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Meet MariaDB
Colin Charles, Team MariaDB, MariaDB Corporation / | @bytebot on Twitter
Bulgaria Web Summit, Sofia, Bulgaria
20 February 2016
• Work on MariaDB at MariaDB Corporation
(SkySQL Ab)
• Merged with Monty Program Ab, makers of
• Formerly MySQL AB (exit: Sun Microsystems)
• Past lives include Fedora Project (FESCO),
• MySQL Community Contributor of theYear Award
winner 2014
Global Top 20 Sites
1. Google
2. Facebook
3. YouTube
4. Baidu
5. Yahoo!
6. Wikipedia
7. Amazon
8. Twitter
9. QQ
What is MariaDB Server?
• GPLv2 branch of MySQL with a lot of added
community development
• Feature enhanced
• Application compatible & feature complete with
• A “drop-in replacement” (upgrade standpoint)
Meet MariaDB 10.1 at the Bulgaria Web Summit
MariaDB thru the years
• MariaDB 5.1
• MariaDB 5.2
• MariaDB 5.3
• MariaDB 5.5
• MariaDB 10.0
• MariaDB 10.1
• MariaDB Galera
Cluster 5.5
• MariaDB Galera
Cluster 10.0
• C Connector
• Java Connector
• ODBC Connector
Why MariaDB?
• MySQL has a single owner; MariaDB has the
MariaDB Foundation (not just Corporation)
• MySQL ecosystem development is at its most
vibrant now than it has ever been
• Community can get features inside a shipping
server with ease
• Storage engine vendors get shipping & wide
distribution including testing
Who’s behind it?
• Many original MySQL developers including
Michael “Monty” Widenius (MySQL’s creator)
• Many contributors (with impressive
community:corporation:foundation ratio)
MariaDB, the ecosystem
• Besides the Server, we do develop LGPL
• Focus on making “enterprise” features
• threadpool is a great example of working in the
• Open content (& friendly licensed) Knowledge
MariaDB MaxScale
• Level 7 proxy router, that understands the
MySQL protocol, with a pluggable architecture
• Possibilities are endless - use it for logging,
writing to other databases (besides MySQL),
preventing SQL injections via regex filtering,
route via hints, query rewriting, have a binlog
relay, etc.
• Load balance your Galera clusters
Where is MariaDB found?
• Your Linux/BSD distribution - it is the default in
RHEL 7, SUSE Enterprise 12, openSUSE,
CentOS, Fedora, OpenBSD, etc.
• and a choice in Debian & Ubuntu
• CloudFoundry, RackSpace Cloud,
Azure, etc.
MariaDB on AWS RDS!
Using MariaDB?
• A migration to MariaDB 10
• Funded parallel replication
• Code reviews (on public mailing list), QA,
testing, etc.
• Contributed tablespace encryption in MariaDB
• Wikipedia went from MySQL 5.1, to MariaDB 5.5,
and now are already on MariaDB 10.0
• Initially, reasoning was optimizer enhancements,
XtraDB, Foundation backed, bugs all fixed
• Wikipedia improved query times: 4-15% faster
• Sped up messaging over 5x
• 48m monthly active users, with over 130m in DB,
powered by MariaDB 10.0
• Code contributions — InnoDB defragmentation,
backports from WebScaleSQL
• Migration from Oracle RAC to MariaDB Galera
• Lower TCO, lower admin costs
The “community release”
• 30 Jun 2014 - MariaDB
• 17 Oct 2014 - MariaDB
• 7 Dec 2014 - MariaDB 10.1.2
• 2 March 2015 - MariaDB
• 13 April 2015 - MariaDB
• 4 June 2015 - MariaDB
• 27 July 2015 - MariaDB
• 9 September 2015 - MariaDB
10.1.7 RC
• 17 October 2015 - MariaDB
10.1.8 GA
• 23 Nov 2015, 24 Dec 2015,
29 Jan 2016
• Security
• High Availability
• High Performance
• Operational Ease
• Better for developers and DBAs
• Encryption: tablespace and table level encryption with support
for rolling keys using the AES algorithm
• table encryption — PAGE_ENCRYPTION=1
• tablespace encryption — encrypts everything including log
• New file_key_management (WAS:
file_key_management_plugin) now
• Well documented —
Encryption II
CREATE TABLE customer (
customer_id bigint not null primary key,
customer_name varchar(80),
customer_creditcard varchar(20))
Encryption III
• Tablespace encryption (Google)
• again, you need to pick an encryption algorithm
• specify what to encrypt: innodb-encrypt-tables,
aria, aria-encrypt-tables, encrypt-tmp-
disk-tables, innodb-encrypt-log
• don’t forget key rotation:
• innodb-encryption-threads=4
• innodb-encryption-rotate-key-age=1800
Encryption IV
• we also have tablespace scrubbing
• background process that regularly scans
through the tables and upgrades the
encryption keys
• scrubbing works for tablespaces and logs
• Password validation plugin (finally) exists now
• simple_password_check password validation plugin
• can enforce a minimum password length and guarantee that a
password contains at least a specified number of uppercase
and lowercase letters, digits, and punctuation characters.
• cracklib_password_check password validation plugin
• Allows passwords that are strong enough to pass CrackLib test.
This is the same test that does
SQL Error Logging Plugin
• Log errors sent to clients in a log file that can be
analysed later. Log file can be rotated
install plugin SQL_ERROR_LOG soname
Audit Plugin
• Log server activity - who connects to the server,
what queries run, what tables touched - rotating
log file or syslogd
• MariaDB has extended the audit API, so user
filtering is possible
Authentication Plugins
• Shipped a PAM authentication plugin for the
longest time
• Now you also have a Kerberos/GSSAPI based
authentication plugin
• works with Microsoft Active Directory too!
• WebScaleSQL improvements
• Lots of running thru AddressSanitizer (ASan)
• Many of these also get backported to 10.0.13
High Availability
MariaDB 10 replication:
provisioning a new slave
Replication: turning on GTID
for slaves
Replication: change masters
Why different GTID
compared to 5.6?
• MySQL 5.6 GTID does not support multi-source
• Supports —log-slave-updates=0 for (space)
• 5.7 has this fixed
• Enabled by default, with self-healing capabilities
Binlog (size matters!)
• Example query: INSERT INTO t1 VALUES
(10, “foo”);
• MySQL 5.6… 265 bytes
• MariaDB 10.0… 161 bytes
• Do you want a 60% larger binlog size?
Multi-source replication
• Work from Taobao
• Many users partition data across many masters... now you can
replicate many masters to a single slave
• Great for analytical queries, complete backups, etc.
• @@default_master_connection contains current connection name
(used if connection name is not given)
• All master/slave commands take a connection name now (like
CHANGE MASTER “connection_name”, SHOW SLAVE
“connection_name” STATUS, etc.)
Galera Cluster integrated
• Full integration of Galera Cluster into MariaDB 10.1 —
it won’t be a separate download
• no lost transactions, optimisations for WAN
replication, non-blocking DDL, no limits on
transaction size
• Server version: 10.1.3-MariaDB-wsrep
MariaDB Server, wsrep_25.10.r4144
• Granular monitoring in INFORMATION_SCHEMA —
Optimistic parallel
• Before, transactions committed in parallel on the
master could be run in parallel
• Now, more than one transaction will be
considered to be run in parallel giving another
performance boost in master-to-slave replication
• Need a 10.1 master to work
• Works with the binlog, possible to obtain the binlog position
corresponding to a transactional snapshot of the database without
blocking any other queries.
• by-product of group commit in the binlog to view commit ordering
• Used by the command mysqldump--single-transaction --
master-data to do a fully non-blocking backup which can be used
to provision a new slave
• Works consistently between transactions involving more than one
storage engine
More in replication
• Enhanced semi-sync replication (like in 5.7 -
thanks FB/Google)
• domain_id based replication filters
• Slaves can execute triggers now (in RBR)
• Dump thread enhancements (remove binlog lock
LOCK_log) from 5.7 included (Google)
High Performance
An opensource threadpool
• Modified from 5.1 (libevent based), great for CPU bound
loads and short running queries
• No minimization of concurrent transactions with dynamic
pool size
• thread_handling=pool-of-threads
• now you can also have a priority mode for tickets
InnoDB improvements
• Multi-threaded flush (also in 5.7, different implementation +
we’re first)
• 64KB pages in InnoDB (old limit = 16KB).
• Defragementation (FB, backported by DaumKakao)
• Forced primary key
• If option is true, create table without primary key or unique
key where all keyparts are NOT NULL is not accepted.
Instead an error message is printed.
InnoDB WebScaleSQL
• MDEV-6936: Buffer pool list scan optimisation
• MDEV-6929: Port Facebook Prefix Index Queries Optimization
• MDEV-6932: Enable Lazy Flushing
• MDEV-6931: Page cleaner should do LRU flushing regardless of server activity
• fixes mysql#71988, mysql#70500
•  DB-746 merge clustering key is covering key for mariadb 10 (TokuDB)
• MDEV-6933: Spurious lock_wait_timeout_thread wakeup in
• fixes mysql#72123
Scalability improvements
• Removing locks using lock free data structures
• in MDL (metadata locking)
• in TDC (table defined cache)
• in XA (XID hash)
Operational Ease
Per query variables
• Long history (
max_statement_time=1000 FOR SELECT
name FROM name ORDER BY name;
Statement timeouts
• MAX_STATEMENT_TIME to abort long running
• We call it “query timeouts” + have a compatible
New KILL syntax
• HARD | SOFT & USER USERNAME are MariaDB-specific (5.3.2)
• KILL QUERY ID query_id (10.0.5) - kill by query id, rather than
thread id
• SOFT ensures things that may leave a table in an inconsistent
state aren’t interrupted (like REPAIR or INDEX creation for
MyISAM or Aria)
[thread_id | USER user_name]
Progress reporting
MariaDB [mail]> alter table mail engine = maria;
Stage: 1 of 2 'copy to tmp table' 17.55% of stage done
MariaDB [mail]> select id, user, db, command, state,
-> time_ms, progress from information_schema.processlist;
| command | state | time_ms | progress |
| Query | copy to tmp table | 23407.131 | 17.551 |
1 row in set (0.47 sec)
Better for Developers
and DBAs
Optimiser enhancements
• UNION ALL without temporary tables (5.7)
• Improve ORDER BY … LIMIT in optimiser
• ANALYZE <statement>
• Mostly there is EXPLAIN JSON (like 5.6)*
• includes data from the query execution itself — this is MariaDB
Virtual columns
• A column in a table that has its value automatically
calculated either with a pre-calculated/
deterministic expression or values of other fields
in the table
• PERSISTENT (computed when data is inserted or
stored in a table) or VIRTUAL (like a VIEW)
• Similar to MS SQL or Oracle
• CONNECT having full JSON/BSON support
• Can read/write filename.json files with ease
• Naturally the other good use? ODBC
connections to other databases
Other bits
• CREATE or REPLACE for most database objects
minus indexes
• SET DEFAULT ROLE (there is a default role now for
current user)
• FRM files are now not created for temporary tables
information for system variables
• Microseconds in GET_LOCK()
Other bits
• Compiled with security hardening options (fortify
source -
• @@sql_log_slow can now be controlled on a
session basis (not just globally)
• Sequence engine enabled by default
• default_tmp_storage_engine option
• Full compliance for the OGC standards around GIS.
• MDEV-4045 Missing OGC Spatial functions
• ST_Boundary, ST_ConvexHull, ST_IsRing,
ST_PointOnSurface, ST_Relate
• MDEV-60 Support for Spatial Reference systems for the GIS
data. MDEV-12 OpenGIS: create required tables:
GeometryColumns, related views.
