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The Proxy Wars: MySQL Router, ProxySQL,
MariaDB MaxScale
Colin Charles, Chief Evangelist, Percona Inc. / | @bytebot on Twitter

FOSDEM, Brussels, Belgium

4 February 2017
• Chief Evangelist (in the CTO office), Percona Inc

• Focusing on the MySQL ecosystem (MySQL, Percona Server, MariaDB
Server), as well as the MongoDB ecosystem (Percona Server for
MongoDB) + 100% open source tools from Percona like Percona
Monitoring & Management, Percona xtrabackup, Percona Toolkit, etc.

• Founding team of MariaDB Server (2009-2016), previously at Monty
Program Ab, merged with SkySQL Ab, now MariaDB Corporation

• Formerly MySQL AB (exit: Sun Microsystems)

• Past lives include Fedora Project (FESCO),

• MySQL Community Contributor of the Year Award winner 2014
What is a proxy?
• Lightweight application between the
MySQL clients and the server

• Man-in-the-middle between client/server

• Communicate with one or more clients/
Image via Giuseppe Maxia

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Session presented at Oracle Developer Live - MySQL, 2020. Recording available at Abstract: MySQL Shell is the new, advanced command-line client and editor for MySQL. It sends SQL statements to MySQL server, supports both the classic MySQL protocol and the newer X protocol, and provides scripting capabilities for JavaScript and Python. But there's more to MySQL Shell than meets the eye. It delivers a natural and powerful interface for all DevOps tasks related to MySQL by providing APIs for development and administration. This session covers MySQL Shell's core features, along with demonstrations of how to use the various APIs and how to extend MySQL Shell. We’ll address the regular interaction with databases, the built-in tools that make DBAs and developers’ lives easier, the easy and flawless set up of HA architectures, and the plugins and extensions framework.

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24시간 365일 서비스를 위한 MySQL DB 이중화. MySQL 이중화 방안들에 대해 알아보고 운영하면서 겪은 고민들을 이야기해 봅니다. 목차 1. DB 이중화 필요성 2. 이중화 방안 - HW 이중화 - MySQL Replication 이중화 3. 이중화 운영 장애 4. DNS와 VIP 5. MySQL 이중화 솔루션 비교 대상 - MySQL을 서비스하고 있는 인프라 담당자 - MySQL 이중화에 관심 있는 개발자

MySQL Shell for Database Engineers
MySQL Shell for Database EngineersMySQL Shell for Database Engineers
MySQL Shell for Database Engineers

This presentation is about MySQL Shell and how effectively Database Engineers and Database Administrators.

MySQL Proxy - ten years ago!
• The first proxy, which had an embedded
Lua interpreter

• It is used in MySQL Enterprise Monitor

• Lua was flexible to allow you to rewrite
queries, add statements, filter, etc.

• 2007-2014
MariaDB MaxScale 1.0…1.4.x
• GA January 2015

• The “Swiss Army Knife” - pluggable router with an
extensible architecture

• Logging, writing to other backends (besides MySQL),
firewall filter, routing via hints, query rewriting

• Binlog Server - popularised by to not have
intermediate masters

• Popular use case: sitting in front of a 3-node Galera Cluster
MariaDB MaxScale ecosystem
• First known plugin: Kafka backend written by
Yves Trudeau


• First known credible fork: AirBnB MaxScale 1.3

•connection pooling (not 1:1, multiplexed N:M,
N>M connections), requests throttling, denylist
query rejection, monitoring
MariaDB MaxScale 2.0
• Same Github repository, unlinked against
MySQL client libraries (replaced with
SQLite), CDC to Kafka, binlog events to

• License change from GPLv2 to Business
Source License (BSL)

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Disaster Recovery Planning for MySQL & MariaDB
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Disaster Recovery Planning for MySQL & MariaDB

Bart Oles - Severalnines AB Organizations need an appropriate disaster recovery plan to mitigate the impact of downtime. But how much should a business invest? Designing a highly available system comes at a cost, and not all businesses and indeed not all applications need five 9's availability. We will explain fundamental disaster recovery concepts and walk you through the relevant options from the MySQL & MariaDB ecosystem to meet different tiers of disaster recovery requirements, and demonstrate how to automate an appropriate disaster recovery plan.

mysqlmariadbdisaster recovery
Percona XtraDB Cluster
Percona XtraDB ClusterPercona XtraDB Cluster
Percona XtraDB Cluster

Built-in MySQL Replication is known for its capability to enable to scale reads easily. However, there are some limitations and known issues with this solution because of the asynchronous nature of this replication. This talk will describe another way of doing MySQL replication, by using synchronous replication, available in Percona XtraDB Cluster. The open source solution will be explained and compared to traditional asynchronous MySQL replication, as well as some known use cases will be described. Percona XtraDB Cluster is an, open source, high availability and high scalability solution for MySQL clustering. Features include: Synchronous replication, Multi-master replication support, Parallel replication, Automatic node provisioning.

Percona Live 2022 - MySQL Architectures
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Percona Live 2022 - MySQL Architectures

In this tutorial, we cover the different deployment possibilities of the MySQL architecture depending on the business requirements for the data. We also deploy some architecture and see how to evolve to the next one. The tutorial covers the new MySQL Solutions like InnoDB ReplicaSet, InnoDB Cluster, and InnoDB ClusterSet.

mysql innodb clustermysqlmysql innodb replicaset
The Proxy Wars - MySQL Router, ProxySQL, MariaDB MaxScale
MySQL Router - GPLv2
• GA October 2015

• Transparent routing between applications and any
backend MySQL servers

• Pluggable architecture via the MySQL Harness

• Failover, load balancing

• This is how you manage MySQL InnoDB Cluster with
mysqlsh -
ProxySQL - GPLv3
• Stable December 2015

• ProxySQL - included with Percona
XtraDB Cluster 5.7, proxysql-
admin tool available for PXC

• Improve database operations,
understand and solve performance
issues, HA to DB topology

• Connection Pooling & Multiplexing

• Read/Write Split and Sharding

• Seamless failover (including query
rerouting), load balancing

• Query caching

• Query rewriting

• Query blocking (database aware

• Query mirroring (cache warming)

• Query throttling and timeouts

• Runtime reconfigurable 

• Monitoring built-in

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MySQL Database Architectures - InnoDB ReplicaSet & ClusterMySQL Database Architectures - InnoDB ReplicaSet & Cluster
MySQL Database Architectures - InnoDB ReplicaSet & Cluster

This document provides an overview and comparison of MySQL InnoDB Cluster and MySQL InnoDB ReplicaSet. It discusses the components, goals, and features of each solution. MySQL InnoDB Cluster uses Group Replication to provide high availability, automatic failover, and data consistency. MySQL InnoDB ReplicaSet uses asynchronous replication and provides availability and read scaling through manual primary/secondary configuration and failover. Both solutions integrate MySQL Shell, Router, and automatic member provisioning for easy management.

MariaDB MaxScale monitor 매뉴얼
MariaDB MaxScale monitor 매뉴얼MariaDB MaxScale monitor 매뉴얼
MariaDB MaxScale monitor 매뉴얼

1. About MariaDB MaxScale 2. Common Monitor Parameters 1) Parameters 2) Script events 3) Monitor Crash Safety 4) Script example 3. MariaDB Monitor 1) Master selection 2) Configuration 3) MariaDB Monitor optional parameters 4) Cluster manipulation operations - Operation details - Manual activation - Automatic activation - Limitations and requirements - External master support - Configuration parameters 5) Cooperative monitoring - Releasing locks 6) Troubleshooting - Failover / switchover fails - Slave detection shows external masters 7) Using the MariaDB Monitor With Binlogrouter 4. Galera Monitor 1) Configuration 2) Galera Monitor optional parameters 3) Interation with Server Priorities 5. ColumnStore Monitor 1) Required Grants 2) Master Selection 3) Configuration 4) Commands 4) Example - Adding a Node - Removing a Node 6. Automatic Failover With MariaDB Monitor 1) Manual Failover 2) Automatic Failover 3) Rejoin 4) Switchover

State of the Dolphin - May 2022
State of the Dolphin - May 2022State of the Dolphin - May 2022
State of the Dolphin - May 2022

Frédéric Descamps presented on the state of MySQL in 2022. Some key points included: - MySQL 8.0.29 was the latest release with improvements like IF NOT EXISTS for DDL statements. - MySQL remains the most popular open source database according to surveys. - MySQL HeatWave on OCI provides high performance for analytics workloads compared to other cloud offerings. - The MySQL Operator for Kubernetes makes it easier to deploy and manage MySQL on Kubernetes. - Upcoming certifications for MySQL 8.0 DBA and Developer were announced.

ProxySQL missing features from MariaDB
• Front-end SSL encryption (client -> SSL ->
proxy -> application) - issue#891

• Binlog router

• Streaming binlogs to Kafka

• use Maxwell’s Daemon: http://maxwells- 

• Binlogs to Avro
ProxySQL Resources
• Marco Tusa:

• SeveralNines:

• Pythian: 

• Percona:
Health of these projects
• MariaDB MaxScale: 141 watchers, 651
stars, 188 forks, 19 contributors

• MySQL Router: 24 watchers, 41 stars, 23
forks, 8 contributors

• ProxySQL: 84 watchers, 692 stars, 101
forks, 23 contributors
Punch cards

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MySQL Administrator Basic course - MySQL 개요 - MySQL 설치 / 설정 - MySQL 아키텍처 - MySQL 스토리지 엔진 - MySQL 관리 - MySQL 백업 / 복구 - MySQL 모니터링 Advanced course - MySQL Optimization - MariaDB / Percona - MySQL HA (High Availability) - MySQL troubleshooting 네오클로바

Wars of MySQL Cluster ( InnoDB Cluster VS Galera )
Wars of MySQL Cluster ( InnoDB Cluster VS Galera ) Wars of MySQL Cluster ( InnoDB Cluster VS Galera )
Wars of MySQL Cluster ( InnoDB Cluster VS Galera )

MySQL Clustering over InnoDB engines has grown a lot over the last decade. Galera began working with InnoDB early and then Group Replication came to the environment later, where the features are now rich and robust. This presentation offers a technical comparison of both of them.

How to Manage Scale-Out Environments with MariaDB MaxScale
How to Manage Scale-Out Environments with MariaDB MaxScaleHow to Manage Scale-Out Environments with MariaDB MaxScale
How to Manage Scale-Out Environments with MariaDB MaxScale

MaxScale is a database proxy that provides load balancing, connection pooling, and replication capabilities for MariaDB and MySQL databases. It can be used to scale databases horizontally across multiple servers for increased performance and availability. The document provides an overview of MaxScale concepts and capabilities such as routing, filtering, security features, and how it can be used for operational tasks like query caching, logging, and data streaming. It also includes instructions on setting up MaxScale with a basic example of configuring read/write splitting between a master and slave database servers.

mariadbmaxscaleopen source
The Proxy Wars - MySQL Router, ProxySQL, MariaDB MaxScale
Google Trends
What do you use?
• MySQL Router is clearly very interesting going
forward, especially with the advent of the MySQL
InnoDB Cluster

• ProxySQL is a great choice today, has wide use, also
has Percona Monitoring & Management (PMM)

• MariaDB MaxScale pre-2.0 if you need a binlog router

• Server you’re using?
• ProxySQL:!forum/

• MariaDB MaxScale:

• MySQL Router:

• Vitess:!forum/

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MySQL InnoDB Cluster - A complete High Availability solution for MySQL
MySQL InnoDB Cluster - A complete High Availability solution for MySQLMySQL InnoDB Cluster - A complete High Availability solution for MySQL
MySQL InnoDB Cluster - A complete High Availability solution for MySQL

MySQL InnoDB Cluster provides a complete high availability solution for MySQL. It uses MySQL Group Replication, which allows for multiple read-write replicas of a database to exist with synchronous replication. MySQL InnoDB Cluster also includes MySQL Shell for setup, management and orchestration of the cluster, and MySQL Router for intelligent connection routing. It allows databases to scale out writes across replicas in a fault-tolerant and self-healing manner.

high availabilityinnodbrouter

The document discusses the Performance Schema in MySQL. It provides an overview of what the Performance Schema is and how it can be used to monitor events within a MySQL server. It also describes how to configure the Performance Schema by setting up actors, objects, instruments, consumers and threads to control what is monitored. Finally, it explains how to initialize the Performance Schema by truncating existing summary tables before collecting new performance data.

InnoDb Vs NDB Cluster
InnoDb Vs NDB ClusterInnoDb Vs NDB Cluster
InnoDb Vs NDB Cluster

The document discusses two MySQL high availability solutions: MySQL InnoDB Cluster and MySQL NDB Cluster. MySQL InnoDB Cluster provides easy high availability built into MySQL with write consistency, read scalability, and application failover using MySQL Router. MySQL NDB Cluster is an in-memory database that provides automatic sharding, native access via several APIs, read/write consistency, and read/write scalability using the NDB storage engine. The document compares the two solutions and discusses their architectures and key features.

Thank you!
Colin Charles / | @bytebot on twitter

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The Proxy Wars - MySQL Router, ProxySQL, MariaDB MaxScale

  • 1. The Proxy Wars: MySQL Router, ProxySQL, MariaDB MaxScale Colin Charles, Chief Evangelist, Percona Inc. / | @bytebot on Twitter FOSDEM, Brussels, Belgium 4 February 2017
  • 2. whoami • Chief Evangelist (in the CTO office), Percona Inc • Focusing on the MySQL ecosystem (MySQL, Percona Server, MariaDB Server), as well as the MongoDB ecosystem (Percona Server for MongoDB) + 100% open source tools from Percona like Percona Monitoring & Management, Percona xtrabackup, Percona Toolkit, etc. • Founding team of MariaDB Server (2009-2016), previously at Monty Program Ab, merged with SkySQL Ab, now MariaDB Corporation • Formerly MySQL AB (exit: Sun Microsystems) • Past lives include Fedora Project (FESCO), • MySQL Community Contributor of the Year Award winner 2014
  • 3. What is a proxy? • Lightweight application between the MySQL clients and the server • Man-in-the-middle between client/server • Communicate with one or more clients/ servers
  • 5. MySQL Proxy - ten years ago! • The first proxy, which had an embedded Lua interpreter • It is used in MySQL Enterprise Monitor • Lua was flexible to allow you to rewrite queries, add statements, filter, etc. • 2007-2014
  • 6. MariaDB MaxScale 1.0…1.4.x • GA January 2015 • The “Swiss Army Knife” - pluggable router with an extensible architecture • Logging, writing to other backends (besides MySQL), firewall filter, routing via hints, query rewriting • Binlog Server - popularised by to not have intermediate masters • Popular use case: sitting in front of a 3-node Galera Cluster
  • 7. MariaDB MaxScale ecosystem • First known plugin: Kafka backend written by Yves Trudeau • mysql-scalability-problems/ • First known credible fork: AirBnB MaxScale 1.3 •connection pooling (not 1:1, multiplexed N:M, N>M connections), requests throttling, denylist query rejection, monitoring
  • 8. MariaDB MaxScale 2.0 • Same Github repository, unlinked against MySQL client libraries (replaced with SQLite), CDC to Kafka, binlog events to Avro/JSON • License change from GPLv2 to Business Source License (BSL)
  • 10. MySQL Router - GPLv2 • GA October 2015 • Transparent routing between applications and any backend MySQL servers • Pluggable architecture via the MySQL Harness • Failover, load balancing • This is how you manage MySQL InnoDB Cluster with mysqlsh - v=JWy7ZLXxtZ4
  • 11. ProxySQL - GPLv3 • Stable December 2015 • ProxySQL - included with Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7, proxysql- admin tool available for PXC configurations • Improve database operations, understand and solve performance issues, HA to DB topology • Connection Pooling & Multiplexing • Read/Write Split and Sharding • Seamless failover (including query rerouting), load balancing • Query caching • Query rewriting • Query blocking (database aware firewall) • Query mirroring (cache warming) • Query throttling and timeouts • Runtime reconfigurable • Monitoring built-in
  • 13. ProxySQL missing features from MariaDB MaxScale • Front-end SSL encryption (client -> SSL -> proxy -> application) - issue#891 • Binlog router • Streaming binlogs to Kafka • use Maxwell’s Daemon: http://maxwells- • Binlogs to Avro
  • 14. ProxySQL Resources • Marco Tusa: index.php/mysql-blogs • SeveralNines: keywords=%23proxysql • Pythian: • Percona: proxysql/
  • 15. Health of these projects • MariaDB MaxScale: 141 watchers, 651 stars, 188 forks, 19 contributors • MySQL Router: 24 watchers, 41 stars, 23 forks, 8 contributors • ProxySQL: 84 watchers, 692 stars, 101 forks, 23 contributors
  • 19. What do you use? • MySQL Router is clearly very interesting going forward, especially with the advent of the MySQL InnoDB Cluster • ProxySQL is a great choice today, has wide use, also has Percona Monitoring & Management (PMM) integration • MariaDB MaxScale pre-2.0 if you need a binlog router • Server you’re using?
  • 20. Resources • ProxySQL:!forum/ proxysql • MariaDB MaxScale: #!forum/maxscale • MySQL Router: 146 • Vitess:!forum/ vitess
  • 21. Thank you! Colin Charles / | @bytebot on twitter slides: