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Brandon Murray
Technical Customer Success Manager
Building the Ideal
CI/CD Pipeline:
Achieving Visual Perfection
Unit Testing
Api Testing
Functional Testing
Performance Testing
Exploratory Testing
Manual Testing
Production Monitoring
Development QA Production
Problems with traditional functional testing
1. Time to Develop/ Maintenance
2. Does not validate the UI
3. Requires manual testing
4. Flaky tests
5. Execution time (compounded by multiple browser environments)
Ideal World
● Faster test creation
● Low test maintenance
● Full UI coverage
● Reduce manual testing
● More stable tests
● Faster execution
● Allow shift left
● Immediate PR feedback
● Release faster

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Modern Cross Browser Testing in JavaScript Using Playwright
Modern Cross Browser Testing in JavaScript Using PlaywrightModern Cross Browser Testing in JavaScript Using Playwright
Modern Cross Browser Testing in JavaScript Using Playwright

The document discusses modern cross-browser testing using Playwright and Applitools. Traditional cross-browser testing has limitations like supporting one browser version at a time. Building your own testing grid requires perpetual maintenance. Applitools Ultrafast Test Cloud uses visual AI to analyze snapshots of the user interface and renders them in parallel across browsers in its testing grid, completing a full test cycle 18.2 times faster than traditional cloud execution grids. Applitools integrates into existing test automation and ensures visual perfection across all browsers and devices.

cross-browser testingcross device testingcross browser
Our DevOps Journey: 6 Month Waterfalls to 1 Hour Code Deploys
Our DevOps Journey: 6 Month Waterfalls to 1 Hour Code DeploysOur DevOps Journey: 6 Month Waterfalls to 1 Hour Code Deploys
Our DevOps Journey: 6 Month Waterfalls to 1 Hour Code Deploys

Our DevOps Journey Transforming 6 Month Waterfalls to 1 Hour Code Deploys In the 2nd part of our webinar series, Anita Engleder, DevOps Lead at Dynatrace reviews and dissects lessons learned during the transformational journey moving Dynatrace from an on-prem culture to one that is cloud native. She will lend her perspective as a key member of the team that executed on the original vision: to “implement a new cloud native offering and deploy a new feature release every 2 weeks. Additionally, be able to support a 1-hour lead time from Code Change to Production”. On November 17th at 1pm/10am PT Anita will present the challenges she and her team faced transforming 6 Months Waterfall to 1 Hour Code Deploys. In this webinar Anita will discuss: How to enable a complete cultural shift across multiple teams, in terms of thought process AND execution What the specific role of her DevOps team is and how it played into the transformation The role of Feature teams and why continuous feedback is critical for them How to successfully influence key stakeholders for complete alignment Today Anita’s team runs 170 production changes every day, running across several AWS Data Centers as well as On-Premise – something that would have been thought impossible only a few years prior.

digital performance managementsaas monitoringapplication development
STAREAST 2011 - 7 Steps To Improving Software Quality using Microsoft Test Ma...
STAREAST 2011 - 7 Steps To Improving Software Quality using Microsoft Test Ma...STAREAST 2011 - 7 Steps To Improving Software Quality using Microsoft Test Ma...
STAREAST 2011 - 7 Steps To Improving Software Quality using Microsoft Test Ma...

Step 1 discusses work management in Visual Studio/TFS 2010, including hierarchical work management, improved dashboards and reports, and Excel integration. Step 2 covers defining and reporting on what is considered "done". Step 3 discusses automated builds, including build reports and associating work items. Step 4 focuses on manual testing tools like Microsoft Test Manager for test planning, management, and bug filing.

Unit Testing
Api Testing
Visual AI Functional
Functional Testing
Performance Testing
Exploratory Testing
Manual Testing
(drastically reduced
or eliminated)
Production Monitoring
Development QA Production
How can we address traditional function
testing limitations?
1. Time to Develop/ Maintenance
2. Does not validate the UI
3. Requires manual testing
4. Flaky tests
5. Execution time (compounded by
multiple browser environments)
Solution: Visual AI Testing
A Simple, One Page, Single Browser Example

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Cross Browser Testing with Cypress
Cross Browser Testing with CypressCross Browser Testing with Cypress
Cross Browser Testing with Cypress

Learn how to accelerate cross-browser / cross-device testing for integration into CI/CD using JavaScript with Cypress in this free 1-hour workshop from Applitools. “Automation Panda” Andrew Knight will also explore critical requirements for a scalable cross-browser testing initiative and the pros/cons of different approaches.

Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - NextSteps, presented by Ap...
Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - NextSteps, presented by Ap...Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - NextSteps, presented by Ap...
Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - NextSteps, presented by Ap...

The document discusses AI tools for software testing such as ChatGPT, Github Copilot, and Applitools Visual AI. It provides an overview of each tool and how they can help with testing tasks like test automation, debugging, and handling dynamic content. The document also covers potential challenges with AI like data privacy issues and tools having superficial knowledge. It emphasizes that AI should be used as an assistance to humans rather than replacing them and that finding the right balance and application of tools is important.

chatgptai automationai testing
Top 5 Features To Look for in a Codeless Automation Solution -- Presentation ...
Top 5 Features To Look for in a Codeless Automation Solution -- Presentation ...Top 5 Features To Look for in a Codeless Automation Solution -- Presentation ...
Top 5 Features To Look for in a Codeless Automation Solution -- Presentation ...

** Webinar recording: ** Watch this on-demand session to discover what are the must-have features of codeless automation solutions. Manual testing is necessary for certain types and modes of testing -- but its inability to properly and quickly scale up creates major setbacks and bottlenecks for companies. So what's the answer? We see organizations turning their attention and resources to codeless automation solutions in the hopes of solving the issues of speed, coverage, and maintenance -- but how do you choose a solution that is right for your team? In this session, we dived into the 5 key features you should look for in a codeless automation solution, discussed how each of those features helps solve different testing challenges, and demonstrated how those features work.

test automationsoftware testingsoftware quality
Traditional Functional Test Example
lines of code
locators & labels
Button Click
minutes to create
Please enter username
and password
Traditional Functional Test Example
Escaped bug
Escaped bug
Escaped bug
Text change caught
Text change caught
New feature missed
2 broken locators, false positives
Original UI New UI
Bugs Still Escape
Traditional automated testing frameworks are not built for modern apps.
Bugs Still Escape
Traditional automated testing frameworks are not built for modern apps.

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Automated Visual Testing at Scale : Real-life Example from Dow Jones
Automated Visual Testing at Scale : Real-life Example from Dow JonesAutomated Visual Testing at Scale : Real-life Example from Dow Jones
Automated Visual Testing at Scale : Real-life Example from Dow Jones

** Full webinar recording can be seen here: ** In this session -- hosted by Sumeet Mandloi, Engineering Director @ Dow Jones (Wall Street Journal), and Eran Barlev (Sr. Customer Success Engineer @ Applitools) -- you’ll learn how you can easily avoid front-end bugs and visual regressions, as well as substantially increase coverage, by adding automated visual testing to your existing automated tests. In addition, Mr. Mandloi shared real-life tips on how to run automated visual testing at scale, with implementation examples from Dow Jones. Watch this session, and learn how to: -- Successfully perform large-scale automated visual testing -- Leverage visual testing to increase coverage, while reducing maintenance efforts -- Run cross-browser tests with visual validation in the cloud -- Add visual validations to your existing automated functional and unit tests

visual testingvisual aiautomated visual testing
Lean Quality & Engineering
Lean Quality & EngineeringLean Quality & Engineering
Lean Quality & Engineering

The document discusses lean approaches to UI/UX testing including rapid wireframing tools, guerrilla testing, and automated A/B testing to test ideas quickly and cheaply. It then introduces Applitools, a visual automation test tool that can automate visual testing to check for issues like anti-aliasing, brightness, and sub-pixel shifts across browsers, operating systems, and screen resolutions. The document outlines Applitools' workflow for baseline creation and test execution and provides a demo. It notes challenges with visual testing and how Applitools addresses them through specialized image processing.



