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Scaling & High Availability MySQL
learnings from the past decade+
Colin Charles, Chief Evangelist, Percona Inc. / | @bytebot on Twitter, Berlin, Germany

12 June 2018
• Chief Evangelist, Percona Inc

• Focusing on the MySQL ecosystem (MySQL, Percona Server, MariaDB
Server), as well as the MongoDB ecosystem (Percona Server for
MongoDB) + 100% open source tools from Percona like Percona
Monitoring & Management, Percona xtrabackup, Percona Toolkit, etc.

• Founding team of MariaDB Server (2009-2016), previously at Monty
Program Ab, merged with SkySQL Ab, now MariaDB Corporation

• Formerly MySQL AB (exit: Sun Microsystems)

• Past lives include The Fedora Project (FESCO),

• MySQL Community Contributor of the Year Award winner 2014
• Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0


OSDC 2018 | Scaling & High Availability MySQL learnings from the past decade+ by Colin Charles

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OSDC 2018 | Scaling & High Availability MySQL learnings from the past decade+ by Colin Charles
OSDC 2018 | Scaling & High Availability MySQL learnings from the past decade+ by Colin Charles
Percentile target Max downtime per year
90% 36 days
99% 3.65 days
99.5% 1.83 days
99.9% 8.76 hours
99.99% 52.56 minutes
99.999% 5.25 minutes
99.9999% 31.5 seconds
Estimates of levels of availability
Level of
Simple replication 98-99.9%
Master-Master/MMM 99%
SAN 99.5-99.9%
DRBD, MHA 99.9%
NDBCluster, Galera Cluster,
InnoDB Cluster

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HA is Redundancy
• RAID: disk crashes? Another works

• Clustering: server crashes? Another works

• Power: fuse blows? Redundant power supplies

• Network: Switch/NIC crashes? 2nd network route

• Geographical: Datacenter offline/destroyed? Computation to another
• Data stored on disks

• Is it really written to the disk?

▪ being durable means calling fsync() on each commit

• Is it written in a transactional way to guarantee atomicity, crash
safety, integrity?
High Availability for databases
• HA is harder for databases

• Hardware resources and data need to be redundant

• Remember, this isn’t just data - constantly changing data

• HA means the operation can continue uninterrupted, not by
restoring a new/backup server

• uninterrupted: measured in percentiles
Redundancy through client-side XA
• Client writes to 2 independent but identical databases

• HA-JDBC ( 

• No replication anywhere

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InnoDB “recovery” time
• innodb_log_file_size
• larger = longer recovery times

• In 2007, Wikipedia reported 40 minutes with 256MB logs;
sometimes it takes 5-10 minutes, sometimes hours

• Percona Server 5.5 (XtraDB) - innodb_recovery_stats
• But today, there has been paradigm change…
Redundancy through shared storage
• Requires specialist hardware, like a SAN

• Complex to operate

• One set of data is your single point of failure

• Cold standby

• failover 1-30 minutes

• this isn’t scale-out

• Active/Active solutions: Oracle RAC
Redundancy through disk replication

• Linux administration vs. DBA skills

• Synchronous

• Second set of data inaccessible for use

• Passive server acting as hot standby

• Failover: 1-30 minutes

• Performance hit compared to single node performance, with higher
average latencies
Redundancy through MySQL replication
• MySQL replication

• Tungsten Replicator

• Galera Cluster

• MySQL InnoDB Cluster


• Storage requirements are multiplied

• Huge potential for scaling out

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MySQL Replication
• Statement based generally

• Row based became available in 5.1, and the default in 5.7

• mixed-mode, resulting in STATEMENT except if calling


▪ 2 or more AUTO_INCREMENT columns updated with same statement

▪ server variable used in statement

▪ storage engine doesn’t allow statement based replication, like

▪ default in MariaDB Server 10.2
MySQL Replication II
• Asynchronous by default

• Semi-synchronous plugin in 5.5+

• However the holy grail of fully synchronous replication is not part of
standard MySQL replication (yet?)

• MariaDB Galera Cluster is built-in to MariaDB Server 10.1

• MySQL InnoDB Cluster is available in MySQL 8.0, combining the
likes of group replication (the Galera Cluster equivalent), InnoDB,
and mysqlsh for maintaining it; it also uses MySQL Router for load
balancing purposes
Semi-synchronous replication
• semi-sync capable slave acknowledges transaction event only after
written to relay log & flushed to disk

• timeout occurs? master reverts to async replication; resumes when
slaves catch up

• at scale, Facebook runs semi-sync: http://
MySQL Replication in 5.6
• Global Transaction ID (GTID)

• Server UUID

• Ignore (master) server IDs (filtering)

• Per-schema multi-threaded slave

• Group commit in the binary log

• Binary log (binlog) checksums

• Crash safe binlog and relay logs

• Time delayed replication

• Parallel replication (per database)

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open sourcelinux
• Works with the binlog, possible to obtain the binlog position corresponding to
a transactional snapshot of the database without blocking any other queries. 

• by-product of group commit in the binlog to view commit ordering

• Used by the command mysqldump--single-transaction --master-
data to do a fully non-blocking backup 

• Works consistently between transactions involving more than one storage


• Percona Server improved it, by session ID, and also introducing backup locks
Multi-source replication
• Multi-source replication - (real-time) analytics, shard provisioning,
backups, etc.

• @@default_master_connection contains current connection name
(used if connection name is not given)

• All master/slave commands take a connection name now (like CHANGE
MASTER “connection_name”, SHOW SLAVE “connection_name”
STATUS, etc.)
Global Transaction ID (GTID)
• Supports multi-source replication

• GTID can be enabled or disabled independently and online for masters or

• Slaves using GTID do not have to have binary logging enabled.

• (MariaDB) Supports multiple replication domains (independent binlog streams)

• Queries in different domains can be run in parallel on the slave.
Why MariaDB GTID is different compared to
• MySQL 5.6 GTID does not support multi-source replication (only 5.7
supports this)

• Supports —log-slave-updates=0 for efficiency (like 5.7)

• Enabled by default

• Turn it on without having to restart the topology (just like 5.7)

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Parallel replication
• Multi-source replication from different masters executed in parallel 

• Queries from different domains are executed in parallel 

• Queries that are run in parallel on the master are run in parallel on the
slave (based on group commit).

• Transactions modifying the same table can be updated in parallel on
the slave! 

• Supports both statement based and row based replication.
All in… sometimes it can get out of sync
• Changed information on slave directly

• Statement based replication

• non-deterministic SQL (UPDATE/DELETE with LIMIT and without ORDER BY)

• triggers & stored procedures

• Master in MyISAM, slave in InnoDB (deadlocks)

• --replication-ignore-db with fully qualified queries

• Binlog corruption on master

• PURGE BINARY LOGS issued and not enough files to update slave

• read_buffer_size larger than max_allowed_packet

• Bugs?
Replication Monitoring
• Percona Toolkit is important

• pt-slave-find: find slave information from master

• pt-table-checksum: online replication consistency check

• executes checksum queries on master

• pt-table-sync: synchronise table data efficiently

• changes data, so backups important
Replication Monitoring with PMM

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Best practices for MySQL/MariaDB Server/Percona Server High Availability
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Best practices for MySQL/MariaDB Server/Percona Server High Availability - presented at Percona Live Amsterdam 2016. The focus is on picking the right High Availability solution, discussing replication, handling failure (yes, you can achieve a quick automatic failover), proxies (there are plenty), HA in the cloud/geographical redundancy, sharding solutions, how newer versions of MySQL help you, and what to watch for next.

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Best practices for MySQL High Availability
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Best practices for MySQL High Availability

The MariaDB/MySQL world is full of tradeoffs, and choosing a high availability (HA) solution is no exception. This session aims to look at all the alternatives in an unbiased way. Preference is of course only given to open source solutions. How do you choose between: asynchronous/semi-synchronous/synchronous replication, MHA (MySQL high availability tools), DRBD, Tungsten Replicator, or Galera Cluster? Do you integrate Pacemaker and Heartbeat like Percona Replication Manager? The cloud brings even more fun, especially if you are dealing with a hybrid cloud and must think about geographical redundancy. What about newer solutions like using Consul for MySQL HA? When you’ve decided on your solution, how do you provision and monitor these solutions? This and more will be covered in a walkthrough of MySQL HA options and when to apply them.

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MariaDB - the "new" MySQL is 5 years old and everywhere (LinuxCon Europe 2015)
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MariaDB - the "new" MySQL is 5 years old and everywhere (LinuxCon Europe 2015)

MariaDB is like the "new" MySQL, and its available everywhere. This talk was given at LinuxCon Europe in Dublin in October 2015. Learn about all the new features, considering the release was just around the corner. Changes in replication are also very interesting

mysqlbinlog versions
• ERROR: Error in Log_event::read_log_event(): 'Found invalid event in
binary log', data_len: 56, event_type: 30

• 5.6 ships with a “streaming binlog backup server” - v.3.4; MariaDB
10 doesn’t - v.3.3 (fixed in 10.2 - MDEV-8713)

• GTID variances!

