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Databases in the Hosted Cloud
Colin Charles, Chief Evangelist, Percona Inc. / | @bytebot on Twitter

OSCON, Portland, Oregon

19 July 2018
• Chief Evangelist, Percona Inc

• Focusing on the MySQL ecosystem (MySQL, Percona Server, MariaDB
Server), as well as the MongoDB ecosystem (Percona Server for MongoDB)
+ 100% open source tools from Percona like Percona Monitoring &
Management, Percona xtrabackup, Percona Toolkit, etc. and now
PostgreSQL too!

• Founding team of MariaDB Server (2009-2016), previously at Monty Program
Ab, merged with SkySQL Ab, now MariaDB Corporation

• Formerly MySQL AB (exit: Sun Microsystems)

• Past lives include Fedora Project (FESCO),

• MySQL Community Contributor of the Year Award winner 2014
• MySQL as a service offering (DBaaS)

• Choices

• Considerations

• MySQL versions & access

• Costs

• Deeper into RDS

• Should you run this on EC2 or an equivalent?

• What about PostgreSQL? MongoDB?

• Conclusion
Database as a service
• Database as a Service (DBaaS)

• MySQL/PostgreSQL available on-demand, without any installation/
configuration of hardware/software

• Pay-per-usage based

• Provider maintains database, you don’t maintain, upgrade, or
administer the database

Recommended for you

MariaDB 10.0 - SkySQL Paris Meetup
MariaDB 10.0 - SkySQL Paris MeetupMariaDB 10.0 - SkySQL Paris Meetup
MariaDB 10.0 - SkySQL Paris Meetup

This document summarizes a talk given by Michael "Monty" Widenius about reasons to switch to MariaDB 10.0 from MySQL 5.5 or MariaDB 5.5. The talk addresses why MariaDB was created, features of MariaDB releases, benchmarks, the role of the MariaDB foundation, and reasons to switch. It provides information on the MariaDB foundation goals of developing and distributing MariaDB openly. It outlines many new features in MariaDB 10.0 including new storage engines, replication features, functionality, and improvements in areas like speed, optimization, and usability.

Introduction to MariaDB
Introduction to MariaDBIntroduction to MariaDB
Introduction to MariaDB

* If you see the screen is not good condition, downloading please. * Introduction to MariaDB - mariadb oracle mysql comparison - mariadb install step by step - mariadb basic query

skysqlmariadbopen source
The MySQL Server ecosystem in 2016
The MySQL Server ecosystem in 2016The MySQL Server ecosystem in 2016
The MySQL Server ecosystem in 2016

MySQL is a unique adult (now 21 years old) in many ways. It supports plugins. It supports storage engines. It is also owned by Oracle, thus birthing two branches of the popular opensource database: Percona Server and MariaDB Server. It also once spawned a fork: Drizzle. Lately a consortium of web scale users (think a chunk of the top 10 sites out there) have spawned WebScaleSQL. You're a busy DBA having to maintain a mix of this. Or you're a CIO planning to choose one branch. How do you go about picking? Supporting multiple databases? Find out more in this talk. Also covered is a deep-dive into what feature differences exist between MySQL/Percona Server/MariaDB/WebScaleSQL, how distributions package the various databases differently. Within the hour, you'll be informed about the past, the present, and hopefully be knowledgeable enough to know what to pick in the future. Note, there will also be coverage of the various trees around WebScaleSQL, like the Facebook tree, the Alibaba tree as well as the Twitter tree.

New way of deployment
• Enter a credit card number

• call API (or use the GUI)

aws ec2 run-instances --image-id ami-xxx -k $
{EC2_KEYPAIR} -t c3.large
nova boot --image centos6-x86_64 --flavor m1.large db1
Why DBaaS?
• “Couldn’t we just have a few more servers to handle the traffic spike
during the elections?”

• Don’t have a lot of DBAs, optimise for operational ease

• Rapid deployment & scale-out
Your choices today
• Amazon Web Services Relational Database Service (RDS)

• Rackspace Cloud Databases

• Google Cloud SQL

• Alibaba Cloud

• Oracle Cloud MySQL Service

• Microsoft Azure Database
There are more
• Jelastic - PaaS offering MySQL, MariaDB Server

• ClearDB - MySQL partnered with Heroku, Azure clouds

• Joyent - Image offers Percona MySQL and a Percona SmartMachine

Recommended for you

Why MariaDB?
Why MariaDB?Why MariaDB?
Why MariaDB?

The myriad reasons why you want to use MariaDB over stock MySQL. Current up to MariaDB 5.3, and presented at Percona Live London 2011.

percona livemariadbpercona live london
Lessons from database failures
Lessons from database failuresLessons from database failures
Lessons from database failures

This is my third iteration of the talk presented in Tokyo, Japan - first was at a keynote at in April 2016, then at the MySQL meetup in New York, and now for dbtechshowcase. The focus is on database failures of the past, and how modern MySQL / MariaDB Server technologies could have helped them avoid such failure. The focus is on backups and verification, replication and failover, and security and encryption.

MariaDB 10: A MySQL Replacement - HKOSC
MariaDB 10: A MySQL Replacement - HKOSC MariaDB 10: A MySQL Replacement - HKOSC
MariaDB 10: A MySQL Replacement - HKOSC

MariaDB 10: A MySQL Replacement. Current up to 10.0.9, right before the 10.0.10 GA release presented the weekend before the release in Hong Kong, at the Hong Kong Open Source Conference.

Google Compute Engine
• Google Compute Engine offers Percona XtraDB Cluster as a “click-
to-deploy” app

• comes with Galera 3, Percona Toolkit, XtraBackup as well
Pivotal CloudFoundry
• Pivotal CloudFoundry

• “MySQL” PaaS which is MariaDB Galera Cluster 10 (v1, legacy)

• MariaDB v10.1.30 and Galera v25.3.20 (latest release, June 12

• MySQL for PCF v2

• Percona Server v5.7.20-21 (latest release, June 22 2018)

• Works with IaaS platforms: AWS, Azure, GCP, OpenStack, and

• Significance of Galera Cluster versus regular replication
Red Hat OpenShift
• Variants between Online & Enterprise editions (usually you get
access to modern releases with OpenShift Online)

• MySQL 5.5/5.6/5.7

• MariaDB 10.0/10.1

• PostgreSQL 9.4/9.5

• MongoDB 2.4/2.6/3.2/3.4
• GenieDB - globally distributed MySQL as a service, master-master
replication, works on EC2, Rackspace, Google Compute Engine, HP

• Xeround - 2 weeks notice...

Recommended for you

MariaDB 10: The Complete Tutorial
MariaDB 10: The Complete TutorialMariaDB 10: The Complete Tutorial
MariaDB 10: The Complete Tutorial

MariaDB 10: The Complete Tutorial for all the features within MariaDB 10. Presented at Percona Live MySQL Conference & Expo 2014 in Santa Clara

MariaDB: in-depth (hands on training in Seoul)
MariaDB: in-depth (hands on training in Seoul)MariaDB: in-depth (hands on training in Seoul)
MariaDB: in-depth (hands on training in Seoul)

MariaDB is a community-developed fork of MySQL that aims to be a drop-in replacement. It focuses on being compatible, stable with no regressions, and feature-enhanced compared to MySQL. The presentation covered MariaDB's architecture including connections, query caching, storage engines, and tools for administration and development like mysql, mysqldump, and EXPLAIN.

Securing your MySQL / MariaDB Server data
Securing your MySQL / MariaDB Server dataSecuring your MySQL / MariaDB Server data
Securing your MySQL / MariaDB Server data

Co-presented alongside Ronald Bradford, this covers MySQL, Percona Server, and MariaDB Server (since the latter occasionally can be different enough). Go thru insecure practices, focus on communication security, connection security, data security, user accounts and server access security.

auditsecuritymariadb server
Databases in the hosted cloud
Thank you HPCloud

• Utility user

• enforce_storage_engine


• restrict # of binlog files
Databases in the hosted cloud
What else do you get?
• PostgreSQL is getting popular in the cloud: AWS RDS, AWS Aurora,
Microsoft Azure, Alibaba Cloud, Google Cloud SQL

• Most MongoDB users run within the cloud — but not hosted, it tends
to be “roll your own” or via ObjectRocket (and lately MongoDB Atlas
c- reasonable free tier!)

• (now IBM) & the like (MongoLab) — hosted MongoDB,
Redis, Enhanced PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch, RethinkDB (!?), MySQL
with group replication, ScyllaDB, etc.

Recommended for you

A beginners guide to MariaDB
A beginners guide to MariaDBA beginners guide to MariaDB
A beginners guide to MariaDB

MariaDB started life as a database to host the Maria storage engine in 2009. Not long after its inception, the MySQL community went through yet another change in ownership, and it was deemed that MariaDB will be a complete database branch developed to extend MySQL, but with constant merging of upstream changes. The goal of the MariaDB project is to ensure that everyone is part of the community, including employees of the major steering companies. MariaDB also features enhanced features, some of which are common with the Percona Performance Server. Most importantly, MariaDB is a drop-in replacement and is completely backward compatible with MySQL. In 2010, MariaDB released 5.1 in February, and 5.2 in November – two major releases in a span of one calendar year is a feat that was achieved! DBAs and developers alike will gain an introduction to MariaDB, what is different with MySQL, how to make use of the feature enhancements, and more.

MariaDB: The 2012 Edition
MariaDB: The 2012 EditionMariaDB: The 2012 Edition
MariaDB: The 2012 Edition

MariaDB is a community developed branch of MySQL that is feature enhanced and backward compatible. It aims to be a 100% drop-in replacement for MySQL that is stable, bug-free, and released under the GPLv2 license. Major releases of MariaDB include new storage engines like XtraDB and Aria, as well as new features for performance, scalability, and compatibility. MariaDB is developed as an open source project and supported by Monty Program and other community contributors and service providers.

mysqlpercona livemariadb
MariaDB Server & MySQL Security Essentials 2016
MariaDB Server & MySQL Security Essentials 2016MariaDB Server & MySQL Security Essentials 2016
MariaDB Server & MySQL Security Essentials 2016

This document summarizes a presentation on MariaDB/MySQL security essentials. The presentation covered historically insecure default configurations, privilege escalation vulnerabilities, access control best practices like limiting privileges to only what users need and removing unnecessary accounts. It also discussed authentication methods like SSL, PAM, Kerberos and audit plugins. Encryption at the table, tablespace and binary log level was explained as well. Preventing SQL injections and available security assessment tools were also mentioned.

Regions & Availability Zones
• Region: a data centre location, containing multiple Availability Zones

• Availability Zone (AZ): isolated from failures from other AZs + low-
latency network connectivity to other zones in same region
Location, location, location
• AWS RDS: US East (N. Virginia, Ohio), US West (Oregon, Northern
California, California), EU (Ireland, Frankfurt, London, Paris), APAC
(Singapore, Tokyo, Sydney, Seoul, Mumbai), South America (São
Paulo), GovCloud, Canada (Central), China (Beijing)

• Rackspace: USA (Dallas DFW, Chicago ORD, N. Virginia IAD), APAC
(Sydney, Hong Kong), EU (London)*

• Google Cloud SQL: 

• 2nd generation instances: Montréal, Iowa, N. Virginia, Oregon, LA,
São Paulo, Finland, London, Frankfurt, Netherlands, Tokyo, Mumbai,
Singapore, Sydney
Service Level Agreements (SLA)
• AWS - at least 99.95% in a calendar month, less than, 10% service credit

• Rackspace - 99.9% in a calendar month

• Google - 99.95% in a calendar month, less than 10% service credit

• Alibaba Cloud - no less than 99.95% in a calendar month (some services,

• Microsoft Azure - < 99.99% will give you a 10% service credit

• SLAs exclude “scheduled maintenance” which may have impact on
storage I/O + elevate latency

• e.g. AWS is 30 minutes/week
• AWS - active forums; $100+ (or a % of AWS usage) phone #

• Rackspace - live chat, phone #, forums

• Google - forums; $150/mo gets support portal; $400+ (or a % of
usage fees) for phone #

• Microsoft - forums; $100/mo to start

• Alibaba Cloud - $70 (or a % of usage fees)

• Most have developer support plans at $19.99-$29 even; enterprise
support around $8,000-$15,000

Recommended for you

Meet MariaDB 10.1 at the Bulgaria Web Summit
Meet MariaDB 10.1 at the Bulgaria Web SummitMeet MariaDB 10.1 at the Bulgaria Web Summit
Meet MariaDB 10.1 at the Bulgaria Web Summit

Meet MariaDB 10.1 at the Bulgaria Web Summit, held in Sofia in February 2016. Learn all about MariaDB Server, and the new features like encryption, audit plugins, and more.

mariadb servermysqlmariadb
High Performance Drupal with MariaDB
High Performance Drupal with MariaDBHigh Performance Drupal with MariaDB
High Performance Drupal with MariaDB

- MariaDB Corporation was founded by original developers of MySQL and provides commercial support for MariaDB and MySQL. It has over 400 enterprise customers globally. - MariaDB is an enhanced, drop-in replacement for MySQL that is open source and offers additional features like improved performance, security, and scalability. It has been adopted by several Linux distributions as the default database. - MariaDB offers several advantages over MySQL for applications like Drupal, including its XtraDB storage engine, SphinxSE search engine, thread pool feature for handling many concurrent queries efficiently, and Galera Cluster for high availability.

mariadbdrupalhigh performance
MariaDB - the "new" MySQL is 5 years old and everywhere (LinuxCon Europe 2015)
MariaDB - the "new" MySQL is 5 years old and everywhere (LinuxCon Europe 2015)MariaDB - the "new" MySQL is 5 years old and everywhere (LinuxCon Europe 2015)
MariaDB - the "new" MySQL is 5 years old and everywhere (LinuxCon Europe 2015)

MariaDB is like the "new" MySQL, and its available everywhere. This talk was given at LinuxCon Europe in Dublin in October 2015. Learn about all the new features, considering the release was just around the corner. Changes in replication are also very interesting

Who manages this?
• AWS: self-management, Enterprise ($15k+)

• Rackspace Cloud: $100 + 0.04 cents/hr over regular pricing

• Google: self-management, or via partner, Rackspace Managaed

• Microsoft: generally self, premier can give you advisory services

• Alibaba Cloud: self-management

• Rackspace Managed Services: AWS, Alibaba Cloud, Google Cloud
Platform, Microsoft Azure Cloud, OpenStack Public Cloud
MySQL versions
• AWS: MySQL Community 5.1, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7 / MariaDB Server 10.0,
10.1, 10.2

• Rackspace: MariaDB Server 10, 10.1, 10.1-enc, MySQL 5.7/5.6/5.1,
Percona Server 5.6

• Google: MySQL Community 5.5, 5.6, 5.7

• Microsoft: MySQL Community 5.6, 5.7

• Alibaba Cloud: MySQL Community 5.6, 5.7
Access methods
• AWS - within Amazon, externally via mysql client, API access.

• Rackspace - private hostname within Rackspace network, API

• Google - within AppEngine, a command line Java tool (gcutil),
standard mysql client

• Microsoft - within Azure, externally via mysql client 

• Alibaba Cloud - standard mysql client
Can you configure MySQL?
• You don’t access my.cnf

• In AWS you have parameter
groups which allow
configuration of MySQL

Recommended for you

MariaDB Server Compatibility with MySQL
MariaDB Server Compatibility with MySQLMariaDB Server Compatibility with MySQL
MariaDB Server Compatibility with MySQL

At the MariaDB Server Developer's meeting in Amsterdam, Oct 8 2016. This was the deck to talk about what MariaDB Server 10.1/10.2 might be missing from MySQL versions up to 5.7. The focus is on compatibility of MariaDB Server with MySQL.

mysqlmariadb servermariadb
The Proxy Wars - MySQL Router, ProxySQL, MariaDB MaxScale
The Proxy Wars - MySQL Router, ProxySQL, MariaDB MaxScaleThe Proxy Wars - MySQL Router, ProxySQL, MariaDB MaxScale
The Proxy Wars - MySQL Router, ProxySQL, MariaDB MaxScale

This document discusses MySQL proxy technologies including MySQL Router, ProxySQL, and MariaDB MaxScale. It provides an overview of each technology, including when they were released, key features, and comparisons between them. ProxySQL is highlighted as a popular option currently with integration with Percona tools, while MySQL Router may become more widely used due to its support for MySQL InnoDB Cluster. MariaDB MaxScale is noted for its binlog routing capabilities. Overall the document aims to help people understand and choose between the different MySQL proxy options.

MySQL in the Hosted Cloud
MySQL in the Hosted CloudMySQL in the Hosted Cloud
MySQL in the Hosted Cloud

You want to use MySQL in Amazon RDS, Rackspace Cloud, Google Cloud SQL or HP Helion Public Cloud? Check this out, from Percona Live London 2014. (Note that pricing of Google Cloud SQL changed prices on the same day after the presentation)

amazon rdsrackspacecloud
• Subscribe to relevant newsletters of your services

• Cost changes rapidly, plus you get new instance types and new
features (IOPS)

• Don’t forget network access costs

• Monitor your costs daily, hourly if possible (spot pricing — if roll your
Costs: AWS
• AWS prices vary between regions

Costs: AWS II
• Standard latest generation: db.m4.large (2vCPU/8GB) at $1,533/yr

• Previous generation: Medium instances (3.75GB) useful for testing
($1,577/yr [2014] vs $2,411/yr [2013])

• Large instance (7.5GB) production ready ($3,241/yr vs $4,777/yr

• Multi-AZ production ready: db.m4.2xlarge (32GB, 8vCPUs) at
$12,264/yr [2017]

• Previous generation: m3.2XL (30GB, 8vCPUs) ($12,964/yr)
Costs: Rackspace
• Option to have regular Cloud Database or Managed Instances

• 4GB instance is $2,111.4 (vs. $2,102/yr in 2015 and $3,504/yr in

• 8GB instance is $4,213.8 (vs. $4,205/yr in 2015 and $6,658/yr in

• Consider looking at I/O priority, and the actual TPS you get

• High Available instances with automatic failover available too

Recommended for you

Databases in the Hosted Cloud
Databases in the Hosted CloudDatabases in the Hosted Cloud
Databases in the Hosted Cloud

With a focus on Amazon AWS RDS MySQL and PostgreSQL, Rackspace cloud, Google Cloud SQL, Microsoft Azure for MySQL and PostgreSQL as well as a hint of the other clouds

MySQL in the Cloud
MySQL in the CloudMySQL in the Cloud
MySQL in the Cloud

Today you can use MySQL in several clouds in what is considered using it as a service, a database as a service (DBaaS). Learn the differences, the access methods, and the level of control you have for the various cloud offerings including: - Amazon RDS - Google Cloud SQL - HPCloud DBaaS - Rackspace Openstack DBaaS The administration tools and ideologies behind it are completely different, and you are in a "locked-down" environment. Some considerations include: * Different backup strategies * Planning for multiple data centres for availability * Where do you host your application? * How do you get the most performance out of the solution? * What does this all cost? Questions like this will be demystified in the talk.

mysqllinuxconcloud computing
MySQL in the Hosted Cloud - Percona Live 2015
MySQL in the Hosted Cloud - Percona Live 2015MySQL in the Hosted Cloud - Percona Live 2015
MySQL in the Hosted Cloud - Percona Live 2015

Colin Charles presented on running MySQL in the hosted cloud. He discussed various database as a service (DBaaS) options like Amazon RDS, Rackspace, and Google Cloud SQL. Key considerations for DBaaS include location, service level agreements, support options, available MySQL/MariaDB versions, access methods, configuration options, costs, and features like high availability and backups. Running MySQL on EC2 is also an option but requires more management of hardware, software, networking, storage and backups. Benchmarking and monitoring tools were recommended to evaluate performance and usage.

amazon web servicesgoogle cloud sqlcloud
Costs: Google
• You must enable billing before you create Cloud SQL instances


• Previously (first generation):

• Testing (D8 - 4GB RAM) - $3,204.7 vs $4,274.15 (in 2015)

• XL equivalent (D16 - 8GB RAM) - $6413.05 vs $8,548.30 (in 2015)

• Today:

• db-n1-standard-8 (8 vCPUs, 30GB RAM) - $6,762.72

• Packages billing plans are cheaper than per-use billing plans
Costs: Microsoft Azure
• I/O isn’t being charged for yet

• Basic tier with 2 vCores gives you 2GB per vCore (=4GB)

• So… 4 vCores, 8GB RAM, $3,069/year
Costs: Alibaba Cloud
• rds.mysql.s2.xlarge - 2vCPU/8GB RAM - $4,537 ($3,192 on
subscription, pay it monthly at $266)

• In USA, that could be $3,109 ($2,112, monthly $176)

• In China? $2,487 ($1,632, monthly $136)

• SQL Audit, backup, monitoring, all costs more

• Readonly storage instance pricing exist
Where do you host your application?
• Typically within the compute clusters of the service you’re running
the DBaaS in

• You wan’t a multi-cloud strategy? You will have to have your entire
layers of applications replicated on different clouds

Recommended for you

Databases in the hosted cloud
Databases in the hosted cloudDatabases in the hosted cloud
Databases in the hosted cloud

Today you can use hosted MySQL/MariaDB/Percona Server in several "cloud providers" in what is considered using it as a service, a database as a service (DBaaS). You can also use hosted PostgreSQL and MongoDB thru various service providers. Learn the differences, the access methods, and the level of control you have for the various public cloud offerings: - Amazon RDS for MySQL and PostgreSQL - Google Cloud SQL - Rackspace OpenStack DBaaS - The likes of, MongoLab and Rackspace's offerings around MongoDB The administration tools and ideologies behind it are completely different, and you are in a "locked-down" environment. Some considerations include: * Different backup strategies * Planning for multiple data centres for availability * Where do you host your application? * How do you get the most performance out of the solution? * What does this all cost? Growth topics include: * How do you move from one DBaaS to another? * How do you move all this from DBaaS to your own hosted platform? Questions like this will be demystified in the talk. This talk will benefit experienced database administrators (DBAs) who now also have to deal with cloud deployments as well as application developers in startups that have to rely on "managed services" without the ability of a DBA.

google cloud sqlcloud computingdatabase
NOSQL Meets Relational - The MySQL Ecosystem Gains More Flexibility
NOSQL Meets Relational - The MySQL Ecosystem Gains More FlexibilityNOSQL Meets Relational - The MySQL Ecosystem Gains More Flexibility
NOSQL Meets Relational - The MySQL Ecosystem Gains More Flexibility

Colin Charles gave a presentation comparing SQL and NoSQL databases. He discussed why organizations adopt NoSQL databases like MongoDB for large, unstructured datasets and rapid development. However, he argued that MySQL can also handle these workloads through features like dynamic columns, memcached integration, and JSON support. MySQL addresses limitations around high availability, scalability, and schema flexibility through tools and plugins that provide sharding, replication, load balancing, and online schema changes. In the end, MySQL with the right tools is capable of fulfilling both transactional and NoSQL-style workloads.

Maria db 10 and the mariadb foundation(colin)
Maria db 10 and the mariadb foundation(colin)Maria db 10 and the mariadb foundation(colin)
Maria db 10 and the mariadb foundation(colin)

This document provides an overview of MariaDB 10 and the MariaDB Foundation. It discusses the history and development of MariaDB, including key features added in versions 5.1 through 10.0 such as new storage engines, performance improvements, and features backported from MySQL. It outlines the goals of MariaDB to be compatible with MySQL while adding new features, and describes the community-led development model. The roadmap aims to have MariaDB be a drop-in replacement for MySQL 5.6 by releasing version 10.1.

RDS: Multi-AZ
• Provides enhanced durability (synchronous data replication)

• Increased availability (automatic failover)

• Warning: can be slow with large database size

• Easy GUI administration

• Doesn’t give you another usable “read-replica” though
External replication
• MySQL 5.6 you can do RDS -> Non-RDS

• enable backup retention, you now have binlog access

• target: exporting data out of RDS

• This can help you migrate to another platform as well

• Replicate into RDS with 5.5.33 or later

• AWS provides stored procedures like
mysql.rds_set_external_master nowadays
Getting started
• Importing data into the cloud?

• mysqldump is a good choice today

• Upgrading from RDS 5.5 to RDS 5.6?

• mysqldump before, but nowadays you can do this via Read
Handling backups
• You don’t get to use Percona XtraBackup! (or mydumper)

• Google Cloud SQL automates backups (has a backup window - 4h)

• Amazon has automated backups (with point-in-time recovery), with full daily
snapshots (has a backup window). 

• Multi-AZ? Backup taken from the standby!

• Backup retention default? 1 day. Increase it

• Aria may not work well with automatic backups, so use InnoDB/XtraDB

• Rackspace allow instance backups too

• Microsoft has automatic backups (with point-in-time recovery). Backup
retention is 7 days (up to 35 days), with redundancy options

Recommended for you

MySQL Ecosystem in 2020
MySQL Ecosystem in 2020MySQL Ecosystem in 2020
MySQL Ecosystem in 2020

* Use cases of MySQL as well as edge cases of MySQL topologies using real-life examples and "war" stories * How scalability and proxy wars make MySQL topologies more robust to serve webscale shops * Open-source tools, utilities, and surrounding MySQL Ecosystem.

mysqlopen source
The MySQL Server ecosystem in 2016
The MySQL Server ecosystem in 2016The MySQL Server ecosystem in 2016
The MySQL Server ecosystem in 2016

The document summarizes the history and current state of the MySQL database server ecosystem. It discusses the origins and development of MySQL, MariaDB, Percona Server, and other related projects. It also describes some of the key features and innovations in recent versions of these database servers. The ecosystem is very active with contributions from many organizations and the future remains promising with ongoing work.

Migrating enterprise workloads to AWS
Migrating enterprise workloads to AWSMigrating enterprise workloads to AWS
Migrating enterprise workloads to AWS

This document provides an overview of migrating applications and workloads to AWS. It discusses key considerations for different migration approaches including "forklift", "embrace", and "optimize". It also covers important AWS services and best practices for architecture design, high availability, disaster recovery, security, storage, databases, auto-scaling, and cost optimization. Real-world customer examples of migration lessons and benefits are also presented.

• AWS has the best options currently available

• Today you have CloudWatch

• Google has improved on their read/write graphs, integration with
Stackdriver monitoring

• Rackspace has started with basic graphs, visuals for MySQL, have a
Cloud Intelligence product

• Percona Monitoring & Management - http://

• DataDog, VividCortex, etc.
Storage Engines
• MySQL (/MariaDB) have many

• cool ones include MyRocks, TokuDB, SPIDER, CONNECT

• You basically use InnoDB (XtraDB) and MyISAM with cloud solutions

• MyISAM on RDS won’t guarantee point-in-time recovery, snapshot
High Availability
• Plan for node failures

• Don’t assume node provisioning is quick

• Backup, backup, backup!

• “Bad” nodes exist

• RDS? Multi-AZ.

• HA is not equal across options

• Rackspace has High Availability Database instances built on their
ObjectRocket platform

• Google? Deploys semi-synchronous replication, so you do get a usable replica 

• alert for replication lag
Unsupported features
• AWS MySQL: GTIDs (but MariaDB Server GTIDs work!), InnoDB Cache
Warming (intra-schema parallel replication in 5.7 works - this was an XtraDB
5.6 feature), InnoDB transportable tablespaces, authentication plugins,
password strength plugin, replication filters, semi-sync replication

• AWS MariaDB: Data at Rest Encryption, MariaDB Galera Cluster,
HandlerSocket, Multi-source Replication, Password validation plugin,
simple_password_check, and cracklib_password_check, Replication Filters,
Storage engine-specific object attributes, table and Tablespace Encryption


• mysqlsh?

Recommended for you

MySQL Ecosystem in 2023 - FOSSASIA'23 - Alkin.pptx.pdf
MySQL Ecosystem in 2023 - FOSSASIA'23 - Alkin.pptx.pdfMySQL Ecosystem in 2023 - FOSSASIA'23 - Alkin.pptx.pdf
MySQL Ecosystem in 2023 - FOSSASIA'23 - Alkin.pptx.pdf

MySQL is still hot, with Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) and MariaDB Server. Welcome back post-pandemic to see what is on offer in the current ecosystem. Did you know that Amazon RDS now uses semi-sync replication rather than DRBD for multi-AZ deployments? Did you know that Galera Cluster for MySQL 8 is much more efficient with CLONE SST rather than using the xtrabackup method for SST? Did you know that Percona Server continues to extend MyRocks? Did you know that MariaDB Server has more Oracle syntax compatibility? This and more will be covered in the session, while short and quick, should leave you wandering to discover new features for production.

#mysql #mysql8 #mariadb #opensource #databases
Yow Conference Dec 2013 Netflix Workshop Slides with Notes
Yow Conference Dec 2013 Netflix Workshop Slides with NotesYow Conference Dec 2013 Netflix Workshop Slides with Notes
Yow Conference Dec 2013 Netflix Workshop Slides with Notes

This document provides an overview and agenda for a workshop on patterns for continuous delivery, high availability, DevOps and cloud native development using NetflixOSS open source tools and frameworks. The presenter introduces himself and his background. The content covers Netflix's architecture evolution from monolithic to microservices, how Netflix scales on AWS, and principles and outcomes that enable cloud native development. The workshop then dives into specific NetflixOSS projects like Eureka, Cassandra, Zuul and Hystrix that help with service discovery, data storage, routing and availability. Tools for deployment, configuration, cost analysis and developer productivity are also discussed.

Databases in the Cloud - DevDay Austin 2017 Day 2
Databases in the Cloud - DevDay Austin 2017 Day 2Databases in the Cloud - DevDay Austin 2017 Day 2
Databases in the Cloud - DevDay Austin 2017 Day 2

Databases in the Cloud discusses AWS database services for moving workloads to the cloud. It describes Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) which provides several fully managed relational database options including MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, Oracle, SQL Server, and Amazon Aurora. It also discusses non-relational database services like DynamoDB, ElastiCache, and Redshift for analytics workloads. The document provides guidance on choosing between SQL and NoSQL databases and discusses benefits of managed database services over hosting databases on-premises or in EC2 instances.

awsaws cloudaws devday
Option groups
• InnoDB memcached

• MariaDB Server Audit Plugin
Provisioned IOPS
• Available on Amazon, and recently Google

• Faster, predictable, consistent I/O performance with low latencies

• Good throughput, RAID on backed

• EBS is more reliable
More on running in the hosted cloud…
• log access via API

• no SUPER access to skip replication errors easily

• sync_binlog=0 not available

• no OS access (sar, ps, tcpdump)
Warning: automatic upgrades
• Regressions happen even with a minor version upgrade in the
MySQL world (though this is happening a lot less as quality has
increased tremendously)

• InnoDB update that modifies rows PK triggers recursive behaviour
until all disk space is exceeded? 5.5.24->5.5.25 (fixed: 5.5.25a)

• Using query cache for partitioned tables? Disabled since 5.5.22-

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MySQL Options in OpenStack
MySQL Options in OpenStackMySQL Options in OpenStack
MySQL Options in OpenStack

MySQL is commonly used as the default database in OpenStack. It provides high availability through options like Galera and MySQL Group Replication. Galera is a third party active/active cluster that provides synchronous replication, while Group Replication is a native MySQL plugin that also enables active/active clusters with built-in conflict detection. MySQL NDB Cluster is an alternative that provides in-memory data storage with automatic sharding and strong consistency across shards. Both Galera/Group Replication and NDB Cluster can be used to implement highly available MySQL services in OpenStack environments.

openstackmysqlopenstack days east
Webinar Slides: MySQL HA/DR/Geo-Scale - High Noon #1: AWS Aurora
Webinar Slides: MySQL HA/DR/Geo-Scale - High Noon #1: AWS AuroraWebinar Slides: MySQL HA/DR/Geo-Scale - High Noon #1: AWS Aurora
Webinar Slides: MySQL HA/DR/Geo-Scale - High Noon #1: AWS Aurora

AWS Aurora vs. Continuent Tungsten Clusters Building a Geo-Scale, Multi-Region and Highly Available MySQL Cloud Back-End This first installment of our High Noon series of on-demand webinars is focused on AWS Aurora. It looks at some of the key characteristics of AWS Aurora and how it fares as a MySQL HA / DR / Geo-Scale solution, especially when compared to Continuent Tungsten Clustering. Watch this webinar to learn how to do better MySQL HA / DR / Geo-Scale. AGENDA - Goals for the High Noon Webinar Series - AWS Aurora - Key Characteristics - Cross Region Requirements - RDS Proxy - Limitations Using AWS Aurora - How to do better MySQL HA / DR / Geo-Scale? - AWS Aurora vs Tungsten Clustering - About Continuent & Its Solutions PRESENTER Matthew Lang - Customer Success Director – Americas, Continuent - has over 25 years of experience in database administration, database programming, and system architecture, including the creation of a database replication product that is still in use today. He has designed highly available, scaleable systems that have allowed startups to quickly become enterprise organizations, utilizing a variety of technologies including open source projects, virtualization and cloud.

aws auroraamazon auroratungsten clustering
Webinar Slides: MySQL HA/DR/Geo-Scale - High Noon #4: MS Azure Database MySQL
Webinar Slides: MySQL HA/DR/Geo-Scale - High Noon #4: MS Azure Database MySQLWebinar Slides: MySQL HA/DR/Geo-Scale - High Noon #4: MS Azure Database MySQL
Webinar Slides: MySQL HA/DR/Geo-Scale - High Noon #4: MS Azure Database MySQL

MS Azure Database for MySQL vs. Continuent Tungsten Clusters Building a Geo-Scale, Multi-Region and Highly Available MySQL Cloud Back-End This is the third of our High Noon series covering MySQL clustering solutions for high availability (HA), disaster recovery (DR), and geographic distribution. Azure Database for MySQL is a managed database cluster within Microsoft Azure Cloud that runs MySQL community edition. There are really two deployment options: “Single Server” and “Flexible Server (Preview).” We will look at the Flexible Server version, even though it is still preview, because most enterprise applications require failover, so this is the relevant comparison for Tungsten Clustering. You may use Tungsten Clustering with native MySQL, MariaDB or Percona Server for MySQL in GCP, AWS, Azure, and/or on-premises data centers for better technological capabilities, control, and flexibility. But learn about the pros and cons! Enjoy the webinar! AGENDA - Goals for the High Noon Webinar Series - High Noon Series: Tungsten Clustering vs Others - Microsoft Azure Database for MySQL - Key Characteristics - Certification-based Replication - Azure MySQL Multi-Site Requirements - Limitations Using Azure MySQL - How to do better MySQL HA / DR / Geo-Scale? - Azure MySQL vs Tungsten Clustering - About Continuent & Its Solutions PRESENTER Matthew Lang - Customer Success Director – Americas, Continuent - has over 25 years of experience in database administration, database programming, and system architecture, including the creation of a database replication product that is still in use today. He has designed highly available, scaleable systems that have allowed startups to quickly become enterprise organizations, utilizing a variety of technologies including open source projects, virtualization and cloud.

mysqlmariadbhigh availability (ha)
Benchmarking for use
• sysbench
• OLTP test, use tables with 20M rows and 20M transactions, check
1-128 threads/run (run this on RDS, Rackspace)

• June 2013, tps, performance per dollar, Rackspace delivers more
performance across all flavours except 512MB instance

• Yahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmark


• Google’s PerfKit Benchmarker

• There don’t seem to be public roadmaps. You find out when there’s a

• Watch out for those events…
PostgreSQL in RDS
• loading data?

• disable multi-AZ when loading

• disable autovacuum

• dump compressed, restore in

• don’t disable fsync (really!)

• sync replication using multi-AZ

• you can control the upgrade
time though — this is a bonus


• SSL should be on

Recommended for you

The MySQL Server Ecosystem in 2016
The MySQL Server Ecosystem in 2016The MySQL Server Ecosystem in 2016
The MySQL Server Ecosystem in 2016

This was a short 25 minute talk, but we go into a bit of a history of MySQL, how the branches and forks appeared, what's sticking around today (branch? Percona Server. Fork? MariaDB Server). What should you use? Think about what you need today and what the roadmap holds.

percona livemariadb serverpercona server
Webinar Slides: MySQL HA/DR/Geo-Scale - High Noon #5: Oracle’s InnoDB Cluster
Webinar Slides: MySQL HA/DR/Geo-Scale - High Noon #5: Oracle’s InnoDB ClusterWebinar Slides: MySQL HA/DR/Geo-Scale - High Noon #5: Oracle’s InnoDB Cluster
Webinar Slides: MySQL HA/DR/Geo-Scale - High Noon #5: Oracle’s InnoDB Cluster

Oracle’s InnoDB Cluster vs. Continuent Tungsten Clusters for MySQL Building a Geo-Distributed, Multi-Region and Highly Available MySQL Cloud Back-End This is the fifth of our High Noon series covering MySQL clustering solutions for high availability (HA), disaster recovery (DR), and geographic distribution. InnoDB Cluster uses MySQL’s group replication to handle the replication. It’s also known as semi-synchronous replication. Learn about this and more in this webinar! You may use Tungsten Clustering with native MySQL, MariaDB or Percona Server for MySQL in GCP, AWS, Azure, and/or on-premises data centers for better technological capabilities, control, and flexibility. But learn about the pros and cons! AGENDA - Goals for the High Noon Webinar Series - High Noon Series: Tungsten Clustering vs Others - Oracle InnoDB Cluster - Key Characteristics - Certification-based Replication - InnoDB Cluster Multi-Site Requirements - Limitations Using InnoDB Cluster - How to do better MySQL HA / DR / Geo-Distribution? - InnoDB Cluster vs Tungsten Clustering - About Continuent & Its Solutions PRESENTER Matthew Lang - Customer Success Director – Americas, Continuent - has over 25 years of experience in database administration, database programming, and system architecture, including the creation of a database replication product that is still in use today. He has designed highly available, scaleable systems that have allowed startups to quickly become enterprise organizations, utilizing a variety of technologies including open source projects, virtualization and cloud.

mysqlmariadbgeographic distribution
AWS (Hadoop) Meetup 30.04.09
AWS (Hadoop) Meetup 30.04.09AWS (Hadoop) Meetup 30.04.09
AWS (Hadoop) Meetup 30.04.09

Follow on from last months AWS User Group Intro to AWS talk. This talk by Nicola Cardace is looking at some of the offerings in the AWS eco-system.

Running MySQL in EC2
• Can do multiple geographic
regions via replication

• Run just one Percona Server/
MariaDB server/instance

• Use additional EBS volumes for
InnoDB tablespaces

• RAID EBS volumes (RAID1)

• Warm up data partitions, mount
partitions with noatime, nodirtime

• Vertical scaling with SSD-backed

• Monitoring with Icinga/nagios

• Snapshot backups and save to S3

• Can use Elastic Load Balancer

• Can use spot instances

• Can use tools like MHA to provide
automatic failover

• Can use MariaDB Galera Cluster/
Percona XtraDB Cluster
AWS Aurora
• Bigger instances work better

• Zero-downtime migration from RDS

• Metrics via CloudWatch, Connectors
via MariaDB

• 99.99% uptime

• MySQL 5.6.10 “fork”, no optimiser,
not traditional replication (but Aurora
<->MySQL works of course)

• MySQL 5.7.12 Aurora launched Feb
2018, with JSON support, spatial
indexes, generated columns, etc.

• Auto scaling - compute, memory,

• Replicas (15) for reads

• Automated backups in S3, DB

• Encryption with key server being
Amazon KMS

• Spatial data support - like InnoDB

• Lab mode (hash joins, scan
batching, etc.)
Looking ahead
• OtterTune: automatically find good settings for a database
configuration - 

• Peloton: self-driving database management system - http://
60% reduction in latency,
22-35% better throughput
Some closing thoughts
• Hardware varies per region

• Sometimes, software manageability varies per region

• Beware costs on your credit card!

• These things change often, in terms of pricing, instance availability — so regularly
monitor latest news

• Don’t upgrade immediately to the latest new releases

• Always read release notes

• If going the EC2 (or equivalent) route, maybe have other management services in place
(e.g. Ewhat MongoDB provides)

• Sharding — vitess? 

• Proxies — ProxySQL, MySQL Router

Recommended for you

Cloudera Impala - Las Vegas Big Data Meetup Nov 5th 2014
Cloudera Impala - Las Vegas Big Data Meetup Nov 5th 2014Cloudera Impala - Las Vegas Big Data Meetup Nov 5th 2014
Cloudera Impala - Las Vegas Big Data Meetup Nov 5th 2014

Maxime Dumas gives a presentation on Cloudera Impala, which provides fast SQL query capability for Apache Hadoop. Impala allows for interactive queries on Hadoop data in seconds rather than minutes by using a native MPP query engine instead of MapReduce. It offers benefits like SQL support, improved performance of 3-4x up to 90x faster than MapReduce, and flexibility to query existing Hadoop data without needing to migrate or duplicate it. The latest release of Impala 2.0 includes new features like window functions, subqueries, and spilling joins and aggregations to disk when memory is exhausted.

cloudera impalaclouderareal-time
Best practices for MySQL High Availability Tutorial
Best practices for MySQL High Availability TutorialBest practices for MySQL High Availability Tutorial
Best practices for MySQL High Availability Tutorial

Given at O'Reilly Velocity London in October 2017, this tutorial focuses on the current best practices for MySQL High Availability.

mysqlhigh availabilitymariadb
Percona ServerをMySQL 5.6と5.7用に作るエンジニアリング(そしてMongoDBのヒント)
Percona ServerをMySQL 5.6と5.7用に作るエンジニアリング(そしてMongoDBのヒント)Percona ServerをMySQL 5.6と5.7用に作るエンジニアリング(そしてMongoDBのヒント)
Percona ServerをMySQL 5.6と5.7用に作るエンジニアリング(そしてMongoDBのヒント)

Engineering that goes into making Percona Server for MySQL 5.6 & 5.7 different (and a hint of MongoDB) for dbtechshowcase 2017 - the slides also have some Japanese in it. This should help a Japanese audience to read it. If there are questions due to poor translation, do not hesitate to drop me an email ( or tweet: @bytebot

dbtechshowcasehigh availabilityjapan
Thank you!
Colin Charles / | @bytebot on twitter

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Databases in the hosted cloud

  • 1. Databases in the Hosted Cloud Colin Charles, Chief Evangelist, Percona Inc. / | @bytebot on Twitter OSCON, Portland, Oregon 19 July 2018
  • 2. whoami • Chief Evangelist, Percona Inc • Focusing on the MySQL ecosystem (MySQL, Percona Server, MariaDB Server), as well as the MongoDB ecosystem (Percona Server for MongoDB) + 100% open source tools from Percona like Percona Monitoring & Management, Percona xtrabackup, Percona Toolkit, etc. and now PostgreSQL too! • Founding team of MariaDB Server (2009-2016), previously at Monty Program Ab, merged with SkySQL Ab, now MariaDB Corporation • Formerly MySQL AB (exit: Sun Microsystems) • Past lives include Fedora Project (FESCO), • MySQL Community Contributor of the Year Award winner 2014
  • 3. Agenda • MySQL as a service offering (DBaaS) • Choices • Considerations • MySQL versions & access • Costs • Deeper into RDS • Should you run this on EC2 or an equivalent? • What about PostgreSQL? MongoDB? • Conclusion
  • 4. Database as a service • Database as a Service (DBaaS) • MySQL/PostgreSQL available on-demand, without any installation/ configuration of hardware/software • Pay-per-usage based • Provider maintains database, you don’t maintain, upgrade, or administer the database
  • 5. New way of deployment • Enter a credit card number • call API (or use the GUI) aws ec2 run-instances --image-id ami-xxx -k $ {EC2_KEYPAIR} -t c3.large nova boot --image centos6-x86_64 --flavor m1.large db1 credit:
  • 6. Why DBaaS? • “Couldn’t we just have a few more servers to handle the traffic spike during the elections?” • Don’t have a lot of DBAs, optimise for operational ease • Rapid deployment & scale-out
  • 7. Your choices today • Amazon Web Services Relational Database Service (RDS) • Rackspace Cloud Databases • Google Cloud SQL • Alibaba Cloud • Oracle Cloud MySQL Service • Microsoft Azure Database
  • 8. There are more • Jelastic - PaaS offering MySQL, MariaDB Server • ClearDB - MySQL partnered with Heroku, Azure clouds • Joyent - Image offers Percona MySQL and a Percona SmartMachine
  • 9. Google Compute Engine • Google Compute Engine offers Percona XtraDB Cluster as a “click- to-deploy” app • comes with Galera 3, Percona Toolkit, XtraBackup as well
  • 10. Pivotal CloudFoundry • Pivotal CloudFoundry • “MySQL” PaaS which is MariaDB Galera Cluster 10 (v1, legacy) • MariaDB v10.1.30 and Galera v25.3.20 (latest release, June 12 2018) • MySQL for PCF v2 • Percona Server v5.7.20-21 (latest release, June 22 2018) • Works with IaaS platforms: AWS, Azure, GCP, OpenStack, and vSphere • Significance of Galera Cluster versus regular replication
  • 11. Red Hat OpenShift • Variants between Online & Enterprise editions (usually you get access to modern releases with OpenShift Online) • MySQL 5.5/5.6/5.7 • MariaDB 10.0/10.1 • PostgreSQL 9.4/9.5 • MongoDB 2.4/2.6/3.2/3.4
  • 12. Beware • GenieDB - globally distributed MySQL as a service, master-master replication, works on EC2, Rackspace, Google Compute Engine, HP Cloud • Xeround - 2 weeks notice...
  • 14. Thank you HPCloud • hpcloud-whom-contributed-to-making-mysql-better • Utility user • enforce_storage_engine • prevent LOAD DATA INFILE/SELECT INTO OUTFILE • restrict # of binlog files
  • 16. What else do you get? • PostgreSQL is getting popular in the cloud: AWS RDS, AWS Aurora, Microsoft Azure, Alibaba Cloud, Google Cloud SQL • Most MongoDB users run within the cloud — but not hosted, it tends to be “roll your own” or via ObjectRocket (and lately MongoDB Atlas c- reasonable free tier!) • (now IBM) & the like (MongoLab) — hosted MongoDB, Redis, Enhanced PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch, RethinkDB (!?), MySQL with group replication, ScyllaDB, etc.
  • 17. Regions & Availability Zones • Region: a data centre location, containing multiple Availability Zones • Availability Zone (AZ): isolated from failures from other AZs + low- latency network connectivity to other zones in same region
  • 18. Location, location, location • AWS RDS: US East (N. Virginia, Ohio), US West (Oregon, Northern California, California), EU (Ireland, Frankfurt, London, Paris), APAC (Singapore, Tokyo, Sydney, Seoul, Mumbai), South America (São Paulo), GovCloud, Canada (Central), China (Beijing) • Rackspace: USA (Dallas DFW, Chicago ORD, N. Virginia IAD), APAC (Sydney, Hong Kong), EU (London)* • Google Cloud SQL: • 2nd generation instances: Montréal, Iowa, N. Virginia, Oregon, LA, São Paulo, Finland, London, Frankfurt, Netherlands, Tokyo, Mumbai, Singapore, Sydney
  • 19. Service Level Agreements (SLA) • AWS - at least 99.95% in a calendar month, less than, 10% service credit • Rackspace - 99.9% in a calendar month • Google - 99.95% in a calendar month, less than 10% service credit • Alibaba Cloud - no less than 99.95% in a calendar month (some services, 99.9%) • Microsoft Azure - < 99.99% will give you a 10% service credit • SLAs exclude “scheduled maintenance” which may have impact on storage I/O + elevate latency • e.g. AWS is 30 minutes/week
  • 20. Support • AWS - active forums; $100+ (or a % of AWS usage) phone # • Rackspace - live chat, phone #, forums • Google - forums; $150/mo gets support portal; $400+ (or a % of usage fees) for phone # • Microsoft - forums; $100/mo to start • Alibaba Cloud - $70 (or a % of usage fees) • Most have developer support plans at $19.99-$29 even; enterprise support around $8,000-$15,000
  • 21. Who manages this? • AWS: self-management, Enterprise ($15k+) • Rackspace Cloud: $100 + 0.04 cents/hr over regular pricing • Google: self-management, or via partner, Rackspace Managaed Services • Microsoft: generally self, premier can give you advisory services • Alibaba Cloud: self-management • Rackspace Managed Services: AWS, Alibaba Cloud, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure Cloud, OpenStack Public Cloud
  • 22. MySQL versions • AWS: MySQL Community 5.1, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7 / MariaDB Server 10.0, 10.1, 10.2 • Rackspace: MariaDB Server 10, 10.1, 10.1-enc, MySQL 5.7/5.6/5.1, Percona Server 5.6 • Google: MySQL Community 5.5, 5.6, 5.7 • Microsoft: MySQL Community 5.6, 5.7 • Alibaba Cloud: MySQL Community 5.6, 5.7
  • 23. Access methods • AWS - within Amazon, externally via mysql client, API access. • Rackspace - private hostname within Rackspace network, API access. • Google - within AppEngine, a command line Java tool (gcutil), standard mysql client • Microsoft - within Azure, externally via mysql client • Alibaba Cloud - standard mysql client
  • 24. Can you configure MySQL? • You don’t access my.cnf naturally • In AWS you have parameter groups which allow configuration of MySQL source:
  • 25. Cost • Subscribe to relevant newsletters of your services • Cost changes rapidly, plus you get new instance types and new features (IOPS) • Don’t forget network access costs • Monitor your costs daily, hourly if possible (spot pricing — if roll your own)
  • 26. Costs: AWS • AWS prices vary between regions •
  • 27. Costs: AWS II • Standard latest generation: db.m4.large (2vCPU/8GB) at $1,533/yr [2017] • Previous generation: Medium instances (3.75GB) useful for testing ($1,577/yr [2014] vs $2,411/yr [2013]) • Large instance (7.5GB) production ready ($3,241/yr vs $4,777/yr [2013]) • Multi-AZ production ready: db.m4.2xlarge (32GB, 8vCPUs) at $12,264/yr [2017] • Previous generation: m3.2XL (30GB, 8vCPUs) ($12,964/yr)
  • 28. Costs: Rackspace • Option to have regular Cloud Database or Managed Instances • 4GB instance is $2,111.4 (vs. $2,102/yr in 2015 and $3,504/yr in 2013) • 8GB instance is $4,213.8 (vs. $4,205/yr in 2015 and $6,658/yr in 2013) • Consider looking at I/O priority, and the actual TPS you get • High Available instances with automatic failover available too
  • 29. Costs: Google • You must enable billing before you create Cloud SQL instances • • Previously (first generation): • Testing (D8 - 4GB RAM) - $3,204.7 vs $4,274.15 (in 2015) • XL equivalent (D16 - 8GB RAM) - $6413.05 vs $8,548.30 (in 2015) • Today: • db-n1-standard-8 (8 vCPUs, 30GB RAM) - $6,762.72 • Packages billing plans are cheaper than per-use billing plans
  • 30. Costs: Microsoft Azure • I/O isn’t being charged for yet • Basic tier with 2 vCores gives you 2GB per vCore (=4GB) • So… 4 vCores, 8GB RAM, $3,069/year
  • 31. Costs: Alibaba Cloud • rds.mysql.s2.xlarge - 2vCPU/8GB RAM - $4,537 ($3,192 on subscription, pay it monthly at $266) • In USA, that could be $3,109 ($2,112, monthly $176) • In China? $2,487 ($1,632, monthly $136) • SQL Audit, backup, monitoring, all costs more • Readonly storage instance pricing exist
  • 32. Where do you host your application? • Typically within the compute clusters of the service you’re running the DBaaS in • You wan’t a multi-cloud strategy? You will have to have your entire layers of applications replicated on different clouds
  • 33. RDS: Multi-AZ • Provides enhanced durability (synchronous data replication) • Increased availability (automatic failover) • Warning: can be slow with large database size • Easy GUI administration • Doesn’t give you another usable “read-replica” though
  • 34. External replication • MySQL 5.6 you can do RDS -> Non-RDS • enable backup retention, you now have binlog access • target: exporting data out of RDS • This can help you migrate to another platform as well • Replicate into RDS with 5.5.33 or later • AWS provides stored procedures like mysql.rds_set_external_master nowadays
  • 35. Getting started • Importing data into the cloud? • mysqldump is a good choice today • Upgrading from RDS 5.5 to RDS 5.6? • mysqldump before, but nowadays you can do this via Read Replicas
  • 36. Handling backups • You don’t get to use Percona XtraBackup! (or mydumper) • Google Cloud SQL automates backups (has a backup window - 4h) • Amazon has automated backups (with point-in-time recovery), with full daily snapshots (has a backup window). • Multi-AZ? Backup taken from the standby! • Backup retention default? 1 day. Increase it • Aria may not work well with automatic backups, so use InnoDB/XtraDB • Rackspace allow instance backups too • Microsoft has automatic backups (with point-in-time recovery). Backup retention is 7 days (up to 35 days), with redundancy options
  • 37. Monitoring • AWS has the best options currently available • Today you have CloudWatch • Google has improved on their read/write graphs, integration with Stackdriver monitoring • Rackspace has started with basic graphs, visuals for MySQL, have a Cloud Intelligence product • Percona Monitoring & Management - http:// • DataDog, VividCortex, etc.
  • 38. Storage Engines • MySQL (/MariaDB) have many • cool ones include MyRocks, TokuDB, SPIDER, CONNECT • You basically use InnoDB (XtraDB) and MyISAM with cloud solutions • MyISAM on RDS won’t guarantee point-in-time recovery, snapshot restore
  • 39. High Availability • Plan for node failures • Don’t assume node provisioning is quick • Backup, backup, backup! • “Bad” nodes exist • RDS? Multi-AZ. • HA is not equal across options • Rackspace has High Availability Database instances built on their ObjectRocket platform • Google? Deploys semi-synchronous replication, so you do get a usable replica • alert for replication lag
  • 40. Unsupported features • AWS MySQL: GTIDs (but MariaDB Server GTIDs work!), InnoDB Cache Warming (intra-schema parallel replication in 5.7 works - this was an XtraDB 5.6 feature), InnoDB transportable tablespaces, authentication plugins, password strength plugin, replication filters, semi-sync replication • AWS MariaDB: Data at Rest Encryption, MariaDB Galera Cluster, HandlerSocket, Multi-source Replication, Password validation plugin, simple_password_check, and cracklib_password_check, Replication Filters, Storage engine-specific object attributes, table and Tablespace Encryption • Google: UDFs, PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA, LOAD DATA INFILE, INSTALL PLUGIN, SELECT ... INTO OUTFILE • mysqlsh?
  • 41. Option groups • InnoDB memcached • MariaDB Server Audit Plugin
  • 42. Provisioned IOPS • Available on Amazon, and recently Google • Faster, predictable, consistent I/O performance with low latencies • Good throughput, RAID on backed • EBS is more reliable
  • 43. More on running in the hosted cloud… • log access via API • no SUPER access to skip replication errors easily • sync_binlog=0 not available • no OS access (sar, ps, tcpdump)
  • 44. Warning: automatic upgrades • Regressions happen even with a minor version upgrade in the MySQL world (though this is happening a lot less as quality has increased tremendously) • InnoDB update that modifies rows PK triggers recursive behaviour until all disk space is exceeded? 5.5.24->5.5.25 (fixed: 5.5.25a) • Using query cache for partitioned tables? Disabled since 5.5.22- >5.5.23!
  • 45. Benchmarking for use • sysbench • OLTP test, use tables with 20M rows and 20M transactions, check 1-128 threads/run (run this on RDS, Rackspace) • June 2013, tps, performance per dollar, Rackspace delivers more performance across all flavours except 512MB instance • Yahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmark • • Google’s PerfKit Benchmarker •
  • 46. Roadmaps? • There don’t seem to be public roadmaps. You find out when there’s a change! • Watch out for those events…
  • 48. PostgreSQL in RDS • loading data? backup_retention=0 • disable multi-AZ when loading • disable autovacuum • dump compressed, restore in parallel • don’t disable fsync (really!) • sync replication using multi-AZ • you can control the upgrade time though — this is a bonus • Use PIOPS • SSL should be on
  • 49. Running MySQL in EC2 • Can do multiple geographic regions via replication • Run just one Percona Server/ MariaDB server/instance • Use additional EBS volumes for InnoDB tablespaces • RAID EBS volumes (RAID1) • Warm up data partitions, mount partitions with noatime, nodirtime • Vertical scaling with SSD-backed storage • Monitoring with Icinga/nagios • Snapshot backups and save to S3 • Can use Elastic Load Balancer • Can use spot instances • Can use tools like MHA to provide automatic failover • Can use MariaDB Galera Cluster/ Percona XtraDB Cluster
  • 50. AWS Aurora • Bigger instances work better • Zero-downtime migration from RDS • Metrics via CloudWatch, Connectors via MariaDB • 99.99% uptime • MySQL 5.6.10 “fork”, no optimiser, not traditional replication (but Aurora <->MySQL works of course) • MySQL 5.7.12 Aurora launched Feb 2018, with JSON support, spatial indexes, generated columns, etc. • Auto scaling - compute, memory, storage • Replicas (15) for reads • Automated backups in S3, DB snapshots • Encryption with key server being Amazon KMS • Spatial data support - like InnoDB 5.7! • Lab mode (hash joins, scan batching, etc.)
  • 51. Looking ahead • OtterTune: automatically find good settings for a database configuration - • Peloton: self-driving database management system - http:// 60% reduction in latency, 22-35% better throughput
  • 52. Some closing thoughts • Hardware varies per region • Sometimes, software manageability varies per region • Beware costs on your credit card! • These things change often, in terms of pricing, instance availability — so regularly monitor latest news • Don’t upgrade immediately to the latest new releases • Always read release notes • If going the EC2 (or equivalent) route, maybe have other management services in place (e.g. Ewhat MongoDB provides) • Sharding — vitess? • Proxies — ProxySQL, MySQL Router
  • 53. Thank you! Colin Charles / | @bytebot on twitter slides: