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Why should you
care about
an international
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |

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Rendering SEO (explained by Google's Martin Splitt)
Rendering SEO (explained by Google's Martin Splitt)Rendering SEO (explained by Google's Martin Splitt)
Rendering SEO (explained by Google's Martin Splitt)

This document discusses how search engines like Google render and digest web page content. It notes that Google places more importance on text appearing above the fold, without needing to scroll. The document also references Google patents from 2012-2018 that focus on page layout. It indicates that Google limits the CPU consumption used to render pages, and that the prominence and location of content within the rendered page layout is important. Finally, it poses the question of whether optimizing for rendering and search engine processing can help websites rank better in search results.

renderingrendering seoseo
Seozone - 5 tips
Seozone  - 5 tips Seozone  - 5 tips
Seozone - 5 tips

The document discusses the importance of technical SEO and on-page factors like content, architecture, and HTML. It provides tips for technical SEO audits, including using a crawler to discover technical issues, establishing a clear picture of the website, recommending quick wins and long-term fixes from audits, monitoring canonical links and robots.txt files, and optimizing website architecture for efficient crawling. Experts are quoted emphasizing that technical flaws can negate other SEO efforts and clear, consistent signals help search engines understand websites.

Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript
Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript
Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript

The document discusses the challenges of indexing JavaScript-powered websites by search engines. It notes that JavaScript rendering takes significant computational resources, straining crawlers' budgets. It also suggests that client-side rendered JavaScript websites have difficulties with search engine indexing and ranking, as content may be missed during Google's two-wave indexing process for JavaScript. The document recommends using server-side rendering, hybrid rendering, or prerendering to help search engines properly index JavaScript websites.

javascript seotechnical seoseo
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
How can you target
those users and
get that revenue?

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Be honest, you want it too – more clients, more success, more money. But how can you achieve that? I tell you how, by increasing your organic search traffic by up to 500%. I will let you in on a SEO secret to increase your traffic 5x. Don’t you want that for your company as well?

seogoogle penguinbrightonseo
Can Google properly crawl and index JavaScript? SEO Experiments - Results and...
Can Google properly crawl and index JavaScript? SEO Experiments - Results and...Can Google properly crawl and index JavaScript? SEO Experiments - Results and...
Can Google properly crawl and index JavaScript? SEO Experiments - Results and...

The document discusses the complexities of JavaScript SEO. It summarizes the results of experiments testing how search engines like Google crawl and index various JavaScript frameworks. The experiments found that while some JavaScript is indexable, frameworks that rely on inline JavaScript are indexed better than those using external JavaScript files or Ajax calls. It also notes that crawlers have limited resources, so JavaScript-heavy sites may not be fully crawled or indexed.

seojavascriptjavascript seo
BrightonSEO - How to use XPath with eCommerce Websites
BrightonSEO - How to use XPath with eCommerce WebsitesBrightonSEO - How to use XPath with eCommerce Websites
BrightonSEO - How to use XPath with eCommerce Websites

The document discusses how to use XPath to extract useful information from e-commerce websites for SEO purposes. It provides examples of common uses of XPath like extracting schema code, scraping product information, and auditing backlinks. The document also offers tips for scraping e-commerce sites, including analyzing empty categories, comparing on-page elements, and identifying out of stock products. Throughout, it emphasizes using tools like XPath, Google Sheets, and Screaming Frog to simplify scraping tasks.

#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
relevant result
Hreflang helps to show
the most relevant result
to users depending on
their language / country
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
Hreflang is not the
same as geotargeting
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
With geotargeting,
Google will promote
the localised
version to the local
Google search
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |

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Split Testing for SEO - 9 Months of Learning
Split Testing for SEO - 9 Months of LearningSplit Testing for SEO - 9 Months of Learning
Split Testing for SEO - 9 Months of Learning

What have we learning from 9 months of SEO split testing? What works and what failed? How do you run your own tests? All of that and a free tool. Hooray free. If you want something a little more comprehensive, all these tests were run by me with DistilledODN our split testing platform. Find out more here! -

seosplit testingdistilled
SearchLove Boston 2018 - Emily Grossman - The Marketer’s Guide to Performance...
SearchLove Boston 2018 - Emily Grossman - The Marketer’s Guide to Performance...SearchLove Boston 2018 - Emily Grossman - The Marketer’s Guide to Performance...
SearchLove Boston 2018 - Emily Grossman - The Marketer’s Guide to Performance...

Most marketers know that improving site speed leads to better engagement, conversion rates, and even improved performance in search engines. Still, many marketers don’t get involved in web performance optimization projects, expecting them to be handled entirely by developers. In this talk, you’ll learn about marketing’s critical role in measuring, auditing, and optimizing performance to drive greater impact for your business.

searchlovesearchlove boston
BrightonSEO - The Search Universe - Links, Log Files, GSC and everything in b...
BrightonSEO - The Search Universe - Links, Log Files, GSC and everything in b...BrightonSEO - The Search Universe - Links, Log Files, GSC and everything in b...
BrightonSEO - The Search Universe - Links, Log Files, GSC and everything in b...

This document discusses using different data sources like backlinks, log files, Google Search Console, and Google Analytics together to understand website performance. It provides examples of how to use backlink data from sources like DeepCrawl to identify positive and negative backlinks. It also discusses using log file data to optimize crawl budget by identifying non-indexable or low traffic pages. The document advocates bringing together internal and external ranking factors with user traffic data to develop a holistic "search universe" view of a website.

brightonseodeepcrawljon myers
And if you have a gTLD, you set it in GSC
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
You can set it
to unlisted
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
If you don't select anything, Google
will try to figure it out on its own.
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
hreflang instead will
URLs with the proper
language/country ones
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |

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Solving Complex JavaScript Issues and Leveraging Semantic HTML5
Solving Complex JavaScript Issues and Leveraging Semantic HTML5Solving Complex JavaScript Issues and Leveraging Semantic HTML5
Solving Complex JavaScript Issues and Leveraging Semantic HTML5

On this presentation we go deep on Chrome developer tools, JS debugger and breakpoints, technical optimization and capabilities of browser service workers to improve SEO and performance

javascriptseopage speed
5 Time-Saving SEO Alerts to Use Right Now - brightonSEO 2019
5 Time-Saving SEO Alerts to Use Right Now - brightonSEO 20195 Time-Saving SEO Alerts to Use Right Now - brightonSEO 2019
5 Time-Saving SEO Alerts to Use Right Now - brightonSEO 2019

Have you ever spent time and effort on optimizing a website only to see all that hard work blown away in a blink of an eye? In this session, Marco explains how he has explored the world of SEO custom alerts to make sure that key elements such as performance, robots.txt, traffic and rankings are closely monitored and shows you how to track issues and fix them straight away.

seoseo custom alertsgoogle analytics
Challenges of building a search engine like web rendering service
Challenges of building a search engine like web rendering serviceChallenges of building a search engine like web rendering service
Challenges of building a search engine like web rendering service

SMX Advanced Europe, June 2021 - With the advent of new technologies and the massive use of Javascript on the internet, search engines have started using Web Rendering Services to better understand the content of pages on the internet. What are the difficulties in building a WRS? Are tools we use every day replicating what search engines do? In this session, Giacomo will drive you on a discovery journey digging in some techy implementation details of a search engine like web rendering service building process, covering edge cases such as infinite scrolling, iframe, web component, and shadow DOM and how to approach them.

web rendering servicessearch engines
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
What books
don’t tell
In November 2017 Google
announced that started to serve
results based on your location
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
But forgot to say that from that
moment hreflang mattered more,
and geotargeting in GSC less
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |

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SearchLove London 2016 | Dom Woodman | How to Get Insight From Your Logs
SearchLove London 2016 | Dom Woodman | How to Get Insight From Your LogsSearchLove London 2016 | Dom Woodman | How to Get Insight From Your Logs
SearchLove London 2016 | Dom Woodman | How to Get Insight From Your Logs

In the SEO industry, we obsess on everything Google says, from John Mueller dropping a hint in a Webmaster Hangout, to the ranking data we spend £1000s to gather. Yet we ignore the data Google throws at us every day, the crawling data. For the longest time, site crawls, traffic data, and rankings have been the pillars of SEO data gathering. Log files should join them as something everyone is doing. We'll go through how to get everything set-up, look at some of the tools to make it easy and repeatable and go through the kinds of analysis you can do to get insights from the data.

How Googlebot Renders (Roleplaying as Google's Web Rendering Service-- D&D st...
How Googlebot Renders (Roleplaying as Google's Web Rendering Service-- D&D st...How Googlebot Renders (Roleplaying as Google's Web Rendering Service-- D&D st...
How Googlebot Renders (Roleplaying as Google's Web Rendering Service-- D&D st...

Roleplay as a fearless Technical SEO who must pass through Google's Web Rendering Service (WRS), a legendary construct, as part of a mission to protect site visibility. Panel: 'Think like a bot, rank like a boss' from BrightonSEO September 2019

Modern Day Link Building by Jon Cooper
Modern Day Link Building by Jon CooperModern Day Link Building by Jon Cooper
Modern Day Link Building by Jon Cooper

The document discusses modern link building strategies and tactics. It provides tips on using tools like Ahrefs and Majestic for competitive analysis. It also recommends observing international and local markets for link opportunities. Specific tactics mentioned include targeting brand websites with review content, news sections for discounts, and sponsored sub-forums. The document also lists tools for tasks like getting link metrics, finding broken links, prioritizing opportunities, and prospecting for links.

seolink buildingjon cooper
Hreflang was stable (almost 0)
International targeting set in GSC
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
Traffic to /mx/ from not targeted
countries (e.g. ES) increased from w45
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
So, how can we
overcome this
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |

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John Warner: Why Google isn't giving update advice anymore
John Warner: Why Google isn't giving update advice anymoreJohn Warner: Why Google isn't giving update advice anymore
John Warner: Why Google isn't giving update advice anymore

Google is likely not providing advice on many algorithm updates because the processes involved in ranking are now too complex. SEOs should focus on building expertise, authority, and trust through industry-specific content, external links, and implementing structured data and schema markup to help machines understand content. As Google's algorithms become more advanced and the processes less understood, SEO will require customized strategies tailored to individual industries and brands.

seodigital marketingai
Inbound Marketing Tools - SearchFest
Inbound Marketing Tools - SearchFestInbound Marketing Tools - SearchFest
Inbound Marketing Tools - SearchFest

The document discusses various actionable tools for inbound marketing, including tools for finding link sources, visualizing link and traffic data, automating technical tasks, leveraging crowdsourcing, and using data to improve content and drive growth. It provides links to tools for tasks like link analysis, scraping websites, visualizing networks and keyword data, automating browsers, finding content gaps, crowdsourcing work, and leveraging ratings and reviews. The tools can help marketers better understand traffic, discover site problems, build information architecture, and use data for linkbait and content strategies.

inbound marketingtoolsseo
International SEO: The Weird Technical Parts - Pubcon Vegas 2019 Patrick Stox
International SEO: The Weird Technical Parts - Pubcon Vegas 2019 Patrick StoxInternational SEO: The Weird Technical Parts - Pubcon Vegas 2019 Patrick Stox
International SEO: The Weird Technical Parts - Pubcon Vegas 2019 Patrick Stox

1) The document summarizes Patrick Stox's presentation on international SEO and technical aspects of implementing hreflang. 2) It addresses common misconceptions about hreflang and what can cause issues like underscores instead of dashes in codes. 3) It provides troubleshooting tips for hreflang such as checking Google Search Console for canonicalization and international targeting reports.

seotechnical seointernational seo
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
Which one to use?
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |

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Why your tech optimisations are still sat in the backlog
Why your tech optimisations are still sat in the backlogWhy your tech optimisations are still sat in the backlog
Why your tech optimisations are still sat in the backlog

The document discusses improving relationships between SEO and development teams. It recommends that SEOs communicate their technical priorities to developers, understand developers' workflows and limitations, and prioritize technical tasks based on their SEO impact and difficulty of implementation. The overall message is that SEOs and developers should collaborate to ensure technical optimizations are implemented effectively.

techseo seo brightonseo
The SEO Guide to Migrate International Websites #SMProfs
The SEO Guide to Migrate International Websites #SMProfsThe SEO Guide to Migrate International Websites #SMProfs
The SEO Guide to Migrate International Websites #SMProfs

How to migrate internationally targeted Websites? Learn the usual scenarios, SEO criteria and steps to follow to avoid missing anything important.

seointernational seoweb migrations
Best practice is not enough #brightonSEO @Linkdex #SEOnow stage
Best practice is not enough #brightonSEO @Linkdex #SEOnow stageBest practice is not enough #brightonSEO @Linkdex #SEOnow stage
Best practice is not enough #brightonSEO @Linkdex #SEOnow stage

Think back to the last time you applied for a job. It doesn’t matter if you work in-house or agency side – it’s likely that there was a line in your job spec that read “a good understanding of best practice”. But when you turned up on your first day at work, knowing the best thing to do in every situation that might arise I doubt you were surprised to find out that the best thing to do couldn’t be done. The website wasn’t built that way. The client won’t sign that off. That’ll never get past legal. So you need to come up with the second best thing to do. That’s not part of best practice. Opinions come to a head and nothing gets done because businesses are mistaken in their opinion that doing nothing is fine if the best thing can’t be done. But best practice is a misnomer anyway. When we say best practice what we really mean is standard practice. If all you ever implement is standard practice that’s all you’ll be. Standard. If you can’t even reach standard your business deserves to fail. Where does best practice even come from though? People treat it as if it’s some kind of bible handed down from the gatekeepers – the guys who can shut off your revenue. Best practice is actually more like Wikipedia than a bible. It’s populated by everyone who works in the industry and most of it is factually incorrect. You should get 0 points for referencing it. The only things in there that actually do come from the channel owners are loaded with bias. Contributions from experts are self-serving and so many pat each other and themselves on the back that received wisdom becomes perceived fact. But if neither are reliable – and if what everyone is doing is the same thing – isn’t there a chance that doing something, anything different could drive better results than best practice? I would always overrule an expert if the data says otherwise. If we know our customers want X and the channel owners want Y, we should spend our time getting X to work with Y and not the other way around. Staff are fearful that deliberately setting out to do something that isn’t best practice will result in an automatic dismissal. I’m not saying it won’t. As a result, people will wait months or years for best practice to be implemented because it’s safe. The channel owners told us to do it. The experts concurred. Businesses spend a lot of money and a lot of time being average because nobody gets sacked for being average. After all – it’s in the job description.

seogooglesearch engine optimization
Which one to use?
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
I suggest to use the XML sitemap
Which one to use?
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
I suggest to use the XML sitemap
Or the HTTP headers
Which one to use?
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
I suggest to use the XML sitemap
Or the HTTP headers
Last choice the HTML tags
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |

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Dynamic Rendering - is this really an SEO silver bullet? SMX WEST
Dynamic Rendering - is this really an SEO silver bullet? SMX WESTDynamic Rendering - is this really an SEO silver bullet? SMX WEST
Dynamic Rendering - is this really an SEO silver bullet? SMX WEST

This document discusses various approaches to JavaScript rendering and SEO. It begins by discussing the limitations of prerendering/dynamic rendering, noting that it creates duplicate content and outdated pages. It then discusses alternatives like server-side rendering, hybrid rendering, and static site generators that can improve the user experience. The document cautions against relying solely on prerendering and recommends approaches like server-side rendering that allow search engines to properly index the JavaScript content.

javascript seojavascriptprerendering
How SEO changes, as we say bye bye to cookies
How SEO changes, as we say bye bye to cookiesHow SEO changes, as we say bye bye to cookies
How SEO changes, as we say bye bye to cookies

Slides from AccuraCast MD, Farhad Divecha's presentation at Brighton SEO. In his talk, Farhad discussed how the removal of third-party cookies will affect SEO and advised delegates on practical, actionable things they can do to best equip their business to overcome the potential challenges involved.

seocookiesbig data
10 Must-HAve GA4 Reports for SEO - Brighton SEO Apr 2023
10 Must-HAve GA4 Reports for SEO - Brighton SEO Apr 202310 Must-HAve GA4 Reports for SEO - Brighton SEO Apr 2023
10 Must-HAve GA4 Reports for SEO - Brighton SEO Apr 2023

Slides from AccuraCast MD, Farhad Divecha's presentation at Brighton SEO. In his talk, Farhad shared 10 must-have GA4 reports for SEO, showed how to set them up via GA4 and/or GTM, and explained insights to be gained from those reports, and actions that SEOs can take from those insights. GA4 reports featured in the talk include some ready-to-use reports already present in GA4, and a number of GA4 explorations specifically designed for SEO analysis. Most of the reports require little to no technical knowledge, but do require a basic understanding of visitor analytics, SEO, and basic familiarity with GA4.

Less unnecessary code
in the <head>
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
Less chance to have problems
with Google reading the hreflang
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
JavaScript in the <head>
before the hreflang
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |

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The Key Ingredients for International SEO Success #MKTFest
The Key Ingredients for International SEO Success #MKTFestThe Key Ingredients for International SEO Success #MKTFest
The Key Ingredients for International SEO Success #MKTFest

How to effectively achieve success in International Search Markets? Here you have the ingredients for your growth!

international seoseo
Aleyda Solis - Conquering International Search Markets: The key ingredients f...
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Aleyda Solis - Conquering International Search Markets: The key ingredients f...

Expanding and growing your web search presence abroad can be tough, especially if you're starting from scratch in competitive countries and industries. You now have something less to worry about though: Aleyda will share insights, actionable tips and steps to follow to maximize your chances of success learned by doing international SEO to hundreds of sites across the globe for multinational to local startups in Europe, USA and Latin America.

mktfestmarketing festival
SearchLeeds 2019 - Matt Howells-Barby - Everything you need to know before sc...
SearchLeeds 2019 - Matt Howells-Barby - Everything you need to know before sc...SearchLeeds 2019 - Matt Howells-Barby - Everything you need to know before sc...
SearchLeeds 2019 - Matt Howells-Barby - Everything you need to know before sc...

Taking the giant leap into international SEO is both daunting and full of potential banana skins. Matt Barby's SearchLeeds talk helps makes the leap a little less daunting for you, and so that you avoid many of the common mistakes that are made. Packed full of examples, you’ll see how many of the top companies in the world have approached their international setup and how you can decide which is right for you.

JavaScript in the <head>
before the hreflang
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
Excess of code in the <head>
before the hreflang
Google Play does all this wrong :)
9 <script>
3 <style>
8 others
Hreflang :(
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
We had a rise in traffic going to
/uk/ pages from the United States
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
After having changed the position of
the JS, traffic recovered in 3 weeks
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
The cause was a JS in the <head>

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Pubcon Vegas 2017 You're Going To Screw Up International SEO - Patrick Stox
Pubcon Vegas 2017 You're Going To Screw Up International SEO - Patrick StoxPubcon Vegas 2017 You're Going To Screw Up International SEO - Patrick Stox
Pubcon Vegas 2017 You're Going To Screw Up International SEO - Patrick Stox

The document discusses many of the common issues that can arise when implementing hreflang tags for internationalization, such as tools providing incorrect information; content being served from different URLs than indexed; duplicate pages causing problems; and it taking time for all language versions to be crawled. It emphasizes that internationalization is complex with multiple systems involved and recommends automating the process as much as possible to avoid manual errors, and to expect that problems will occur and need repeated checking.

seointernational seotechnical seo
How to 'SEO' forums, Communities & User-Generated Content
How to 'SEO' forums, Communities & User-Generated ContentHow to 'SEO' forums, Communities & User-Generated Content
How to 'SEO' forums, Communities & User-Generated Content

This document contains the tweets from a presentation about optimizing forums for SEO. Some of the key points discussed include: - Using logical and consistent URL paths to improve crawling and trust. - Improving user experience through good internal linking, navigation and search. - Maintaining high quality content through moderation, relevance and preventing spam/duplicate content. - Building authority through links to expert user profiles and published work.

seocontent marketingcontent strategy
Best Of SEJ Summit: Preventing International SEO Disasters
Best Of SEJ Summit: Preventing International SEO DisastersBest Of SEJ Summit: Preventing International SEO Disasters
Best Of SEJ Summit: Preventing International SEO Disasters

SEO is complex enough in a single language but entering foreign markets adds additional challenges many that are out of the control of the SEO team. Join Bill Hunt and Motoko Hunt as they identify some of the most common challenges and how to prevent them from destroying your global opportunities and reputation.

seomarketingdigital marketing
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
If you
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |

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Emily Mace BrightonSEO Talk September 2017
Emily Mace BrightonSEO Talk September 2017Emily Mace BrightonSEO Talk September 2017
Emily Mace BrightonSEO Talk September 2017

Technical SEO for e-commerce at home and abroad. Topics include: Infinite scroll, Faceted navigation, Content and Keywords, Handling 'out of stock' products, Seasonal refreshes of content, Product options and Hreflang tags.

seointernational seoecommerce
Crawling & Indexing for eCommerce Sites - Sam Taylor, BrightonSEO (Crawling &...
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Crawling & Indexing for eCommerce Sites - Sam Taylor, BrightonSEO (Crawling &...

This document discusses crawling and indexing for eCommerce websites. It begins with background on the growth of eCommerce, particularly due to COVID-19. It then discusses how large eCommerce sites with many categories, products, and filters can negatively impact crawl budget if not optimized. The presenter provides an example client that had millions of excluded URLs due to faceted navigation, but was able to double search visibility by using robots.txt exclusions to prioritize important pages. The document provides tips on optimizing crawl budget through exclusions and canonicalization for eCommerce sites of different sizes.

Inbound 2017: Back to Our Roots with Technical SEO
Inbound 2017: Back to Our Roots with Technical SEOInbound 2017: Back to Our Roots with Technical SEO
Inbound 2017: Back to Our Roots with Technical SEO

Historically, SEO was a very technical discipline. Over time, that shifted as Strategists began touting the death of SEO and claiming all you need is great content. Today, SEO is going back to those technical roots. From simple data markup to more complex proprietary technologies like AMP; now more than ever SEOs & marketers have to be technical masters. Learn why it's important to embrace these technical roots, what technologies we should be learning now, and how to stay ahead of the curve.

seotechnical seoinbound
no hreflang
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
*use Meta Language
meta http-equiv=”content-language”
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
You can target
more languages &
countries with
one page
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
Spanish in
Latin America and
the Caribbean
Spanish in
Latin America
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
Spanish in
Latin America and
the Caribbean
Spanish in
Latin America But…

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MeasureFest 2021: Interactive Core Web Vitals In Data Studio
MeasureFest 2021: Interactive Core Web Vitals In Data StudioMeasureFest 2021: Interactive Core Web Vitals In Data Studio
MeasureFest 2021: Interactive Core Web Vitals In Data Studio

Learn how to overcome traditional challenges of Core Web Vitals static auditing through an interactive Data Studio report. The dashboard is a simple yet efficient approach, which enables tangible and actionable recommendations for all three metrics for a page-level, section-level, and site-level, making it suitable for large sites. The plug-and-play framework allows you to audit, communicate findings, and track progress, making stakeholder relations easier.

#corewebvitals #analytics #datastudio
Guide to actionable speed audits; getting your developer to work with you
Guide to actionable speed audits; getting your developer to work with you  Guide to actionable speed audits; getting your developer to work with you
Guide to actionable speed audits; getting your developer to work with you

This is a guide on how to communicate with developers in order to get your recommendations implemented

seosearch engine optimizationspeed
SEO Low hanging Fruit: Identifying SEO Opportunities to Achieve Results Fast ...
SEO Low hanging Fruit: Identifying SEO Opportunities to Achieve Results Fast ...SEO Low hanging Fruit: Identifying SEO Opportunities to Achieve Results Fast ...
SEO Low hanging Fruit: Identifying SEO Opportunities to Achieve Results Fast ...

How can you achieve results in your SEO process without having to wait for months? In this presentation I go through criteria to use to identify quick win opportunities!

seosearch engine optimization
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
ISO 3166-1
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
Remember to set the X-default

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BrightonSEO 2017 - SEO quick wins from a technical check
BrightonSEO 2017  - SEO quick wins from a technical checkBrightonSEO 2017  - SEO quick wins from a technical check
BrightonSEO 2017 - SEO quick wins from a technical check

Actionable advice to drive more traffic and revenue to your site from carrying out a technical check. These slides look at technical issues such as 301 redirects, robots.txt files and crawl budget, sitemaps, canonical tags and optimisation, which can all be found by using the technical SEO tools, Screaming Frog, Deep Crawl, Google Search Console and Google Analytics. What can you expect from these slides? - To learn which key technical issues to look out for. - To learn how these technical issues impact your SEO. - To learn how to fix these technical issues for SEO quick wins.

seodigital marketing
PPC and SEO Synergies - Strategies Every Company Should Deploy - Benjamin Lund
PPC and SEO Synergies - Strategies Every Company Should Deploy - Benjamin LundPPC and SEO Synergies - Strategies Every Company Should Deploy - Benjamin Lund
PPC and SEO Synergies - Strategies Every Company Should Deploy - Benjamin Lund

Top 7 PPC and SEO strategies to drive more traffic and conversions. Most companies already own the data, let's share the data and boost the performance of both channels. Key Takeaways: Why PPC and SEO teams should strategize together7 ways PPC and SEO can work together to drive even more conversions

digital marketingmarketingsales
Chemical Industry- Rashtriya Chemical Fertilizers (RCF) .pptx
Chemical Industry- Rashtriya Chemical Fertilizers (RCF) .pptxChemical Industry- Rashtriya Chemical Fertilizers (RCF) .pptx
Chemical Industry- Rashtriya Chemical Fertilizers (RCF) .pptx

Research on chemical industry with considering one of PSU as an example Rashtriya Chemical Fertilizers (RCF). Chemical Industry trend, strengths, weaknesses. Chemical Industry market position as well as RCF position. RCF revenue, profit, EBITDA, forecast, technology, past performance. State wise revenue of chemical industry and RCF as well

#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
Remember to set the X-default
selector page
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
Remember to set the X-default
selector page
Main page to be shown to all the other
countries (e.g. EN homepage)
What can you
do wrong?
NO redirects, just final URLs
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |

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The Top 6 Facebook Ad Hacks of 2024, Targeting the Untargetable - Larry Kim
The Top 6 Facebook Ad Hacks of 2024, Targeting the Untargetable - Larry KimThe Top 6 Facebook Ad Hacks of 2024, Targeting the Untargetable - Larry Kim
The Top 6 Facebook Ad Hacks of 2024, Targeting the Untargetable - Larry Kim

It’s been a difficult few years for Facebook Ads due to signal loss from iOS/Firefox/Chrome and the associated loss of ad targeting precision and ROAS. In this session, delve into 100% new high-impact strategies for thriving in Facebook advertising in a world without 3rd party cookies. You'll uncover the top 7 Facebook ad hacks of 2024, all centered around first party ad signal data restoration and how to coax the new default Meta Audience+ ad targeting system to do what you want it to do, each backed by solid results and case studies. Learn how to skyrocket your landing page conversions by 20-25%, how to scale ads like never before, and target niche audiences with strategies that defy traditional norms. Plus, gain insights into critical privacy regulations and how to maintain a full compliance therein.

digital marketingmarketingsales
Social Media Marketing Master Class - Jeff Dwoskin
Social Media Marketing Master Class - Jeff DwoskinSocial Media Marketing Master Class - Jeff Dwoskin
Social Media Marketing Master Class - Jeff Dwoskin

How to Rethink the Way you use Instagram to Drive Sales and Customer Engagement If you’re using Instagram to build or grow your business this presentation is for you. Navigating Instagram campaigns doesn't have to be overwhelming. By understanding the right strategies, you can turn engagement from a time-consuming task into a powerful tool for driving sales and a deeper understanding of your customers and fans. Key Takeaways: Running campaigns on Instagram can be and should be easy and effortless Every post is an opportunity to collect valuable information to empower you to make more strategic choices The power of giveaways on Instagram to drive engagement and first party data

digital marketingmarketingsales
Know about what is digital marketing.pptx
Know about what is digital marketing.pptxKnow about what is digital marketing.pptx
Know about what is digital marketing.pptx

Training devistation provides quality training in digital marketing. ChatGPT Digital marketing encompasses a wide range of online strategies and tactics designed to connect businesses with their target audiences, increase brand awareness, drive traffic, and ultimately generate leads and sales. Here’s a comprehensive description: Digital marketing leverages various online channels and platforms such as search engines (Google, Bing), social media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn), email, websites, and mobile apps to reach consumers. Unlike traditional marketing, which often relies on print ads, billboards, or TV commercials, digital marketing allows for precise targeting and measurement of campaigns in real time. also know about benefits of digital marketing click here - address - industrial area, phase 8, F7, MOHALI, PUNJAB

digital marketingseoppc
NO redirects, just final URLs
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
NO 404 URLs
NO redirects, just final URLs
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
NO 404 URLs
NO no-index URLs
NO redirects, just final URLs
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
NO 404 URLs
NO no-index URLs
NO pages disallowed in robots
NO redirects, just final URLs
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
NO 404 URLs
NO no-index URLs
NO pages disallowed in robots
ALWAYS return tags

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form iti

Digital Marketing Trends Experts Insights on How to Gain a Competitive Edge -...
Digital Marketing Trends Experts Insights on How to Gain a Competitive Edge -...Digital Marketing Trends Experts Insights on How to Gain a Competitive Edge -...
Digital Marketing Trends Experts Insights on How to Gain a Competitive Edge -...

The digital marketing industry is changing faster than ever and those who don’t adapt with the times are losing market share. Where should marketers be focusing their efforts? What strategies are the experts seeing get the best results? Get up-to-speed with the latest industry insights, trends and predictions for the future in this panel discussion with some leading digital marketing experts.

digital marketingmarketingsales
Top 10 Cases of Amnesia A Journey through Memory Loss.pptx
Top 10 Cases of Amnesia A Journey through Memory Loss.pptxTop 10 Cases of Amnesia A Journey through Memory Loss.pptx
Top 10 Cases of Amnesia A Journey through Memory Loss.pptx

Amnesia, the loss of memory, is a fascinating and complex condition that has captured the imagination of scientists, storytellers, and the general public alike. It can be triggered by various factors such as brain injury, psychological trauma, or even certain medical conditions. This article delves into ten intriguing cases of amnesia each offering unique insights into the human mind and the fragile nature of memory.

cases of amnesia
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
NO pages with a canonical to
another page!
AVOID IP redirection
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
Possible problems crawling
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
AVOID IP redirection
Possible problems crawling
Bad user experience
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
AVOID IP redirection

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Free Healthcare Marketing Plan for Healthcare professionals
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Free Healthcare Marketing Plan for Healthcare professionals

Free Healthcare Marketing Plan for Medical Practices and Healthcare professionals in USA!

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Factsheet pdf
Factsheet                            pdfFactsheet                            pdf
Factsheet pdf


Possible problems crawling
Bad user experience
Against European law
(if with Geo-blocking)
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
AVOID IP redirection
How to spot that
something is
going wrong?
Screaming Frog
can highlight
some top
level errors
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
But most tough
mistakes must
be found
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |

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Mobile Marketing in the form of ppt document
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Mobile marketing presentation with ppt tag to easily editing and easy to use

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Unlocking the Potential of AI and XR - A Step-by-Step Guide to Strategic Int...
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Unlocking the Potential of AI and XR - A Step-by-Step Guide to Strategic Int...

Join us for an inspiring session where we delve into the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Extended Reality (XR) in digital marketing. In today's rapidly evolving landscape, staying ahead requires more than just awareness—it demands proactive engagement and strategic implementation. Leslie Marshall, CMO, Mesmerise Group, will share insights into how emerging technologies like AI and spatial computing are fueling the next generation of marketing. Leslie's journey exemplifies how embracing new technologies can empower marketers to better understand and attract the right customers, ultimately supporting exceptional experiences. In this session, Leslie will highlight how marketers can adopt an explorer's mindset, encouraging them to ask probing questions and navigate through the intricacies of new tech fearlessly. Leslie believes that curiosity is not only a tool for understanding emerging technologies but also a driver for long-term success and innovation in any marketing career. Attendees will leave the session with a 5-step plan for marketers to leverage new technologies to revolutionize their marketing strategies. Looking ahead, let's ask the right questions, define precise metrics, and embrace a forward-thinking approach that aligns with the evolving needs of both the market and the customer. The future of digital marketing awaits—are you ready to seize it? Key Takeaways: Attendees will leave the session with a 5-step plan for marketers to leverage new technologies to revolutionize their marketing strategies. Looking ahead, let's ask the right questions, define precise metrics, and embrace a forward-thinking approach that aligns with the evolving needs of both the market and the customer.

digital marketingmarketingsales
Old GSC can tell you that
something is going wrong…
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
New GSC Impressions
(UK subfolder, traffic from United States)
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
New GSC Impressions
But starting from 10th April it can be a little bit
harder… Thanks Google for the Canonical URLs 
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
Setting the desired subfolder as a landing page
(e.g. /uk/) and by country (United States)
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |

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Explore the dynamic landscape of social media marketing in 2024 with our comprehensive presentation. Delve into the top 10 advantages and disadvantages that digital marketers face in leveraging social media platforms. Understand the opportunities for growth, engagement, and brand visibility, as well as the challenges and potential pitfalls that come with navigating the ever-evolving digital ecosystem. This presentation will provide valuable insights and actionable strategies for maximizing the benefits of social media marketing while mitigating its drawbacks, tailored specifically for the needs of Markonik.

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Develop a category & retail vision to drive business impact today Join Arnoud from Danone and Tris from Ipsos Strategy3 as they guide you on a journey through the art of leveraging trends and foresights to craft a category and retail vision. Discover the crucial need of future readiness, and understand how the future can lead to new opportunities, here and now. Be prepared to unlock the future potential of your enterprise!

nmd24nima marketing day
Keywords ranking for the
/uk/ folder in the United States
Hreflang problem
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
Google SERP
Using ‘info:’ command if it returns
the other language page
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
Hreflang is a very strong signal and
it can mitigate duplications!
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
Hreflang is a very strong signal and
it can mitigate duplications!
But remember that content is king.
So you should localise your pages!

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The continued disappearance of the third party cookie has both targeting and tracking implications for open-web advertising and marketing. We'll discuss where context, identity graphs and first party data are being used to substitute for third-party cookies. We'll also discuss where CTV and other newer media channels are maturing to allow for household or personal targeting. Key Takeaways: Learn how to effectively target prospects and consumers at various stages using a combinations of targeting types across channels.

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TAMPIL CANTIK! WA 081225036194, Long Dress Wanita Hijab Simple by Rumah Jahit Azka, Pusat Jahit Langganan Rumah Jahit Azka, Pusat Jahitan Modern Rumah Jahit Azka, Jasa Jahit Berkualitas Rumah Jahit Azka, Model Dress Polos Rumah Jahit Azka, Menerima Jahit Segala Fashion Rumah Jahit Azka Jahit Custom by Rumah Jahit Azka Mekarsari Rt 01 / Rw 05 Kutowinangun, Kebumen Jawa Tengah (54393) Order by WA Owner : 0812–2503–6194 IG @azkalabel_ / @rumahjahitazka / @azkalabel_catalog / @imperriumboutiqueazka / @jahitcustom.azka #bestdresspolos #modeldresspolos #bajudresspolos #jahitbahan #dresscantik #jahitsilk #bridesmaiddress #jahitbagus #dresswanita #rumahjahitazka

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Let’s be honest. Improvements in search rankings and organic traffic don’t always translate into sales. Yet, you spend the majority of your SEO resources on driving rankings and traffic. What if you built your SEO content with conversion in mind from the beginning? You’d generate more organic traffic that actually converts into revenue! Join 20-year search marketing veteran as he unveils his framework for developing SEO content with conversion in mind every step of the way ‒ from keyword strategy to content development and publication. Takeaways: Tactics and benchmarks for SEO content that converts in 2024 Page layouts and content formats that convert organic traffic Crafting keyword strategy and calls-to-action for conversion

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(Incognito,, New Zealand IP)
google australia
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |
Google fail! :P
(Incognito,, New Zealand IP)
google australia
1st result:
Google Canada :)
#brightonSEO @maurotweets |

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