Now, Let’s Provide Initial Coverage Using Visual Testing
2 Minutes to Create
Vs. 60 Minutes
1 Locator
Vs. 21 Locators
and Labels
Please enter username
and password
Visual AI Testing finds functional bugs that traditional functional testing can’t.
Escaped bug
Escaped bug
Escaped bug
Text change caught
Text change caught
New feature missed
2 broken locators, false positives
Original UI New UI
● Do I still need Visual AI Testing if I use a css
framework like tailwind?
● Can I drop all of my assertions?
Visual AI vs Pixel Matching

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Visual regression with applitools eyes
Visual regression with applitools eyesVisual regression with applitools eyes
Visual regression with applitools eyes

slides for talk "Visual Regression using AI powered Applitools Eyes" at vodQA Gurgaon on 4th May 2019,

automation testingaivisual
Automated Visual Testing in NSW.Gov.AU
Automated Visual Testing in NSW.Gov.AUAutomated Visual Testing in NSW.Gov.AU
Automated Visual Testing in NSW.Gov.AU

In the past, Quality Assurance (QA) teams have relied on manual checks to look for visual issues, while testing on large and dynamic websites. However, with so many sites and features being added to the websites, this approach has proven time and resource intensive while also allowing critical visual bugs to slip into live websites causing brand damage and a poor digital experience for visitors. Join this exciting webinar to learn: How NSW Government Digital Channels’ Principal Quality Assurance Engineer, Sabbir Subhan and his QA team engineered the processes and tools that provide the ‘sweet spot’ between human and machine when it comes to visual QA testing. Understand how to shorten release cycles with Visual AI.

software testingtest automationvisual testing
STARWEST 2010 - 7 Steps To Improving Software Quality using Microsoft Test Ma...
STARWEST 2010 - 7 Steps To Improving Software Quality using Microsoft Test Ma...STARWEST 2010 - 7 Steps To Improving Software Quality using Microsoft Test Ma...
STARWEST 2010 - 7 Steps To Improving Software Quality using Microsoft Test Ma...

Using Visual Studio 2010, teams can improve software quality through 7 steps: 1) work management with hierarchical tasks and improved reporting; 2) defining "done" with dashboards; 3) automated builds with traceability from development to testing; 4) manual and automated testing tools; 5) developer quality tools to find and fix bugs early; 6) test lab management with virtual environments; and 7) continuous improvement through an integrated and productive environment.

Visual AI Is 99.9999% Accurate
Not fooled by Config Changes or Browser Updates
View by human in Chrome 67
Pixel Diffs
View by human in Chrome 68
Visual AI Diffs
What about adjusting the threshold for
pixel matching algorithms?
This is why Applitools
invented Visual AI
Visual AI mimics how the
human eye and brain
analyzes computer
Trained on >2b images to deliver
99.9999% accuracy
Displaced Differences

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Reliable mobile test automation
Reliable mobile test automationReliable mobile test automation
Reliable mobile test automation

This document summarizes Vishal Banthia's presentation on achieving reliable mobile test automation. It discusses the difficulties of flaky tests and inconsistent test execution environments. It then presents solutions like capturing comprehensive test reports with screenshots, videos, and logs to better diagnose flaky tests. It also recommends leveraging cloud services for scalable and accessible test execution. The presentation demonstrates these concepts through tools like Bitrise, OpenSTF, and CircleCI used in Mercari's mobile test automation pipeline.

androidiossoftware testing
Accelerate Your Delivery Pipeline with Continuous Testing
Accelerate Your Delivery Pipeline with Continuous TestingAccelerate Your Delivery Pipeline with Continuous Testing
Accelerate Your Delivery Pipeline with Continuous Testing

The document discusses continuous testing in a DevOps pipeline. It describes a 4 step process: 1) Testing the idea by defining user stories and assumptions with BDD, 2) Testing the code by automating tests and integrating them into CI/CD, 3) Testing in production by monitoring metrics and performance, and 4) Iterating based on usage data and completing the test/deploy cycle. The benefits are validating value, incremental quality improvements, and an environment suitable for experiments.

software testingcontinuous testingsmartbear connect
Cloud for Agile Testing - Burak Koyuncu
Cloud for Agile Testing - Burak KoyuncuCloud for Agile Testing - Burak Koyuncu
Cloud for Agile Testing - Burak Koyuncu

This document discusses using cloud testing for agile development. It introduces agile principles and practices like continuous integration. It then discusses how the cloud allows automated cross-browser testing across different browsers and platforms in parallel. This saves time compared to local testing. Cloud testing services can integrate with CI systems and provide detailed reports. They allow testing on many browser and OS combinations, mobile load testing, and integrating with monitoring tools.

Ignoring Displaced Differences - Only available with Visual AI while bugs go
unnoticed with pixel matching
Ignoring Displaced Differences - Only available with Visual AI while bugs go
unnoticed with pixel matching
1. Time to Develop/ Maintenance
2. Does not validate the UI
3. Requires manual testing
4. Flaky tests
5. Execution time (compounded by
multiple browser environments)
Solutions: Self-Healing, Visual AI, Lazy Loading,
and assertions
● Failures due to missing or changed locators.
● Timing issues
● False positives (pixel matching)

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Quality in dev ops east 2017
Quality in dev ops east 2017Quality in dev ops east 2017
Quality in dev ops east 2017

The document outlines 5 stages of digital quality maturity for organizations: 1) Automate testing, reuse test assets, and scale testing across devices and browsers. 2) Shift testing left into development to provide faster feedback and prioritize important tests. 3) Prioritize test executions based on risk and business impact. 4) Provide continuous testing visibility across development, QA, and production for real-time monitoring. 5) Enable remote debugging and support directly from the cloud.

Life Has Not Been That Rosy With Agile : Rahul Sudame
Life Has Not Been That Rosy With Agile : Rahul SudameLife Has Not Been That Rosy With Agile : Rahul Sudame
Life Has Not Been That Rosy With Agile : Rahul Sudame

In my experience, Agile adoption started in some of the organizations with lot of hype and inflated expectations. And in such cases, if Agile transformation is not handled properly, it can result in multiple challenges rather than providing the expected benefits. This practical experience sharing session would cover some such problems I faced while applying Agile in different environments. The audience practicing Agile can relate some of these challenges with their own environment as well. The attendees who are on their path to Agile transformation can learn from the lessons and mistakes shared by the speaker. The session would cover challenges observed due to nature of the project, customer-vendor engagement model, application of processes, attitude of people rolling out agile, unrealistic expectations, conflict in roles and responsibilities. It would also highlight challenges introduced to some of the roles (like Project/QA Manager/Manual Tester etc.) in Agile environment and impact on billing / project contracts / SOW etc.

Leveraging AI for Mobile App Testing on Real Devices | Applitools + Kobiton
Leveraging AI for Mobile App Testing on Real Devices | Applitools + KobitonLeveraging AI for Mobile App Testing on Real Devices | Applitools + Kobiton
Leveraging AI for Mobile App Testing on Real Devices | Applitools + Kobiton

Explore how to use the cutting-edge integration of Visual AI from Applitools with Kobiton's real mobile device cloud to create a comprehensive solution for continuous UI testing. See more information and find the on-demand recording at

applitoolsapplitools aiapplitools autonomous
● Self-Heal tests that fail due to missing or changed
Self-Healing Execution Cloud
Self-healing example
Record and generate with self healing selectors
for Cypress

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Streamlining Your Tech Stack: A Blueprint for Enhanced Efficiency and Coverag...
Streamlining Your Tech Stack: A Blueprint for Enhanced Efficiency and Coverag...Streamlining Your Tech Stack: A Blueprint for Enhanced Efficiency and Coverag...
Streamlining Your Tech Stack: A Blueprint for Enhanced Efficiency and Coverag...

See how rethinking your test automation tech stack can reduce costs, enhance agility, and expand coverage—while keeping a competitive edge.

applitoolstest automationtest automation tools
Visual AI for eCommerce: Improving Conversions with a Flawless UI
Visual AI for eCommerce: Improving Conversions with a Flawless UIVisual AI for eCommerce: Improving Conversions with a Flawless UI
Visual AI for eCommerce: Improving Conversions with a Flawless UI

Discover practical, AI-driven solutions to streamline test process, maintain high-quality user experiences, and accelerate eCommerce growth. Session recording and more info at

visual testingvisual aiapplitools
A Test Automation Platform Designed for the Future
A Test Automation Platform Designed for the FutureA Test Automation Platform Designed for the Future
A Test Automation Platform Designed for the Future

Looking for cutting-edge AI-based test automation tools to level up your SDLC today? In this webinar, we will hit reset on the industry expectations around what your tooling needs to look and act like—and give you a preview of the new product we’ve been pouring ourselves into. You will see why now is the time to shake things up and push beyond what you thought possible in your test automation practice.

applitoolsapplitools aiautonomous testing
● Failures due to missing or changed locators.
○ Self Healing and Cypress Record and Generate
● Timing issues
○ SDK LazyLoading
○ Assertions
● False positives (pixel matching)
○ Visual AI
1. Time to Develop/ Maintenance
2. Does not validate the UI
3. Requires manual testing
4. Flaky tests
5. Execution time (compounded by
multiple browser environments)
Solution: Dom capture/snapshot with render grid
(Ultrafast Test Cloud)
Execution Time
● Dom capture/snapshot with render grid (Ultrafast
Test Cloud)
● Parallel Execution - Run your tests completely in the
cloud in parallel for faster CI/CD pipelines.
○ Execution cloud or any other grid solution
○ Alternative - Chromedriver execution in parallel
○ Parallel CI agents
Dom Capture/snapshot vs Image Capture

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Add AI to Your SDLC, presented by Applitools and Curiosity
Add AI to Your SDLC, presented by Applitools and CuriosityAdd AI to Your SDLC, presented by Applitools and Curiosity
Add AI to Your SDLC, presented by Applitools and Curiosity

Explore how can AI drive value throughout software design, development, and testing. Session recording and more info at

applitoolsapplitools aiapplitools eyes
The Future of AI-Based Test Automation
The Future of AI-Based Test AutomationThe Future of AI-Based Test Automation
The Future of AI-Based Test Automation

Explore the capabilities of AI in software test automation and see a demonstration of how AI can be used today to significantly expand end-to-end test coverage in this session with Applitools CTO Adam Carmi. Plus, see a special sneak peek of the next great wave in test automation—autonomous testing. More info and session materials at

applitoolsapplitools aiapplitools eyes
Test Automation at Scale: Lessons from Top-Performing Distributed Teams
Test Automation at Scale: Lessons from Top-Performing Distributed TeamsTest Automation at Scale: Lessons from Top-Performing Distributed Teams
Test Automation at Scale: Lessons from Top-Performing Distributed Teams

Leaders from top-performing teams share successful techniques and strategies for the implementation and execution of test automation at scale. See the session recording and more details at

applitoolstest automationsoftware testing
Dom Capture/snapshot
Capture the entire UI
with a single snapshot
DOM & CSS sent to
render grid
Applitools Eyes
Visual AI analysis
renders DOM
snapshots in parallel
Login to Eyes to
view test results
Ultrafast Test Cloud
rendered for
How does Applitools know what “Golden
Image” to compare against?
How do we use these enhancements to
complement our developer workflow?
Pull Request Worflow integration
● Branching support for developers to work in parallel
● Pull request check - real time check without the need
to rerun pipeline
● Automatic merging of images (baselines)

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Can AI Autogenerate and Run Automated Tests?
Can AI Autogenerate and Run Automated Tests?Can AI Autogenerate and Run Automated Tests?
Can AI Autogenerate and Run Automated Tests?

Explore how your team can leverage AI and the combined power of GitHub and Applitools to rapidly expand your automated testing capabilities in this interactive session with GitHub’s Developer Advocate Rizel Scarlett and Software Quality Evangelist Anand Bagmar. Session recording and more info at See a practical demonstration of: • Streamlining test implementation and maintenance using GitHub Copilot • How Copilot Chat can provide valuable suggestions for code improvements and refactoring • Running automated tests automatically when code is merged to the main branch using GitHub Actions • Self-healing your automation using the Applitools Execution Cloud and scale seamlessly with the Applitools Ultrafast Grid • How GitHub Copilot can help developers recall syntax with different programming languages

applitoolsapplitools aiapplitools eyes
Navigating the Challenges of Testing at Scale: Lessons from Top-Performing Teams
Navigating the Challenges of Testing at Scale: Lessons from Top-Performing TeamsNavigating the Challenges of Testing at Scale: Lessons from Top-Performing Teams
Navigating the Challenges of Testing at Scale: Lessons from Top-Performing Teams

Focusing on three key areas—Test Cases, Test Data, and Test Execution—these leaders shared their experience with the tools and techniques that have proven successful in their organizations. Along the way, they discussed their journey to testing at scale and which technologies and strategies have helped them reach their goals. Plus, they talked about the new innovations their top-performing teams are pursuing. More info and session materials at

applitoolsapplitools aisoftware testing
Introducing the Applitools Self Healing Execution Cloud.pdf
Introducing the Applitools Self Healing Execution Cloud.pdfIntroducing the Applitools Self Healing Execution Cloud.pdf
Introducing the Applitools Self Healing Execution Cloud.pdf

In this session with Applitools co-founder Adam Carmi, you will see the Applitools Execution Cloud in action, learn how self-healing works under the hood, and explore how you can execute your test suites in orders of magnitude faster and more stable than with any other test execution infrastructure. Session recording and more info at Key takeaways: • What is self-healing technology and why is it useful? • Learn how self-healing works under the hood • Learn how to run a Selenium test on the Applitools Execution Cloud • Learn how to easily implement effective cross-device and browser tests

applitoolsapplitools aiself healing software
Pull request checks
Ideal World
● Faster test creation ✅
● Low test maintenance ✅
● More stable tests ✅
● Faster execution ✅
● Full UI coverage ✅
● Allow shift left ✅
● Immediate PR feedback ✅
● Reduced manual testing ✅
● Release faster ✅
Unit Testing
Api Testing
Visual AI Functional
Functional Testing
Performance Testing
Exploratory Testing
Manual Testing
(drastically reduced
or eliminated)
Production Monitoring
Development QA Production
Thank you

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Collaborating From Design To Experience: Introducing Centra
Collaborating From Design To Experience: Introducing CentraCollaborating From Design To Experience: Introducing Centra
Collaborating From Design To Experience: Introducing Centra

Get an exclusive look at Applitools’ newest product, Centra. Centra is revolutionizing the way teams collaborate on UI by addressing one of the most challenging and important parts of the product delivery lifecycle – the handoff between designs and implementations. With Centra, designers, developers, testers, product managers, and marketers can track, validate, and collaborate on UIs from design in Figma to implementation in a customer’s web browser, ensuring that there is no more drift between designs and development. Don’t miss this opportunity to see how Centra can help you streamline your UI delivery process and improve collaboration within your team.

What the QA Position Will Look Like in the Future
What the QA Position Will Look Like in the FutureWhat the QA Position Will Look Like in the Future
What the QA Position Will Look Like in the Future

The quality assurance industry is constantly changing and evolving. In the future, the QA role will involve more automated tests, infrastructure knowledge, and heuristics skills. QA professionals will take on responsibilities like AI testing, web3 testing, observability, and security testing. Soft skills like communication and problem solving will also remain important as computers are still limited in replicating human interaction.

lightning talkqaqa position
Getting Started with Visual Testing
Getting Started with Visual TestingGetting Started with Visual Testing
Getting Started with Visual Testing

Everyone wants to make quick releases, but the look-and-feel UX validation is a manual, slow, and error-prone activity. Any UX-related issues propping up cause huge brand-value and revenue loss, may lead to social-trolling, and, even worse, dilute your user base. This is an area where AI & ML can help. In this hands-on workshop, using examples, we will explore: the importance of automated visual validation how an AI-powered tool, Applitools Visual AI, can solve this problem. Integrate Applitools Visual AI in your Selenium-Java automation and learn by practice: The different AI algorithms various Applitools capabilities and features scale your automation using the Applitools Ultrafast Grid.

anand bagmarvisual testingapplitools ai

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oGuild .

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Building the Ideal CI-CD Pipeline_ Achieving Visual Perfection

  • 1. Brandon Murray Technical Customer Success Manager Building the Ideal CI/CD Pipeline: Achieving Visual Perfection
  • 2. TRADITIONAL CI/CD TESTING PIPELINE Unit Testing Api Testing Functional Testing Performance Testing Exploratory Testing Manual Testing Production Monitoring Development QA Production
  • 3. Problems with traditional functional testing 1. Time to Develop/ Maintenance 2. Does not validate the UI 3. Requires manual testing 4. Flaky tests 5. Execution time (compounded by multiple browser environments)
  • 4. Ideal World ● Faster test creation ● Low test maintenance ● Full UI coverage ● Reduce manual testing ● More stable tests ● Faster execution ● Allow shift left ● Immediate PR feedback ● Release faster
  • 5. Unit Testing Api Testing Visual AI Functional Testing Functional Testing Performance Testing Exploratory Testing Manual Testing (drastically reduced or eliminated) Production Monitoring Development QA Production IDEAL CI/CD TESTING PIPELINE
  • 6. How can we address traditional function testing limitations?
  • 7. 1. Time to Develop/ Maintenance 2. Does not validate the UI 3. Requires manual testing 4. Flaky tests 5. Execution time (compounded by multiple browser environments) Solution: Visual AI Testing
  • 8. A Simple, One Page, Single Browser Example 8
  • 9. Traditional Functional Test Example 18 lines of code 21 locators & labels 9 Navigation Button Click Validation 60 minutes to create
  • 10. 10 Please enter username and password Traditional Functional Test Example Escaped bug Escaped bug Escaped bug Text change caught Text change caught New feature missed 2 broken locators, false positives Original UI New UI NEW NEW NEW
  • 11. 11 Bugs Still Escape Traditional automated testing frameworks are not built for modern apps.
  • 12. 12 Bugs Still Escape Traditional automated testing frameworks are not built for modern apps.
  • 13. Now, Let’s Provide Initial Coverage Using Visual Testing 2 Minutes to Create Vs. 60 Minutes 1 Locator Vs. 21 Locators and Labels
  • 14. 14 Please enter username and password Visual AI Testing finds functional bugs that traditional functional testing can’t. Escaped bug Escaped bug Escaped bug Text change caught Text change caught New feature missed 2 broken locators, false positives Original UI New UI NEW NEW NEW
  • 15. ● Do I still need Visual AI Testing if I use a css framework like tailwind? ● Can I drop all of my assertions?
  • 16. Visual AI vs Pixel Matching
  • 17. Visual AI Is 99.9999% Accurate Not fooled by Config Changes or Browser Updates View by human in Chrome 67 Pixel Diffs View by human in Chrome 68 Visual AI Diffs
  • 18. What about adjusting the threshold for pixel matching algorithms?
  • 19. This is why Applitools invented Visual AI Visual AI mimics how the human eye and brain analyzes computer screens Trained on >2b images to deliver 99.9999% accuracy 19
  • 21. 21 Ignoring Displaced Differences - Only available with Visual AI while bugs go unnoticed with pixel matching
  • 22. 22 Ignoring Displaced Differences - Only available with Visual AI while bugs go unnoticed with pixel matching
  • 23. 1. Time to Develop/ Maintenance 2. Does not validate the UI 3. Requires manual testing 4. Flaky tests 5. Execution time (compounded by multiple browser environments) Solutions: Self-Healing, Visual AI, Lazy Loading, and assertions
  • 24. Flakiness ● Failures due to missing or changed locators. ● Timing issues ● False positives (pixel matching)
  • 25. Self-healing ● Self-Heal tests that fail due to missing or changed locators.
  • 28. Record and generate with self healing selectors for Cypress
  • 29. Flakiness ● Failures due to missing or changed locators. ○ Self Healing and Cypress Record and Generate ● Timing issues ○ SDK LazyLoading ○ Assertions ● False positives (pixel matching) ○ Visual AI
  • 30. 1. Time to Develop/ Maintenance 2. Does not validate the UI 3. Requires manual testing 4. Flaky tests 5. Execution time (compounded by multiple browser environments) Solution: Dom capture/snapshot with render grid (Ultrafast Test Cloud)
  • 31. Execution Time ● Dom capture/snapshot with render grid (Ultrafast Test Cloud) ● Parallel Execution - Run your tests completely in the cloud in parallel for faster CI/CD pipelines. ○ Execution cloud or any other grid solution ○ Alternative - Chromedriver execution in parallel ○ Parallel CI agents
  • 32. Dom Capture/snapshot vs Image Capture
  • 33. Dom Capture/snapshot Capture the entire UI with a single snapshot DOM & CSS sent to render grid Applitools Eyes Visual AI analysis renders DOM snapshots in parallel Login to Eyes to view test results . Firewall 33 Applitools Ultrafast Test Cloud Images rendered for each environment
  • 34. How does Applitools know what “Golden Image” to compare against?
  • 35. How do we use these enhancements to complement our developer workflow?
  • 36. Pull Request Worflow integration ● Branching support for developers to work in parallel ● Pull request check - real time check without the need to rerun pipeline ● Automatic merging of images (baselines)
  • 38. Ideal World ● Faster test creation ✅ ● Low test maintenance ✅ ● More stable tests ✅ ● Faster execution ✅ ● Full UI coverage ✅ ● Allow shift left ✅ ● Immediate PR feedback ✅ ● Reduced manual testing ✅ ● Release faster ✅
  • 39. IDEAL CI/CD TESTING PIPELINE Unit Testing Api Testing Visual AI Functional Testing Functional Testing Performance Testing Exploratory Testing Manual Testing (drastically reduced or eliminated) Production Monitoring Development QA Production