• Temporary tables are stored in Aria but now there is a —
default-tmp-storage-engine option
• engine_condition_pushdown flag removed (its always
on for engines that support it)
• --mysql56-temporal-format option to use the
MySQL-5.6 low level formats to store TIME, DATETIME and
• PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA disabled by default like in 10.0
• also, no .frm files created (faster startup)
“Community Release”
• Google - encryption, scrubbing,
enhanced semisync, dump
thread, thd_specifics plugin
• Eperi - encryption
• DaumKakao - defragmentation,
online alter progress monitoring
• Antony Curtis - compound
• Sriram Patil (GSoC) - CREATE or
• Daniel Black - finer grained status
variables for replication monitoring
• FusionIO - atomic writes, page
compression, TRIM, multi-
threaded flushing
• Facebook — defragmentation,
prefix index queries optimization,
lazy flushing, buffer pool list scan
optimization, configurable long,
semaphore wait timeout
• Percona - SET STATEMENT,
Welcoming 5.7 features
MariaDB had
• Multi-source replication
• Dynamic replication filters
• GIS functionality
• Statement timeouts
• Change master without
stopping SQL thread
• Online GTID
• GTID no longer requires
log-slave-updates to
be enabled
• Virtual columns
(generated columns)
• SHUTDOWN command
• FusionIO functionality
MariaDB still rocks!
• Integrated Galera Cluster
• Table/tablespace encryption
• Optimistic parallel
• Enhanced semi-sync
• InnoDB defragmentation
• ANALYZE <statement>
• Threadpool
• cracklib_password_check
• SQL error logging plugin
• Extended REGEXP
• Roles
• Contribute code -
• Write KB articles -
• Report bugs:
• Join us on #maria at
• Enable the feedback plugin ([enable-feedback] in my.cnf)
• Mailing lists: maria-discuss, maria-developers
• Tweet us @mariadb, Like us on FB, + on GPlus
1. MariaDB Crash Course, Ben Forta (September 2011)
2. Getting Started with MariaDB, Daniel Bartholomew (October 2013)
3. MariaDB Cookbook, Daniel Bartholomew (March 2014)
4. Real MariaDB, Matt Lee (April 2014)
5. Building a Web Application with PHP & MariaDB: A Reference Guide, Sai
Srinivas Sriparasa (June 2014)
6. MariaDB: Beginners Guide, Rodrigo Ribeiro (August 2014)
7. Mastering MariaDB, Federico Razzioli (September 2014)
8. MariaDB High Performance, Pierre Mavro (September 2014)
9. Learning MySQL & MariaDB, Russell Dyer (April 2015)
In conclusion
• MariaDB is GPLv2 licensed, freedom
• Its feature complete with MySQL + loaded with
• Enterprise features made open is great for users
• Its distributed everywhere
A word from your sponsors
• MariaDB Corporation sponsored my T&E to
come to Bulgaria Web Summit
• Remember you can buy a MariaDB Enterprise
subscription to help you with your cloud
deployments, MariaDB Server usage, etc.
• Services include: 24x7 support, consulting,
training, remote DBA services, non-recurring
engineering and more for all variants of MySQL
Thank you!
Colin Charles / | @bytebot on twitter

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Meet MariaDB 10.1 at the Bulgaria Web Summit

  • 1. Meet MariaDB 10.1 Colin Charles, Team MariaDB, MariaDB Corporation / | @bytebot on Twitter Bulgaria Web Summit, Sofia, Bulgaria 20 February 2016
  • 2. whoami • Work on MariaDB at MariaDB Corporation (SkySQL Ab) • Merged with Monty Program Ab, makers of MariaDB • Formerly MySQL AB (exit: Sun Microsystems) • Past lives include Fedora Project (FESCO), • MySQL Community Contributor of theYear Award winner 2014 2
  • 3. Global Top 20 Sites 1. Google 2. Facebook 3. YouTube 4. Baidu 5. Yahoo! 6. Wikipedia 7. Amazon 8. Twitter 9. QQ 10.Taobao 12.LinkedIn 14.Sina 15.Weibo 17.Tmall 20.Ebay
  • 4. What is MariaDB Server? • GPLv2 branch of MySQL with a lot of added community development • Feature enhanced • Application compatible & feature complete with MySQL • A “drop-in replacement” (upgrade standpoint)
  • 6. MariaDB thru the years • MariaDB 5.1 • MariaDB 5.2 • MariaDB 5.3 • MariaDB 5.5 • MariaDB 10.0 • MariaDB 10.1 • MariaDB Galera Cluster 5.5 • MariaDB Galera Cluster 10.0 • C Connector • Java Connector • ODBC Connector
  • 7. Why MariaDB? • MySQL has a single owner; MariaDB has the MariaDB Foundation (not just Corporation) • MySQL ecosystem development is at its most vibrant now than it has ever been • Community can get features inside a shipping server with ease • Storage engine vendors get shipping & wide distribution including testing
  • 8. Who’s behind it? • Many original MySQL developers including Michael “Monty” Widenius (MySQL’s creator) • Many contributors (with impressive community:corporation:foundation ratio)
  • 9. MariaDB, the ecosystem • Besides the Server, we do develop LGPL Connectors • Focus on making “enterprise” features opensource • threadpool is a great example of working in the open • Open content (& friendly licensed) Knowledge Base
  • 10. MariaDB MaxScale • Level 7 proxy router, that understands the MySQL protocol, with a pluggable architecture • Possibilities are endless - use it for logging, writing to other databases (besides MySQL), preventing SQL injections via regex filtering, route via hints, query rewriting, have a binlog relay, etc. • Load balance your Galera clusters
  • 11. Where is MariaDB found? • • Your Linux/BSD distribution - it is the default in RHEL 7, SUSE Enterprise 12, openSUSE, CentOS, Fedora, OpenBSD, etc. • and a choice in Debian & Ubuntu • CloudFoundry, RackSpace Cloud, Azure, etc.
  • 12. MariaDB on AWS RDS! 12
  • 14. Google • A migration to MariaDB 10 • Funded parallel replication • Code reviews (on public mailing list), QA, testing, etc. • Contributed tablespace encryption in MariaDB 10.1
  • 15. Wikipedia • Wikipedia went from MySQL 5.1, to MariaDB 5.5, and now are already on MariaDB 10.0 • Initially, reasoning was optimizer enhancements, XtraDB, Foundation backed, bugs all fixed responsively • Wikipedia improved query times: 4-15% faster
  • 16. KakaoTalk • Sped up messaging over 5x • 48m monthly active users, with over 130m in DB, powered by MariaDB 10.0 • Code contributions — InnoDB defragmentation, backports from WebScaleSQL
  • 17. Greetz • Migration from Oracle RAC to MariaDB Galera Cluster • Lower TCO, lower admin costs
  • 18. The “community release” • 30 Jun 2014 - MariaDB 10.1.0 • 17 Oct 2014 - MariaDB 10.1.1 • 7 Dec 2014 - MariaDB 10.1.2 • 2 March 2015 - MariaDB 10.1.3 • 13 April 2015 - MariaDB 10.1.4 • 4 June 2015 - MariaDB 10.1.5 • 27 July 2015 - MariaDB 10.1.6 • 9 September 2015 - MariaDB 10.1.7 RC • 17 October 2015 - MariaDB 10.1.8 GA • 23 Nov 2015, 24 Dec 2015, 29 Jan 2016
  • 19. Themes • Security • High Availability • High Performance • Operational Ease • Better for developers and DBAs
  • 21. Encryption • Encryption: tablespace and table level encryption with support for rolling keys using the AES algorithm • table encryption — PAGE_ENCRYPTION=1 • tablespace encryption — encrypts everything including log files • New file_key_management (WAS: file_key_management_plugin) now • Well documented — documentation/managing-mariadb/securing-mariadb/encryption/ table-and-tablespace-encryption/
  • 22. Encryption II CREATE TABLE customer ( customer_id bigint not null primary key, customer_name varchar(80), customer_creditcard varchar(20)) ENGINE=InnoDB page_encryption=1 page_encryption_key=1;
  • 23. Encryption III • Tablespace encryption (Google) • again, you need to pick an encryption algorithm • specify what to encrypt: innodb-encrypt-tables, aria, aria-encrypt-tables, encrypt-tmp- disk-tables, innodb-encrypt-log • don’t forget key rotation: • innodb-encryption-threads=4 • innodb-encryption-rotate-key-age=1800
  • 24. Encryption IV • we also have tablespace scrubbing • background process that regularly scans through the tables and upgrades the encryption keys • scrubbing works for tablespaces and logs
  • 25. Passwords • Password validation plugin (finally) exists now • internals-documentation/password-validation/ • simple_password_check password validation plugin • can enforce a minimum password length and guarantee that a password contains at least a specified number of uppercase and lowercase letters, digits, and punctuation characters. • cracklib_password_check password validation plugin • Allows passwords that are strong enough to pass CrackLib test. This is the same test that does
  • 26. SQL Error Logging Plugin • Log errors sent to clients in a log file that can be analysed later. Log file can be rotated (recommended) • a MYSQL_AUDIT_PLUGIN install plugin SQL_ERROR_LOG soname '';
  • 27. Audit Plugin • Log server activity - who connects to the server, what queries run, what tables touched - rotating log file or syslogd • MariaDB has extended the audit API, so user filtering is possible • a MYSQL_AUDIT_PLUGIN INSTALL PLUGIN server_audit SONAME ‘’;
  • 28. Authentication Plugins • Shipped a PAM authentication plugin for the longest time • Now you also have a Kerberos/GSSAPI based authentication plugin • works with Microsoft Active Directory too!
  • 29. WebScaleSQL • WebScaleSQL improvements • MDEV-6039 • Lots of running thru AddressSanitizer (ASan) • Many of these also get backported to 10.0.13
  • 31. MariaDB 10 replication: provisioning a new slave SET GLOBAL GTID_SLAVE_POS = BINLOG_GTID_POS("masterbin.00045", 600); CHANGE MASTER TO master_host="", master_use_gtid=slave_pos; START SLAVE;
  • 32. Replication: turning on GTID for slaves STOP SLAVE; CHANGE MASTER TO master_use_gtid=current_pos; START SLAVE;
  • 33. Replication: change masters STOP SLAVE; CHANGE MASTER TO master_host=""; START SLAVE;
  • 34. Why different GTID compared to 5.6? • MySQL 5.6 GTID does not support multi-source replication • Supports —log-slave-updates=0 for (space) efficiency • 5.7 has this fixed • Enabled by default, with self-healing capabilities
  • 35. Binlog (size matters!) • Example query: INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (10, “foo”); • MySQL 5.6… 265 bytes • MariaDB 10.0… 161 bytes • Do you want a 60% larger binlog size?
  • 36. Multi-source replication • Work from Taobao • Many users partition data across many masters... now you can replicate many masters to a single slave • Great for analytical queries, complete backups, etc. • @@default_master_connection contains current connection name (used if connection name is not given) • All master/slave commands take a connection name now (like CHANGE MASTER “connection_name”, SHOW SLAVE “connection_name” STATUS, etc.) •
  • 37. Galera Cluster integrated • Full integration of Galera Cluster into MariaDB 10.1 — it won’t be a separate download • no lost transactions, optimisations for WAN replication, non-blocking DDL, no limits on transaction size • Server version: 10.1.3-MariaDB-wsrep MariaDB Server, wsrep_25.10.r4144 • Granular monitoring in INFORMATION_SCHEMA — WSREP_MEMBERSHIP, WSREP_STATUS
  • 38. Optimistic parallel replication • Before, transactions committed in parallel on the master could be run in parallel • Now, more than one transaction will be considered to be run in parallel giving another performance boost in master-to-slave replication • Need a 10.1 master to work •
  • 39. Replication: START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT • Works with the binlog, possible to obtain the binlog position corresponding to a transactional snapshot of the database without blocking any other queries. • by-product of group commit in the binlog to view commit ordering • Used by the command mysqldump--single-transaction -- master-data to do a fully non-blocking backup which can be used to provision a new slave • Works consistently between transactions involving more than one storage engine • consistent/
  • 40. More in replication • Enhanced semi-sync replication (like in 5.7 - thanks FB/Google) • domain_id based replication filters • Slaves can execute triggers now (in RBR) • Dump thread enhancements (remove binlog lock LOCK_log) from 5.7 included (Google)
  • 42. An opensource threadpool • Modified from 5.1 (libevent based), great for CPU bound loads and short running queries • No minimization of concurrent transactions with dynamic pool size • thread_handling=pool-of-threads • • now you can also have a priority mode for tickets
  • 44. InnoDB improvements • Multi-threaded flush (also in 5.7, different implementation + we’re first) • 64KB pages in InnoDB (old limit = 16KB). • Defragementation (FB, backported by DaumKakao) • I_S.INNODB_SEMAPHORE_WAITS, I_S.INNODB_MUTEXES • Forced primary key • If option is true, create table without primary key or unique key where all keyparts are NOT NULL is not accepted. Instead an error message is printed.
  • 45. InnoDB WebScaleSQL • MDEV-6936: Buffer pool list scan optimisation • MDEV-6929: Port Facebook Prefix Index Queries Optimization • MDEV-6932: Enable Lazy Flushing • MDEV-6931: Page cleaner should do LRU flushing regardless of server activity • fixes mysql#71988, mysql#70500 •  DB-746 merge clustering key is covering key for mariadb 10 (TokuDB) • MDEV-6933: Spurious lock_wait_timeout_thread wakeup in lock_wait_suspend_thread() • fixes mysql#72123
  • 46. Scalability improvements • Removing locks using lock free data structures • in MDL (metadata locking) • in TDC (table defined cache) • in XA (XID hash)
  • 49. Per query variables • Long history ( archives/2014/05/04/per-query-variable-settings- in-mysqlpercona-serverwebscalesql) • SET STATEMENT max_statement_time=1000 FOR SELECT name FROM name ORDER BY name;
  • 50. Statement timeouts • MAX_STATEMENT_TIME to abort long running queries • We call it “query timeouts” + have a compatible syntax •
  • 51. New KILL syntax • HARD | SOFT & USER USERNAME are MariaDB-specific (5.3.2) • KILL QUERY ID query_id (10.0.5) - kill by query id, rather than thread id • SOFT ensures things that may leave a table in an inconsistent state aren’t interrupted (like REPAIR or INDEX creation for MyISAM or Aria) KILL [HARD | SOFT] [CONNECTION | QUERY] [thread_id | USER user_name]
  • 52. Progress reporting • ALTER TABLE & LOAD DATA INFILE MariaDB [mail]> alter table mail engine = maria; Stage: 1 of 2 'copy to tmp table' 17.55% of stage done MariaDB [mail]> select id, user, db, command, state, -> time_ms, progress from information_schema.processlist; +---------+-------------------+-----------+----------+ | command | state | time_ms | progress | +---------+-------------------+-----------+----------+ | Query | copy to tmp table | 23407.131 | 17.551 | +---------+-------------------+-----------+----------+ 1 row in set (0.47 sec)
  • 54. Optimiser enhancements • UNION ALL without temporary tables (5.7) • Improve ORDER BY … LIMIT in optimiser • ANALYZE <statement> • Mostly there is EXPLAIN JSON (like 5.6)* • EXPLAIN ANALYZE with FORMAT=JSON • includes data from the query execution itself — this is MariaDB only • examples/
  • 55. Virtual columns • A column in a table that has its value automatically calculated either with a pre-calculated/ deterministic expression or values of other fields in the table • PERSISTENT (computed when data is inserted or stored in a table) or VIRTUAL (like a VIEW) • Similar to MS SQL or Oracle •
  • 56. CONNECT • CONNECT having full JSON/BSON support • Can read/write filename.json files with ease • Writing — INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE is supported • Naturally the other good use? ODBC connections to other databases
  • 57. Other bits • CREATE or REPLACE for most database objects minus indexes • SET DEFAULT ROLE (there is a default role now for current user) • FRM files are now not created for temporary tables • INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SYSTEM_VARIABLES - information for system variables • Microseconds in GET_LOCK()
  • 58. Other bits • Compiled with security hardening options (fortify source - MDEV-5730) • @@sql_log_slow can now be controlled on a session basis (not just globally) • Sequence engine enabled by default • default_tmp_storage_engine option • ALGORITHM column in I_S.VIEWS
  • 59. GIS • Full compliance for the OGC standards around GIS. • MDEV-4045 Missing OGC Spatial functions • ST_Boundary, ST_ConvexHull, ST_IsRing, ST_PointOnSurface, ST_Relate • MDEV-60 Support for Spatial Reference systems for the GIS data. MDEV-12 OpenGIS: create required tables: GeometryColumns, related views. • I_S tables: GEOMETRY_COLUMN SPATIAL_REF_SYS • REF_SYSTEM_ID per GEOMETRY column
  • 60. Compatibility • Temporary tables are stored in Aria but now there is a — default-tmp-storage-engine option • engine_condition_pushdown flag removed (its always on for engines that support it) • --mysql56-temporal-format option to use the MySQL-5.6 low level formats to store TIME, DATETIME and TIMESTAMP types • PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA disabled by default like in 10.0 • also, no .frm files created (faster startup)
  • 61. “Community Release” Thanks! • Google - encryption, scrubbing, enhanced semisync, dump thread, thd_specifics plugin service • Eperi - encryption • DaumKakao - defragmentation, online alter progress monitoring • Antony Curtis - compound statements • Sriram Patil (GSoC) - CREATE or REPLACE/IF NOT EXISTS • Daniel Black - finer grained status variables for replication monitoring • FusionIO - atomic writes, page compression, TRIM, multi- threaded flushing • Facebook — defragmentation, prefix index queries optimization, lazy flushing, buffer pool list scan optimization, configurable long, semaphore wait timeout • Percona - SET STATEMENT, enforce_storage_engine
  • 62. Welcoming 5.7 features MariaDB had • Multi-source replication • Dynamic replication filters • SHOW EXPLAIN for connection_id • GIS functionality • Statement timeouts • Change master without stopping SQL thread • Online GTID implementation • GTID no longer requires log-slave-updates to be enabled • Virtual columns (generated columns) • SHUTDOWN command • FusionIO functionality
  • 63. MariaDB still rocks! • START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT • Integrated Galera Cluster • Table/tablespace encryption • Optimistic parallel replication • Enhanced semi-sync replication • InnoDB defragmentation • ANALYZE <statement> • Threadpool • cracklib_password_check • SQL error logging plugin • Extended REGEXP • Roles
  • 64. Participate! • Contribute code - • Write KB articles - • Report bugs: • Join us on #maria at • Enable the feedback plugin ([enable-feedback] in my.cnf) • Mailing lists: maria-discuss, maria-developers • Tweet us @mariadb, Like us on FB, + on GPlus
  • 65. Books! 1. MariaDB Crash Course, Ben Forta (September 2011) 2. Getting Started with MariaDB, Daniel Bartholomew (October 2013) 3. MariaDB Cookbook, Daniel Bartholomew (March 2014) 4. Real MariaDB, Matt Lee (April 2014) 5. Building a Web Application with PHP & MariaDB: A Reference Guide, Sai Srinivas Sriparasa (June 2014) 6. MariaDB: Beginners Guide, Rodrigo Ribeiro (August 2014) 7. Mastering MariaDB, Federico Razzioli (September 2014) 8. MariaDB High Performance, Pierre Mavro (September 2014) 9. Learning MySQL & MariaDB, Russell Dyer (April 2015)
  • 66. In conclusion • MariaDB is GPLv2 licensed, freedom guaranteed • Its feature complete with MySQL + loaded with extras • Enterprise features made open is great for users • Its distributed everywhere
  • 67. A word from your sponsors • MariaDB Corporation sponsored my T&E to come to Bulgaria Web Summit • Remember you can buy a MariaDB Enterprise subscription to help you with your cloud deployments, MariaDB Server usage, etc. • Services include: 24x7 support, consulting, training, remote DBA services, non-recurring engineering and more for all variants of MySQL
  • 68. Thank you! Colin Charles / | @bytebot on twitter slides: