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Working with large
lists in SharePoint
About Me
• Software Developer at Avaya Government
• Executive office of immigration review (EOIR) an
agency within DOJ
• Have been developing for 10+ years
• SharePoint Development since 2007
• Married to my college sweetheart and mother of
twins boys
• Bikram Yoga rocks!!
• When is a list/library considered large?
• >5000 items
• It is not recommended to query or run any
kind of operation that would require to scan
more than 5000 items at a time
• Database Contention
• Performance Degradation
• Service or page load timeout
• SharePoint supports list with millions of items
but must be carefully planned.
Throttling Exception

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Are you new to SharePoint and want to learn more about it? You are in luck. This FREE SharePoint tutorial is an excellent resource and will let you learn SharePoint in no time. It explains in basic and non-technical terms what SharePoint is all about. With this tutorial, you will learn the following key concepts: • SharePoint Sites • SharePoint Pages • SharePoint Web Parts • SharePoint Views • SharePoint Security • SharePoint Navigation

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In this module, I will explain how to become familiar with SharePoint 2016. SharePoint 2016 is a collaboration tool at its heart. Its primary goal is to make it easy for users to find and share information, and there are many features built into SharePoint to facilitate this. SharePoint's library system feature can provide a superior alternative to the traditional file server. SharePoint lists can be an easy-to-design and easy-to-use alternative to sharing spreadsheet files or more formal database tables. Both lists and libraries can be customized and xtended to provide enhanced appearances and functionality, such as calendars and discussion boards, to name a couple. All of this collaboration can be done through a browser interface and in some cases through integration with Microsoft Office applications.

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Resource throttling
• Introduced in SharePoint 2010
• To prevent operations that adversely affect farm
• Configured in Central Administration >Manage
Web Applications >General Setting – Resource
WSPDC June 2013: Working with Large Lists in SharePoint 2010 by Zewdi Solomon
WSPDC June 2013: Working with Large Lists in SharePoint 2010 by Zewdi Solomon
List View Threshold
• Prevent operations that will involve more
than 5000 items (query, indexing, calculated
fields etc..)
• Microsoft recommends NOT to increase this limit

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Step-by-Step Guide to Document Management in SharePoint. Part I – Introduction to Metadata What’s wrong with Folders? Intro to Metadata Step-by-Step on how to setup SharePoint Metadata

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Slide Deck of the session "Introduction to SharePoint 2013 Out of the Box WebParts" Date : 25 October 2014 Event : SPSEvents Washington DC Reston Place : Microsoft Technology Center, 12012 Sunset Hills Road, Reston , Virginia USA 20190 Twitter Handle: #SPSDC

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SharePoint Folders & Metadata
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1. SharePoint folders have advantages like user adoption due to familiarity and ability to set permissions at the folder level. However, folders have disadvantages such as inflexible views, inability to sort or filter, and risk of documents getting lost in nested structures. 2. Metadata allows for more flexible views through sorting and filtering and ability to tag documents with multiple values, but users may have difficulty adopting metadata practices. 3. The document provides recommendations on when to use folders versus metadata based on specific requirements like being able to classify documents in multiple categories or control classification structures.

List View threshold for
auditors and administrators
• Used by certain service
• Search Query Account
• Object cache super-reader and super-writer
Allow object model
• Privileged developers can programmatically
override list view threshold for
• A web application globally
• SPWebAppication.MaxItemsPerThrottledOperation
• An individual list
• Splist.EnableThrottling property to False
• the Query Throttling
• SpQueryThrottleOption
Daily time window
• A database operation or query started within
the daily time window continues until
completion even if it does not finish with the
specified time window
Unique permissions
• Default 50,000
• Recommended to be reduced to 5000
• Performance decreases as the number of
unique permissions increases
• The throughput difference for operations on a
list with 0 – 1000 permissions is around 20
• Avoid fine-grained permissions
• Every broken permission inheritance adds
one to the unique permission count

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No one will argue, one of the major changes brought to SharePoint 2013 lies around Search. With the new Continuous Crawl, the new architecture and the many changes to the existing and new Web Parts, your architecture will need to be re-worked. This session is for those with experience in SharePoint 2010 that want to see how we can exploit the new features and Web Parts to build our own new Search Center. This session will cover: What is Continuous Crawl? Using Analytics to better the user experience with search Changes and new Web Parts for Search (refinement, search results, content search, etc.) Result Types and Rules Display Templates And more… The release of the new SharePoint 2013 with this advanced Search will greatly influence the way you architect your SharePoint. This session gives you the opportunity to see what can be done with Search so you don’t have to say “I wish I knew that before”.

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The document outlines 10 SharePoint hacks that cannot be lived without. It describes quick edit, version control, editing documents online, library/list search boxes, drag and drop functionality, security group permission lookups, drop-down navigation, enterprise keywords, managed metadata, and metadata navigation. For each hack, it provides the business benefit and instructions for how to implement it in SharePoint. The document encourages reaching out if any additional help is needed with SharePoint configuration, customization, migration, implementation strategy, training, user adoption, or governance.

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Lookup columns and list
• Causes a join with another table
• Increases complexity of metadata navigation
and list view queries
• Workflow status also count
Operations Classifications
• List exceeding the list view threshold
• Add/remove/update a list Column
• Add/remove/update a list Content type
• Create/remove an index
• Container exceeding the list view threshold
• Delete/copy/rename a folder
• Queries that filter on non-indexed columns
• Set fine-grained security permissions
WSPDC June 2013: Working with Large Lists in SharePoint 2010 by Zewdi Solomon
Techniques and Tips
• Indexed Columns
• Filtered views based on Column indexes
• Organizing items into folders
• Using the daily time windows
• Using Search

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This document provides best practices for document management in SharePoint Online, including using managed metadata, document sets, and archives. It discusses setting default metadata and customizing views and workflows. The document also lists several references and resources for further information on topics like folders versus metadata, migrating file shares, creating term sets and document sets, versioning, collaboration, and document set articles.

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Our time is too valuable to spend it looking for files or re-inventing what we’ve already created. It’s time to get off of file shares and adopt a content management strategy leveraging SharePoint libraries, metadata, and search. We can all fall victim to clinging to our folder structures but there’s a better way. Learn how to take advantage of the beneficial features of powerful search and custom metadata in SharePoint. In this session we feature TermSet, an exciting new product that automatically adds metadata and taxonomies to SharePoint. All without a burden on business users or your IT department!

metadatasharepointfile shares
• Up to 20 columns
• Columns Filtered or Sorted by
• Consumes extra resources in the database
• Adds overhead to every operation to maintain
the index
• Columns that cannot be indexed
• Multiple lines of text
• Choice (multi-valued)
• Calculated
• Hyperlink or Pictures
• For a complete list please visit Enforcing
Uniqueness in Column Values
How to Create an index
1. Go to the library settings for the list
2. Under the Columns section, click on indexed
3. Create a new index
How to Create an index
4. In the Primary Column section, under Primary
column for this index, select your column
5. Click Create
Filtered Views
• First filter column must be index
• First filter column must not return more
items than the threshold limit
• Check recycle bin for deleted items

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How to Create Filtered View
1. In the Managed Views group, click create
2. Click on Standard View
3. Enter your view name
How to Create Filtered View
4. In the Filter section, click on Show items only when
the following is true
5. choose your indexed columns and enter value
CAML Query
Organizing items into
• Internal index gets created
• Effectively using internal index to access data
• Can contain more items than the list view
• Show all items without folders
• Default view show all available folders

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Daily time window
• Use the Daily time window for operations
• Adding/deleting an index
• Adding Calculated field
• Deleting/copying folders
Using Search
• Has its own indexing mechanisms
• Not subject to List View Threshold
• Create Scope
• Keyword or phrase search
• Refinement Panel
SharePoint 2013
• This behavior has not changed in SharePoint
• Query Throttling and Indexing
• Manage lists and Libraries with many items
• Designing Large lists and maximizing list
performance (SharePoint Server 2010)

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The document discusses Jesus telling Peter that he will build his church upon him and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. It also references parables told by Jesus about a man scattering seed and a farmer harvesting grain when it is ripe. Paul discusses how he planted seeds of faith and Apollos watered them, but that God alone makes things grow. He expresses that living is for working fruitfully for Christ, but dying would allow him to be with Christ, though remaining alive would be better for others.

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• Email:
• Twitter: @zewdiyemane
• LinkedIn:

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WSPDC June 2013: Working with Large Lists in SharePoint 2010 by Zewdi Solomon

  • 1. Working with large lists in SharePoint 2010
  • 2. About Me • Software Developer at Avaya Government Solutions • Executive office of immigration review (EOIR) an agency within DOJ • Have been developing for 10+ years • SharePoint Development since 2007 • Married to my college sweetheart and mother of twins boys • Bikram Yoga rocks!!
  • 3. Introduction • When is a list/library considered large? • >5000 items • It is not recommended to query or run any kind of operation that would require to scan more than 5000 items at a time • Database Contention • Performance Degradation • Service or page load timeout • SharePoint supports list with millions of items but must be carefully planned.
  • 5. Resource throttling • Introduced in SharePoint 2010 • To prevent operations that adversely affect farm performance • Configured in Central Administration >Manage Web Applications >General Setting – Resource Throttling
  • 8. List View Threshold • Prevent operations that will involve more than 5000 items (query, indexing, calculated fields etc..) • Microsoft recommends NOT to increase this limit
  • 9. List View threshold for auditors and administrators • Used by certain service • Search Query Account • Object cache super-reader and super-writer accounts
  • 10. Allow object model override • Privileged developers can programmatically override list view threshold for • A web application globally • SPWebAppication.MaxItemsPerThrottledOperation • An individual list • Splist.EnableThrottling property to False • the Query Throttling • SpQueryThrottleOption
  • 11. Daily time window • A database operation or query started within the daily time window continues until completion even if it does not finish with the specified time window
  • 12. Unique permissions • Default 50,000 • Recommended to be reduced to 5000 • Performance decreases as the number of unique permissions increases • The throughput difference for operations on a list with 0 – 1000 permissions is around 20 percent • Avoid fine-grained permissions • Every broken permission inheritance adds one to the unique permission count
  • 13. Lookup columns and list view • Causes a join with another table • Increases complexity of metadata navigation and list view queries • Workflow status also count
  • 14. Operations Classifications • List exceeding the list view threshold • Add/remove/update a list Column • Add/remove/update a list Content type • Create/remove an index • Container exceeding the list view threshold • Delete/copy/rename a folder • Queries that filter on non-indexed columns • Set fine-grained security permissions
  • 16. Techniques and Tips • Indexed Columns • Filtered views based on Column indexes • Organizing items into folders • Using the daily time windows • Using Search
  • 17. Indexing • Up to 20 columns • Columns Filtered or Sorted by • Consumes extra resources in the database • Adds overhead to every operation to maintain the index • Columns that cannot be indexed • Multiple lines of text • Choice (multi-valued) • Calculated • Hyperlink or Pictures • For a complete list please visit Enforcing Uniqueness in Column Values
  • 18. How to Create an index 1. Go to the library settings for the list 2. Under the Columns section, click on indexed columns 3. Create a new index
  • 19. How to Create an index 4. In the Primary Column section, under Primary column for this index, select your column 5. Click Create
  • 20. Filtered Views • First filter column must be index • First filter column must not return more items than the threshold limit • Check recycle bin for deleted items
  • 21. How to Create Filtered View 1. In the Managed Views group, click create view 2. Click on Standard View 3. Enter your view name
  • 22. How to Create Filtered View 4. In the Filter section, click on Show items only when the following is true 5. choose your indexed columns and enter value
  • 24. Organizing items into Folders • Internal index gets created • Effectively using internal index to access data • Can contain more items than the list view threshold • Show all items without folders • Default view show all available folders
  • 25. Daily time window • Use the Daily time window for operations like: • Adding/deleting an index • Adding Calculated field • Deleting/copying folders
  • 26. Using Search • Has its own indexing mechanisms • Not subject to List View Threshold • Create Scope • Keyword or phrase search • Refinement Panel
  • 27. SharePoint 2013 • This behavior has not changed in SharePoint 2013. • us/library/ff382641.aspx
  • 28. References • Query Throttling and Indexing • us/library/ff798465.aspx • Manage lists and Libraries with many items • server-help/manage-lists-and-libraries-with-many- items-HA010378155.aspx?redir=0 • Designing Large lists and maximizing list performance (SharePoint Server 2010) • us/library/cc262813.aspx
  • 29. Contact • Email: • Twitter: @zewdiyemane • LinkedIn: -solomon-mcp-mcts/17/324/2bb

Editor's Notes

  1. These default has been tested and carefully chosen.The computer administrator of the front-end computer and the central administrator site owner accessing a list or library with many items are not subject to these limits. Specially during testing it might look that it is working fine
  2. You can temporarily change the EnableThrottling on an individual list
  3. You should only change this as a temporary solution or last resortQuery throttle Option:Default: Enumeration value of Default is 0. If the user is a local administrator on the server no throttling limits will apply to the query. Otherwise throttling limits on the number of items and the number of Lookup, Person/Group, and Workflow Status fields will apply to the query.Override:Enumeration value of Override is 1. If the user is a local administrator on the server no throttling limits will apply to the query. If the web application security policy grants the user Full Read or Full Control permissions the throttling limit for Auditors and Administrators will apply to the number of items involved in the query and no throttling will apply to the number of Lookup, Person/Group, and Workflow Status fields. Otherwise the [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPQueryThrottleOption.SPQueryThrottleOption.Default] setting will apply to the query. Strict:Enumeration value is 2. Throttling for both the number of items and for number of Lookup, Person/Group, and Workflow Status fields will apply to the query regardless of user permissions.