• Beware mysql-client from your Linux distribution
Slave prefetching
• Replication Booster


• Prefetch MySQL relay logs to make the SQL thread faster

• Tungsten has slave prefetch

• Percona Server till 5.6 + MariaDB till 10.1 have InnoDB fake changes
Changing paradigm: What replaces slave
• In Percona Server 5.7, slave prefetching has been replaced by doing
intra-schema parallel replication

• Feature removed from XtraDB

• MariaDB Server 10.2 also has this feature removed, as they switched
to InnoDB!
Galera Cluster
• Inside MySQL, a replication plugin (wsrep)

• Replaces MySQL replication (but can work alongside it too)

• True multi-master, active-active solution

• Virtually Synchronous

• WAN performance: 100-300ms/commit, works in parallel

• No slave lag or integrity issues

• Automatic node provisioning

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OSDC 2018 | Scaling & High Availability MySQL learnings from the past decade+ by Colin Charles
Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7
• Engineering within Percona

• Load balancing with ProxySQL (bundled)

• PMM integration

• Benefits of all the MySQL 5.7 feature-set

• ProxySQL admin tool

• Safety features enabled (e.g. no accidentally using MyISAM, etc.)
Group replication
• Fully synchronous replication (update everywhere), self-healing, with
elasticity, redundancy

• Single primary mode supported

• MySQL InnoDB Cluster - a combination of group replication, Router, to
make magic!

• Recent blogs:


Summary of Replication Performance
• SAN has "some" latency overhead compared to local disk. Can be
great for throughput.

• DRBD has a performance penalty

• Replication, when implemented correctly, has no performance penalty

• But MySQL replication with disk bound data set has single-threaded

• Semi-sync is poorer on WAN compared to async

• Galera & InnoDB Cluster provide read/write scale-out, thus more

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MariaDB 10: A MySQL Replacement - HKOSC MariaDB 10: A MySQL Replacement - HKOSC
MariaDB 10: A MySQL Replacement - HKOSC

MariaDB 10: A MySQL Replacement. Current up to 10.0.9, right before the 10.0.10 GA release presented the weekend before the release in Hong Kong, at the Hong Kong Open Source Conference.

Why MariaDB?
Why MariaDB?Why MariaDB?
Why MariaDB?

The myriad reasons why you want to use MariaDB over stock MySQL. Current up to MariaDB 5.3, and presented at Percona Live London 2011.

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Maria db 10 and the mariadb foundation(colin)
Maria db 10 and the mariadb foundation(colin)Maria db 10 and the mariadb foundation(colin)
Maria db 10 and the mariadb foundation(colin)

This document provides an overview of MariaDB 10 and the MariaDB Foundation. It discusses the history and development of MariaDB, including key features added in versions 5.1 through 10.0 such as new storage engines, performance improvements, and features backported from MySQL. It outlines the goals of MariaDB to be compatible with MySQL while adding new features, and describes the community-led development model. The roadmap aims to have MariaDB be a drop-in replacement for MySQL 5.6 by releasing version 10.1.

Handling failure
• How do we find out about failure?

• Polling, monitoring, alerts...

• Error returned to and handled in client side

• What should we do about it?

• Direct requests to the spare nodes (or DCs)

• How to protect data integrity?

• Master-slave is unidirectional: Must ensure there is only one master at all times.

• DRBD and SAN have cold-standby: Must mount disks and start mysqld.

• In all cases must ensure that 2 disconnected replicas cannot both commit
independently. (split brain)
Frameworks to handle failure

• Severalnines ClusterControl

• Orchestrator


• Percona Replication Manager

• Tungsten Replicator

• 5.6: mysqlfailover, mysqlrpladmin

• (MariaDB) Replication Manager
• Reads replication topologies, keeps state, continuous polling

• Modify your topology — move slaves around

• Like MMM, specialized solution for MySQL replication

• Developed by Yoshinori Matsunobu at DeNA

• Automated and manual failover options

• Topology: 1 master, many slaves

• Choose new master by comparing slave binlog positions

• Can be used in conjunction with other solutions


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There are many Galera Cluster distributions and sometimes differences are well worth noting. We get a lot of queries about which Galera Cluster to use, or why one should use one distribution over the other. Learn about Galera Cluster with MySQL 5.7 from Codership, and we’ll compare it with Galera Cluster 4 with MariaDB 10.4, and Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7 with Galera 3. This is also the webinar where we preview Galera Cluster 4 with MySQL 8.0 as well as compare it with the preview release of Percona XtraDB Cluster 8.0. Overall, learn why distributions exists, and how you can get the most out of your Galera Cluster experience.

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Lessons from database failures
Lessons from database failuresLessons from database failures
Lessons from database failures

This is my third iteration of the talk presented in Tokyo, Japan - first was at a keynote at in April 2016, then at the MySQL meetup in New York, and now for dbtechshowcase. The focus is on database failures of the past, and how modern MySQL / MariaDB Server technologies could have helped them avoid such failure. The focus is on backups and verification, replication and failover, and security and encryption.

The MySQL Server ecosystem in 2016
The MySQL Server ecosystem in 2016The MySQL Server ecosystem in 2016
The MySQL Server ecosystem in 2016

The document summarizes the history and current state of the MySQL database server ecosystem. It discusses the origins and development of MySQL, MariaDB, Percona Server, and other related projects. It also describes some of the key features and innovations in recent versions of these database servers. The ecosystem is very active with contributions from many organizations and the future remains promising with ongoing work.

• Heartbeat, Corosync, Pacemaker

• Resource Agents, Percona-PRM

• Percona Replication Manager - cluster, geographical disaster
recovery options

• Pacemaker agent specialised on MySQL replication


• Pacemaker Resource Agents 3.9.3+ include Percona Replication
Manager (PRM)
Load Balancers for multi-master clusters
• Synchronous multi-master clusters like Galera require load balancers

• HAProxy

• Galera Load Balancer (GLB)

• MaxScale

• ProxySQL
MySQL Router
• Routing between applications and any backend MySQL servers

• Failover

• Load Balancing

• Pluggable architecture (connection routing)
MariaDB MaxScale
• “Pluggable router” that offers
connection & statement based
load balancing

• Possibilities are endless - use it
for logging, writing to other
databases (besides MySQL),
preventing SQL injections via
regex filtering, route via hints,
query rewriting, have a binlog
relay, etc.

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The MySQL Server ecosystem in 2016
The MySQL Server ecosystem in 2016The MySQL Server ecosystem in 2016
The MySQL Server ecosystem in 2016

MySQL is a unique adult (now 21 years old) in many ways. It supports plugins. It supports storage engines. It is also owned by Oracle, thus birthing two branches of the popular opensource database: Percona Server and MariaDB Server. It also once spawned a fork: Drizzle. Lately a consortium of web scale users (think a chunk of the top 10 sites out there) have spawned WebScaleSQL. You're a busy DBA having to maintain a mix of this. Or you're a CIO planning to choose one branch. How do you go about picking? Supporting multiple databases? Find out more in this talk. Also covered is a deep-dive into what feature differences exist between MySQL/Percona Server/MariaDB/WebScaleSQL, how distributions package the various databases differently. Within the hour, you'll be informed about the past, the present, and hopefully be knowledgeable enough to know what to pick in the future. Note, there will also be coverage of the various trees around WebScaleSQL, like the Facebook tree, the Alibaba tree as well as the Twitter tree.

OSDC 2017 | Lessons from database failures by Colin Charles
OSDC 2017 | Lessons from database failures by Colin CharlesOSDC 2017 | Lessons from database failures by Colin Charles
OSDC 2017 | Lessons from database failures by Colin Charles

Lets learn from MySQL failures at scale, because we tie in the topic of High Availability, in where people are thinking about geographical redundancy, and even things like automatic failover. In the talk there will be case study material, e.g. where automatic failure caused a site to go offline, where a social network started of with not using fully automated failovers but evolved, etc. How is the MySQL world making things better, for example by allowing you to use semi-synchronous replication to run fully scalable services. The talk starts off with an even almost stupid example of how a business died due to incorrect MySQL backup procedures. It will go on to talk about security and encryption at rest as well. So a mix of problems from the field, big “fail whales”, and how you should avoid them by properly architecting solutions.

osdcopen sourcedata
A beginners guide to MariaDB
A beginners guide to MariaDBA beginners guide to MariaDB
A beginners guide to MariaDB

MariaDB started life as a database to host the Maria storage engine in 2009. Not long after its inception, the MySQL community went through yet another change in ownership, and it was deemed that MariaDB will be a complete database branch developed to extend MySQL, but with constant merging of upstream changes. The goal of the MariaDB project is to ensure that everyone is part of the community, including employees of the major steering companies. MariaDB also features enhanced features, some of which are common with the Percona Performance Server. Most importantly, MariaDB is a drop-in replacement and is completely backward compatible with MySQL. In 2010, MariaDB released 5.1 in February, and 5.2 in November – two major releases in a span of one calendar year is a feat that was achieved! DBAs and developers alike will gain an introduction to MariaDB, what is different with MySQL, how to make use of the feature enhancements, and more.

• High Performance MySQL proxy with a GPL license

• Performance is a priority - the numbers prove it

• Can query rewrite

• Sharding by host/schema or both, with rule engine + modification to
SQL + application logic
JDBC/PHP drivers
• JDBC - multi-host failover feature (just specify master/slave hosts in
the properties)

• true for MariaDB Java Connector too

• PHP handles this too - mysqlnd_ms

• Can handle read-write splitting, round robin or random host
selection, and more
Clustering: solution or part of problem?
• "Causes of Downtime in Production MySQL Servers" whitepaper,
Baron Schwartz VividCortex

• Human error


• Clustering framework + SAN = more problems

• Galera/group replication is replication based, has no false positives
as there’s no “failover” moment, you don’t need a clustering
framework (JDBC or PHP can load balance), and is relatively elegant
Replication type
• Competence choices

• Replication: MySQL DBA manages

• DRBD: Linux admin manages

• SAN: requires domain controller

• Operations

• DRBD (disk level) = cold standby =
longer failover

• Replication = hot standby =
shorter failover

• GTID helps tremendously

• Performance

• SAN has higher latency than local

• DRBD has higher latency than
local disk

• Replication has little overhead

• Redundancy

• Shared disk = SPoF

• Shared nothing = redundant

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The MySQL ecosystem - understanding it, not running away from it!
The MySQL ecosystem - understanding it, not running away from it! The MySQL ecosystem - understanding it, not running away from it!
The MySQL ecosystem - understanding it, not running away from it!

You're a busy DBA thinking about having to maintain a mix of this. Or you're a CIO planning to choose one branch over another. How do you go about picking? Supporting multiple databases? Find out more in this talk. Also covered is a deep-dive into what feature differences exist between MySQL/Percona Server/MariaDB Server. Within 20 minutes, you'll leave informed and knowledgable on what to pick. A base blog post to get started:

mysqlmariadbmariadb server
The MySQL Server Ecosystem in 2016
The MySQL Server Ecosystem in 2016The MySQL Server Ecosystem in 2016
The MySQL Server Ecosystem in 2016

This was a short 25 minute talk, but we go into a bit of a history of MySQL, how the branches and forks appeared, what's sticking around today (branch? Percona Server. Fork? MariaDB Server). What should you use? Think about what you need today and what the roadmap holds.

percona livemariadb serverpercona server
MariaDB: The 2012 Edition
MariaDB: The 2012 EditionMariaDB: The 2012 Edition
MariaDB: The 2012 Edition

MariaDB is a community developed branch of MySQL that is feature enhanced and backward compatible. It aims to be a 100% drop-in replacement for MySQL that is stable, bug-free, and released under the GPLv2 license. Major releases of MariaDB include new storage engines like XtraDB and Aria, as well as new features for performance, scalability, and compatibility. MariaDB is developed as an open source project and supported by Monty Program and other community contributors and service providers.

mysqlpercona livemariadb
SBR vs RBR? Async vs sync?
• row based: deterministic

• statement based: dangerous

• GTID: easier setup & failover of complex topologies

• async: data loss in failover

• sync: best

• multi-threaded slaves: scalability (hello 5.6+, Tungsten)
What about the cloud?
• Usually scalability & high availability is more or less “built-in”

• e.g. RDS has multi-AZ (synchronous data replication), but doesn’t
give you a read replica; Cloud SQL uses semi-sync replication

• Watch out for the SLAs (and automatic upgrades)


• “Bad” nodes do exist; do not assume node provisioning is quick
• MySQL replication is amazing if you know it (and monitor it) well

• Large sites run just fine with semi-sync + tooling for automated

• Galera Cluster/MySQL InnoDB Cluster is great for virtually fully
synchronous replication

• Don’t forget the need for a load balancer: ProxySQL is nifty

• When thinking scaling, think scale out (it is more efficient, and fits
modern cloud mantras too!)
At Percona, we care about your High
• Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7 with support for ProxySQL and Percona
Monitoring & Management (PMM)

• Percona Monitoring & Management (PMM) with Orchestrator

• Percona Toolkit

• Percona Server for MySQL 5.7

• Percona XtraBackup

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MySQL Ecosystem in 2023 - FOSSASIA'23 - Alkin.pptx.pdf
MySQL Ecosystem in 2023 - FOSSASIA'23 - Alkin.pptx.pdfMySQL Ecosystem in 2023 - FOSSASIA'23 - Alkin.pptx.pdf
MySQL Ecosystem in 2023 - FOSSASIA'23 - Alkin.pptx.pdf

MySQL is still hot, with Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) and MariaDB Server. Welcome back post-pandemic to see what is on offer in the current ecosystem. Did you know that Amazon RDS now uses semi-sync replication rather than DRBD for multi-AZ deployments? Did you know that Galera Cluster for MySQL 8 is much more efficient with CLONE SST rather than using the xtrabackup method for SST? Did you know that Percona Server continues to extend MyRocks? Did you know that MariaDB Server has more Oracle syntax compatibility? This and more will be covered in the session, while short and quick, should leave you wandering to discover new features for production.

#mysql #mysql8 #mariadb #opensource #databases
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Thank you!
Colin Charles / | @bytebot on twitter

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OSDC 2018 | Scaling & High Availability MySQL learnings from the past decade+ by Colin Charles

  • 1. Scaling & High Availability MySQL learnings from the past decade+ Colin Charles, Chief Evangelist, Percona Inc. / | @bytebot on Twitter, Berlin, Germany 12 June 2018
  • 2. whoami • Chief Evangelist, Percona Inc • Focusing on the MySQL ecosystem (MySQL, Percona Server, MariaDB Server), as well as the MongoDB ecosystem (Percona Server for MongoDB) + 100% open source tools from Percona like Percona Monitoring & Management, Percona xtrabackup, Percona Toolkit, etc. • Founding team of MariaDB Server (2009-2016), previously at Monty Program Ab, merged with SkySQL Ab, now MariaDB Corporation • Formerly MySQL AB (exit: Sun Microsystems) • Past lives include The Fedora Project (FESCO), • MySQL Community Contributor of the Year Award winner 2014
  • 3. License • Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 • 

  • 7. Uptime Percentile target Max downtime per year 90% 36 days 99% 3.65 days 99.5% 1.83 days 99.9% 8.76 hours 99.99% 52.56 minutes 99.999% 5.25 minutes 99.9999% 31.5 seconds
  • 8. Estimates of levels of availability Method Level of Availability Simple replication 98-99.9% Master-Master/MMM 99% SAN 99.5-99.9% DRBD, MHA 99.9% NDBCluster, Galera Cluster, InnoDB Cluster 99.999%
  • 9. HA is Redundancy • RAID: disk crashes? Another works • Clustering: server crashes? Another works • Power: fuse blows? Redundant power supplies • Network: Switch/NIC crashes? 2nd network route • Geographical: Datacenter offline/destroyed? Computation to another DC
  • 10. Durability • Data stored on disks • Is it really written to the disk? ▪ being durable means calling fsync() on each commit • Is it written in a transactional way to guarantee atomicity, crash safety, integrity?
  • 11. High Availability for databases • HA is harder for databases • Hardware resources and data need to be redundant • Remember, this isn’t just data - constantly changing data • HA means the operation can continue uninterrupted, not by restoring a new/backup server • uninterrupted: measured in percentiles
  • 12. Redundancy through client-side XA transactions • Client writes to 2 independent but identical databases • HA-JDBC ( • No replication anywhere
  • 13. InnoDB “recovery” time • innodb_log_file_size • larger = longer recovery times • In 2007, Wikipedia reported 40 minutes with 256MB logs; sometimes it takes 5-10 minutes, sometimes hours • Percona Server 5.5 (XtraDB) - innodb_recovery_stats • But today, there has been paradigm change…
  • 14. Redundancy through shared storage • Requires specialist hardware, like a SAN • Complex to operate • One set of data is your single point of failure • Cold standby • failover 1-30 minutes • this isn’t scale-out • Active/Active solutions: Oracle RAC
  • 15. Redundancy through disk replication • DRBD • Linux administration vs. DBA skills • Synchronous • Second set of data inaccessible for use • Passive server acting as hot standby • Failover: 1-30 minutes • Performance hit compared to single node performance, with higher average latencies
  • 16. Redundancy through MySQL replication • MySQL replication • Tungsten Replicator • Galera Cluster • MySQL InnoDB Cluster • MySQL Cluster (NDBCLUSTER) • Storage requirements are multiplied • Huge potential for scaling out
  • 17. MySQL Replication • Statement based generally • Row based became available in 5.1, and the default in 5.7 • mixed-mode, resulting in STATEMENT except if calling ▪ UUID function, UDF, CURRENT_USER/USER function, LOAD_FILE function ▪ 2 or more AUTO_INCREMENT columns updated with same statement ▪ server variable used in statement ▪ storage engine doesn’t allow statement based replication, like NDBCLUSTER ▪ default in MariaDB Server 10.2
  • 18. MySQL Replication II • Asynchronous by default • Semi-synchronous plugin in 5.5+ • However the holy grail of fully synchronous replication is not part of standard MySQL replication (yet?) • MariaDB Galera Cluster is built-in to MariaDB Server 10.1 • MySQL InnoDB Cluster is available in MySQL 8.0, combining the likes of group replication (the Galera Cluster equivalent), InnoDB, and mysqlsh for maintaining it; it also uses MySQL Router for load balancing purposes
  • 19. Semi-synchronous replication • semi-sync capable slave acknowledges transaction event only after written to relay log & flushed to disk • timeout occurs? master reverts to async replication; resumes when slaves catch up • at scale, Facebook runs semi-sync: http:// replication-at-facebook.html
  • 20. MySQL Replication in 5.6 • Global Transaction ID (GTID) • Server UUID • Ignore (master) server IDs (filtering) • Per-schema multi-threaded slave • Group commit in the binary log • Binary log (binlog) checksums • Crash safe binlog and relay logs • Time delayed replication • Parallel replication (per database)
