我总是在图书馆学习。 If I want to say,"I usually study at ...
Jay's user avatar
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What is the difference between 所 and 被 in passive voice?

假如借走回家看,则每本每天2分钱,挑好书后交给摊主,摊主仔细地将租书人的姓名、地址和所借小人书的书名登记在本子上,收了租金就可以拿走了,... This is from the Standard Course Book of HSK5, section 20. What is the difference between 所 and 被 in passive voice? Some ...
Konstantinos's user avatar
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What is the difference between the classifiers 册 and 本?

租借小人书很便宜,在摊里看,每册1分钱,选好书坐下就看,看完连书带钱交给摊主;假如借走回家看,则每本每天2分钱,挑好书后交给摊主,... This is from the Standard Course Book of HSK5, chapter 20. What is the difference between the classifiers 册 and 本? 在摊里看,每册1分钱 在摊里看,...
Konstantinos's user avatar
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How to understand 不知其然而然?

At first glance, this appears to mean Not knowing (one‘s) being (in) such (a situation), but still being (in) such (a situation). I searched texts with translations and found this one, containing ...
Ludi's user avatar
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In 别人先代替他的工作, should we delete the 的?

鉴于他的身体还需要恢复一段时间,我们只好请别人先代替他的工作。 My textbook (《会通汉语 6读写》 p.11) contains the above sentence (photo). I'm confused about the last part 代替他的工作. I would expect a person (sb.) to replace (代替) a person (...
Becky 李蓓's user avatar
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Difference between 他给妈妈打电话” and “他打电话给妈妈”

I learned that the sentence pattern is A 给 B + something: "他给妈妈打电话” but recently I saw this 他打电话给妈妈. Are both grammarly correct? Thanks is advance!
Lola's user avatar
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Placement of 了 in 停在了离小岛不太远的地方

The sentence is from Mandarin Companion's "Journey to the center of the Earth". 我们把船停在了离小岛不太远的地方,晚上我们还是在船上休息。 I know that the rules of 了 are tricky, but I dont understand what its doing ...
Senjougahara Hitagi's user avatar
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Help understand this: 每本小人书都用牛皮纸加了层封皮,封皮上用毛笔写上书名

为了减少损坏程度,每本小人书都用牛皮纸加了层封皮,封皮上用毛笔写上书名,整齐漂亮的毛笔字能充分地显示出书摊主人的文化水平。 This is from the Standard Course Book of HSK5, chapter 20. I need your help in understanding this: 每本小人书都用牛皮纸加了层封皮,封皮上用毛笔写上书名,... Actually ...
Konstantinos's user avatar
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Repetition of the first verb (separable verbs)

I am learning Chinese and I have a question about separable verbs. I understand that separable verbs are verbs that can be split by an object or a complement, such as 看书 (read a book) or 看见 (see). ...
mjfneto's user avatar
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If A伴随着B, then is it true that B伴随着A?

CC-CEDICT: 伴随 (bàn​suí​) to accompany / to follow / to occur together with / concomitant I saw on Tateoba the sentence 闪电常常伴随着雷鸣。 Lightning is usually followed by thunder. The English sentence ...
Becky 李蓓's user avatar
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Meaning of 还 other than "still, also, even more"

I've got some sentences with 还. But I can't figure out the purpose of 还 in them. 你还出去做什么? (Does it mean "still", or what?) 快下雪了,我还以为今天是好天气。 (I searched the Internet, and I found many ...
Mohammad Talebi's user avatar
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Are "v. 不好 n." sentences inherently ambiguous in that 不好 could modify the verb or noun?

There's quite a few "v. 不好 n." phrases in Chinese, such as: 睡不好觉 写不好字 讲不好故事 唱不好歌 弹不好吉他 They all seem a bit ambiguous to me: the 不好 could modify the verb to imply the verb is performed ...
Becky 李蓓's user avatar
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What does 一抹 mean?

我看到他眼裡亮起一抹笑意。 First, what tone is "一" in 一抹 pronounced? Second, what does it mean? It seems to be a quantity based on 一, but 抹 means mop/clean so I don't know what it means here and how that ...
ronald christenkkson's user avatar
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Is 很下面 in 它们静静地躺在身后很下面的地方 considered grammatical?

This is from a Chinese version of The Hobbit (here) when the dwarves have left Rivendell: 此时,他们回头���能看见已经离开的那片土地,它们静静地躺在身后很下面的地方。 [Google Translate] At this time, they could look back and see the land ...
Becky 李蓓's user avatar
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