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Why MariaDB?
       Colin Charles, Monty Program Ab
 / / @bytebot on Twitter
          Percona Live London 2011
               25 October 2011

• Give you an update of what we’ve done
  with MariaDB
• Discuss the broader MySQL ecosystem
What is it?

• A branch of MySQL with more features?
• A branch of MySQL with better features?
• A fork?
MariaDB is...

• Community Developed
• Feature Enhanced
• Backward Compatible

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MariaDB 10.0 - SkySQL Paris Meetup
MariaDB 10.0 - SkySQL Paris MeetupMariaDB 10.0 - SkySQL Paris Meetup
MariaDB 10.0 - SkySQL Paris Meetup

This document summarizes a talk given by Michael "Monty" Widenius about reasons to switch to MariaDB 10.0 from MySQL 5.5 or MariaDB 5.5. The talk addresses why MariaDB was created, features of MariaDB releases, benchmarks, the role of the MariaDB foundation, and reasons to switch. It provides information on the MariaDB foundation goals of developing and distributing MariaDB openly. It outlines many new features in MariaDB 10.0 including new storage engines, replication features, functionality, and improvements in areas like speed, optimization, and usability.

Differences between MariaDB 10.3 & MySQL 8.0
Differences between MariaDB 10.3 & MySQL 8.0Differences between MariaDB 10.3 & MySQL 8.0
Differences between MariaDB 10.3 & MySQL 8.0

MySQL and MariaDB are becoming more divergent. Learn what is different from a high level. It is also a good idea to ensure that you use the correct database for the correct job.

mysqlmariadbmariadb server
Meet MariaDB 10.1 at the Bulgaria Web Summit
Meet MariaDB 10.1 at the Bulgaria Web SummitMeet MariaDB 10.1 at the Bulgaria Web Summit
Meet MariaDB 10.1 at the Bulgaria Web Summit

Meet MariaDB 10.1 at the Bulgaria Web Summit, held in Sofia in February 2016. Learn all about MariaDB Server, and the new features like encryption, audit plugins, and more.

mariadb servermysqlmariadb
Who’s behind it?

• MySQL (database) owned by MySQL AB
• Monty Program is just a sponsor of
• maria-captains: 64% Monty Program, 36%
  community (+16% MP 3Q/2011)
When did this begin?

• Sun buys MySQL AB in January 2008
• Oracle proposes acquisition of Sun
  Microsystems in April 2009
• Widenius decides that beyond the engine
  (Febuary 2009), focus on MariaDB, a
  complete database solution
Why MariaDB?

• MySQL - an open source product or
• MariaDB is an open source project
Aims of MariaDB

• 100% compatible, drop-in replacement to
• Stable (bug-free) releases
• GPLv2

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My first moments with MongoDB
My first moments with MongoDBMy first moments with MongoDB
My first moments with MongoDB

An introduction to MongoDB from an experienced MySQL user and developer. There are differences and we go thru the What/Why/Who/Where of MongoDB, the "similarities" to the MySQL world like storage engines, how replication is a little more interesting with built-in sharding and automatic failover, backups, monitoring, DBaaS, going to production and finding out more resources.

The Complete MariaDB Server Tutorial - Percona Live 2015
The Complete MariaDB Server Tutorial - Percona Live 2015The Complete MariaDB Server Tutorial - Percona Live 2015
The Complete MariaDB Server Tutorial - Percona Live 2015

The document provides an overview of the Complete MariaDB Server Tutorial presentation. It introduces MariaDB and discusses what it is, its goals of being compatible with MySQL and having stable releases. It also covers MariaDB architecture, installation, utilities, and storage engines.

Tuning Linux for your database FLOSSUK 2016
Tuning Linux for your database FLOSSUK 2016Tuning Linux for your database FLOSSUK 2016
Tuning Linux for your database FLOSSUK 2016

Some best practices about tuning Linux for your database workloads. The focus is not just on MySQL or MariaDB Server but also on understanding the OS from hardware/cloud, I/O, filesystems, memory, CPU, network, and resources.

Compatibility with
•   There is no NDB cluster        •   Tools are similar (some
    storage engine                     additional tools for Aria,
•   Client libraries, client-
    server protocol, SQL           •   XtraDB enabled by default;
    dialect, replication master-       InnoDB and InnoDB plugin
    slave all similar                  are included, but not
                                       enabled by default
•   Data files are supported as
    long as its similar between    •
    versions                           mariadb-versus-mysql-
What’s in MariaDB 5.1
•   Released February 2010    •   Croatian collations

•   Create external           •   Numerous bug fixes
    buildsystem using
    Buildbot + VMs for test   •   Test cases and coverage
    +builds                       improvements

•   Release filled with        •   Removal of mutexes
    storage engines
                              •   Compiler warnings gone!
    •   XtraDB, PBXT,
        FederatedX, (M)Aria
What’s in MariaDB 5.1
•   XtraDB                   •   http://
    •   enhanced InnoDB          xtradb:start
        designed to better
        scale on modern
        hardware; backward
        compatible, scale
        better on many
        cores, use memory
        more efficiently
What’s in MariaDB 5.1
•   PrimeBase PBXT                 •   Rollback transactions,
                                       recovery after restart
    •   Transactional, foreign         very fast (identifies
                                       garbage making undo
        keys, ACID, MVCC (read
        w/o locking)                   unnecessary)

    •   Row-level locking during   •   Write once w/log-based
        (SELECT FOR) UPDATE            storage; write data to
                                       DB, without first writing
                                       in transaction log


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MariaDB Server & MySQL Security Essentials 2016
MariaDB Server & MySQL Security Essentials 2016MariaDB Server & MySQL Security Essentials 2016
MariaDB Server & MySQL Security Essentials 2016

This document summarizes a presentation on MariaDB/MySQL security essentials. The presentation covered historically insecure default configurations, privilege escalation vulnerabilities, access control best practices like limiting privileges to only what users need and removing unnecessary accounts. It also discussed authentication methods like SSL, PAM, Kerberos and audit plugins. Encryption at the table, tablespace and binary log level was explained as well. Preventing SQL injections and available security assessment tools were also mentioned.

The MySQL Server ecosystem in 2016
The MySQL Server ecosystem in 2016The MySQL Server ecosystem in 2016
The MySQL Server ecosystem in 2016

MySQL is a unique adult (now 21 years old) in many ways. It supports plugins. It supports storage engines. It is also owned by Oracle, thus birthing two branches of the popular opensource database: Percona Server and MariaDB Server. It also once spawned a fork: Drizzle. Lately a consortium of web scale users (think a chunk of the top 10 sites out there) have spawned WebScaleSQL. You're a busy DBA having to maintain a mix of this. Or you're a CIO planning to choose one branch. How do you go about picking? Supporting multiple databases? Find out more in this talk. Also covered is a deep-dive into what feature differences exist between MySQL/Percona Server/MariaDB/WebScaleSQL, how distributions package the various databases differently. Within the hour, you'll be informed about the past, the present, and hopefully be knowledgeable enough to know what to pick in the future. Note, there will also be coverage of the various trees around WebScaleSQL, like the Facebook tree, the Alibaba tree as well as the Twitter tree.

Lessons from database failures
Lessons from database failuresLessons from database failures
Lessons from database failures

This is my third iteration of the talk presented in Tokyo, Japan - first was at a keynote at in April 2016, then at the MySQL meetup in New York, and now for dbtechshowcase. The focus is on database failures of the past, and how modern MySQL / MariaDB Server technologies could have helped them avoid such failure. The focus is on backups and verification, replication and failover, and security and encryption.

What’s in MariaDB 5.1
•   Extended statistics for slow   •   PROCESSLIST with
    query log                          microsecond precision

    •   based on microslow             •   TIME_MS in
        from Percona http://               INFORMATION_SCH                 EMA.PROCESSLIST
        extended-statistics                v/time_ms-column-in-
What’s in MariaDB 5.1
•   Table elimination             •   Pool of threads (MySQL 6
    •   Query highly
        normalised data, it is        •   Use a limited set of
        sometimes possible to             threads to handle all
        resolve a query                   queries vs one-thread-
        without accessing some            per-connection. Win if
        tables the query refers           most queries are short
        to e.g. http://                   running, and there are                few table/row locks.
        elimination                       v/pool-of-threads
What’s in MariaDB 5.2
•   Released November 2010                       •    Use socket_peercred - if already
                                                      logged in via Unix credentials,
•   MariaDB 5.2.8 (MariaDB 5.1.55 -                   MariaDB will trust it
    changes up to MySQL 5.1.55)
•   Pluggable authentication                          development-pluggable-
    •   authentication of users handled by
        plugins                              •   User Statistics (userstatsv2)

    •   mysql_native_password (20 byte)          •    Percona, Google, Weldon Whipple.
        and mysql_old_password (8 byte)               Understand server activity better,
        included by default                           identify database loads http://
        mysql_native_password USING              •    Client, user, index, table statistics
        ‘pass’; == CREATE user foo
What’s in MariaDB 5.2
•   Segmented MyISAM

    •   mitigates thread
        contention for key
        cache lock, with
        notable 250%

Recommended for you

Databases in the hosted cloud
Databases in the hosted cloudDatabases in the hosted cloud
Databases in the hosted cloud

Today you can use hosted MySQL/MariaDB/Percona Server in several "cloud providers" in what is considered using it as a service, a database as a service (DBaaS). You can also use hosted PostgreSQL and MongoDB thru various service providers. Learn the differences, the access methods, and the level of control you have for the various public cloud offerings: - Amazon RDS for MySQL and PostgreSQL - Google Cloud SQL - Rackspace OpenStack DBaaS - The likes of, MongoLab and Rackspace's offerings around MongoDB The administration tools and ideologies behind it are completely different, and you are in a "locked-down" environment. Some considerations include: * Different backup strategies * Planning for multiple data centres for availability * Where do you host your application? * How do you get the most performance out of the solution? * What does this all cost? Growth topics include: * How do you move from one DBaaS to another? * How do you move all this from DBaaS to your own hosted platform? Questions like this will be demystified in the talk. This talk will benefit experienced database administrators (DBAs) who now also have to deal with cloud deployments as well as application developers in startups that have to rely on "managed services" without the ability of a DBA.

google cloud sqlcloud computingdatabase
Better encryption & security with MariaDB 10.1 & MySQL 5.7
Better encryption & security with MariaDB 10.1 & MySQL 5.7Better encryption & security with MariaDB 10.1 & MySQL 5.7
Better encryption & security with MariaDB 10.1 & MySQL 5.7

Talking about the improvements in MariaDB on MySQL security and encryption features that are so important in today's data landscape. Presented

MySQL features missing in MariaDB Server
MySQL features missing in MariaDB ServerMySQL features missing in MariaDB Server
MySQL features missing in MariaDB Server

MySQL features missing in MariaDB Server. Here's an overview from the New York developer's Unconference in February 2018. This is primarily aimed at the developers, to decide what goes into MariaDB 10.4, as opposed to users. High level comparisons are made between MySQL 5.6/5.7 with of course MySQL 8.0 as well. Here's to ensuring MariaDB Server 10/310.4 has more "Drop-in" compatibility.

mysqlmariadbmariadb server
MariaDB 5.2: SphinxSE
•   CREATE TABLE t1 (..)         •   monitor it - SHOW
    ENGINE=SPHINX                    ENGINE SPHINX
    CONNECTION=”sphin                STATUS;
                                 •   can JOIN a SphinxSE
•   SELECT * from t1                 search table and tables
    WHERE query=‘test                using other engines as
    it;mode=any’;                    well

    •   matching modes,          •
        limits, filters, ranges       v/about-sphinxse
MariaDB 5.3: NoSQL
•   HandlerSocket            •   Dynamic columns

    •   direct access to         •   different set of
        InnoDB/XtraDB                “virtual columns” for
                                     each row in your
    •   no SQL, simple               table
        CRUD operations on
        tables                   •   store different
                                     attributes for each
                                     item (see: e-
                                     commerce shops)
MariaDB 5.3: Dynamic
MariaDB 5.3: group
•   Group commit for the binary log        •
    •    sync_binlog=1,
         innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=1   •

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MariaDB Server Compatibility with MySQL
MariaDB Server Compatibility with MySQLMariaDB Server Compatibility with MySQL
MariaDB Server Compatibility with MySQL

At the MariaDB Server Developer's meeting in Amsterdam, Oct 8 2016. This was the deck to talk about what MariaDB Server 10.1/10.2 might be missing from MySQL versions up to 5.7. The focus is on compatibility of MariaDB Server with MySQL.

mysqlmariadb servermariadb
MariaDB: The New M In LAMP - SCALE10x
MariaDB: The New M In LAMP - SCALE10xMariaDB: The New M In LAMP - SCALE10x
MariaDB: The New M In LAMP - SCALE10x

This document summarizes a presentation given by Colin Charles on MariaDB. It introduces MariaDB as a community-developed, feature-enhanced, and backward compatible fork of MySQL. Key points covered include the origins and goals of MariaDB, its compatibility with MySQL, new features introduced in recent MariaDB versions like XtraDB and dynamic columns, and how the project aims to remain open source and community developed going forward.

Best practices for MySQL/MariaDB Server/Percona Server High Availability
Best practices for MySQL/MariaDB Server/Percona Server High AvailabilityBest practices for MySQL/MariaDB Server/Percona Server High Availability
Best practices for MySQL/MariaDB Server/Percona Server High Availability

Best practices for MySQL/MariaDB Server/Percona Server High Availability - presented at Percona Live Amsterdam 2016. The focus is on picking the right High Availability solution, discussing replication, handling failure (yes, you can achieve a quick automatic failover), proxies (there are plenty), HA in the cloud/geographical redundancy, sharding solutions, how newer versions of MySQL help you, and what to watch for next.

high availabilityfailoverplams16
MariaDB 5.3:
•   Checksums for binlog             •   mysqldump --single-
    events (5.6 backport)                transaction --master-
                                         data => non-blocking
•   START TRANSACTION                    backup! (new slave
                                         provisioning?) Works
    SNAPSHOT works w/                    w/XtraDB+PBXT
                                 •   row-based replication
    •   obtain binlog pos. w/o       for tables w/no primary
        blocking other
MariaDB 5.3
•   Progress reporting for     •   disk access: Index
    ALTER TABLE/LOAD               Condition Pushdown
    DATA INFILE                    (ICP), Multi-Range
                                   Read (MRR)

                               •   join: Classic Hash
    •   mytop included             Join, Batched Key
                                   Access (ordered
•   Optimiser changes              retrievals via MRR),
                                   and many many more
    •   @@optimizer_switc          optimizations
        h flags (default=off)
MariaDB 5.3:
        Subqueries finally!
  •   DBT-3, 60M line item   •   optimizer_switch=‘semij
      rows, 29GB XtraDB          oin=on’ /
      database                   materialization=on

Instant EXPLAIN too!
MariaDB 5.3: User
       Feedback Plugin
•   New “phone home”
    plugin (works with
    Percona server, MySQL)

•   disabled by default --
    please consider enabling
    it (feedback=on)


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Distributions from the view a package
Distributions from the view a packageDistributions from the view a package
Distributions from the view a package

Having spent more than the last decade being the main point of contact for distributions shipping MySQL, then MariaDB Server, it's clear that working with distributions have many challenges. Licensing changes (when MySQL moved the client libraries from LGPL to GPL with a FOSS Exception), ABI changes, speed (or lack thereof) of distribution releases/freezes, supporting the software throughout the lifespan of the distribution, specific bugs due to platforms, and a lot more will be discussed in this talk. Let's not forget the politics. How do we decide "tiers" of importance for distributions? As a bonus, there will be a focus on how much effort it took to "replace" MySQL with MariaDB. Benefits: if you're making a distribution, this is the point of view of the upstream package makers. Why are distribution statistics important to us? Do we monitor your bugs system or do you have a better escalation to us? How do we test to make sure things are going well before release. This and more will be spoken about. As an upstream project (package), we love nothing more than being available everywhere. But time and energy goes into making this is so as there are quirks in every distribution.

percona serverlinuxfosdem2016
What is MariaDB Server 10.3?
What is MariaDB Server 10.3?What is MariaDB Server 10.3?
What is MariaDB Server 10.3?

MariaDB Server 10.3 is a culmination of features from MariaDB Server 10.2+10.1+10.0+5.5+5.3+5.2+5.1 as well as a base branch from MySQL 5.5 and backports from MySQL 5.6/5.7. It has many new features, like a GA-ready sharding engine (SPIDER), MyRocks, as well as some Oracle compatibility, system versioned tables and a whole lot more.

mariadb servermysqldatabase
MariaDB Galera Cluster presentation
MariaDB Galera Cluster presentationMariaDB Galera Cluster presentation
MariaDB Galera Cluster presentation

This document provides an overview and summary of various high availability (HA) solutions for MySQL databases. It begins with an introduction to HA and definitions of key terms. It then discusses MySQL replication, including asynchronous, semi-synchronous, and features in MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 10.0. Other HA solutions covered include MHA for automated failover, Galera/MariaDB Galera Cluster for synchronous replication, shared disk solutions like DRBD, and MySQL Cluster for in-memory synchronous replication across nodes. The document provides brief descriptions of how each solution works and when it may be applicable.

sync replicationdatabases
How open is MariaDB?
•   Mailing lists: Launchpad        •
    •   maria-
        developers@lists.laun   •   Bugs database:
                                    •   https://
    •   maria-                
        discuss@lists.launchp           maria/
                                •   #maria on FreeNode
•   Code hosting:                   IRC
•   Funding (bounties)

•   Votes

   deployments, deployments
    happy users:, wabtec, Paybox Services, OLX,
                         Jelastic, etc.                   “We made the switch on Saturday --
                                                         and we’re seeing benefits already -- our
“MariaDB had these same bugs that we ran into             daily optimization time is down from
with MySQL. However the big difference was that           24 minutes to just 4 minutes” -- Ali
when we reported these bugs, they were quickly              Watters, CEO,
resolved within 48 hours!” -- Dreas van Donselaar,
Chief Technology Officer, SpamExperts
B.V. after migrating over 300 servers from MySQL
5.0 to MariaDB 5.1.           “Migrating from MySQL 5.1 to MariaDB 5.2 was as
                              simple as removing MySQL RPMs and installing
                              the MariaDB packages, then running
                              mysql_upgrade.” - Panayot Belchev, proprietor,
                              Host Bulgaria on providing
                              MariaDB to over 7,000 of their web hosting

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Maria db vs mysql
Maria db vs mysqlMaria db vs mysql
Maria db vs mysql

This document compares MySQL and MariaDB, noting problems with MySQL like not being truly open source and limited features. It presents MariaDB as a drop-in replacement for MySQL that is open source and provides additional features like those in MySQL Enterprise. Examples are given of companies using MariaDB successfully at large scale like OLX, Wikipedia, and Tumblr. It concludes by offering a proof of concept to demonstrate MariaDB.

MariaDB Vorstellung
MariaDB VorstellungMariaDB Vorstellung
MariaDB Vorstellung

This document provides an introduction and overview of MariaDB. It highlights that MariaDB is a world class, secure and extensible open source database with the fastest growth. It is used by over 12 million users in 45 countries for critical business functions. MariaDB aims to radically simplify database adoption and supports various deployment options and use cases. It offers multiple storage engines and replication capabilities. World class support is available 24/7/365. The document promotes MariaDB's support, security, innovation and services.

open sourcedatabasesupport
State of MariaDB
State of MariaDBState of MariaDB
State of MariaDB

The MariaDB update for 2011 from Michael Widenius of Monty Program. This was a keynote given on Wednesday 13 April 2011 at the O'Reilly MySQL Conference & Expo 2011.

Getting MariaDB

• is the site + downloads

•   Get it via OpenSUSE build service

•   Its in Gentoo, FreeBSD, Homebrew

The future?

• Merging takes time
• Features (different implementations) make
  it into upstream
We have a book
• Monty Program does NRE/engineering
  work for MySQL/MariaDB (not L1/L2
• Support via capable service providers
 • Percona, FromDual, Open Query,
    SoftMethod GmbH, SkySQL

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CakePHP 2.0 - It'll rock your world

This document provides an overview of some of the key changes and new features being introduced in CakePHP 2.0. Some of the major changes discussed include: refactoring the core codebase and removing unused code; upgrading to PHPUnit for unit testing; standardizing how objects inherit via new Component architecture; leveraging more of the Standard PHP Library; exceptions being used to indicate errors; centralizing request and response handling; and dropping support for PHP 4. New features highlighted include PDO database support, simplified URL rewriting, support for nested named parameters, and a refactored authentication system. The document also discusses some of the challenges faced, including retaining backwards compatibility while continuing to improve and modernize the framework.

SQLite en Unity3D
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SQLite en Unity3D

El documento explica cómo SQLite puede usarse para organizar información en una aplicación de Unity3D. SQLite es una biblioteca de base de datos ligera que almacena todos los datos en un solo archivo, lo que la hace portátil. El documento guía al lector a través de la creación de una base de datos SQLite, la escritura de código para conectarse a ella y manipular datos, y probar el código en Unity3D y un navegador de bases de datos.

With jQuery & CakePHP to World Domination
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With jQuery & CakePHP to World Domination

This document discusses using jQuery and CakePHP together for web development. It describes how jQuery can be used to simplify tasks like including JavaScript files and passing data from controllers to views. The author proposes using "jayDom", which involves encoding data in HTML microformats for semantic encoding and easy parsing between the browser and server via Ajax. Real-world examples are provided to illustrate accessing and updating microformat data with jQuery selectors. The goal is to more easily achieve "world domination" by building powerful applications with these techniques.

       email: |
twitter: @bytebot / url:

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Why MariaDB?

  • 1. Why MariaDB? Colin Charles, Monty Program Ab / / @bytebot on Twitter Percona Live London 2011 25 October 2011
  • 2. Aims • Give you an update of what we’ve done with MariaDB • Discuss the broader MySQL ecosystem
  • 3. What is it? • A branch of MySQL with more features? • A branch of MySQL with better features? • A fork?
  • 4. MariaDB is... • Community Developed • Feature Enhanced • Backward Compatible
  • 5. Who’s behind it? • MySQL (database) owned by MySQL AB (company) • Monty Program is just a sponsor of MariaDB • maria-captains: 64% Monty Program, 36% community (+16% MP 3Q/2011)
  • 6. When did this begin? • Sun buys MySQL AB in January 2008 • Oracle proposes acquisition of Sun Microsystems in April 2009 • Widenius decides that beyond the engine (Febuary 2009), focus on MariaDB, a complete database solution
  • 7. Why MariaDB? • MySQL - an open source product or project? • MariaDB is an open source project
  • 8. Aims of MariaDB • 100% compatible, drop-in replacement to MySQL • Stable (bug-free) releases • GPLv2
  • 9. Compatibility with MySQL • There is no NDB cluster • Tools are similar (some storage engine additional tools for Aria, PBXT) • Client libraries, client- server protocol, SQL • XtraDB enabled by default; dialect, replication master- InnoDB and InnoDB plugin slave all similar are included, but not enabled by default • Data files are supported as long as its similar between • versions mariadb-versus-mysql- compatibility
  • 10. What’s in MariaDB 5.1 • Released February 2010 • Croatian collations • Create external • Numerous bug fixes buildsystem using Buildbot + VMs for test • Test cases and coverage +builds improvements • Release filled with • Removal of mutexes storage engines • Compiler warnings gone! • XtraDB, PBXT, FederatedX, (M)Aria
  • 11. What’s in MariaDB 5.1 • XtraDB • http:// (ENGINE=InnoDB) wiki/percona- • enhanced InnoDB xtradb:start designed to better scale on modern hardware; backward compatible, scale better on many cores, use memory more efficiently
  • 12. What’s in MariaDB 5.1 • PrimeBase PBXT • Rollback transactions, recovery after restart • Transactional, foreign very fast (identifies garbage making undo keys, ACID, MVCC (read w/o locking) unnecessary) • Row-level locking during • Write once w/log-based (SELECT FOR) UPDATE storage; write data to DB, without first writing in transaction log • about-pbxt
  • 13. What’s in MariaDB 5.1 • Extended statistics for slow • PROCESSLIST with query log microsecond precision • based on microslow • TIME_MS in from Percona http:// INFORMATION_SCH EMA.PROCESSLIST slow-query-log- extended-statistics v/time_ms-column-in- information_schemapr ocesslist
  • 14. What’s in MariaDB 5.1 • Table elimination • Pool of threads (MySQL 6 backport) • Query highly normalised data, it is • Use a limited set of sometimes possible to threads to handle all resolve a query queries vs one-thread- without accessing some per-connection. Win if tables the query refers most queries are short to e.g. http:// running, and there are few table/row locks. what-is-table- elimination v/pool-of-threads
  • 15. What’s in MariaDB 5.2 • Released November 2010 • Use socket_peercred - if already logged in via Unix credentials, • MariaDB 5.2.8 (MariaDB 5.1.55 - MariaDB will trust it changes up to MySQL 5.1.55) • • Pluggable authentication development-pluggable- authentication • authentication of users handled by plugins • User Statistics (userstatsv2) • mysql_native_password (20 byte) • Percona, Google, Weldon Whipple. and mysql_old_password (8 byte) Understand server activity better, included by default identify database loads http:// • CREATE USER foo IDENTIFIED VIA mysql_native_password USING • Client, user, index, table statistics ‘pass’; == CREATE user foo IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD ‘pass’;
  • 16. What’s in MariaDB 5.2 • Segmented MyISAM keycache • mitigates thread contention for key cache lock, with notable 250% performance improvements http:// v/segmented-key- cache
  • 17. MariaDB 5.2: SphinxSE • CREATE TABLE t1 (..) • monitor it - SHOW ENGINE=SPHINX ENGINE SPHINX CONNECTION=”sphin STATUS; x://localhost:9312/test”; • can JOIN a SphinxSE • SELECT * from t1 search table and tables WHERE query=‘test using other engines as it;mode=any’; well • matching modes, • limits, filters, ranges v/about-sphinxse supported
  • 18. MariaDB 5.3: NoSQL • HandlerSocket • Dynamic columns • direct access to • different set of InnoDB/XtraDB “virtual columns” for each row in your • no SQL, simple table CRUD operations on tables • store different attributes for each item (see: e- commerce shops)
  • 20. MariaDB 5.3: group commit • Group commit for the binary log • note_id=10150261692455933 • sync_binlog=1, innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=1 • for-the-binary-log
  • 21. MariaDB 5.3: replication • Checksums for binlog • mysqldump --single- events (5.6 backport) transaction --master- data => non-blocking • START TRANSACTION backup! (new slave provisioning?) Works WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT works w/ w/XtraDB+PBXT binlog • row-based replication • obtain binlog pos. w/o for tables w/no primary key blocking other queries
  • 22. MariaDB 5.3 • Progress reporting for • disk access: Index ALTER TABLE/LOAD Condition Pushdown DATA INFILE (ICP), Multi-Range Read (MRR) • join: Classic Hash • mytop included Join, Batched Key Access (ordered • Optimiser changes retrievals via MRR), and many many more • @@optimizer_switc optimizations h flags (default=off)
  • 23. MariaDB 5.3: Subqueries finally! • DBT-3, 60M line item • optimizer_switch=‘semij rows, 29GB XtraDB oin=on’ / database materialization=on Instant EXPLAIN too!
  • 24. MariaDB 5.3: User Feedback Plugin • New “phone home” plugin (works with Percona server, MySQL) • disabled by default -- please consider enabling it (feedback=on) • feedback_plugin/
  • 25. How open is MariaDB? • Mailing lists: Launchpad • maria • maria- developers@lists.laun • Bugs database: • https:// • maria- discuss@lists.launchp maria/ • #maria on FreeNode • Code hosting: IRC Launchpad
  • 26. Worklog • Funding (bounties) • Votes • worklog/
  • 28. Deployments, deployments, deployments happy users:, wabtec, Paybox Services, OLX, Jelastic, etc. “We made the switch on Saturday -- and we’re seeing benefits already -- our “MariaDB had these same bugs that we ran into daily optimization time is down from with MySQL. However the big difference was that 24 minutes to just 4 minutes” -- Ali when we reported these bugs, they were quickly Watters, CEO, resolved within 48 hours!” -- Dreas van Donselaar, Chief Technology Officer, SpamExperts B.V. after migrating over 300 servers from MySQL 5.0 to MariaDB 5.1. “Migrating from MySQL 5.1 to MariaDB 5.2 was as simple as removing MySQL RPMs and installing the MariaDB packages, then running mysql_upgrade.” - Panayot Belchev, proprietor, Host Bulgaria on providing MariaDB to over 7,000 of their web hosting customers.
  • 29. Getting MariaDB • is the site + downloads • Get it via OpenSUSE build service • Its in Gentoo, FreeBSD, Homebrew • mariadb
  • 30. The future? • GIS • Merging takes time • Features (different implementations) make it into upstream
  • 31. We have a book
  • 32. Support • Monty Program does NRE/engineering work for MySQL/MariaDB (not L1/L2 support) • Support via capable service providers • • Percona, FromDual, Open Query, SoftMethod GmbH, SkySQL
  • 33. Q&A? email: | twitter: @bytebot / url: