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How to start
with Cypress
- almost 7 years at Slido
- Mostly test automation
- Cypress ambassador
- - Cypress tips
- Workshops, presentations,
webinars, courses,
streaming, youtube,
👋 Filip Hric
Workshop form
- 📚 Chapter overview
- 👀 Demo
- 󰠁 Practical challenge - try it at home!
- ❓ Q&A continually, use your mic, or in Q&A section

Recommended for you

Let your tests drive your code
Let your tests drive your codeLet your tests drive your code
Let your tests drive your code

Test-driven Development (TDD) is still a subject all developers agree is a great thing, but never get around to actually doing it for many reasons. In this workshop, I use real-world business requirements on legacy code for which we need to fix bugs and add features, but we’re doing it in a TDD way.

test driven develomentphpunittdd
Cypress Testing Demystified: A Practical Guide
Cypress Testing Demystified: A Practical GuideCypress Testing Demystified: A Practical Guide
Cypress Testing Demystified: A Practical Guide

Unravel the complexities of Cypress testing with this practical guide. From setup to advanced techniques, learn how to leverage Cypress for efficient end-to-end testing of your web applications. Perfect for developers and QA engineers, this book equips you with the skills needed to ensure your web projects are robust and bug-free

Triggers for Admins: A Five-step Framework for Creating Triggers
Triggers for Admins: A Five-step Framework for Creating TriggersTriggers for Admins: A Five-step Framework for Creating Triggers
Triggers for Admins: A Five-step Framework for Creating Triggers

Have you felt intimidated by the thought of writing code? Are you an experienced Salesforce Administrator and would like to take the leap into writing your own Apex triggers? Join us to gain the tools and confidence to write your first trigger. Using specific examples and real-life scenarios, we'll walk through a concrete framework to approach the process of planning, designing, and coding a trigger.

How well do you know Cypress?
👀 Workshop form - demos
- code example, short presentation
- I’ll start in demo_start.js
- finished state in demo_end.js
- notes for everything I plan on saying
are in notes/
- I tend to improvise 😅
󰠁 Workshop form - practical
󰠁 Workshop form - practical challenges
- open your editor and go to
- run it in Cypress
- look at the solution in

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Improving the Design of Existing Software
Improving the Design of Existing SoftwareImproving the Design of Existing Software
Improving the Design of Existing Software

The document discusses improving the design of existing software by following principles like DRY, SOLID, and refactoring code using techniques such as extracting classes, methods, and interfaces. It emphasizes writing characterization tests to preserve existing behavior when refactoring, and improving code quality by reducing duplication, dependencies, and complexity over time through preventative maintenance and refactoring.

refactoringcode qualitytechnical debt
Getting Started With Cypress
Getting Started With CypressGetting Started With Cypress
Getting Started With Cypress

This session aims to shed some light on an emerging test automation tool, Cypress. Cypress resolves many of the test automation problems that a QA or a dev may face in UI Web Automation testing. And after a walkthrough, we will compare cypress with Selenium as well. Contact us: Website: Twitter: Facbook: Linkedin: Instagram:

SaltConf14 - Thomas Jackson, LinkedIn - Safety with Power Tools
SaltConf14 - Thomas Jackson, LinkedIn - Safety with Power ToolsSaltConf14 - Thomas Jackson, LinkedIn - Safety with Power Tools
SaltConf14 - Thomas Jackson, LinkedIn - Safety with Power Tools

As infrastructure scales, simple tasks become increasingly difficult. For large infrastructures to be manageable, we use automation. But automation, like any power tool, comes with its own set of risks and challenges. Automation should be handled like production code, and great care should be exercised with power tools. This talk will cover how SaltStack is used at LinkedIn and offer tips and tricks for automating management with SaltStack at massive scale including a look at LinkedIn-inspired Salt features such as blacklist and prereq states. It will also cover Salt master and minion instrumentation and a compilation of how not to use Salt.

saltstacksystems managementsalt
Important note:
you don’t need to finish all the practical challenges
🔧 Tools we will be using
VS Code

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Mocking 101
Mocking 101Mocking 101
Mocking 101

This document provides an introduction to test doubles and mocking frameworks. It discusses the goals of unit testing, the four types of test doubles (dummy, fake, stub, and mock), and why mocking frameworks are useful. It then summarizes three popular mocking frameworks - Rhino.Mocks, Typemock Isolator, and Moq - noting their key features, strengths, and limitations. The document encourages the reader to start using these frameworks in their own unit testing.

Thin Controllers Fat Models - How to Write Better Code
Thin Controllers Fat Models - How to Write Better CodeThin Controllers Fat Models - How to Write Better Code
Thin Controllers Fat Models - How to Write Better Code

This document discusses the proper implementation of the MVC design pattern compared to common anti-patterns. It emphasizes that the model should contain all business logic, while the controller acts as a thin translator between the user, model and view. The view simply displays data from the model. When implemented correctly with thin controllers and fat models, MVC promotes separation of concerns, reusability, and testability. Common mistakes include putting too much logic in controllers or allowing direct access between views and models. The document provides examples of proper and improper implementations of each MVC component in various languages and frameworks.

fat controllermvccode quality
11th Salesforce Developer Group meeting in Bilbao
11th Salesforce Developer Group meeting in Bilbao11th Salesforce Developer Group meeting in Bilbao
11th Salesforce Developer Group meeting in Bilbao

The document summarizes the agenda and topics discussed at a Salesforce Developer Group meeting in Bilbao, Spain on March 11, 2016. The agenda included presentations on unit testing using ApexMocks, a discussion of what topics members were interested in for future meetings, and an overview of the Salesforce community resources. A presentation was given on using the ApexMocks framework for unit testing Apex code in Salesforce by covering topics like SOLID principles, dependency injection, mocking concepts, and code examples of using ApexMocks for unit tests.

Trello app
Database seeding
Cypress project &
Chapter #0:
📚 What you’ll learn
- how to install Cypress
- how does a Cypress project look like
- what is the purpose of different project folders
- how to choose a different browser in Cypress

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This document provides tips for interview preparation. It recommends focusing on core computer science subjects like data structures and algorithms, practicing coding questions daily, and completing 2-3 projects. It also stresses practicing aptitude questions, enhancing problem solving skills, and maintaining good communication skills. Links are provided for practicing questions, learning concepts, and viewing sample resumes and interviews. Common mistakes to avoid include not practicing enough, having errors in your resume, and underestimating the preparation needed.

How To Start Your InfoSec Career
How To Start Your InfoSec CareerHow To Start Your InfoSec Career
How To Start Your InfoSec Career

This document provides tips and guidance for starting an information security career. It discusses the importance of continuous learning and hands-on skills development. Some key recommendations include building a home lab, participating in capture-the-flag exercises, learning programming languages like Python and Linux, finding a mentor, considering certifications, and networking within the security community through conferences, Twitter, blogs and open source projects. The document uses examples from penetration testing and security analysis to illustrate real-world scenarios.

infosecmalware infosec securitycollege
Slides for Automation Testing or End to End testing
Slides for Automation Testing or End to End testingSlides for Automation Testing or End to End testing
Slides for Automation Testing or End to End testing

Automation Testing

👀 Demo
Creating first test
Chapter #1:
📚 What you’ll learn
- how to write your first test
- what kind of syntax does Cypress use
- how to setup url of the page we want to test
- what are the capabilities of Cypress app
- how to click, type
- what kind of checks does Cypress perform in the
👀 Demo

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Hey You Got Your TDD in my SQL DB by Jeff McKenzie
Hey You Got Your TDD in my SQL DB by Jeff McKenzieHey You Got Your TDD in my SQL DB by Jeff McKenzie
Hey You Got Your TDD in my SQL DB by Jeff McKenzie

TDD involves writing tests before writing code to satisfy requirements. The document discusses TDD, providing: 1. An overview of the TDD process and definitions of its key steps - make a test, make it fail, make it pass. 2. An example walking through writing a test for an "easy button" and implementing the code to pass the test. 3. Reasons for using TDD, including improved code quality, design, discipline, and documentation from maintaining an automated test suite.

Refactoring ASP.NET and beyond
Refactoring ASP.NET and beyondRefactoring ASP.NET and beyond
Refactoring ASP.NET and beyond

In questa sessione verranno analizzate alcune pagine ASP.NET che verranno sottoposte a refactoring per aumentarne la modularità e comprensibilità del codice, nonchè favorire la testabilità delle funzioni core. Si presenteranno techiche e strumenti che è possibile utilizzare in modo da avere un approccio più razionale ed 'ordinato' nella stesura del codice. Le pratiche ed i concetti illustrati sono di carattere generale, quindi liberamente applicabili ad ogni tipologia di applicazione.