  • 21. Replication: START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT • Works with the binlog, possible to obtain the binlog position corresponding to a transactional snapshot of the database without blocking any other queries. • by-product of group commit in the binlog to view commit ordering • Used by the command mysqldump--single-transaction --master- data to do a fully non-blocking backup • Works consistently between transactions involving more than one storage engine • consistent/ • Percona Server improved it, by session ID, and also introducing backup locks
  • 22. Multi-source replication • Multi-source replication - (real-time) analytics, shard provisioning, backups, etc. • @@default_master_connection contains current connection name (used if connection name is not given) • All master/slave commands take a connection name now (like CHANGE MASTER “connection_name”, SHOW SLAVE “connection_name” STATUS, etc.)
  • 23. Global Transaction ID (GTID) • Supports multi-source replication • GTID can be enabled or disabled independently and online for masters or slaves • Slaves using GTID do not have to have binary logging enabled. • (MariaDB) Supports multiple replication domains (independent binlog streams) • Queries in different domains can be run in parallel on the slave.
  • 24. Why MariaDB GTID is different compared to 5.6? • MySQL 5.6 GTID does not support multi-source replication (only 5.7 supports this) • Supports —log-slave-updates=0 for efficiency (like 5.7) • Enabled by default • Turn it on without having to restart the topology (just like 5.7)
  • 25. Parallel replication • Multi-source replication from different masters executed in parallel • Queries from different domains are executed in parallel • Queries that are run in parallel on the master are run in parallel on the slave (based on group commit). • Transactions modifying the same table can be updated in parallel on the slave! • Supports both statement based and row based replication.
  • 26. All in… sometimes it can get out of sync • Changed information on slave directly • Statement based replication • non-deterministic SQL (UPDATE/DELETE with LIMIT and without ORDER BY) • triggers & stored procedures • Master in MyISAM, slave in InnoDB (deadlocks) • --replication-ignore-db with fully qualified queries • Binlog corruption on master • PURGE BINARY LOGS issued and not enough files to update slave • read_buffer_size larger than max_allowed_packet • Bugs?
  • 27. Replication Monitoring • Percona Toolkit is important • pt-slave-find: find slave information from master • pt-table-checksum: online replication consistency check • executes checksum queries on master • pt-table-sync: synchronise table data efficiently • changes data, so backups important
  • 28. Replication Monitoring with PMM •
  • 29. mysqlbinlog versions • ERROR: Error in Log_event::read_log_event(): 'Found invalid event in binary log', data_len: 56, event_type: 30 • 5.6 ships with a “streaming binlog backup server” - v.3.4; MariaDB 10 doesn’t - v.3.3 (fixed in 10.2 - MDEV-8713) • GTID variances! • Beware mysql-client from your Linux distribution
  • 30. Slave prefetching • Replication Booster • • Prefetch MySQL relay logs to make the SQL thread faster • Tungsten has slave prefetch • Percona Server till 5.6 + MariaDB till 10.1 have InnoDB fake changes
  • 31. Changing paradigm: What replaces slave prefetching? • In Percona Server 5.7, slave prefetching has been replaced by doing intra-schema parallel replication • Feature removed from XtraDB • MariaDB Server 10.2 also has this feature removed, as they switched to InnoDB!
  • 32. Galera Cluster • Inside MySQL, a replication plugin (wsrep) • Replaces MySQL replication (but can work alongside it too) • True multi-master, active-active solution • Virtually Synchronous • WAN performance: 100-300ms/commit, works in parallel • No slave lag or integrity issues • Automatic node provisioning
  • 34. Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7 • Engineering within Percona • Load balancing with ProxySQL (bundled) • PMM integration • Benefits of all the MySQL 5.7 feature-set • ProxySQL admin tool • Safety features enabled (e.g. no accidentally using MyISAM, etc.)
  • 35. Group replication • Fully synchronous replication (update everywhere), self-healing, with elasticity, redundancy • Single primary mode supported • MySQL InnoDB Cluster - a combination of group replication, Router, to make magic! • Recent blogs: • replication-in-mysql-galera-vs-group-replication/ • early/
  • 36. Summary of Replication Performance • SAN has "some" latency overhead compared to local disk. Can be great for throughput. • DRBD has a performance penalty • Replication, when implemented correctly, has no performance penalty • But MySQL replication with disk bound data set has single-threaded issues! • Semi-sync is poorer on WAN compared to async • Galera & InnoDB Cluster provide read/write scale-out, thus more performance
  • 37. Handling failure • How do we find out about failure? • Polling, monitoring, alerts... • Error returned to and handled in client side • What should we do about it? • Direct requests to the spare nodes (or DCs) • How to protect data integrity? • Master-slave is unidirectional: Must ensure there is only one master at all times. • DRBD and SAN have cold-standby: Must mount disks and start mysqld. • In all cases must ensure that 2 disconnected replicas cannot both commit independently. (split brain)
  • 38. Frameworks to handle failure • MySQL-MMM • Severalnines ClusterControl • Orchestrator • MySQL MHA • Percona Replication Manager • Tungsten Replicator • 5.6: mysqlfailover, mysqlrpladmin • (MariaDB) Replication Manager
  • 39. Orchestrator • Reads replication topologies, keeps state, continuous polling • Modify your topology — move slaves around • Nice GUI, JSON API, CLI
  • 40. MySQL MHA • Like MMM, specialized solution for MySQL replication • Developed by Yoshinori Matsunobu at DeNA • Automated and manual failover options • Topology: 1 master, many slaves • Choose new master by comparing slave binlog positions • Can be used in conjunction with other solutions •
  • 41. Pacemaker • Heartbeat, Corosync, Pacemaker • Resource Agents, Percona-PRM • Percona Replication Manager - cluster, geographical disaster recovery options • Pacemaker agent specialised on MySQL replication • • Pacemaker Resource Agents 3.9.3+ include Percona Replication Manager (PRM)
  • 42. Load Balancers for multi-master clusters • Synchronous multi-master clusters like Galera require load balancers • HAProxy • Galera Load Balancer (GLB) • MaxScale • ProxySQL
  • 43. MySQL Router • Routing between applications and any backend MySQL servers • Failover • Load Balancing • Pluggable architecture (connection routing)
  • 44. MariaDB MaxScale • “Pluggable router” that offers connection & statement based load balancing • Possibilities are endless - use it for logging, writing to other databases (besides MySQL), preventing SQL injections via regex filtering, route via hints, query rewriting, have a binlog relay, etc.
  • 45. ProxySQL • High Performance MySQL proxy with a GPL license • Performance is a priority - the numbers prove it • Can query rewrite • Sharding by host/schema or both, with rule engine + modification to SQL + application logic
  • 46. JDBC/PHP drivers • JDBC - multi-host failover feature (just specify master/slave hosts in the properties) • true for MariaDB Java Connector too • PHP handles this too - mysqlnd_ms • Can handle read-write splitting, round robin or random host selection, and more
  • 47. Clustering: solution or part of problem? • "Causes of Downtime in Production MySQL Servers" whitepaper, Baron Schwartz VividCortex • Human error • SAN • Clustering framework + SAN = more problems • Galera/group replication is replication based, has no false positives as there’s no “failover” moment, you don’t need a clustering framework (JDBC or PHP can load balance), and is relatively elegant overall
  • 48. Replication type • Competence choices • Replication: MySQL DBA manages • DRBD: Linux admin manages • SAN: requires domain controller • Operations • DRBD (disk level) = cold standby = longer failover • Replication = hot standby = shorter failover • GTID helps tremendously • Performance • SAN has higher latency than local disk • DRBD has higher latency than local disk • Replication has little overhead • Redundancy • Shared disk = SPoF • Shared nothing = redundant
  • 49. SBR vs RBR? Async vs sync? • row based: deterministic • statement based: dangerous • GTID: easier setup & failover of complex topologies • async: data loss in failover • sync: best • multi-threaded slaves: scalability (hello 5.6+, Tungsten)
  • 50. What about the cloud? • Usually scalability & high availability is more or less “built-in” • e.g. RDS has multi-AZ (synchronous data replication), but doesn’t give you a read replica; Cloud SQL uses semi-sync replication • Watch out for the SLAs (and automatic upgrades) • Monitoring via PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA • “Bad” nodes do exist; do not assume node provisioning is quick
  • 51. Conclusion • MySQL replication is amazing if you know it (and monitor it) well enough • Large sites run just fine with semi-sync + tooling for automated failover • Galera Cluster/MySQL InnoDB Cluster is great for virtually fully synchronous replication • Don’t forget the need for a load balancer: ProxySQL is nifty • When thinking scaling, think scale out (it is more efficient, and fits modern cloud mantras too!)
  • 52. At Percona, we care about your High Availability • Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7 with support for ProxySQL and Percona Monitoring & Management (PMM) • Percona Monitoring & Management (PMM) with Orchestrator • Percona Toolkit • Percona Server for MySQL 5.7 • Percona XtraBackup
  • 53. Thank you! Colin Charles / | @bytebot on twitter slides: