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API Automation
Julia Pottinger
Head of Training and Development
What is an API?
API is the acronym for Application
Programming Interface, which is a
software intermediary that allows
two applications to talk to each
Greater test stability Language independence
Faster test results Reduced costs
Improved Test Coverage Earlier Bug Fix
Workshop: An Introduction to API Automation with Javascript
Workshop: An Introduction to API Automation with Javascript
API Requests
GET Retrieves resources
Creates resources
Changes and/or replaces resources or collections
Deletes resources
API Responses
100 - 199 Information Response
200-299 Sucessful Responses
300-399 Redirection Messages
400-499 Client Error Responses
500-599 Server Error Responses @ailuj876
API Responses
200 OK - The request has succeeded.
201 Created - The request has been fulfilled.
400 Bad Request - The request could not be understood by the server
401 Unauthorized - requires user authentication or, authorization refused
404 Not Found - The requested resource could not be found.
500 Internal Server Error.
502 Bad Gateway @ailuj876
API Testing
Prioritize APIs
Ensure APIs are properly documented
Define the types of tests that you want
to run
Evaluate and select an API testing tool
Positive scenarios return a valid response
Invalid requests return the correct error message
Schema match
Workflow and data persistence
Response Payload - valid JSON body, correct field names, types,
and values
Application state before and after API call
Security and authorization
Response time
Response Headers
Things to Test
What we will be
automating today
Restful booker API documentation
Create booking
Update booking
Get booking by ID
Unauthorized Update
Import the postman collection
Need NodeJS and NPM
Check your node version
Or install node from
I'll be using Visual Studio Code as the code
node -v
Create project folder
mkdir next-level-api-automation
open the folder in your preferred code
cd to folder and initialize NPM
npm init -y
Pactum is needed to execute the API tests
Mocha will be the test runner
npm install pactum --save
Install Dependencies
Pactum comes with assertions built in
npm install mocha --save
Workshop: An Introduction to API Automation with Javascript
Things to note with Pactum
spec keyword is used to make a request
You then chain the request type - PUT, GET, POST
pass in the URL for the API
withJson contains the detail of the request body
withHeaders is used for headers and authorization
expectStatus validates the response status
expectJsonSchema validates the Json Schema
your first test
Positive Scenarios
Return Valid
Response @ailuj876
Follow Along to
create first test
Activity - 20 mins
Using the Postman request, write
code to UPDATE the booking,
note you need Authorization
code @ailuj876
Invalid requests
returns correct error
What happens if we
miss a required
parameter from our
POST request body?
First name is missing
Security and Authorization
responds securely to
possible security
refuse calls to
endpoints if user not
responds as expected to
correct authorization-
Bearer token, cookies etc
Rate Limiting and
internal data
representations are not
shared in response body
Invalid token
5 mins break
API Response matches
the expected schema
A schema is an outline, diagram, or model. In
computing, schemas are often used to describe
the structure of different types of data. Two
common examples include database and XML
What is a Schema
Automated testing.
Ensuring quality of client submitted data
JSON Schema is a vocabulary that allows you
to annotate and validate JSON documents.
Validates data which is useful for:
What is JSON Schema
Schema has the properties
Activity - 10 mins
Update your Create Booking test
to be verified with a schema
Handles workflows and
data persists
throughout as expected
and store
Booking ID
Use ID to
booking ID
ID to
Scenarios also
apply to GraphQL
Examples @ailuj876
FOR Practise
Thank You
Stay Connected

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