SlideShare a Scribd company logo
• How incorrectly nested HTML tags impact SEO.
• How to use the Chrome JavaScript Debugger to fix serious SEO issues.
• Speed up pages by splitting code bundles and removing unused code.
• How service workers allow for new exciting use cases.
Meet your
new best
Let’s see what happens to the
canonical tag when we insert a
<div> in the HTML HEAD.

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A Deep Dive Into SEO Tactics For Modern Javascript Frameworks
A Deep Dive Into SEO Tactics For Modern Javascript FrameworksA Deep Dive Into SEO Tactics For Modern Javascript Frameworks
A Deep Dive Into SEO Tactics For Modern Javascript Frameworks

This document summarizes a presentation on SEO tactics for modern JavaScript frameworks. It discusses using application shells for initial HTML rendering, adding SEO meta tags, handling client-side navigation and redirects, and testing search bot capabilities. Examples are provided using ReactJS, NextJS, VueJS and NuxtJS for application shells, meta tags, navigation and redirects. The document also describes experiments conducted to evaluate features supported in Googlebot and Bingbot.

Automating Google Lighthouse
Automating Google LighthouseAutomating Google Lighthouse
Automating Google Lighthouse

Google Lighthouse is super valuable but it only checks one page at a time. Hamlet will show you how to get it to check all pages of a site, and how to run automated Lighthouse checks on-demand at scheduled intervals and from automated tests. He'll also cover how to set performance budgets, how to get alerts when budgets are exceeded, and how to aggregate page reports using BigQuery and Google Data Studio.

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Brighton SEO July 2021 How JavaScript is preventing you from passing Core W...
Brighton SEO July 2021   How JavaScript is preventing you from passing Core W...Brighton SEO July 2021   How JavaScript is preventing you from passing Core W...
Brighton SEO July 2021 How JavaScript is preventing you from passing Core W...

Do you want to find out, how inefficient use of JS is preventing you from passing CWV and what to do about it? Click through!

It ends up inside the HTML BODY.
But why?
This is the result of browsers error
“the element being added is explicitly
forbidden inside some outer tag. In this
case we should close all tags up to the
one which forbids the element, and add
it afterwards.”
Move SEO tags to the top of the HTML
Check: The dangers of misplaced
third-party scripts
• Does this affect Googlebot?
• If it does, does the fix work too?
Let’s see!

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Use Google Docs to monitor SEO by pulling in Google Analytics #BrightonSEO
Use Google Docs to monitor SEO by pulling in Google Analytics #BrightonSEOUse Google Docs to monitor SEO by pulling in Google Analytics #BrightonSEO
Use Google Docs to monitor SEO by pulling in Google Analytics #BrightonSEO

Why pull data out of Google Analytics and into Google docs - creating dashboards with it and analysis of Google updates including Penguin and Panda. Have you been hit using the SiteVisibility Penda tool

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TechSEO Boost 2021 - Rendering Strategies: Measuring the Devil’s Details in C...
TechSEO Boost 2021 - Rendering Strategies: Measuring the Devil’s Details in C...TechSEO Boost 2021 - Rendering Strategies: Measuring the Devil’s Details in C...
TechSEO Boost 2021 - Rendering Strategies: Measuring the Devil’s Details in C...

This document discusses various rendering strategies and their impact on Core Web Vitals metrics. It begins by defining the Core Web Vitals metrics - Largest Contentful Paint, First Input Delay, and Cumulative Layout Shift. It then examines different rendering strategies like client-side rendering, server-side rendering, static rendering, and rehydration. For each strategy, it outlines potential issues that could lead to poor Core Web Vitals and provides mitigation tactics to address those issues. The goal is to help understand how rendering strategies affect page speed and provide ways to optimize for Core Web Vitals.

technical seoseo
Pubcon Vegas 2017 You're Going To Screw Up International SEO - Patrick Stox
Pubcon Vegas 2017 You're Going To Screw Up International SEO - Patrick StoxPubcon Vegas 2017 You're Going To Screw Up International SEO - Patrick Stox
Pubcon Vegas 2017 You're Going To Screw Up International SEO - Patrick Stox

The document discusses many of the common issues that can arise when implementing hreflang tags for internationalization, such as tools providing incorrect information; content being served from different URLs than indexed; duplicate pages causing problems; and it taking time for all language versions to be crawled. It emphasizes that internationalization is complex with multiple systems involved and recommends automating the process as much as possible to avoid manual errors, and to expect that problems will occur and need repeated checking.

seointernational seotechnical seo
If the page is missing the BODY
tag, Google adds it back.
If we add a <DIV> manually to the
HTML HEAD, Google pushes our
canonical to the BODY.
Same as in the browser.
If we add a <DIV> to the HTML HEAD using a
script, the URL Inspection Tool gives an error
and the page doesn’t get indexed.
The browser can handle the page.
If we move the SEO tags to the top of
the HTML and leave the invalid <DIV>,
the canonical remains in the HTML

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11 Advanced Uses of Screaming Frog Nov 2019 DMSS
11 Advanced Uses of Screaming Frog Nov 2019 DMSS11 Advanced Uses of Screaming Frog Nov 2019 DMSS
11 Advanced Uses of Screaming Frog Nov 2019 DMSS

This document provides an overview of 11 advanced uses for the SEO tool Screaming Frog. It begins with an introduction to Screaming Frog and its history of updates. It then discusses using Screaming Frog to crawl tricky sites like those with JavaScript, large sites, or password protection. Other sections cover scheduling crawls, integrating APIs like Google Analytics and Ahrefs, and performing post-crawl analysis of things like pagination, Hreflang, and XML sitemaps. Later sections discuss visualizations, auditing structured data and page speed, and using Screaming Frog for content marketing tasks like scraping news sites. The document concludes with some bonus uses like reviving old Google Search Console reports and scraping SERP features.

seotech seoscreaming frog
Software Testing for SEO
Software Testing for SEOSoftware Testing for SEO
Software Testing for SEO

Managing Director of iPullRank, Mike King, talks about how to leverage automated testing to ensure that developers engaged in Continuous Integration don't end up accidentally breaking the optimizations in place for SEO

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TFM - Using Google Tag Manager for ecom
TFM - Using Google Tag Manager for ecom TFM - Using Google Tag Manager for ecom
TFM - Using Google Tag Manager for ecom

Google Tag Manager is, essentially a manager for JavaScript, which means that you can use it to modify and enhance your website - sometimes to test sometimes when you have a CMS that can't do something as simple as a YouTube embed. Also, because of this, understand the risks.

It is properly detected.
The optimal solution is to move the
invalid scripts and tags to the HML
• What about HTML5 tags?
• Does Google recognize them?
Let’s see!
The new semantic elements provide
document meaning.

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SEO for Large Websites
SEO for Large WebsitesSEO for Large Websites
SEO for Large Websites

How does SEO change on large websites? How do you work with mountains of data? How do you find problems when crawling is hard?

Automated Duplicate Content Consolidation with Google Cloud Functions
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Automated Duplicate Content Consolidation with Google Cloud Functions

Avoid duplicate content and don’t leave money on the table with unoptimized groups of pages linked by canonical declarations! Particularly in e-commerce, you can increase Google’s confidence by making sure your groups of product URLs are perfectly canonicalized and clear to search engines.

Rendering SEO Manifesto - Why we need to go beyond JavaScript SEO
Rendering SEO Manifesto - Why we need to go beyond JavaScript SEORendering SEO Manifesto - Why we need to go beyond JavaScript SEO
Rendering SEO Manifesto - Why we need to go beyond JavaScript SEO

Want to make sure that your content gets properly accessed by search engines and ranks high? Look no further! In this beginner-friendly introduction to batch-optimized rendering, Bartosz will guide you through how Google is rendering websites on a large scale. You’ll gain groundbreaking insights based on Google’s patents and documentation. Join Bartosz to get a new perspective on technical SEO and use it to get more traffic!

How Misplaced HTML tags Hurt SEO
If we add an HTML5 block-level
element <SECTION>, it is pushed to
the BODY with the canonical!
This trick confirms without a doubt
that Googlebot supports HTML5
Share these #SMXInsights on your social channels!
• Misplaced HTML tags (including HTML5 ones) in the HEAD can
push SEO tags to the BODY
• The issue is visible in the browser and the Search Console URL
Inspection Tool
• Moving SEO tags to the top of the HTML HEAD helps
Let's learn to use the Chrome Debugger
to identify obscure scripts that override
SEO tags.
This test page has a canonical and the
script linked overrides it.

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TechSEO Boost 2018: SEO, WPO, SPA, AMP, PWA & Other Acronyms: Performance tha...
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TechSEO Boost 2018: SEO, WPO, SPA, AMP, PWA & Other Acronyms: Performance tha...

The document appears to be a series of slides by Tim Kadlec on various technical SEO topics. Some key points covered include: - The benefits of AMP for page speed due to reduced payload and third party requests. However, AMP pages initially render slower due to asynchronous loading of custom elements. - Caching and pre-rendering pages on a CDN improves AMP performance versus loading from the main domain. - Google contributes the vast majority of code to the AMP Project and many see it as a way for Google to influence web standards. - Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are discussed as an alternative to native apps that can provide app-like experiences through the browser.

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SEO for Large/Enterprise Websites - Data & Tech Side
SEO for Large/Enterprise Websites - Data & Tech SideSEO for Large/Enterprise Websites - Data & Tech Side
SEO for Large/Enterprise Websites - Data & Tech Side

There is a lot to cover about SEO for large websites/enterprise. In this talk we'll cover primarily the data analysis and the technical SEO side of things. In future presentations we'll look at more.

seobig dataenterprise
The State of the Web: Pagination and Infinite Scroll
The State of the Web: Pagination and Infinite ScrollThe State of the Web: Pagination and Infinite Scroll
The State of the Web: Pagination and Infinite Scroll

Providing recommendations on how to optimize pagination (post rel=next and rel=prev) based on results of testing pagination and infinite scroll in the wild.

Let’s use the JavaScript
Debugger to track down scripts
that override SEO tags.
First, we set up a DOM breakpoint to
stop JavaScript execution when the
attributes of the canonical tag are
Next, we hit refresh.
Let’s talk about

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Challenges of building a search engine like web rendering service
Challenges of building a search engine like web rendering serviceChallenges of building a search engine like web rendering service
Challenges of building a search engine like web rendering service

SMX Advanced Europe, June 2021 - With the advent of new technologies and the massive use of Javascript on the internet, search engines have started using Web Rendering Services to better understand the content of pages on the internet. What are the difficulties in building a WRS? Are tools we use every day replicating what search engines do? In this session, Giacomo will drive you on a discovery journey digging in some techy implementation details of a search engine like web rendering service building process, covering edge cases such as infinite scrolling, iframe, web component, and shadow DOM and how to approach them.

web rendering servicessearch engines
Technical SEO for international markets - Leonie Mann - Brighton SEO 2021
Technical SEO for international markets- Leonie Mann - Brighton SEO 2021Technical SEO for international markets- Leonie Mann - Brighton SEO 2021
Technical SEO for international markets - Leonie Mann - Brighton SEO 2021

This talk will focus on the key considerations that need to be made for technical SEO in new international markets. From choosing the correct domain structure for your needs, to ensuring your new website is setup to start ranking from day one, this talk will cover learnings from successful, and a few unsuccessful, global website launches and what to do to ensure optimal performance once live.

SMX Advanced 2018 SEO for Javascript Frameworks by Patrick Stox
SMX Advanced 2018 SEO for Javascript Frameworks by Patrick StoxSMX Advanced 2018 SEO for Javascript Frameworks by Patrick Stox
SMX Advanced 2018 SEO for Javascript Frameworks by Patrick Stox

The document discusses SEO considerations for JavaScript frameworks. It notes that SEOs need to understand how JavaScript works and how search engines handle it, as many developers are not familiar with SEO. It provides tips for SEOs, including that search engines don't interact with the page content in the same way users do, and content should be loaded by default without user interaction. It also discusses different approaches to rendering pages for search engines like server-side rendering versus client-side rendering.

seotechnical seojavascript
Shopping for speed on
We can track unused code using
the Code Coverage tool.

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Extreme optimization good
Extreme optimization goodExtreme optimization good
Extreme optimization good

Extreme optimization is a mindset where every byte of a website is scrutinized to reduce file size, but it can compromise maintainability. Techniques include minimizing markup, using external JavaScript files, shortening class and image names, removing comments and invisible characters. More dangerous techniques like leaving out quotes or closing tags are no longer valid and will cause validation and rendering issues across browsers.

Migration Best Practices - Search Y 2019, Paris
Migration Best Practices - Search Y 2019, ParisMigration Best Practices - Search Y 2019, Paris
Migration Best Practices - Search Y 2019, Paris

My talk from SEARCHY 2019 in Paris covering best practices on how to successfully navigate through the various types of migrations (protocol migrations, frontend migrations, website migration, cms migration, etc.) from an SEO perspective - mainly focussing on all things technical SEO.

seotechnical seomigration
Blog It Up, Baby! Extending the new IBM Lotus Domino Blog Template
Blog It Up, Baby! Extending the new IBM Lotus Domino Blog TemplateBlog It Up, Baby! Extending the new IBM Lotus Domino Blog Template
Blog It Up, Baby! Extending the new IBM Lotus Domino Blog Template

The document discusses how to set up and customize a blog using the IBM Lotus Domino Blog Template, including how to create a new blog database, add blog entries, and integrate additional features like statistics tracking and a web-based editing interface through the use of DX tags and templates. Customizations can be made through cascading style sheets (CSS) and JavaScript to further modify the look and functionality.

The red vertical bars highlight
the unused code.
Tracking Down Unused Code
As CSS blocks rendering, if
it is not used, it is better to
get rid of it.
• The JavaScript Debugger can help track down the scripts that override SEO
tags and cause performance issues
• The Code Coverage tool helps identify JavaScript and CSS code that is never
used so that we can remove it
Share these #SMXInsights on your social channels!

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SEO Audit Report | Analyze Website Free 2023
SEO Audit Report | Analyze Website Free 2023SEO Audit Report | Analyze Website Free 2023
SEO Audit Report | Analyze Website Free 2023

An SEO Audit report helps your website project and ranking factor that also define how many issue is going on in your site. It is the first step to implementation that will measurable results. The purpose of the audit report is to identify the affecting organic search performances as possible. For more information visit our page. Link:

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Wa html5-pdf
Wa html5-pdfWa html5-pdf
Wa html5-pdf

This document provides an introduction to building modern websites using HTML5 and CSS3. It discusses several new features in HTML5, including semantic elements, the <canvas> element for 2D drawing, <audio> and <video> elements for multimedia, local storage for offline applications, and other new elements and APIs. The document recommends installing the latest versions of Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Chrome for full browser support. It will demonstrate these new features by developing a sample website using HTML5 and CSS3.

Wa html5-pdf
Wa html5-pdfWa html5-pdf
Wa html5-pdf

This document provides an introduction to building modern websites using HTML5 and CSS3. It discusses several new features in HTML5, including semantic elements, the <canvas> element for 2D drawing, <audio> and <video> elements for multimedia, local storage for offline applications, and other new elements and APIs. The tutorial assumes an intermediate level of experience with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and provides code examples to demonstrate how to implement these new features.

Most web apps combine functionality from many modules (libraries of functions). Many of the
module functions don’t ever get used, but still get downloaded and processed.
Even if some modules and
functionality is used, it might
not be needed during the initial
page load.
Webpack and similar tools work behind the scenes in popular frameworks like reactjs and vuejs,
bundling standard, third party, and custom modules into a single bundle.
Single file bundling was a good idea
when we didn’t have HTTP/2.
HTTP/2 downloads page resources in

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MongoDB.local Dallas 2019: MongoDB Stitch Tutorial
MongoDB.local Dallas 2019: MongoDB Stitch TutorialMongoDB.local Dallas 2019: MongoDB Stitch Tutorial
MongoDB.local Dallas 2019: MongoDB Stitch Tutorial

oin this hands-on tutorial for an introduction to Stitch (MongoDB's serverless platform) and Atlas (MongoDB's database-as-a-service). Upon completing this session, you will have created an Atlas cluster and created your first stitch app. You will have a clear picture of how to rapidly develop and iterate on apps using MongoDB. In 90 minutes we will walk through three real-world prototypes and leave you with a number of learns you can apply to your own projects. Come learn about DBaaS, database triggers, and serverless applications with MongoDB! Requirements Laptop Wifi Connection Chrome or Firefox Browser Text Editor

mongodbmongodb.localmongodb stitch
SMX Advanced 2018 Solving Complex SEO Problems by Patrick Stox
SMX Advanced 2018 Solving Complex SEO Problems by Patrick StoxSMX Advanced 2018 Solving Complex SEO Problems by Patrick Stox
SMX Advanced 2018 Solving Complex SEO Problems by Patrick Stox

Patrick Stox is a technical SEO consultant who writes for Search Engine Land and speaks at conferences. He discusses various tools and techniques for investigating a drop in search traffic, including checking for changes to content, tags, redirects, links, and what Google is seeing versus users. Some issues that could cause problems are things not working together like blocking crawling or noindexing pages, multiple conflicting tags, or rules that redirect Googlebot differently than users. The key is to thoroughly examine all possible areas that could have changed using various Google Search and other SEO tools.

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Class 1 handout (2) html exercises
Class 1 handout (2) html exercisesClass 1 handout (2) html exercises
Class 1 handout (2) html exercises

The document provides an overview of basic HTML elements and tags for creating web pages, including: <1> The <html>, <head>, and <body> tags which form the essential structure of an HTML document. <2> Common text formatting tags like <p>, <h1>-<h6>, and <br> for paragraphs, headings, and line breaks. <3> Other common elements like <a> for links, <img> for images, <ol> and <li> for ordered lists, and <table>. <3> It also demonstrates how to add character entities, embed a Google Form, and other basic HTML features.

Webpack has features that
allow splitting bundles so that
you can load only what it is
Here is a basic skeleton React app that
imports a component to display a
welcome message.
I built it using https://create-react-

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HTML5 is a major development in web technology that will transform web development. It emphasizes backwards compatibility while adding new features like multimedia embedding, geolocation, and canvas drawing capabilities. These new features are being integrated into content management systems and supported by browsers, making HTML5 relevant for all types of web content and sites across devices.


1. HTML5 is a major development in web technology that will transform web development and influence both technical and non-technical aspects of content management. 2. It is designed to make all web content accessible across devices by reducing the need for separate site versions. There is an emphasis on backwards compatibility. 3. HTML5 was developed as browsers continued to be flexible with code even when strict XHTML standards were introduced, and aims to build on the way web pages are actually served by browsers.

html5web development
Using HTML5 and CSS3 today
Using HTML5 and CSS3 todayUsing HTML5 and CSS3 today
Using HTML5 and CSS3 today

For years web developers have used hacks, sweat and black magic to bend HTML and CSS into submission and achieve visual effects across browsers that really shouldn't be so difficult. With HTML5 and CSS3 comes the promise that one day we will be able to play video, create animations and round corners without the need for plugins and with the guarantee that the same code will work in all browsers. Back in the real world, developers have to navigate the complex issues around HTML5 and CSS3 caused by browser differences, backwards compatibility and an ever evolving standard. This talk introduces HTML5 and CSS3 using demos that will illustrate how to use these new technologies today, but ensure they don't break tomorrow.

We can use React.lazy to load components
only when needed.
We need to make some minor
React takes care of the code
splitting in the background using
Here are code splitting resources
for the most popular JavaScript

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Wa html5-pdf
Wa html5-pdfWa html5-pdf
Wa html5-pdf

This document provides an introduction to building modern websites using HTML5 and CSS3. It discusses several new features in HTML5, including semantic elements, the <canvas> element for 2D drawing, <audio> and <video> elements for multimedia, local storage APIs, and offline application support. The document also outlines some prerequisites for using these new technologies, such as installing the latest browsers. Finally, it notes that the tutorial will demonstrate how to develop a sample webpage using many of the new HTML5 and CSS3 features.

Wa html5-pdf
Wa html5-pdfWa html5-pdf
Wa html5-pdf

This document provides an introduction to building modern websites using HTML5 and CSS3. It discusses several new features in HTML5, including semantic elements, the <canvas> element for 2D drawing, <audio> and <video> elements for multimedia, local storage APIs, and offline application support. The document also outlines some prerequisites for using these new technologies, such as installing the latest browsers. Finally, it notes that a sample website later in the tutorial demonstrates several HTML5 and CSS3 features.

MongoDB.local Atlanta: MongoDB Stitch Tutorial
MongoDB.local Atlanta: MongoDB Stitch TutorialMongoDB.local Atlanta: MongoDB Stitch Tutorial
MongoDB.local Atlanta: MongoDB Stitch Tutorial

This document summarizes a MongoDB "Hands On" Stitch tutorial presentation. The presentation provided an overview of MongoDB Atlas and Stitch, demonstrated a basic blog tutorial to show how quickly applications can be built, and had attendees complete a hands-on tutorial creating an Atlas cluster and Stitch application. It discusses how the tutorial enabled developers at various companies and events.

mongodbmongodb.localmongodb stitch
• Traditionally JavaScript apps combine assets in large single bundle files
• A lot of JavaScript code and components are not necessary during the initial
load time
• We can leverage code splitting techniques available in the most popular
JavaScript frameworks to create smaller bundles
Share these #SMXInsights on your social channels!
Service Workers are like mini CDNs in your
This page has some cool use cases:
The Power of Service Workers
This Service Worker demonstrates
the core offline functionality
This one leverages prefetching to
reduce page load time

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MongoDB.local Seattle 2019: MongoDB Stitch Tutorial
MongoDB.local Seattle 2019: MongoDB Stitch TutorialMongoDB.local Seattle 2019: MongoDB Stitch Tutorial
MongoDB.local Seattle 2019: MongoDB Stitch Tutorial

Turbocharge your development efforts your with a "hands on" introduction to quickly building apps using the MongoDB database as a service offering known as Atlas and the serverless / REST based application development environment known as Stitch. We'll begin with a brief introduction to MongoDB, Atlas, and Stitch. You will learn about 3 real world examples of two day prototypes and rapid production cycles. You will then create your own free MongoDB Atlas database as a service cluster. Then you will write your first Stitch application to put data into your database and query data out of it. You will learn how to enhance your application with serverless stitch functions and triggers. At the end of the 90 minute session you will have a hands on experience and good grasp of how to write custom serverless applications with MongoDB.

mongodbmongodb.localmongodb stitch
Aside, within HTML5 + CSS
Aside, within HTML5 + CSSAside, within HTML5 + CSS
Aside, within HTML5 + CSS

A Presentation showing how to use the &lt;aside> function within HTML5, using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to style it.

html5cssgangnam style
Technical seo tips for web developers
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Technical seo tips for web developers

Singsys provides International, National & Local SEO,SMO,SEM Services. Our highly skilled and dedicated team of SEO professionals helps you to gain profit and make your website popular all over the world in affordable budget.

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This one enables for tracking offline
events in Google Analytics!
These Service Workers run in the
Cloudflare CDN
This example caches third-party
scripts and rewrites the
references to speed them up
This example speeds up WordPress
sites by caching all not-logged-in user
requests in the CDN

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SEARCH Y - Bastian Grimm - Migrations Best Practices

1. The document provides best practices and guidance for migrating websites, with a focus on search engine optimization. It emphasizes thorough preparation, testing changes gradually, and post-migration monitoring to ensure no issues occur. 2. Key steps include preparing the site by fixing errors, gathering URLs, benchmarking performance, and testing changes. All internal links, files, headers and technical elements need to be updated. 3. During implementation, changes should be made gradually and thoroughly tested. Search console needs to be configured for the new site. Post-migration, redirects, errors and performance must be monitored closely.

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Quality Content at Scale Through Automated Text Summarization of UGC
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Quality Content at Scale Through Automated Text Summarization of UGC

The document discusses using automated text summarization techniques to generate quality content at scale from user-generated content like online product reviews. It proposes a technical plan to download Amazon reviews, remove duplicate sentences using neural semantic textual similarity, and then generate frequently asked questions and corresponding FAQ schema by feeding the review text into a neural question generation model. The goal is to leverage user content and machine learning to automatically create helpful content for websites.

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Creando una Sección de FAQS y su Marcado de Datos Estructurados en 30 Minutos
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Creando una Sección de FAQS y su Marcado de Datos Estructurados en 30 Minutos

Sin magia o secretos, Hamlet Batista, fundador y CEO de RankSense nos estará mostrando en tiempo real como realizar un correcto marcado de datos estructurados en FAQ, lo cual te permitirá mejorar tu visibilidad de cara a las intenciones de búsqueda de los usuarios en los buscadores.

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Cloudflare Workers Playground
Another example is RankSense’s
Cloudflare Workers App that can upload
SEO changes in bulk using Google
• Service Workers in your browser can allow many advanced use cases like offline
operation and tracking offline events in Google Analytics
• Service Workers in the Cloud/CDN extend this capability to power third-party
script caching and faster SEO implementations
Share these #SMXInsights on your social channels!

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What percentage of an Inbound marketer's day doesn't involve working with spreadsheets? How much of this work is time-consuming and repetitive? In this interactive session, you will learn how to manipulate Google Sheets to automate common data analysis workflows using Python, a very easy to use programming language.

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You're dealing with shrinking budgets, disappearing clients, and taking on the work of furloughed coworkers. How do you continue to deliver amazing results with limited time and resources? Writing quality content that educates and persuades is still a surefire way to achieve your traffic and conversion goals. But the process is an arduous, manual job that doesn't scale. Fortunately, the latest advances in Natural Language Understand and Generation offer some promising and exciting results. Hamlet will walk you through what is possible right now using practical examples (and code!) that technical SEOs can follow and adapt for their business.

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Webinar with Dale Bertrand, President of Fire&Spark, in which I talk about technologies and techniques to accelerate the SEO timeline.


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Solving Complex JavaScript Issues and Leveraging Semantic HTML5

Editor's Notes

  1. Diagnose SEO and page speed issues related to the incorrect nesting of HTML tags and scripts. Learn to use the Chrome JavaScript Debugger to track down serious SEO issues. Speed up JavaScript by removing unused code and implementing code splitting when appropriate. Leverage service workers and to edge workers for more powerful use cases
  2. The order of tags and scripts in a page can negatively affect SEO indexing and page speed. Browsers tolerate most HTML errors. As search search engines now render as browsers, some of this auto correction can negatively affect indexing. This fascinating article lists some examples supported by major web browsers Do Googlebot and Bingbot accommodate for errors too? What kind of errors they handle before and after rendering? What HTML5 errors do they handle, which errors they don’t? Same for JavaScript. How long do bots wait for JavaScript changes that update tags? I wrote advanced code to conduct this research and share my findings using practical examples.
  3. The order of tags and scripts in a page can negatively affect SEO indexing and page speed. Browsers tolerate most HTML errors. As search search engines now render as browsers, some of this auto correction can negatively affect indexing. This fascinating article lists some examples supported by major web browsers Do Googlebot and Bingbot accommodate for errors too? What kind of errors they handle before and after rendering? What HTML5 errors do they handle, which errors they don’t? Same for JavaScript. How long do bots wait for JavaScript changes that update tags? I wrote advanced code to conduct this research and share my findings using practical examples.
  4. =
  5. Plan of action #2 Let's learn to use the Chrome Debugger to identify scripts that override SEO tags and Find unsused code using the coverage tab in dev tools, refactor code to remove unused code. See
  6. See
  10. See
  13. See