ITARC15 Workshop - Architecting a Large Software Project - Lessons Learned
ITARC15 Workshop - Architecting a Large Software Project - Lessons LearnedITARC15 Workshop - Architecting a Large Software Project - Lessons Learned
ITARC15 Workshop - Architecting a Large Software Project - Lessons Learned

Improving on a previous version of this session delivered in Lisbon, this deck describes the real experiences in architecting and developing a large software project that took 3 years to go live. It was presented at a 3,5hr ITARC2015 workshop in Stockholm, Sweden.

software architecturesoftware development
󰠁 Practical challenge
Simple assertions
Chapter #2:
📚 What you’ll learn
- how to use .should() command
- beforeEach() hook
- how to check visibility, state, class or number of elements
- what to look out for when making assertions
👀 Demo

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Workshop: Functional testing made easy with PHPUnit & Selenium (phpCE Poland,...
Workshop: Functional testing made easy with PHPUnit & Selenium (phpCE Poland,...Workshop: Functional testing made easy with PHPUnit & Selenium (phpCE Poland,...
Workshop: Functional testing made easy with PHPUnit & Selenium (phpCE Poland,...

Annotated slides for phpCE workshop on November 3, 2017. Workshop repository: The workshop covered: - setting up local development environment (using Docker) - practical examples of functional tests implementation - exploring possibilities of Selenium WebDriver - parallel test execution using Steward - hands-on Page Object design pattern - dealing with asynchronous elements of web-pages (AJAX, JavaScript) - general tips & tricks how to keep a maintainable suite of functional tests in a long-term

Machine learning pipeline
Machine learning pipelineMachine learning pipeline
Machine learning pipeline

Machine Learning pipeline presentation for Software Engineering 2017 conference in Kiev, Ukraine. Link to Google Drive with animations.

machine learningsoftware developmentdata science
Building the Ideal CI-CD Pipeline_ Achieving Visual Perfection
Building the Ideal CI-CD Pipeline_ Achieving Visual PerfectionBuilding the Ideal CI-CD Pipeline_ Achieving Visual Perfection
Building the Ideal CI-CD Pipeline_ Achieving Visual Perfection

Explore the advantages of integrating AI-powered testing into the CI/CD pipeline in this session from Applitools engineer Brandon Murray. More information and session materials at Discover how shift-left strategies and advanced testing in CI/CD pipelines can enhance customer satisfaction and streamline development processes, including: • Significantly reduced time and effort needed for test creation and maintenance compared to traditional testing methods. • Enhanced UI coverage that eliminates the necessity for manual testing, leading to quicker and more effective testing processes. • Effortless integration with the development workflow, offering instant feedback on pull requests and facilitating swifter product releases.

applitoolsapplitools eyesapplitools ai
󰠁 Practical challenge
Chaining and
Chapter #3:
📚 What you’ll learn
- how does chaining commands work in Cypress
- how built-in retrying in Cypress works
- how to write effective command chains
- how to write your test if the app is flaky
👀 Demo

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Leveraging AI for Mobile App Testing on Real Devices | Applitools + Kobiton
Leveraging AI for Mobile App Testing on Real Devices | Applitools + KobitonLeveraging AI for Mobile App Testing on Real Devices | Applitools + Kobiton
Leveraging AI for Mobile App Testing on Real Devices | Applitools + Kobiton

Explore how to use the cutting-edge integration of Visual AI from Applitools with Kobiton's real mobile device cloud to create a comprehensive solution for continuous UI testing. See more information and find the on-demand recording at

applitoolsapplitools aiapplitools autonomous
Streamlining Your Tech Stack: A Blueprint for Enhanced Efficiency and Coverag...
Streamlining Your Tech Stack: A Blueprint for Enhanced Efficiency and Coverag...Streamlining Your Tech Stack: A Blueprint for Enhanced Efficiency and Coverag...
Streamlining Your Tech Stack: A Blueprint for Enhanced Efficiency and Coverag...

See how rethinking your test automation tech stack can reduce costs, enhance agility, and expand coverage—while keeping a competitive edge.

applitoolstest automationtest automation tools
Visual AI for eCommerce: Improving Conversions with a Flawless UI
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Visual AI for eCommerce: Improving Conversions with a Flawless UI

Discover practical, AI-driven solutions to streamline test process, maintain high-quality user experiences, and accelerate eCommerce growth. Session recording and more info at

visual testingvisual aiapplitools
󰠁 Practical challenge
Chai assertions
Chapter #4:
📚 What you’ll learn
- how to use .then() function
- how to use expect() assertions
- how to make assertions on multiple elements
- how to make Cypress retry assertions on multiple
👀 Demo

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A Test Automation Platform Designed for the Future
A Test Automation Platform Designed for the FutureA Test Automation Platform Designed for the Future
A Test Automation Platform Designed for the Future

Looking for cutting-edge AI-based test automation tools to level up your SDLC today? In this webinar, we will hit reset on the industry expectations around what your tooling needs to look and act like—and give you a preview of the new product we’ve been pouring ourselves into. You will see why now is the time to shake things up and push beyond what you thought possible in your test automation practice.

applitoolsapplitools aiautonomous testing
Add AI to Your SDLC, presented by Applitools and Curiosity
Add AI to Your SDLC, presented by Applitools and CuriosityAdd AI to Your SDLC, presented by Applitools and Curiosity
Add AI to Your SDLC, presented by Applitools and Curiosity

Explore how can AI drive value throughout software design, development, and testing. Session recording and more info at

applitoolsapplitools aiapplitools eyes
The Future of AI-Based Test Automation
The Future of AI-Based Test AutomationThe Future of AI-Based Test Automation
The Future of AI-Based Test Automation

Explore the capabilities of AI in software test automation and see a demonstration of how AI can be used today to significantly expand end-to-end test coverage in this session with Applitools CTO Adam Carmi. Plus, see a special sneak peek of the next great wave in test automation—autonomous testing. More info and session materials at

applitoolsapplitools aiapplitools eyes
󰠁 Practical challenge
Http requests
Chapter #5:
📚 What you’ll learn
- how to send an http request
- how to test response from server
- how to set up different attributes
- how to reset Trello app
👀 Demo

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Test Automation at Scale: Lessons from Top-Performing Distributed Teams
Test Automation at Scale: Lessons from Top-Performing Distributed TeamsTest Automation at Scale: Lessons from Top-Performing Distributed Teams
Test Automation at Scale: Lessons from Top-Performing Distributed Teams

Leaders from top-performing teams share successful techniques and strategies for the implementation and execution of test automation at scale. See the session recording and more details at

applitoolstest automationsoftware testing
Can AI Autogenerate and Run Automated Tests?
Can AI Autogenerate and Run Automated Tests?Can AI Autogenerate and Run Automated Tests?
Can AI Autogenerate and Run Automated Tests?

Explore how your team can leverage AI and the combined power of GitHub and Applitools to rapidly expand your automated testing capabilities in this interactive session with GitHub’s Developer Advocate Rizel Scarlett and Software Quality Evangelist Anand Bagmar. Session recording and more info at See a practical demonstration of: • Streamlining test implementation and maintenance using GitHub Copilot • How Copilot Chat can provide valuable suggestions for code improvements and refactoring • Running automated tests automatically when code is merged to the main branch using GitHub Actions • Self-healing your automation using the Applitools Execution Cloud and scale seamlessly with the Applitools Ultrafast Grid • How GitHub Copilot can help developers recall syntax with different programming languages

applitoolsapplitools aiapplitools eyes
Triple Assurance: AI-Powered Test Automation in UI Design and Functionality
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Triple Assurance: AI-Powered Test Automation in UI Design and Functionality

Explore the efficiencies of test automation using the GienTech automation framework enhanced by the AI-powered Applitools platform. Details and session recording with demonstration at

applitoolsapplitools aiapplitools eyes
󰠁 Practical challenge
Chapter #6:
📚 What you’ll learn
- how to watch API requests that our app makes
- how to test those API requests
- how to stabilize a flaky test
- different ways of matching our requests
👀 Demo

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Navigating the Challenges of Testing at Scale: Lessons from Top-Performing Teams
Navigating the Challenges of Testing at Scale: Lessons from Top-Performing TeamsNavigating the Challenges of Testing at Scale: Lessons from Top-Performing Teams
Navigating the Challenges of Testing at Scale: Lessons from Top-Performing Teams

Focusing on three key areas—Test Cases, Test Data, and Test Execution—these leaders shared their experience with the tools and techniques that have proven successful in their organizations. Along the way, they discussed their journey to testing at scale and which technologies and strategies have helped them reach their goals. Plus, they talked about the new innovations their top-performing teams are pursuing. More info and session materials at

applitoolsapplitools aisoftware testing
Introducing the Applitools Self Healing Execution Cloud.pdf
Introducing the Applitools Self Healing Execution Cloud.pdfIntroducing the Applitools Self Healing Execution Cloud.pdf
Introducing the Applitools Self Healing Execution Cloud.pdf

In this session with Applitools co-founder Adam Carmi, you will see the Applitools Execution Cloud in action, learn how self-healing works under the hood, and explore how you can execute your test suites in orders of magnitude faster and more stable than with any other test execution infrastructure. Session recording and more info at Key takeaways: • What is self-healing technology and why is it useful? • Learn how self-healing works under the hood • Learn how to run a Selenium test on the Applitools Execution Cloud • Learn how to easily implement effective cross-device and browser tests

applitoolsapplitools aiself healing software
Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - NextSteps, presented by Ap...
Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - NextSteps, presented by Ap...Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - NextSteps, presented by Ap...
Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - NextSteps, presented by Ap...

The document discusses AI tools for software testing such as ChatGPT, Github Copilot, and Applitools Visual AI. It provides an overview of each tool and how they can help with testing tasks like test automation, debugging, and handling dynamic content. The document also covers potential challenges with AI like data privacy issues and tools having superficial knowledge. It emphasizes that AI should be used as an assistance to humans rather than replacing them and that finding the right balance and application of tools is important.

chatgptai automationai testing
󰠁 Practical challenge
Installing plugins
Chapter #7:
📚 What you’ll learn
- where to find Cypress plugins
- how to install and use a Cypress plugin
👀 Demo

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Collaborating From Design To Experience: Introducing Centra
Collaborating From Design To Experience: Introducing CentraCollaborating From Design To Experience: Introducing Centra
Collaborating From Design To Experience: Introducing Centra

Get an exclusive look at Applitools’ newest product, Centra. Centra is revolutionizing the way teams collaborate on UI by addressing one of the most challenging and important parts of the product delivery lifecycle – the handoff between designs and implementations. With Centra, designers, developers, testers, product managers, and marketers can track, validate, and collaborate on UIs from design in Figma to implementation in a customer’s web browser, ensuring that there is no more drift between designs and development. Don’t miss this opportunity to see how Centra can help you streamline your UI delivery process and improve collaboration within your team.

What the QA Position Will Look Like in the Future
What the QA Position Will Look Like in the FutureWhat the QA Position Will Look Like in the Future
What the QA Position Will Look Like in the Future

The quality assurance industry is constantly changing and evolving. In the future, the QA role will involve more automated tests, infrastructure knowledge, and heuristics skills. QA professionals will take on responsibilities like AI testing, web3 testing, observability, and security testing. Soft skills like communication and problem solving will also remain important as computers are still limited in replicating human interaction.

lightning talkqaqa position
Getting Started with Visual Testing
Getting Started with Visual TestingGetting Started with Visual Testing
Getting Started with Visual Testing

Everyone wants to make quick releases, but the look-and-feel UX validation is a manual, slow, and error-prone activity. Any UX-related issues propping up cause huge brand-value and revenue loss, may lead to social-trolling, and, even worse, dilute your user base. This is an area where AI & ML can help. In this hands-on workshop, using examples, we will explore: the importance of automated visual validation how an AI-powered tool, Applitools Visual AI, can solve this problem. Integrate Applitools Visual AI in your Selenium-Java automation and learn by practice: The different AI algorithms various Applitools capabilities and features scale your automation using the Applitools Ultrafast Grid.

anand bagmarvisual testingapplitools ai
󰠁 Practical challenge

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A Holistic Approach to Testing in Continuous Delivery
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AI-Powered-Cross-Browser Testing
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